

One of the main features of Go programming language is its eponymous go statement. In my opinion, though, the go statement is one of its main drawbacks too. And that’s not only me.

Go编程语言的主要功能之一是其同名的go语句。 但是,在我看来, go语句也是其主要缺点之一。 那不仅是我

Unlike expressions, statements don’t bear any result. In Go, it’s super-easy to start a new goroutine. But how do you get its results? How do you know if it may have errored? How do you wait for it to complete? How do you cancel it, if you don’t need its results anymore?

与表达式不同,语句不产生任何结果。 在Go中,启动新的goroutine非常容易。 但是,您如何获得其结果呢? 您如何知道它是否可能出错? 您如何等待它完成? 如果您不再需要它的结果,如何取消它?

Those familiar with Go will say: well, obviously, use channels. But channel in Go is still a low level construct. First of all, to have a goroutine that would yield either a result or an error, and that is also cancellable, you’ll need three of them. You may think Context would help for the third requirement. But Context still exposes channels: Done() is just <-chan struct{}

那些熟悉Go的人会说:好吧,显然,使用渠道。 但是Go中的channel仍然是一个底层结构。 首先,要有一个可以产生结果或错误且可以取消的goroutine,您将需要三个。 您可能认为Context将有助于满足第三个要求。 但是Context仍然暴露了渠道: Done()只是<-chan struct{}

What’s the problem with that? The more channels you have — the more problems. Channels can deadlock. Channels can panic. You have all those low-level concerns you need to deal with, even before you begin writing your business logic.

这是什么问题? 您拥有的渠道越多-问题就越多。 通道可能会死锁。 频道可能会恐慌。 即使在开始编写业务逻辑之前,您也需要处理所有这些低级的问题。

And it’s not enough to write it just once. You’ll have to repeat it over an over again. Because most probably, two different goroutines would return two different types of results. Which means, two different channel types. Which means that, without generics, you either replicate your code many times, or resort to using interface{} and runtime casts, which completely breaks the idea of type-safety. You have to choose between two bad solutions, simply because go is a statement, and not an expression.

而且仅编写一次是不够的。 您将不得不重复一遍。 因为很可能两个不同的goroutine将返回两种不同类型的结果。 这意味着两种不同的通道类型。 这意味着,如果没有泛型,您要么复制代码很多次,要么使用interface{}和运行时强制类型转换,这完全打破了类型安全的思想。 您必须在两个错误的解决方案之间进行选择,这仅仅是因为go是一个语句,而不是一个表达式。

Well, that was true until Go language introduced generics as an experimental feature. I’ve written about them briefly once already, and this time, I’d like to demonstrate how generics may help us solve one of the biggest flaws of Go design.

好吧,直到Go语言将泛型作为实验功能引入之前,情况都是如此。 我已经简要地介绍了它们 ,这一次,我想演示泛型如何帮助我们解决Go设计的最大缺陷之一。

We’ll implement a deferred value design pattern, which in different languages and frameworks is called Future, Promise and a bunch of other names. I’ll call it Future, like Java does.

我们将实现一个递延值设计模式,该模式在不同的语言和框架中称为Future,Promise和其他名称。 我将其称为Future,就像Java一样。

Deferred values are either eager or lazy. Meaning they either start executing as soon as they were created, or only when something triggers them. Since go statement is eager by its nature, I’ll favor eager execution.

递延值要么是渴望的,要么是懒惰的。 这意味着它们要么在创建后即开始执行,要么仅在触发它们时才开始执行。 由于go语句本质上是渴望的,所以我倾向于渴望执行。

Our Future will have the following methods:


  • Get() that blocks current goroutine until result of the Future is obtained

    阻止当前goroutine的Get() ,直到获得Future的结果

  • Cancel() that stops execution of our Future


In Go terms, it will be an interface with two methods:


type Future[type T] interface {
Get() Result[T]

Note that I’ll be using square brackets to denote generic types. They are not documented in the proposal, but Go2Playground supports them, fact that I learned from this article. I find this Scala-like syntax less confusing than round brackets.

请注意,我将使用方括号表示泛型类型。 建议中没有记录它们,但是 Go2Playground 支持它们,这是我从 本文 中学到的事实 我发现这种类似于Scala的语法比圆括号更容易混淆。

Result is another interface, that wraps Successof type S, or aFailure:


type Result[type S] interface {
Success() S
Failure() error

To back Result, we’ll need a struct to hold its data:


type result[type S] struct {
success S
failure error

And looking at the struct, implementing both of the Result interface methods should be trivial:


func (this *result(S)) Success() S {
return this.success
func (this *result(S)) Failure() error {
return this.failure

We could simply make the struct itself public, and avoid using the interface, saving a few lines of code, but interfaces provide much cleaner API.


In the future, it would be also convenient to print the content of our result, so we’ll implement Stringer interface for that:


func (this *result(S)) String() string {
if this.failure != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.failure)
} else {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", this.success)

So far, it should be pretty simple. Let’s now discuss what data our struct backing the Future will need.

到目前为止,它应该非常简单。 现在,让我们讨论支持Future的结构将需要哪些数据。

Having this struct:


type future[type T] struct {

What do we need to know about the state of the Future?


