
I had thought of titling this article GUI vs VUI but then I realized that using these terms would leave out many people who don’t know their meaning and perhaps wouldn’t even bother to read the article.

我曾想过将标题定为GUI vs VUI,但后来我意识到使用这些术语会使许多人不知道其含义,甚至不愿去阅读本文。

First of all, let me explain each concept. GUI is the abbreviation for a graphical user interface, while VUI (“voice user interface”) is a conversational interface, that is, a communication between a human and a machine in which the medium of interaction is not a screen but voice.

首先,让我解释一下每个概念。 GUI是图形用户界面的缩写,而VUI(“语音用户界面”)是对话界面 ,即人与机器之间的通信,其中交互的媒介不是屏幕而是语音。

The beginnings of the graphical interface date back to the late 70s, so comparing this with the conversational interface we could say that the latter is still in its infancy.

图形界面的起源可以追溯到70年代后期,因此,将其与对话界面进行比较可以说, 对话界面 仍处于起步阶段。

To make this concept clearer, the goal of using a voice user interface is to allow the user to interact with the system or machine simply by using their voice. Instead of scrolling on a screen or touching a keyboard, the user gives voice commands, so they don’t need to use their hands at all.

为了使这个概念更清楚,使用语音用户界面的目的是允许用户简单地通过使用他们的语音与系统或机器进行交互 。 用户无需语音在屏幕上滚动或触​​摸键盘,而是发出语音命令,因此根本不需要动手。

During the research phase, designing a voice user interface is similar to designing a graphical user interface (GUI) because you have to consider who will use the interface, what they will use it for, and on what device. The goal remains the same: to communicate the necessary information to the user in the most effective way possible.

在研究阶段, 设计语音用户界面类似于设计图形用户界面(GUI),因为您必须考虑谁将使用该界面,他们将使用该界面的内容以及在什么设备上使用该界面。 目标保持不变:以最有效的方式将必要的信息传达给用户。

In the conversational interface, the user does not navigate through the different layers to find the option they are looking for, but asks for something specific, providing all the necessary information at once.

在对话界面中, 用户不会浏览不同的层来找到他们要寻找的选项,而是要求特定的东西,一次提供所有必要的信息

This is a big difference from the graphical interface, since here we do not have several clicks or interactions before we achieve our goal, but we shorten the navigation process with a simple voice command aimed at getting specific information that will be returned by the wizard.


Google Home assistant on a table
Google Home sitting on table” by NDB Photos的NDB Photos is licensed under 坐在桌子上的Google Home ”已获得 CC BY-SA 4.0. CC BY-SA 4.0的许可。

Let me give you an example of a user asking her Google Home assistant: “Okay, Google, what time is my flight?”. Each assistant activates its listening with a specific voice command, in this case, it is by saying: “Okay, Google”. The device will then answer: “The next flight, Wizz Air’s 4402 from Madrid to Sofia, leaves today at 9:55 p.m.”

让我给你举一个例子,该用户问她的Google Home Assistant:“好吧,Google,我的航班是几点钟?”。 每个助手都使用特定的语音命令激活其收听 ,在这种情况下,是通过说:“好的,Google”。 然后,该设备将回答:“下一次飞行,即Wizz Air的4402从马德里飞往索非亚的航班,今天下午9:55起飞”

The only learning curve here is that, as a user, you need to know what voice command you have to say for each action you want your assistant to perform.


Every voice assistant has artificial intelligence within them. If the words you use are not those that the artificial intelligence has, so to speak, been built in with, then it will tell you that it cannot help you and that you should try another voice command. It may even offer you recommendations.

每个语音助手内部都具有人工智能。 如果您使用的单词不是人工智能 内置 的单词 那么它会告诉您它无法帮助您 ,您应该尝试其他语音命令。 它甚至可以为您提供建议。

Do you know what artificial intelligence or AI is and where it comes from? Here’s a little background history.

您知道什么是人工智能或人工智能以及它来自哪里吗? 这里有一些背景历史。

Although research into artificial intelligence has been going on since the 1950s, it wasn’t until 2007 that it advanced enough to become what we know today as voice assistants.

尽管自1950年代以来一直在进行人工智能研究 ,但直到2007年,人工智能的发展才发展成为今天我们所称的语音助手。

In 1936, Alan Turing designed a machine capable of implementing any calculation that had been formally defined, the essential cornerstone for a device to be able to accommodate different scenarios and “reasoning”. Does the Turing Test ring a bell? It is a test that determines whether a machine is intelligent or not and defends the possibility of emulating human thought through computing.

1936年,艾伦·图灵(Alan Turing)设计了一台能够执行任何正式定义的计算的机器,这是设备能够适应不同场景和“推理”的重要基础。 图灵测试会响吗? 它是一项测试,它确定机器是否为智能机器,并捍卫通过计算模仿人类思想的可能性。

We say that an AI has passed the test if the users involved think that on the other side there is a person instead of a machine.

