

Network programming has always been a crucial task and an integral part of our communication. Networks in your infrastructure set the foundation for how your application can be deployed, maintained, and serviced. Python makes network programming an enjoyable experience with its well-documented and full-featured libraries ranging all the way to the stack.

网络编程一直是一项至关重要的任务,也是我们沟通不可或缺的一部分。 基础架构中的网络为如何部署,维护和服务应用程序奠定了基础。 Python拥有完善的文档和功能齐全的库,从一路到堆栈,使网络编程成为一种令人愉快的体验。

To grasp the systematic transition from traditional network engineering to network development fit for the next-generation of networks, we interviewed the author of Mastering Python Networking, Third Edition, Mr Eric Chou.

为了掌握从传统网络工程到适合下一代网络的网络开发的系统过渡,我们采访了Mastering Python Networking第三版的作者Eric Chou。

This new edition is completely revised and updated to work with Python 3. In addition to new chapters on-network data analysis with ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana, and Beats) and Azure Cloud Networking, it includes updates on using newer libraries such as pyATS and Nornir, as well as Ansible 2.8. Each chapter is updated with the latest libraries and includes working examples to ensure compatibility and understanding of the concepts.

此新版本已完全修订并更新为可与Python 3配合使用。除了新章节中有关使用ELK堆栈(Elasticsearch,Logstash,Kibana和Beats)和Azure Cloud Networking进行网络数据分析的新章节之外,它还包括使用更新的库(例如, pyATS和Nornir以及Ansible 2.8。 每章都使用最新的库进行了更新,并包括一些工作示例,以确保兼容性和对概念的理解。

对于旨在开始网络自动化之旅的开发人员,应该以什么为起点? 您想与网络工程师分享哪些技巧? (What should be the starting point for developers aiming to begin their journey in network automation? What tips would you like to share with Network engineers?)

For developers aiming to start their network automation journey, I would recommend getting more in-depth knowledge of the fundamentals of network engineering. Topics such as VLAN, Spanning-Tree, IP address and subnet mask routing protocols are some of the topics that will go a long way for developers who might not have had the need to work with lower-level networks before.

对于打算开始其网络自动化之旅的开发人员,我建议您对网络工程的基础知识有更深入的了解。 VLAN,生成树,IP地址和子网掩码路由协议等主题是一些主题,对于以前可能不需要使用低级网络的开发人员来说,它们将大有帮助。

For network engineers who want to get started with network automation, I think learning basic coding principles would definitely be beneficial. This can be done using a beginner-friendly language such as Python with its emphasis on readability and simple syntax.

对于想开始网络自动化的网络工程师来说,我认为学习基本的编码原理肯定会有所帮助。 可以使用Python这样的初学者友好型语言来完成此任务,该语言强调可读性和简单的语法。

在网络中整合网络自动化的最佳方法是什么? (What is the best way to incorporate network automation in your network?)

The best way to incorporate network automation in a network is for the administrator to start learning about the available tools at hand and experiment with them in a safe and predictable environment. Then we can start to implement solutions that are suitable for our networks.

将网络自动化集成到网络中的最佳方法是让管理员开始了解现有的可用工具,并在安全且可预测的环境中对其进行试验。 然后,我们可以开始实施适合我们网络的解决方案。

DevOps和软件定义网络(SDN)运动大大模糊了网络工程师,系统工程师和开发人员之间的界限。 您多少同意这一说法? (The DevOps and Software-Defined Networking (SDN) movement has significantly blurred the lines between network engineers, systems engineers, and developers. How much do you agree with this statement?)

I completely agree. There will no longer be silos in infrastructure engineering. In the future, we will not have network engineers, systems engineers, or developers in separate tracks; instead, we will have infrastructure engineers who have a good understanding of the overall picture with special focus on networking, system administration, or code development. In fact, this is already happening in many of the larger organizations in the industry. I hope the book can help with the transition of today’s traditional network engineers into the network developers of tomorrow.

