高效使用 github_高效使用GitHub的4条技巧

高效使用 github

As a programmer who likes GitHub very much, I found these 4 tips in my daily use that can improve my efficiency when using GitHub. This post introduces and demonstrates these 4 tips, I hope they can also help you use GitHub more efficiently.

作为一个非常喜欢GitHub的程序员,我在日常使用中发现了这4个技巧,这些技巧可以提高使用GitHub时的效率。 这篇文章介绍并演示了这4个技巧,希望它们也可以帮助您更有效地使用GitHub。

提示#1使用文件查找器快速轻松地在仓库中搜索文件 (Tip #1 Search Files In The Repo Quickly And Easily With File Finder)

GitHub provides hosting for software development and version control using Git, there are thousands of repositories, projects, and files. Therefore, how to efficiently search for files on GitHub is very important. The first tip is using the shortcut provided by GitHub in a repository to search a file in this repository.

GitHub提供使用Git进行软件开发和版本控制的托管,有数千个存储库,项目和文件。 因此,如何有效地在GitHub上搜索文件非常重要。 第一个技巧是使用GitHub 在存储库中提供的快捷方式在该存储库中搜索文件。

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As you can see above, in the runtime repo page and press t on your keyboard then GitHub will activate the file finder. Then you just need to enter the target file name, for example, the ServiceProvider.cs file and the file finder will display the file you want.

正如您在上方看到的那样,在运行时回购页面中并按键盘上的t ,然后GitHub将激活文件查找器。 然后,您只需要输入目标文件名,例如 ServiceProvider.cs文件和文件查找器将显示您想要的文件。

提示2:使用搜索限定词搜索您想要的目标 (Tip #2 Use Search Qualifiers To Search For The Target You Want)

Now let’s assume that you have no idea which repository the target file located in or you want to find a certain user in an organization. Then you can use search qualifiers to search for the target you want at any page of GitHub.

现在,假设您不知道目标文件位于哪个存储库中,或者您不希望在组织中找到某个用户。 然后,您可以使用搜索限定词在GitHub的任何页面上搜索所需的目标。

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As you can see above, we are on the Marketplace page and want to search the ConfigurationBuilder.cs file in the dotnet organization. Then, you only need to enter the search qualifier to indicate this purpose.

如您在上面看到的,我们在Marketplace页面上,并希望在dotnet组织中搜索ConfigurationBuilder.cs文件。 然后,您只需输入搜索限定词即可表明此目的。

org:dotnet filename:ConfigurationBuilder.cs

and GitHub will display the file you want.


提示#3在Github个人资料页面上启用自述文件 (Tip #3 Enable the Read Me on Your Github Profile Page)

Yes, it seems that the guy from Github not only redesigned the GitHub UI in June but also added some little secrets. It’s that you can get a profile README on your Github profile page. It’s your own README instead of a project’s README. Interesting!

是的,似乎来自Github的家伙不仅在6月重新设计了GitHub UI,而且还添加了一些小秘密。 您可以在Github个人资料页面上获得个人资料README。 它是您自己的自述文件,而不是项目的自述文件。 有趣!

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It’s very easy to enable it. You just need to create a new repository with the same name as the username of your Github account, it’s a special repository that you can use to add a README.md to your Github profile.

启用它非常容易。 您只需要使用与Github帐户的用户名相同的名称创建一个新的存储库,这是一个特殊的存储库,可用于将README.md添加到您的Github配置文件。

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提示#4将徽章添加到GitHub存储库 (Tip #4 Add The Badges To Your GitHub Repo)

Technically, this is not a feature provided by GitHub. But using this little tip can make your GitHub repository page more professional and reflect the current status of your project.

从技术上讲,这不是GitHub提供的功能。 但是,使用此小技巧可以使您的GitHub存储库页面更专业,并反映您项目的当前状态。

Some communities provide their own badges to the developers, for example, you can get the build/deployment status badges from Azure DevOps showed below. (you can read more about Azure DevOps here)

一些社区向开发人员提供了自己的徽章,例如,您可以从下面显示的Azure DevOps获取构建/部署状态徽章。 (您可以在此处阅读有关Azure DevOps的更多信息)

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On the other hand, you can get more general badges from some providers, such as shields.io. shield.io can read the status of your project and generate a corresponding badge. Moreover, you can create your own badges on shield.io.

另一方面,您可以从一些提供商那里获得更多通用徽章,例如shields.io shield.io可以读取您的项目状态并生成相应的徽章。 此外,您可以在shield.io上创建自己的徽章。

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Then you just need to copy & paste the markdown link to your README.md file in your GitHub repo.


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Thanks for reading and hope it’s helpful.


Have a chat at https://www.linkedin.com/in/chenjd/


翻译自: https://levelup.gitconnected.com/4-tips-for-using-github-more-efficiently-e0977bca4411

高效使用 github

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