黑客马拉松 招募_黑客马拉松创意演示的快速清单

黑客马拉松 招募

Earlier this week, I was delighted to be the mentor in a virtual hackathon with university students and young professionals. For each mentoring session, I had 30 minutes to meet the participants online, understand their ideas, and provide advice on their project. After hearing from several groups, there are 7 types of questions that I repeatedly raise to the teams. As such, I create a simple checklist for hackathon participants to do a self-check-in while brainstorming their solutions.

本周初,我很高兴能与大学生和年轻专业人士一起参加虚拟黑客马拉松的指导。 对于每次辅导,我有30分钟的时间在线与参与者见面,了解他们的想法,并为他们的项目提供建议。 在听取了几个小组的意见后,我反复向团队提出了7种类型的问题。 因此,我为黑客马拉松的参与者创建了一个简单的清单,以便在集体讨论他们的解决方案时进行自我检查。

#1-您要解决的问题是什么? (# 1 — What is your problem to solve?)

Many of the participants were very excited about their work, so when they kick-started the presentation, they jumped to the apps/platform/service they proposed straight away. So I asked them to pause, and provided more context on the current issues before they move forward:

许多参与者对他们的工作感到非常兴奋,因此当他们开始演示时,他们立即跳到了他们提出的应用程序/平台/服务。 因此,我要求他们停下来,并在他们前进之前提供有关当前问题的更多背景信息:

  • What is the problem that your solution is trying to solve?

  • Would others agree with the problem?

  • Why is there a need to address it?


To engage your audience, always start with a vivid story that people can easily understand. Never rush to the solution. Share your observation from your research. Use graphics, visuals, or data to tell a compelling story. And the most crucial part is to prove your problem does exist and is worth solving.

为了吸引您的听众,请始终从人们可以轻松理解的生动故事开始。 切勿急于解决。 分享您的研究发现。 使用图形,视觉效果或数据讲述引人入胜的故事。 而最关键的部分是证明您的问题确实存在并且值得解决。

#2-您能用一句话描述您的解决方案吗? (# 2 — Can you describe your solution in one sentence?)

I have seen the most comprehensive slide for the team to illustrate their ideas. They have considered the entire solution supported by the architecture diagram and information flow.

我已经看到了最全面的幻灯片,可以用来说明他们的想法。 他们考虑了架构图和信息流所支持的整个解决方案。

I then asked the team to describe the idea in one sentence; it turned out that each member came out with different interpretations. Here, I would recommend the team come up with a Solution Statement with the following template.

然后,我请团队用一个句子描述这个想法。 事实证明,每个成员都有不同的解释。 在这里,我建议团队提出带有以下模板的解决方案声明。

“A solution that helps (who to do what), by (approach/technology), that will (benefit)”.


This statement not only can encapsulate the core ideas of the solution but also align everyone in the team and easily pitch anyone within 10 seconds. Simple and sweet.

该声明不仅可以封装解决方案的核心思想,而且可以使团队中的每个人保持一致,并在10秒内轻松推销任何人。 简单而甜美。

#3-您的用户是谁? (#3 — Who are your users?)

This is a fundamental question for every solution — whose problem are you trying to solve? If you are targeting a student, think deeper — what kind of student are they? Junior or senior? Boy or girl? What is their learning model? What do they hate, and what do they love?

这是每个解决方案的基本问题-您要解决谁的问题? 如果您针对的是学生,请更深入地思考-他们是什么样的学生? 大三还是大三? 男孩还是女孩? 他们的学习模式是什么? 他们讨厌什么,他们喜欢什么?

“If you are targeting everyone, you are targeting no one.” — Annoymous

“如果您针对所有人,那么您就不会针对任何人。” —烦人的

So be specific, focus, and know your users. Spend time talking to them, emphasizing with them, and getting to know them as deep as possible.

因此,要具体,专注并了解您的用户。 花时间与他们交谈,强调他们,并尽可能深入地了解他们。

For example, if you target the elderly, consider where your solution could shine up — phone, tablet, website, or physical. It should be wherever handy for your users. Or let’s say you are targeting children, think about whether they would use an iPad with their parents? And when they learn, do they like using a computer or tablet?

例如,如果您以老年人为目标,请考虑您的解决方案在哪里闪闪发光-手机,平板电脑,网站或实体。 对于您的用户而言,它应该放在任何方便的地方。 还是假设您针对儿童,想想他们是否会和父母一起使用iPad? 当他们学习时,他们喜欢使用计算机还是平板电脑?

All these studies are critical as it determines whether your solution could help your end-users.


#4-用户的核心需求是什么? (#4 — What are your users’ core needs?)

After knowing your users, go more in-depth to think about what their needs are. Look at what is their intention and pain points from the problem they are facing right now. A more direct way to visualize this would be using a Need Statement.

了解了您的用户之后,请更深入地思考他们的需求。 从他们现在面临的问题来看他们的意图和痛点是什么。 可视化此方法的更直接方法是使用Need Statement

“Who” needs a way to “Do something” so that “Benefit”.


