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翻译 限速器校验合格范围_限速

限速器校验合格范围Rate limiting is an effective and relatively easy way to mitigate security risks. It will not be the only thing you do secure your applications, and it might not even be the most important th...

2020-09-14 03:12:44 2419

翻译 数字Hibernate问题和假日购物的危险

Our digital lives can be very complicated. So many accounts, so many passwords, so many platforms. There was a time when these complications were exaggerated; when our online behaviors were considered...

2020-09-14 03:01:52 249

翻译 wso2 ei发送请求_wso2身份服务器中用户自注册剩余api的请求和响应

wso2 ei发送请求In my previous blog, I’ve explained how user self registration works in a nutshell. In this blog I will explain the API requests and responses. Please note that this feature is available fo...

2020-09-14 02:52:43 513

翻译 aws 所有区域的区域编号_如何限制用户访问特定区域的AWS服务AWS文章

aws 所有区域的区域编号We may encounter scenarios where we need to restrict user accounts & services to be accessed in particular regions and isolate other regions from the user. For example, you have two d...

2020-09-14 02:22:47 775

翻译 centos 8 开源_如何在centos上安装开源防病毒软件

centos 8 开源Introduction Linux operating systems are considered to be more stable and secure than other operating systems. However, viruses and threats can live anywhere and Linux may not be completely...

2020-09-14 02:12:36 2052

翻译 哈希密码_哈希生日和密码

哈希密码 什么是哈希函数? (What is a Hash function?)It’s an algorithm that maps an input of arbitrary length to a unique output of fixed length, this value is known as HASH, FINGERPRINT or DIGEST. 这是一种将任意长度的输入映射...

2020-09-14 02:03:00 2486

翻译 xml数据导入数据库_入侵xml数据

xml数据导入数据库Code injection is a vulnerability with many faces: from SQL injection to OS command injection. These attacks happen because of a common programming mistake: letting user input pollute execut...

2020-09-14 01:52:35 217

翻译 冰山订单_devsecops冰山

冰山订单Security is a complicated topic. There are countless of attack vectors and threat models to take into consideration when designing a security strategy. 安全是一个复杂的话题。 设计安全策略时,要考虑的攻击媒介和威胁模型不计其数。 Over...

2020-09-14 01:43:03 247

翻译 大数据个人隐私保护_通过这4个隐私优先应用程序保护您的个人数据

大数据个人隐私保护There’s been a tremendous surge in privacy awareness in recent years and for a good cause. The biggest growing trend has been the Reddit community /r/privacy, with over 500 thousand subscribe...

2020-09-14 01:32:52 1255

翻译 物联网数据 时序数据库_有关防止物联网数据泄露的方法的最终清单

物联网数据 时序数据库 物联网的力量 (The Power of the Internet of Things)A popular definition says that IoT is “the extension of Internet connectivity into physical devices and everyday objects.” From someone’s pacem...

2020-09-14 01:22:20 588

翻译 提高网站安全性_我们需要提高安全性

提高网站安全性Imagine if an electrical engineer found a fault in the wiring in your house, but said, “You have a fault, but it’ll take me 10 months to fix it!”, and then walked away, and said, “I’ll be back ...

2020-09-14 01:12:02 177

翻译 总论点和分论点_反对我的论点对数字隐私无可厚非

总论点和分论点As someone who cares about and spreads digital privacy, I often hear people say, “I have nothing to hide, so why shouldn’t I give all my data to the government or companies like Google in retur...

2020-09-14 01:02:34 204

翻译 websocket_黑客websocket

websocketThe Same-Origin Policy (SOP) is one of the fundamental defences deployed in modern web applications. It restricts how a script from one origin can interact with the resources of a different o...

2020-09-14 00:51:39 275

翻译 如果您在黑色星期五购买了智能电视,联邦调查局会为您提供警告

重点 (Top highlight)By Jason Aten 杰森·阿滕(Jason Aten) It’s hard to imagine that simply doing something that hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people did over this weekend would be worthy of a wa...

