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翻译 ktor_如何在Android应用程序中使用ktor

ktorIn this article, you’ll learn what Ktor is and the benefits of using it. Then you’ll learn how to integrate it into your project. After that, you can read about how to create and execute a Ktor re...

2020-09-27 00:37:46 1068

翻译 android 创建按钮_在Android中重新创建按钮

android 创建按钮In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to create complex buttons in Android by turning any complex layout into a button. 在本教程中,我们将学习如何通过将任何复杂的布局变成按钮来在Android中创建复杂的按钮。 “But I can attach an OnCl...

2020-09-27 00:27:35 1127

翻译 unity怎么把材料给组件_我们推荐材料设计组件

unity怎么把材料给组件Your app exists alongside other apps installed on a user’s phone. We therefore recommend that applications follow the Material Design guidelines to ensure that apps operate consistently, ...

2020-09-27 00:18:21 204

翻译 log mdc_黑暗主题与mdc

log mdcIn the previous blog posts, Nick Rout went through the basis of Material Theming, and the pillars of color, typography and shape. 在以前的博客文章中, 尼克·罗特 ( Nick Rout )经历了材料主题的基础,以及颜色 , 版式和形状的Struts。 ...

2020-09-27 00:08:38 449

翻译 用JavaScript映射

ES6 introduced new data structures to take care of some problems that the language did not take care of. ES6引入了新的数据结构,以解决该语言无法解决的一些问题。 Before its’ introduction, people generally used Objects to do th...

2020-09-17 23:49:06 583

翻译 js post 重复参数_具有重复参数的功能轮到js

js post 重复参数Assertion: We are in parallel universe where all weird code snippets may exist and be used. 断言 :我们处于并行宇宙中,所有奇怪的代码片段都可能存在并被使用。 Let’s imagine the simplest function declaration with 2 parame...

2020-09-17 23:39:37 173

翻译 log mdc_mdc类型的材质主题

log mdcThis article is also posted on the Material Design blog. 本文还发布在 Material Design博客上 。 Material Theming is a way to customize Material Components to align with your brand. A Material theme inclu...

2020-09-17 03:29:07 266

翻译 android主题制作_如何在Android中制作黑夜模式主题

android主题制作Hello World, today we are going to see how we can implement a dark theme or night mode in our android application. This tutorial is going to be very simple and easy to understand. The dark ...

2020-09-17 03:19:32 647

翻译 android 私有存储_android中的私有库为什么要考虑它

android 私有存储Libraries are one of the foundations of Android development. Think about all dependencies in your Android projects, either from Google (the former Support Library and now AndroidX, Materia...

2020-09-17 03:09:57 269

翻译 log mdc_具有mdc形状的材料主题

log mdcThis article is also posted on the Material Design blog. 本文还发布在 Material Design博客上 。 Material Theming is a way to customize Material Components to align with your brand. A Material theme inclu...

2020-09-17 03:00:10 234

翻译 dubbo使用mdc_用mdc进行物质运动

dubbo使用mdcThis article is also posted on the Material Design blog. 本文还发布在 Material Design博客上 。 The Material motion system, recently released as part of the MDC-Android library (v 1.2.0), distills com...

2020-09-17 02:50:41 556

翻译 log mdc_具有mdc颜色的材料主题

log mdcThis article is also posted on the Material Design blog. 本文还发布在 Material Design博客上 。 Material Theming is a way to customize Material Components to align with your brand. A Material theme inclu...

2020-09-17 02:40:24 432



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