

Undoubtedly, 2020 has bought a drastic change in almost every industry, and education is not left untouched with the impact of modern technologies. In fact, it is right to say that the evolution of smartphones and mobile applications has redefined the way we learn and bridged a gap between learners and teachers.

毫无疑问,2020年几乎在每个行业都发生了翻天覆地的变化,现代技术的影响并没有使教育受到影响。 实际上,可以说智能手机和移动应用程序的发展重新定义了我们的学习方式,并弥合了学习者与老师之间的鸿沟。

Now, with the availability of various educational apps, learning has become far more engaging, easier, and simpler for the students and teachers. Modern technologies and mobile apps have made it possible to access the app anywhere, anytime. With growing popularity of e-learning and increasing benefits of accessing digital education, the education market has recently turned into a lucrative business niche for both app developers and entrepreneurs.

现在,随着各种教育应用程序的推出,对于学生和老师来说,学习变得更加引人入胜,更加轻松和简单。 现代技术和移动应用程序使得随时随地访问该应用程序成为可能。 随着电子学习的日益普及以及访问数字教育的好处不断增加,教育市场最近已成为应用程序开发人员和企业家的有利可图的业务利基。

If you are still in doubt, whether it’s worth hiring an app developer for creating an education app or not, then you should analyze the market of education app.

如果您仍然有疑问,是否值得雇用 应用开发者是否创建教育应用,那么您应该分析教育应用的市场。

电子学习和数字教育应用关键统计 (Key Statistics of eLearning and Digital Education App)

  • According to Statista, 43% of US students find digital learning technologies helpful in doing homework, whereas 36% of students believe that it is extremely helpful in organizing their schedule in 2016.

    Statista的数据显示 ,美国有43%的学生认为数字学习技术有助于完成家庭作业,而36%的学生则认为,数字学习技术对于组织2016年的课程安排非常有帮助。

  • The forecast from the survey reveals that 81% of students believe that Digital learning helps in boosting their grades in 2016.


  • There are approx 20 million students, faculty members, and staff members who are using Educational Apps which are launched by Google.

    大约有2000万名学生 ,教职员工在使用Google推出的Educational Apps。

  • 400+ Universities are using YouTube Edu for posting lectures and full courses online.

    超过400所大学使用YouTube Edu在线发布讲座和完整课程。

  • Universities from all across the world are signing up for Apps including few schools in Span, Netherlands, Africa, and Poland.


  • In June 2015, there were over 80,000 education apps available in the app store.


  • Education apps are the third most popular app on the Apple App Store and take a share of 8.5%.

    教育应用程序是Apple App Store上第三受欢迎的应用程序 ,所占份额为8.5%。

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Image Source: https://buildfire.com/app-statistics/
图片来源: https : //buildfire.com/app-statistics/

Wrap up: Many of you are assuming that hiring an app developer is the easiest way to develop an app. But, there are many more things to look for like what type of app you need to develop to stay competitive in the market. Apart, how to develop an app, how it can benefit learners and more. If you are thinking that

总结:你们中的许多人都认为雇用应用程序开发人员是开发应用程序的最简单方法。 但是,还有更多需要寻找的东西,例如需要开发哪种类型的应用程序以保持市场竞争力。 此外,如何开发应用程序,如何使学习者受益等等。 如果你在想

以下是内容的重点摘要: (Here are the quick Highlights of the content:)

  • Classification of Education Apps


  • Advantages of Having Education App


  • How To Develop An Education App?- Features and Functionalities


    - Outsourcing an App Development Team


    -Right Tech Stack


  • Choosing a Right App Monetization Model For Your App


  • How Much Does It Cost To Develop An Education App?


  • Conclusion


Let’s discuss each point in detail for better understanding:


热门教育应用的分类 (Classification of Popular Educational Apps)

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When you are talking about the educational apps for mobile, there are few app trends that really help learners and teachers. So before hiring a software development company and directly deciding the roadmap, it is worth determining what type of application you need for your business as different apps integrate different sets of features, and development time and cost.