Example: “Mary, a 12-year-old student, needs a way to connect with her classmate in the online class so that she would have the motivation to study continually.”

示例: “玛丽(Mary)是一名12岁的学生,她需要一种与在线课堂上的同学联系的方式,这样她就有动力继续学习。”

The Need Statement can be formulated based on the most significant pain point during your investigation. It answers the questions of “what do our users need.” Without addressing this question, no matter how fancy your solution is, it does not have any meaningful outcome towards your target users.

需求陈述可以根据调查过程中最明显的痛点来制定。 它回答了“我们的用户需要什么”的问题。 如果不解决这个问题,无论您的解决方案多么出色,它对目标用户都不会产生任何有意义的结果。

#5-您的家人和朋友会对您的想法怎么说? (#5 — What would your families and friends say about your ideas?)

A vital element during problem-solving is you need to test your ideas. During a hackathon, we might not have time to validate with the real users. But what we can do instead is to get feedback from your families and friends.

解决问题的过程中至关重要的因素是您需要测试自己的想法。 在黑客马拉松期间,我们可能没有时间与真实用户进行验证。 但是,我们可以做的是从您的家人和朋友那里获得反馈。

You can spend 15 minutes to cover:


  1. What is the current problem/pain points of the users?

  2. Who are the people you are trying to help?

  3. How would your solution make their life easier?


Observe — are they able to understand the ideas without any difficulties or doubts? Are they nodding or puzzled? Do they like it or not like it? What are the questions raised?

观察-他们是否能够毫无困难或怀疑地理解想法? 他们点头还是困惑? 他们喜欢还是不喜欢? 提出什么问题?

Remember — to win a hackathon is not about showcasing the most complicated ideas; rather, it should be the most feasible/creative solution that can solve people’s real needs.

请记住-赢得黑客马拉松并不是要展示最复杂的想法; 相反,它应该是可以解决人们实际需求的最可行/最具创意的解决方案。

#6-为什么您的业务合作伙伴需要您的解决方案? (#6 — Why would your business partner want your solution?)

In some cases, there are partnerships involved in your solution; you have both giver and receiver in the journey flow. Therefore, it is essential to make sure both parties are happy and willing to support your project continually.

在某些情况下,您的解决方案涉及伙伴关系; 您在流程中既有给予者又有接受者。 因此,必须确保双方都满意并愿意持续支持您的项目。

Of course, the charity could be one of the value propositions, but what is even more helpful, come up with a win-win solution that leads benefits to both parties. Provide reasons for them to maintain the service in an on-going manner. Keep them engaged. Bring value. Then they would be the long-term partner for your project.

当然,慈善机构可能是价值主张之一,但更有益的是,提出一种双赢的解决方案,使双方受益。 提供理由让他们持续维护服务。 让他们保持参与。 带来价值。 然后他们将成为您项目的长期合作伙伴。

#7 —我们可以跳过您演示文稿中的任何幻灯片吗? (#7 — Can we skip any slides in your presentation?)

In some team, they came up with the project timeline and resource planning in the deck to make the story sounds even more convincing. I would only recommend this if you have an excellent story upfront, strong ideas presented, and extra buffer time. For judges in the hackathon, they focus a lot more on the ideas, whether it can solve real problems for your users, plus the value and feasibility for implementation. The project timeline and resource plan should be the lower priority within your 3-minute presentation. Story always comes first.

在某些团队中,他们提出了平台中的项目时间表和资源计划,以使故事听起来更具说服力。 仅当您有出色的故事预告,有力的想法和额外的缓冲时间时,我才建议您这样做。 对于黑客马拉松比赛的评委而言,他们将更多精力集中在想法上,即它是否可以为您的用户解决实际问题,以及实施的价值和可行性。 在3分钟的演示文稿中,项目时间表和资源计划应优先考虑。 故事永远是第一位的。

I have joined hackathons for several times, both as a participant and mentor. I know how tough it is to do research, synthesis, ideation, prototype in a short period. As such, I hope the above questions would help you build a solution that touches the heart of your users, and eventually lead to a better outcome in your hackathon.

我已经作为参与者和指导者参加了多次马拉松比赛。 我知道在短期内进行研究,综合,构想和原型是多么困难。 因此,我希望上述问题能帮助您建立一个可以打动用户心脏的解决方案,并最终为您的黑客马拉松带来更好的结果。

Good luck, warrior!


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UX Para Minas Pretas (UX For Black Women), a Brazilian organization focused on promoting equity of Black women in the tech industry through initiatives of action, empowerment, and knowledge sharing. Silence against systemic racism is not an option. Build the design community you believe in. UX Para Minas Pretas (UX For Black Women),这是一个巴西组织,致力于通过采取行动,赋权和知识共享的举措来促进科技行业中的黑人女性平等。 对系统性种族主义保持沉默是不可行的。 建立您相信的设计社区。

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/a-quick-checklist-for-hackathon-idea-presentation-2053b781ee24

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