python 数据科学书籍_5本免费书籍,使您的数据科学技能更上一层楼

python 数据科学书籍

As things stand, I am nowhere near where I aspire to reach as a Data Scientist. In my journey so far, I have met many helpful people and come across various useful resources.

就目前情况而言,作为数据科学家,我离我想要达到的目标还很遥远。 到目前为止,在我的旅途中,我遇到了许多乐于助人的人,并且遇到了各种有用的资源。

Whilst I pondered on where I have come from and where I am now, I instantly remembered the 4 books that had been revolutionary for my progress as a Data Scientist — Of which I will be sharing with you today.


Note: There are no affiliate links associated to any of my recommendations and I am in no agreement with any of the authors.


《 Python旅行者指南》 (The Hitchhikers Guide to Python)

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This is an unusual book to start with! Not because it’s controversial or anything, but simply because it is not directly about Data Science.

这是一本不寻常的书! 不是因为它有争议或其他原因,而是因为它与数据科学无关。

Python is a popular language among Data Scientist (as well as R), and this book quite literally can take you to expert levels. The book describes the best practices to follow when programming in Python and if you read Data Scientist should know Software Engineering best practices, you’d know this is more important than ever.

Python是数据科学家(以及R)中一种流行的语言,而这本书确实可以带您进入专家水平。 这本书描述了使用Python进行编程时应遵循的最佳实践,如果您阅读了《数据科学家》一书,就应该了解软件工程的最佳实践,那么您就会知道这比以往任何时候都重要。

More and more Data Science projects are being taken into production which creates a heavy demand on Data Scientist to have more end-to-end skills. This book is a great starter.

越来越多的数据科学项目正在投入生产,这对数据科学家提出了更高的要求,要求他们拥有更多的端到端技能。 这本书是一个很好的开始。

You may download this book for free in the link below!


Python数据科学手册 (Python Data Science Handbook)

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Jake VanderPlas hit the nail on it’s head with the naming of this book ; It’s one of those “Never throw this book away” books.

杰克·范德普拉斯(Jake VanderPlas)用这本书的名字打在了他的头上。 这是那些“永不丢掉这本书”的书之一。

From NumPy, to Pandas, to Matplotlib and Machine Learning, Mr. VanderPlas gives a comprehensive overview for how we can face day-to-day challeneges such as manipulating, transforming, and cleaning data; visualizing various kinds of data; and using data to build statistical or machine learning models.

从NumPy到Pandas,再到Matplotlib和机器学习,VanderPlas先生全面概述了我们如何面对诸如处理,转换和清理数据之类的日常挑战。 可视化各种数据; 并使用数据建立统计或机器学习模型。

The most Ideal, easy to read reference book!


使用Scikit-Learn和Tensorflow进行机器学习 (Hands On Machine Learning With Scikit-Learn and Tensorflow)

Note: It has been brought to my attention that this book is copyrighted, hence technically not making it free.


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The explanations of concepts and coding examples are very intuitive and useful people that want to begin working on personal projects.


In fact, in my opinion, I believe that after reading (or whilst you read) this book it is imperative that you go and build something with your new knowledge.


It is a very practical book and you should most definitely take your time to answer the questions!


The free link to Hands on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow.


统计学习的要素 (The Elements of Statistical Learning)

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Personal Advice? Don’t read this before bed! You want to read it when you have the most energy.

个人建议? 睡前不要读这篇! 您想在能量最大的时候阅读它。

This book is by far the most complex of all the books I’ve suggested and also one that you will be referring back to very often. It dives deep into statistics and is written in quite a complicated manner since it’s heavy on the Math behind many things we will encounter as a Data Scientist.

到目前为止,这本书是我所建议的所有书籍中最复杂的一本书,也是您将经常引用的一本书。 它深入统计资料,并且以相当复杂的方式编写,因为它把重点放在了数学上,这是我们作为数据科学家将遇到的许多事情的背后。

I’ve put this book here not to show off as if I am smart — I am not, but I can learn anything I want to, just like you! — but to set the standard. If we want to become top Data Scientist, we have to be willing to do things that most people aren’t willing to do such as diving deep into the underpinnings of what holds our field together.