当您谈论移动教育应用程序时,很少有真正对学习者和老师有帮助的应用程序趋势。 因此,在雇用软件开发公司并直接确定路线图之前,有必要确定您的业务需要哪种类型的应用程序,因为不同的应用程序集成了不同的功能集以及开发时间和成本。

Let’s get started with the educational app development trends divided into two broad categories:


Educational App Trends For Students


语言学习应用 (Language Learning App)

Learning an additional language has become the latest trend among students. But now learning any foreign language has no more left a far fetched task as such language learning mobile apps are designed to help people learn any language in an easy way. Right from enhancing your vocabulary, enriching your practice conversational skills to improving your grammar, these apps do everything.

学习另一种语言已成为学生的最新趋势。 但是现在学习任何一种外语都不再是一件遥不可及的任务,因为这种语言学习移动应用旨在帮助人们轻松地学习任何一种语言。 这些应用程序从增强词汇量,丰富练习会话技巧到改善语法,无所不能。

在线课程学习 (Online Course Learning)

Now you can educate yourself without leaving the comfort of your home. From choosing your choice of course to your preferred university, the online course app will provide various options. The online course apps collaborate with various universities and colleagues interested in bringing digital learning in front of students and providing access to numerous courses in various industries. In addition, the multiple searches and filter options make these apps far simpler and easy to access for students.

现在,您可以在不离开家的舒适环境下进行自我教育。 从选择课程到首选大学,在线课程应用程序将提供各种选择。 在线课程应用程序与有兴趣将数字学习带到学生面前的各种大学和同事合作,并提供访问各个行业中众多课程的权限。 此外,多种搜索和过滤器选项使这些应用程序更加简单易用。

入学考试准备应用程序 (Entrance Exam Preparation App)

Now gone are those days when you need to enroll yourself in the heavily crowded classes for entrance exam preparations. Apps like ExamPrep or GradeUp have made student’s lives far easier and simpler by providing easy to access study material including practice paper, quizzes, flashcards for memorizing, and more. No matter whether you are preparing for Engineering, Medical, MBA, CAT, MAT, or other exams, the entrance exam preparation app will help you prepare for all exams.

现在已经不复存在了,那时候您需要报名参加密集的课程来准备入学考试。 诸如ExamPrep或GradeUp之类的应用程序提供了易于访问的学习资料,包括练习纸,测验,记忆卡片等,使学生的生活变得更加轻松和简单。 无论您是为工程,医学,MBA,CAT,MAT还是其他考试做准备,入学考试准备应用程序都将帮助您为所有考试做准备。

益智游戏 (Brain-Teasing Apps)

Brain-Teasing apps like Peak and Luminosity are designed to improve skills such as concentration, memory, logic, and evaluating thinking. If the truth to be told, brain-training apps are trending on the top of the chart and providing a range of brain tests to boost brainpower and enhance brain functioning.

诸如Peak和Luminosity之类的让人脑筋急转的应用程序旨在提高技能,例如专注力,记忆力,逻辑性和评估思维能力。 如果说实话,大脑训练应用程序在图表顶部处于趋势中,并提供了一系列的大脑测试来增强脑力和增强大脑功能。

Educational Apps For Teachers


用于跟踪学生过程的应用 (Apps For Tracking Student’s Process)

Apps like Seesaw allow teachers to closely monitor the academic growth of the students and be able to share the grades with their parents. The performance tracking apps can help teachers in preparing learner’s portfolios and keeping track of their progress and achievements.

像跷跷板这样的应用程序使教师可以密切监视学生的学业发展,并能够与父母分享成绩。 绩效跟踪应用程序可以帮助教师准备学习者的档案袋,并跟踪他们的进度和成就。

In the Nutshell: These are the top choices of educational apps that learners and teachers usually look for. But apart from these, an app development company can suggest many more ideas. However, you must be wondering what are the basic benefits of investing in educational apps.

简而言之:这些是学习者和老师通常寻找的教育应用程序的首选。 但除此之外, 应用程序开发公司还可以提出更多建议。 但是,您一定想知道投资教育应用程序的基本好处是什么。

拥有教育应用程序的好处 (Benefits of Having an Educational App)

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The mobile educational app can bring multiple benefits to the students, teachers, and other learners, as mentioned below:


  • Mobile educational apps are convenient to access and free to download, which makes it an affordable option for learners.

  • Digital learning adds the flexibility to access study material anywhere, anytime.

  • Educational apps are a ready-made solution for student’s problems. With the help of an app, students can simplify the learning process and be able to understand hard concepts like maths, physics, or chemistry with well-illustrated graphics. In the survey, it has been researched that 63% of the students prefer studying with the help of the education app.