First of all, we want to hold the result somewhere:


type future[type T] struct {
result *result[T]

It would be also useful to know if the Future has already completed:


type future[type T] struct {
completed bool

And if it didn’t complete yet, we need a way to wait for it. A common approach for that in Go is to use a channel:

如果还没有完成,我们需要一种等待它的方法。 Go中常用的方法是使用频道:

type future[type T] struct {
wait chan bool

Our last requirement is to be able to cancel the Future. For that, we’ll use Context, that returns a function that we need to invoke in order to cancel it:

我们的最后一个要求是能够取消Future 。 为此,我们将使用Context ,它返回一个我们需要调用才能取消的函数:

type future[type T] struct {
cancel func()

But it also would be useful to have reference to Context itself:


type future[type T] struct {
ctx context.Context
cancel func()

And that’s it, that’s all the data our Future will need for now.


type future[type T] struct {
result *result[T]
complete bool
wait chan bool
ctx context.Context
cancel func()

Let’s now implement both of Future methods.


Since we’re using Context, cancelling our Future becomes trivial:

由于我们使用的是Context ,因此取消Future变得很简单:

func (this *future[T]) Cancel() {

Let’s now discuss what cases our Get() should handle.


  1. The Future have already completed its work. Then we should simply return the result, whether it’s a success or failure

    Future已经完成了工作。 然后我们应该简单地返回结果,无论是成功还是失败

  2. The Future didn’t complete its work yet. Then we should wait, blocking the calling goroutine, and when result is ready, we should return it

    Future尚未完成工作。 然后我们应该等待,阻止调用goroutine,并在结果准备好后,将其返回

  3. The Future was cancelled in the meantime. We should return an error indicating that

    与此同时, Future被取消。 我们应该返回一个错误,指示

Having mapped those three cases, we arrive at the following method:


Case of the already completed Future is pretty simple. We just return the cached result.

已经完成的Future的情况非常简单。 我们只是返回缓存的结果。

In case it didn’t complete yet, we use the wait channel to wait for it.


There may be also a case where our Future was cancelled by cancelling the context. We’ll know that by checking ctx.Done() channel.

在某些情况下,通过取消上下文也可以取消我们的未来。 通过检查ctx.Done()通道,我们将知道这一点。

And that’s it for implementing different use cases of handling the result.


Next, let’s see how we construct our Future.


Our Future needs to execute an arbitrary piece of code. The code itself may return either a result of a generic type, or an error. Our constructor will simply return a Future of the same generic type.

我们的未来需要执行任意一段代码。 代码本身可能返回通用类型的结果或错误。 我们的构造函数将简单地返回相同泛型的Future。

func NewFuture[type T](f func() (T, error)) Future[T] {

Note how generic allow us now to define powerful relations between our input and output types. Our Future is guaranteed to return the same type as an arbitrary function we provide the constructor. No more need to use interface{} and cast unsafely.

请注意,泛型现在如何使我们能够定义输入和输出类型之间的强大关系。 保证我们的Future返回与提供给构造函数的任意函数相同的类型。 不再需要使用interface{}并进行不安全的转换。

Next, we want to initialize our Future:


fut := &future[T]{
wait: make(chan bool),
fut.ctx, fut.cancel = context.WithCancel(context.Background())
return fut

We create a Context, in order for our Future to be cancellable, and a channel, so we could wait for it to complete in a concurrent manner.

我们创建一个Context ,以便我们的Future可以取消,并创建一个通道,因此我们可以等待它以并行方式完成。

You may want to consider passing Context to the constructor of the Future, instead of creating it yourself. I omit this for brevity of the example.

您可能要考虑将 Context 传递 Future 的构造函数 ,而不是自己创建它。 为了简化示例,我忽略了这一点。

Finally, we need to do something with the arbitrary piece of code we’re deferring:


go func() {
success, failure := f()
fut.result = &result[T]{success, failure}
fut.completed = true
fut.wait <- true

Here we’re executing the function in a new goroutine, getting its results, and marking our Future as completed.


Channel should be used only once, so it’s a good idea to close it.


Depending on your use-case, you may want to consider using a worker pool instead of spawning goroutine for every future.


Let’s now see how it works.


First, we would like to see that our Future is able to return a result:


f1 := NewFuture(func() (string, error) {
return "F1", nil
fmt.Printf("ready with %v \n", f1.Get())
// Need to wait...
// ready with F1

So far, looks good.


What if we try to get the result again, though?


fmt.Printf("trying again with %v \n", f1.Get()) 
// trying again with F1

Note that it doesn’t print “Need to wait” now, because the result is already memoized.


How does our Future behaves if the function returns an error?


f2 := NewFuture(func() (string, error) {
return "F2", fmt.Errorf("something went wrong")
fmt.Printf("ready with %v \n", f2.Get())
// Need to wait...
// ready with something went wrong

Nice, seems like errors are also handled correctly.


Finally, what about cancellations?


f3 := NewFuture(func() (string, error) {
fmt.Println("I'm done!")
return "F3", nil
fmt.Printf("ready with %v \n", f3.Get())
// Need to wait...
// ready with context canceled

Note that “I’m done!” is never printed, because we discarded results of this Future.

请注意,“我完成了!” 永远不会打印出来,因为我们丢弃了Future的结果。

结论 (Conclusions)

Generics coming to Go may help solve a lot of issues that go being a statement, and not an expression, causes.


Thanks to them, we can use deferred values as our concurrency primitives, as many other language do. That means we now can:

多亏了它们,我们可以像其他许多语言一样将延迟值用作并发原语。 这意味着我们现在可以:

  • Easily access goroutine results and errors

  • Write type-safe code, that is still reusable and generic

  • Stop messing with low-level concurrency primitives such as channels

  • Can stop using go statement altogether


脚注 (Footnotes)

Full code example can be found here: https://github.com/AlexeySoshin/go2future

完整的代码示例可以在这里找到: https : //github.com/AlexeySoshin/go2future

翻译自: https://levelup.gitconnected.com/build-your-own-future-in-go-f66c568e9a7a






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