2020-09-14 00:40:55 146

翻译 缓冲区溢出漏洞_缓冲区溢出漏洞简介

缓冲区溢出漏洞 重点 (Top highlight) 缓冲 (Buffer)A buffer is a temporary storage, usually present in the physical memory used to hold data. 缓冲区是一种临时存储,通常存在于用于保存数据的物理内存中。 Consider the program shown in the left ...

2020-09-14 00:29:58 2098

翻译 智能合约漏洞攻击事件_智能合约百科全书攻击漏洞

智能合约漏洞攻击事件Applications on Ethereum manage financial value, making security absolutely crucial. As a nascent, experimental technology, smart contracts have certainly had their fair share of attacks. 以太...

2020-09-14 00:19:39 6282

翻译 如何赚取units_保护自己或从数据隐私中赚取大量金钱

如何赚取unitsA cross-border merchant like Amazon or Walmart, or a financial service provider like Brex may aggregate customer information into a CRM system (e.g., Oracle’s RightNow or Pipedrive) and/or ac...

2020-09-14 00:09:34 1583

翻译 git bash gpg_与git gpg共享密码并通过

git bash gpgMany companies rely on tools such as LastPass or 1Password to manage and share passwords. These tools are very useful if you care about security, as of course you should but they also come...

2020-09-14 00:00:31 425

翻译 苹果电脑怎么删除旧账户_如何找到您不记得的旧在线帐户

苹果电脑怎么删除旧账户What do you think: How many online accounts do you have? Well, there is Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google, of course, Medium, MyFitnessPal, GitHub, Slack for work, oh and a couple of app...

2020-09-13 23:51:13 1536

翻译 api身份验证_api上下文中的身份验证

api身份验证APIs are becoming a main interface for interacting with many things, from enterprise services, public services offered over the internet to physical devices. As there can be a large number of A...

2020-09-13 23:40:43 954

翻译 关押罪犯_网络罪犯越来越擅长加密您的设备

关押罪犯Cyber criminals are cryptojacking your devices and stealing computing power to mine cryptocurrencies, and they are getting very good at it. It’s one of the major upcoming cyber crimes in recent ye...

2020-09-13 23:30:07 187

翻译 gnss_伽利略gnss消息认证过程

gnss 什么是GNSS? (What is a GNSS?)GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) is a satellite system that is used to pinpoint the geographic location of a user’s receiver anywhere in the world. Four GNSS s...

2020-09-13 23:10:00 1541

翻译 树莓派2 ssh设置_在树莓派上设置ssh和2fa

树莓派2 ssh设置I recently used some spare hardware to create a little file server on a Raspberry Pi, and I wanted to be able to log in to the Pi when I am away from home to check on things. This little doc...

2020-09-13 23:00:11 2203

翻译 网络犯罪取证_您是否在保护自己的数字房屋免受网络犯罪的侵害

网络犯罪取证(BPT) — As the pace of technology advances, cybersecurity threats do, too. Data breaches, identity theft, phishing and malware make headlines seemingly every day. Internet-connected devices, soc...

2020-09-13 22:50:00 230

翻译 以太坊导以太坊导_以太坊网络钓鱼诈骗在Facebook上的剖析

以太坊导以太坊导One of the things that scares me about wide-spread blockchain adoption are phishing scams that prey on those that don’t understand how blockchain technology works. 的事情ØNE让我害怕约广泛传播blockchain采用的...

2020-09-13 22:39:34 1250

翻译 有效防止sql注入的方法_sql注入有效负载列表

有效防止sql注入的方法In this section, we’ll explain what SQL injection is, describe some common examples, explain how to find and exploit various kinds of SQL injection vulnerabilities, and summarize how to pr...