    教育性应用程序是针对学生问题的现成解决方案。 借助应用程序,学生可以简化学习过程,并能够通过图示精美的图形来理解诸如数学,物理或化学之类的难概念。 在调查中,研究发现63%的学生更喜欢借助教育应用程序学习。

  • The two-third of respondents (70%) find it moderately important to study on mobile electronic devices and 81% of students find it helpful in doing homework or preparing for exams.

    三分之二的受访者 (70%)认为在移动电子设备上学习具有中等重要性,而81%的学生认为对做家庭作业或考试准备很有帮助。

  • Digital learning can reach across the remote areas and help students to gain knowledge without even going to school.

  • The apps can also provide the facility to students to freely interact with their teachers or tutors.

  • The education app not only makes education stress-free but also provides a platform where tutors can learn new teaching tips and make it easier for students to grasp the topic.


In The Nutshell: With the various benefits of educational apps, one thing is clear that E-learning apps have a great scope in the future, and investing in mobile educational apps is a worthwhile decision for enterpreneurs. But how to develop a highly functional education app with the right features and functionalities?

简而言之 :借助教育应用程序的各种好处,很明显,电子学习应用程序在未来将具有很大的发展空间,对移动教育应用程序进行投资对于企业家来说是一个值得做出的决定。 但是,如何开发具有适当功能的高功能教育应用程序呢?

如何开发教育应用程序? (How To Develop An Education App?)

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No matter what brilliant app idea you have selected, without any support from a good mobile app development company, it is challenging to turn your idea into a perfect product. While different educational apps required a different range of features and functionalities. But if you are looking forward to developing an app that fits for both students as well as teachers, then here are the few features you need to consider.

无论您选择哪种出色的应用程序创意,而没有一家优秀的移动应用程序开发公司的任何支持,将您的创意变成完美的产品都具有挑战性。 不同的教育应用需要不同的功能和范围。 但是,如果您希望开发一款既适合学生又适合老师的应用程序,那么这里是您需要考虑的一些功能。

教育应用程序的功能 (Features and Functionalities of the Education App)

  • Sign Up/ Registration


Like other apps, the registration or login process is important for both tutors and students. But try to keep it simple and straightforward by simply providing the provision of signing up with multiple accounts including social media accounts or email IDs. This will be a huge time saver as you don’t need to add complete details manually. Once the user is able to sign up for an app, he can directly go to the dashboard.

像其他应用程序一样,注册或登录过程对导师和学生都非常重要。 但是,尝试通过简单地提供使用多个帐户(包括社交媒体帐户或电子邮件ID)进行注册的方式来保持简单明了。 这将节省大量时间,因为您无需手动添加完整的详细信息。 一旦用户能够注册一个应用程序,他就可以直接转到仪表板。

  • User Profile


This feature will help you differentiate between learners and tutors. Once the user sign up an app, ask them to fill in their account details including age, subject choice, category (Tutor/learner).

此功能将帮助您区分学习者和导师。 用户注册应用后,要求他们填写帐户详细信息,包括年龄,主题选择,类别(导师/学习者)。

  • Course Material


Learning materials come from the reputed sources and provided as per the preferred course choices. So by using the various course choice filters, you can choose the right study material which comes in different types. According to the choice of topic, its complexity, and necessary time to complete a lesson, these digital learning materials come in the form of video/audio lessons, live streaming lectures, online test papers, theory, or interactive practice sheets.

学习材料来自知名来源,并根据首选课程选择提供。 因此,通过使用各种课程选择过滤器,您可以选择不同类型的正确学习材料。 根据主题的选择,主题的复杂性和完成一堂课所需的时间,这些数字学习材料以视频/音频课,直播讲座,在线试卷,理论或交互式练习纸的形式出现。

  • Search Functionality and Filters


Keep your application as simple and easy to access for the users. So by adding the search functionality and filters to your app, you can provide the flexibility to students to find the right section they need to complete the lesson. Teachers can utilize this feature to make adjustments to the programs they teach. Moreover, the longer the course, the more it is important to have search features in the mobile app to make the learning process effortless.