我完全同意。 基础设施工程将不再有孤岛。 将来,我们不会再将网络工程师,系统工程师或开发人员放在单独的位置。 相反,我们将拥有基础架构工程师,他们对整体情况有很好的了解,特别关注网络,系统管理或代码开发。 实际上,这已经在业内的许多大型组织中发生。 我希望这本书可以帮助当今的传统网络工程师过渡到明天的网络开发人员。

您为什么认为Python是网络工程师探索工具和实现高级网络相关任务的理想语言? (Why do you think Python is the ideal language for network engineers to explore tools and for implementing advanced network-related tasks?)

Python is now the language used in the introduction to programming classes at universities around the world. It is easy to learn with a large set of libraries that can be readily used for network-related tasks. Python is also known for its beginner-friendly, inclusive culture that is not intimidating for network engineers who might be new to programming. From my experience, in a short amount of time, network engineers can move from completely new to Python to using it to solve their everyday problems.

现在,Python是世界各地大学编程课程入门中使用的语言。 拥有大量可轻松用于网络相关任务的库,这很容易学习。 Python还以其对初学者友好的,包容性的文化而闻名,这对于可能不熟悉编程的网络工程师来说并不令人生畏。 根据我的经验,在短时间内,网络工程师可以从全新的Python过渡到使用它来解决日常问题。

什么是网络数据分析? 您认为您的《 Mastering Python Networking,第三版》涵盖该领域的情况如何? (What is Network data analysis? How well do you think your book, Mastering Python Networking, Third Edition covers this area?)

To me, network data analysis is taking data we can glean from our networks to make intelligent and actionable decisions. The book will take the reader from interacting with the network devices to using push and pull technologies (SNMP, NetFlow, sFlow, etc.) for information gathering, and use Python packages to either graph the results or implement security policies. The new third edition also includes a chapter on the ELK Stack, which is a great way to store, analyze, and visualize network data in a collection of software tools.

对我而言,网络数据分析正在获取我们可以从网络中收集的数据,以制定明智且可行的决策。 本书将使读者从与网络设备的交互开始,到使用推拉技术(SNMP,NetFlow,sFlow等)进行信息收集,并使用Python软件包来绘制结果图形或实施安全策略。 新的第三版还包括有关ELK堆栈的一章,这是在一组软件工具中存储,分析和可视化网络数据的好方法。

Here is the link to buy this bookMastering Python Networking, Third Edition

这是购买此书的链接 -Mastering Python Networking,第三版

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关于作者 (About the Author)

Eric Chou is a seasoned technologist with over 20 years of experience. He has worked on some of the largest networks in the industry while working at Amazon, Azure, and other Fortune 500 companies. Eric is passionate about network automation, Python, and helping companies build better security postures.

Eric Chou是一位经验丰富的技术专家,拥有20多年的经验。 他曾在亚马逊,Azure和其他《财富》 500强公司中工作,从事过行业中一些最大的网络。 埃里克(Eric)对网络自动化,Python和帮助公司建立更好的安全态势充满热情。



Utilize Python 3 to get network applications up and running quickly and easily About This Book Leverage your Python programming skills to build powerful network applications Explore steps to interact with a wide range of network services Design multithreaded and event-driven architectures for echo and chat servers Who This Book Is For If you're a Python developer or a system administrator with Python experience and you're looking to take your first steps in network programming, then this book is for you. Basic knowledge of Python is assumed. In Detail Network programming has always been a demanding task. With full-featured and well documented libraries all the way up the stack, Python makes network programming the enjoyable experience it should be. Starting with a walkthrough of today's major networking protocols, with this book you'll learn how to employ Python for network programming, how to request and retrieve web resources, and how to extract data in major formats over the Web. You'll utilize Python for e-mailing using different protocols and you'll interact with remote systems and IP and DNS networking. As the book progresses, socket programming will be covered, followed by how to design servers and the pros and cons of multithreaded and event-driven architectures. You'll develop practical client-side applications, including web API clients, e-mail clients, SSH, and FTP. These applications will also be implemented through existing web application frameworks. Table of Contents Chapter 1. Network Programming and Python Chapter 2. HTTP and Working with the Web Chapter 3. APIs in Action Chapter 4. Engaging with E-mails Chapter 5. Interacting with Remote Systems Chapter 6. IP and DNS Chapter 7. Programming with Sockets Chapter 8. Client and Server Applications Chapter 9. Applications for the Web




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