uni-app和ionic_Ionic 5 App-处理具有私人空间和公共内容的用户个人资料。


Nobody can deny that most of the apps needs to have some kind of mechanism where they can have their own data, even if it’s something as simple as saving a Terms of Service or Privacy Policy Acceptance (if you are not doing this, you should!)

没有人会否认大多数应用程序都需要某种机制来拥有自己的数据,即使这就像保存服务条款或隐私政策接受这样简单(如果您不这样做,也应该这样做!)! )

Well good news are that with Firebase Auth and Cloud Firestore we can satisfy this need straight forward. Honestly this more related to the data modeling and the logic behind it than the code or the tools we use to sort it out, so let’s get down to it from a logical perspective.

好消息是,有了Firebase Auth和Cloud Firestore,我们可以直接满足此需求。 坦率地说,这与数据建模及其背后的逻辑关系更大,而不是与用于整理数据的代码或工具相关,因此让我们从逻辑的角度进行研究。

There will be many ways to sort out this problem and there is not a single solution but here we will develop a logical architecture that shows the solution in a more elegant or sophisticated way. The solution developed here is not only a simple way of sorting out the problem but also a way of getting you to an starting point from where you can do your own logic.

有很多方法可以解决此问题,并且没有一个解决方案,但是在这里,我们将开发一种逻辑体系结构,以更优雅或更复杂的方式显示该解决方案。 这里开发的解决方案不仅是解决问题的简单方法,而且还是使您从中进行自己的逻辑工作的起点。

Enough introduction!! let’s get down!!

足够的介绍! 我们下来吧!

目的: (Objective:)

We want to achieve:


  • An User’s Private Space where the user can save private information not accessible by the rest.

  • An User’s Public Space where the everyone with an account can some users information.

  • An General Public Space where any user can write content.



To make it simple let’s do a simple Questions Thrown app. The objective where users write questions and other users can vote yes or no. I know it’s a it’s a really idiot app but we can cover the whole thing with this.

为了简单起见,我们来做一个简单的“问题抛出”应用程序。 用户提出问题而其他用户可以投票赞成或反对的目标。 我知道这是一个真正的白痴应用程序,但是我们可以用它涵盖整个过程。

数据建模。 (Data Modeling.)

Roll up your sleeves, and let’s see how to do this properly, on the problem above we basically have 3 spaces that we need to sort out.


So basically we need UserPrivate, UserPublic and Questions while also keeping these spaces with a minimum security in place. So basically a diagram like this should work for our app.

因此,基本上,我们需要UserPrivate,UserPublic和Questions,同时还要以最小的安全性保留这些空间。 因此,基本上像这样的图应该适用于我们的应用程序。

Image for post

One of the best tricks to do data modelling for Firebase (or any NoSQL db in general) is to structure the data in the way it’s going to be queried or written.

为Firebase(或一般而言,任何NoSQL db)进行数据建模的最佳技巧之一是按照将要查询或写入的数据构造数据。

So keeping in mind that we can get a Unique ID from Firebase auth we can set up in Firestore a tree like this.


  • UserPrivate: /Users/$UserId/Private/* — It will contain the Users realname

    UserPrivate: / Users / $ UserId / Private / * —将包含用户真实姓名

  • UserPublic: /Users/$UserId/Public/* — It will contain the Users nickname

    UserPublic: / Users / $ UserId / Public / *-将包含“用户”昵称

  • Questions: /Questions/$QuestionId — It will contain a question text and a reference to the owner.

    问题: / Questions / $ QuestionId-它包含一个问题文本和对所有者的引用。

With this in place we are ready to start working on our code. On this article we will only work on the pure Ionic 5 side, Security Rules and Cloud functions will be covered separately in other articles.

有了这个,我们准备开始处理我们的代码。 在本文上,我们将仅在纯Ionic 5方面进行工作,其他文章将分别介绍安全规则和云功能。

By the way! if you like or you think this article is good for you don’t forget to clap & subscribe!. You can also help me joining me on Patreon inviting me to a coffee or beer so I can keep producing these articles.

顺便说说! 如果您喜欢或认为本文对您有好处,请不要忘记鼓掌和订阅!。 您也可以帮助我加入Patreon,邀请我喝咖啡或啤酒,这样我就可以继续生产这些物品。

我们需要什么? (What do we need?)

For this app we just need.


  1. Firebase Project & Firestore.

  2. Ionic Blank Instance.

  3. AngularFire and Firebase.


We covered most of the topics in other articles so you can check these how to get your Ionic 5, up and running with Firebase and Firestore.

我们在其他文章中介绍了大多数主题,因此您可以检查这些如何使Ionic 5与Firebase和Firestore一起运行。

So after we have our project ready we want to implement the following flow.


Image for post

We will have a top section with the questions and a bottom section for the user flow.


The questions section will show the last 2 questions ordered by date and from there we query what’s the public name of the user posted


The user flow section is a bit complex as it’s where the magic is:


  1. We need the user to sign in.

  2. The user will fill the real name (which will remain private) and the nick name (which will be available publicly)

  3. The user will be able to post a question and that will include text and the userid.


让我们编码。 (Let’s code.)

So basically to code this app we would need to have an app.module.ts with the code below.


Depending on how you created your ionic project you may have home or tabs… if you had home we will set up our home.page.ts in the following way


I know it may be long but let’s go through it.


ngOnInit() will take care of the intial queries to Firebase such as checking if there are any questions and also check if the UserAuthState, depending on the responses we will have some control variables…


Then we will have some functions which are easy to follow such as savenames, signin or signout.


The key which may be relevant for this article is ShowNickname(userid). This functions will take the userid of the question listed and will query this User’s public space, in that space if you remember we have the public realname. Once it’s queried it will get back to us in an alert Format.

与本文可能相关的密钥是ShowNickname(userid)。 如果您还记得我们有公共实名,则此函数将使用列出的问题的用户ID并查询该用户的公共空间。 查询后,它将以警报格式返回给我们。

Now it’s time to display the whole content with the control variables in the home.page.html


So basically with this small app we cover the scenario of public space, User’s readable Space and User’s private Space.


While there may be different architectures for this kind of needs this is a simple and effective way.


It’s really important that we cover the security with Firebase Security rules, while this will be cover extensively in another article I will leave here an initial way of protecting your data.. Keep in mind that data should be secured properly if you go production. But for learning purposes the security rules below should be just fine.

使用Firebase安全性规则涵盖安全性是非常重要的,而在另一篇文章中将广泛涉及安全性。我将在此处为保护您的数据提供一种初始方式。.请记住,如果要进行生产,则应正确保护数据。 但是出于学习目的,下面的安全规则应该很好。

安全基础。 (Security Basics.)

We will cover fully Security rules in another article but for this one I will leave the basics. To access the security rules,

我们将在另一篇文章中全面介绍安全规则,但是对于这一点,我将保留基础知识。 要访问安全规则,

By the way! if you like or you think this article is good for you don’t forget to clap & subscribe!. You can also help me joining me on Patreon inviting me to a coffee or beer so I can keep producing these articles.

顺便说说! 如果您喜欢或者您认为这篇文章对您有好处,请不要忘记鼓掌和订阅! 您也可以帮助我加入Patreon,邀请我喝咖啡或啤酒,这样我就可以继续生产这些物品。

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/ionic-5-app-handling-user-profiles-with-private-space-and-public-content-77043c3dc25b






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