使您的应用程序简单易用,以方便用户访问。 因此,通过将搜索功能和过滤器添加到您的应用中,您可以为学生提供灵活性,以找到完成课程所需的正确部分。 教师可以利用此功能来调整他们所教的课程。 此外,课程时间越长,在移动应用程序中拥有搜索功能就越重要,从而使学习过程轻松自如。

  • Push Notifications


Push notifications will not only notify learners and teachers about their coming class but also eliminate the risk of skipping on studies. Push notifications can keep your users engaged longer with your app and also promote your brand.

推送通知不仅会通知学习者和老师即将上课的信息,而且还消除了跳过学习的风险。 推送通知可以使您的用户与您的应用保持更长时间的互动,还可以宣传您的品牌。

  • Monitoring Analytics


The feature of statistics and analytics, help both learners and tutors to check their growth report. This will also provide the ability to find blind spots in knowledge, which helps instructors in improving programs and eliminating issues.

统计和分析功能可帮助学习者和辅导者查看其增长报告。 这也将提供发现知识盲点的能力,这有助于教师改进程序和消除问题。

  • Videos and Live Streaming


Since video content is easy to understand and simple to learn, therefore it is important to include videos in educational apps to enhance its functionality and adding ease of learning the hard topics. This feature will work for both students and tutors as you can create and watch videos and live streams of lessons.

由于视频内容易于理解且易于学习,因此将视频包含在教育应用程序中以增强其功能并增加对困难主题的学习变得十分重要。 您可以创建和观看视频以及实时课程流,此功能对学生和导师均适用。

  • App Rating And Feedback


This is an important part of your app as the valuable feedback of the user will help you determine the flaws of your app and also help in making it flawless. The user’s comment and feedback will provide you real insights regarding how useful your app is and what it needs to be improved.

这是应用程序的重要组成部分,因为用户的宝贵反馈将帮助您确定应用程序的缺陷,并使其完美无缺。 用户的评论和反馈将为您提供有关应用程序的实用性和需要改进的方面的真实见解。

  • Multi- Language


When you hire an app development company to create an educational app, then it is important to provide your content in multiple languages so that users can easily understand the topic in a local language. This way a lot more people will be able to use your app and learn.

当您雇用应用开发公司来创建教育应用时,重要的是要以多种语言提供内容,以便用户可以轻松地以本地语言理解主题。 这样,更多的人将能够使用您的应用程序并学习。

  • Cloud Integration


While you are working with the software development company, cloud integration is one of the handiest tools that you can access to allow multiple users to work on the same file. With Google Drive, Dropbox, Microsoft Office Online, or any other cloud services, you can easily share the link with the students or tutors and can collect all of the homework in one place.

当您与软件开发公司合作时 ,云集成是您可以访问的最方便的工具之一,以允许多个用户使用同一个文件。 借助Google云端硬盘,Dropbox,Microsoft Office Online或任何其他云服务,您可以轻松地与学生或导师共享链接,并将所有作业集中在一处。

In the Nutshell: Whether you are choosing an Android app development solutions or looking for iOS app development, features, and functionalities are one of the major components that influence the development cost of the app.

简而言之 :无论您是选择Android应用程序开发解决方案还是在寻找iOS应用程序开发,功能和功能都是影响应用程序开发成本的主要因素之一。

2.将应用程序开发团队外包给应用程序创建 (2. Outsource the App Development Team For App Creation)

To create an app with an excellent interface and right set of features and functionalities, you need to hire a team of specialists, including:


  • Business Analyst


  • Project Manager


  • Front-end & Back-end Developer


  • UX/UI Designer

    UX / UI设计器

  • Android Developer (In case if you are developing an app for Android Platform)


  • iOS Developer (If you are choosing to develop the iOS app)


  • Flutter Developer (In case you are choosing to develop an app with Flutter)

    Flutter Developer(如果您选择使用Flutter开发应用程序)

  • QA engineer for app testing


In the Nutshell: There are two main ways to partner with these IT specialists- either hire an in-house development team or outsource an education mobile app development company.


Both options have their own pros and cons. On one side it is easier to communicate with the in-house team, on the other side, an offshore app development company brings you the latest technology and proven methodologies.

两种选择都有其优点和缺点。 一方面,与内部团队进行交流比较容易,另一方面,离岸应用开发公司为您提供最新技术和成熟方法。

The in-house app development team can cost you more as it includes office rent, equipment and development tools, and more, whereas developers from offshore companies can be hired on an hourly basis with the $18 to $150 per hour.