2020-09-11 22:01:29 445

翻译 python rsa 签名_python 12行中的rsa数字签名

python rsa 签名I have been setting myself 12 line challenges for RSA encryption, so here’s one which signs a message in RSA in just 12 lines of Python code. With digital signing, we take our private key...

2020-09-11 21:50:46 217

翻译 sql注入 安全_网络安全12 sql注入

sql注入 安全 1.简介 (1. Intro)This is a classic attack type and many developers know this concept already and are aware of how to escape them. I still want to write a special story for this topic, includin...

2020-09-11 21:40:21 148

翻译 sql注入新手_sql注入新手指南

sql注入新手SQL injection is a web security vulnerability that allows an attacker to alter the SQL queries made to the database. This can be used to retrieve some sensitive information, like database struc...

2020-09-11 21:29:26 331

翻译 zookeeper节点加密_用角度通用和节点js加密cookie

zookeeper节点加密Cookies are a ubiquitous feature of web applications, as anyone clicking GDPR notifications for the last several months has realized. Securely handling the data in those cookies is just a...

2020-09-11 21:19:58 798

翻译 通过证书固定从您的android客户端与服务器进行安全通信

Security and privacy are some of the most difficult tasks for any Android developer and it’s obvious because Android is an open-source platform and everyone knows how it works. 对于任何Android开发人员而言,安全性和隐...

2020-09-11 21:09:08 738

翻译 python实现图像隐写_使用python进行图像隐写术

python实现图像隐写Steganography is the art of hiding secret data in any file. 隐秘术是在任何文件中隐藏秘密数据的艺术。 The secret data can be data of any format like text or even a file. In a nutshell, the main motive of steg...

2020-09-11 20:59:34 2047

翻译 云基础架构安全_您的云基础架构暴露程度如何

云基础架构安全Cloud computing is one of the hottest trends in today’s IT world. Companies are racing to switch from on-premises data centers to using public clouds such as AWS, Azure and Google Cloud. Even t...

2020-09-11 20:49:42 191

翻译 入侵同网手机_入侵同一个原产地政策

入侵同网手机 重点 (Top highlight)The Same-Origin Policy is one of the fundamental defenses deployed in modern web applications. It restricts how a script from one origin can interact with the resources of a d...

2020-09-11 20:39:40 310

翻译 时钟翻转事件_开发人员和时钟翻转

时钟翻转事件Let’s party like it’s 1999! 让我们狂欢吧,就像1999年一样! You have probably written programs with a bug related to the calculation of time (I certainly have!). For example, you need to work out the number ...

2020-09-11 20:29:36 482

翻译 oauth0 oauth2_oauth的情况3 0

oauth0 oauth2It’s been about a year since I proposed that we should move past OAuth 2.0, and a lot has happened since then to tackle some of the issues that I raised. I helped lead the TxAuth session ...

2020-09-11 20:19:39 462

翻译 代码审查101

重点 (Top highlight)Reviewing code is probably the best way to find vulnerabilities in a web application. It’s a lot faster than black-box testing, and it helps you learn how to program safely in the f...

2020-09-11 20:09:07 183

翻译 开源钱包_硬件钱包是否应该开源

开源钱包Coauthored by Lixin Liu and Patrick Kim 刘立新 和 帕特里克·金 合着 This article was written before the launch of our second-generation hardware wallets, which we are striving to make as open source as possi...

2020-09-09 03:07:37 854

翻译 端点防护 edr_使用端点检测和响应edr概念来保护api

端点防护 edrMore and more organizations provide access to APIs in order to enable a wider audience to use their information. This is why securing API access has become a critical concern. With the increas...

2020-09-09 02:57:19 1234

翻译 浏览器cookie_浏览器Cookie的敌人或朋友

浏览器cookieCookies — the tech-related variety — have been getting a bad rap lately. But they aren’t necessarily the demons that they’ve been portrayed to be. Çookies -科技相关的品种-已经最近获得的坏名声。 但是它们不一定是被描绘成的恶魔...

2020-09-09 02:35:59 303



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