我把这本书放在这里并不是要炫耀自己,好像我很聪明-我不是,但是我可以学到任何想要的东西,就像你一样! -但要设定标准。 如果我们想成为顶尖的数据科学家,我们必须愿意做大多数人不愿意做的事情,例如深入研究将我们的领域团结在一起的基础。

Note: If you aren’t from a Mathematical background, I highly recommend you gain some exposure to Machine Learning algorithms in simpler ways, such as implementing them, before trying to read this one.


Don’t fear the Math, Read The Elements of Statistical Learning.


机器学习向往 (Machine Learning Yearning)

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I am quite surprised this book isn’t spoken of as much as some of the other books on this list. Andrew Ng, the Founder of Coursera and the instructor of some of the best courses on Machine Learning and Deep Learning, curated his most valuable lessons from working at companies such as Google and Baidu and put them on paper for us to leech from.

我很惊讶这本书没有像清单上的其他书籍那样多被提及。 Coursera的创始人,一些最佳的机器学习和深度学习课程的讲师Ng的安德鲁·伍兹(Andrew Ng)总结了他在Google和百度等公司工作的最宝贵的经验教训,并将其写在纸上供我们借鉴。

In my personal opinion, after reading a book like ____ which provides us with a practical way of using machine learning, this book is the best book for a super-set. It is about being a great team member which includes being productive, efficient and a great team player (in-case it wasn’t obvious).

我个人认为,在阅读____这样的书之后,该书为我们提供了一种使用机器学习的实用方法,这本书是超级集的最佳书。 这是关于成为一个出色的团队成员,包括高效,高效和出色的团队合作者(以防万一)。

Note: To get the free book, you will be asked to fill in some details and it will be emailed to you upon completion.


奖励书 (Bonus Book)

As agreed, I’ve given you 4 free books that will take your Data Science skills to the next level. However, as a bonus I will provide __ more books that will take your Data Science skills to the next level — the only difference with th(ese)is book(s) is that they aren’t free. But hey! There is nothing wrong with paying for good quality.

按照约定,我为您提供了4本免费书籍,这些书将使您的数据科学技能更上一层楼。 但是,作为奖励,我将提供__更多本书,这些书将使您的数据科学技能更上一层楼–与这些语言的唯一区别是书不是免费的。 但是,嘿! 支付高质量没有错。

解决(几乎)任何机器学习问题 (Approaching (Almost) Any Machine Learning Problem)

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Purchase on Amazon 在亚马逊上购买

If I had a girlfriend, she’d probably be jealous of my admiration of Abhishek Thakur’s work. One of the most hands on people I have ever come across, it makes sense why he is a Kaggle 4x Grandmaster!

如果我有女朋友,她可能会嫉妒我对Abhishek Thakur的工作的钦佩。 我遇到过的最忙碌的人之一,为什么他是Kaggle 4x Grandmaster很有意义!

He has released a book that gives us an insight into his world and honestly, it has been one of the best reads — in terms of the amount of practical knowledge I derived from it — this year for me.


Note: The book requires you have good knowledge of Machine Learning so get yourself up to scratch and pick up this bad boy!


Purchase Approaching (Almost) Any Machine Learning Problem on Amazon.


结语 (Wrap Up)

I’ve summed up books that have taken me to new heights. I have not read all the books surrounding the Data Science field so it’s possible I’ve missed a very important book. If you happen to think this is the case, leave a response with the books title and the free link to the pdf. Many Thanks!

我总结了使我达到新高度的书。 我尚未阅读有关数据科学领域的所有书籍,因此有可能错过了一本非常重要的书。 如果您碰巧认为是这种情况,请在回复中附上书籍标题和pdf的免费链接。 非常感谢!

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