3.正确的技术栈 (3. Right Tech Stack)

There are multiple choices for building a high performing e-learning application. For developing a native Android app it is recommended to use Kotlin whereas Swift can be used for iOS Native applications. In case if you are targeting multiple operating systems to launch your app, then it is best to consider Flutter for developing a cross-platform app development framework as it provides you advanced software development kits and free to use.

构建高性能的电子学习应用程序有多种选择。 对于开发本机Android应用程序,建议使用Kotlin,而Swift可以用于iOS本机应用程序。 如果您要针对多个操作系统来启动您的应用程序,那么最好考虑使用Flutter开发跨平台应用程序开发框架,因为它为您提供了高级软件开发工具包并且可以免费使用。

In the Nutshell: These are the best-suggested programming languages that you can use for the app development but it doesn’t mean to underestimate the superiority of other technologies. There are many more options that you can choose from as per your business needs.

简而言之:这些是可用于应用程序开发的最推荐的编程语言,但这并不意味着低估了其他技术的优越性。 根据您的业务需求,您可以选择更多选项。

如何通过您的教育应用获利? (How To Monetize Your Education App?)

One of the biggest concerns of developing a mobile app is to determine how to make a profit from your app? But most of the education mobile app development company prefer to choose from these three major monetization strategies:

开发移动应用程序的最大问题之一就是确定如何从您的应用程序中获利? 但是大多数教育移动应用开发公司更喜欢从以下三种主要的获利策略中进行选择:

Freemium: There are a bunch of applications which are free to access by the users but that includes lots of advertisement and may distract the concentration. You can ask users to switch on the advance subscription to enjoy an ad-free learning experience, offline access, unlimited hearts, and more options.

免费增值:有许多应用程序可供用户免费访问,但其中包含大量广告,并且可能分散注意力。 您可以要求用户打开高级订阅,以享受无广告的学习体验,离线访问,无限的爱心和更多选择。

Advertisement: Advertisements are the most common monetization model since they allow customers to access the platform for free. Apps like DuoLingo, ask users to keep your education free, it is worth seeing the ad.

广告:广告是最常见的获利模型,因为它们允许客户免费访问该平台。 像DuoLingo这样的应用程序要求用户保持免费教育,值得一看的广告。

In-App Purchase: Free subscriptions of the app come with limited access to the features, but to switch to an additional feature, they need to pay an additional amount for the premium version of the app.


开发教育应用程序需要多少钱? (How Much Does It Cost To Develop An Education App?)

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Determining an accurate cost of the education app has never been an easy task as there are a number of factors influencing the cost of development including the complexity of the app, features, and functionality, choice of the operating system, development time, cost of the development team and more.


However, the estimated cost of developing an education app with basic features can be starting from $15,000 to $50,000+ depending upon the needs of your business and the team you hire for the app development. Still, we have mentioned the rough estimation of the number of hours it will take to develop which can be directly calculated with the per hours cost of the developer which is usually starting from $18 to $35 in India.

但是,开发具有基本功能的教育应用程序的估计成本可能在$ 15,000到$ 50,000 +之间,具体取决于您的业务需求和您为应用程序开发而雇用的团队。 不过,我们已经提到了开发时间的粗略估算,可以直接用开发者的每小时成本来计算,在印度,开发者的每小时成本通常在18美元到35美元之间。

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结论 (Conclusion)

Developing an education app requires a great effort, but we have tried minimizing your efforts by simply including all the major factors that you need to consider while developing a high performing education app for both students and tutors.


Right from the features, functionalities, and app monetization strategies to the development cost, this post has included everything to make it easier for you to build the right roadmap for the app development. However, still, if you find yourself stuck anywhere in between the content, it would be recommended to get in touch with a mobile app development company for the easy and expert solution.

从功能,功能和应用获利策略到开发成本,这篇文章涵盖了所有内容,使您可以更轻松地为应用开发建立正确的路线图。 但是,如果您发现自己陷在内容之间的任何地方,建议您与移动应用程序开发公司联系,以获取简单而专业的解决方案。



翻译自: https://medium.com/flutter-community/how-much-does-it-cost-to-make-a-educational-mobile-app-in-2020-27f93cf3cc83






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