我们说, 如果所涉及的用户认为另一边是人而不是机器, 那么AI已通过测试

The 1970s gave way to what became known as the winter of artificial intelligence. This occurred after the mathematician James Lighthill presented a report stating his view that machines would only be capable of an “experienced amateur” level of chess and that common sense reasoning and supposedly simple tasks such as facial recognition would always remain beyond their capacity.

1970年代让位于所谓的人工智能冬天。 这是在数学家詹姆士·莱特希尔(James Lighthill)提出一份报告,指出他的观点后得出的结论,即机器只能具有“经验丰富的”国际象棋水平,而常识推理和所谓的简单任务(如面部识别)将永远超出其能力范围。

This report together with the few advances in the field of AI caused the funding for the industry to be drastically reduced. But in the 1980s, researchers decided that instead of trying to create artificial intelligence by simulating that of humans, it would be better to create “expert systems” that focused on much more limited tasks.

这份报告以及AI领域的一些进步导致该行业的资金大量减少。 但是在1980年代,研究人员决定,与其尝试通过模拟人类的人工智能来创建人工智能,不如创建专注于更为有限的任务的“专家系统”。

That meant they only needed to be programmed with the rules of a very particular problem. And voilà, this is when the first steps in the advancement of artificial intelligence began, and why today it’s possible for you to talk to your smartphone, your car, or an Alexa or Google Home device.

这意味着只需要为一个非常特殊的问题的规则进行编程即可 。 而且,这是人工智能发展的第一步开始的时候,为什么今天您可以与智能手机,汽车,Alexa或Google Home设备通话。

And while speech recognition seemed simple given that it was one of AI’s key objectives, decades of investment had never managed to raise the accuracy level in understanding speech recognition to above 80%.


In 1997, the Deep Blue supercomputer, created by IBM, beat world chess champion, Garry Kasparov. There goes the conclusion of Lighthill’s report in the 1970s that this could never happen. It should be noted that this was the second time it played against Kasparov, since the first time Deep Blue lost and had to be upgraded.

在1997年, 由IBM创建的Deep Blue超级计算机击败了世界象棋冠军Garry Kasparov 。 莱特希尔(Lighthill)在1970年代的报告得出的结论是,这永远不可能发生。 应当指出的是,这是自第二次对阵卡斯帕罗夫以来,第二次对阵深蓝输了,必须升级。

Garry Kasparov playing with IBM Watson
“Garry Kasparov à Linares en 2005” by Owen Williams, The Kasparov Agency, is licensed under “ Garry KasparovàLinares en 2005 ”已获得 CC BY-SA 3.0. CC BY-SA 3.0的许可。

Another milestone for IBM happened in 2011 when it used its artificial intelligence called “Watson” to win a TV contest against two of its most experienced players. The contest featured questions about culture and general knowledge. The fact is that Watson not only understood the questions and answers provided during the show but also was able to make intelligent moves when weighing the choice of categories.

IBM的另一个里程碑发生在2011年,当时它使用称为“沃森”的人工智能赢得了与两名最有经验的玩家的电视比赛。 比赛的特色是有关文化和常识的问题。 事实是,沃森不仅了解了展会期间提供的问题和答案,而且在权衡类别选择时也能够做出明智的举动。

Since then, IBM Watson has become the standard for cognitive systems, natural language processing as well as automatic reasoning and learning. This technology is currently being used to assist in cancer treatments, e-commerce, the fight against cybercrime, and international banking.

从那时起, IBM Watson已成为认知系统 ,自然语言处理以及自动推理和学习的标准。 该技术目前正用于协助癌症治疗,电子商务,打击网络犯罪和国际银行业务。

I have to add that I am particularly fond of this artificial intelligence because I was able to work with it during my project at WatsomApp, in which we used this AI to make a robot help detect bullying in schools. I also presented this project during a Women in Voice event at the Google Campus in Madrid.

我还必须补充一点,我特别喜欢这种人工智能,因为我在WatsomApp的项目中能够使用它,在该项目中, 我们使用此AI制作了一个机器人来帮助检测学校中的欺凌行为 。 我还在马德里Google校园中的“女性参与”活动中介绍了这个项目。

Google also started researching AI and ended up pioneering a new approach: It connected thousands of powerful computers, running parallel neural networks, learning to detect patterns in the large volumes of data transmitted by the many users of Google. At first, it was quite inaccurate, but after years of learning and improvement, Google today claims that its speech recognition is 92 % accurate.

谷歌还开始研究人工智能,并最终开创了一种新方法:它连接了数千台功能强大的计算机,运行并行神经网络,学会了检测Google众多用户传输的大量数据中的模式。 最初,它是非常不准确的,但是经过多年的学习和改进, 谷歌今天声称其语音识别准确率为92%。

But it wasn’t until May 2016 that it launched Google Assistant as part of the Google Allo messaging application, and in its Google Home assistant device. The Siri voice assistant was released a few years earlier as an iOS application in 2010 and later integrated into the iPhone 4S from its launch in October 2011.

但是直到2016年5月,它才将Google Assistant作为Google Allo消息传递应用程序的一部分并在其Google Home Assistant设备中启动。 Siri语音助手于几年前作为iOS应用程序于2010年发布,后来从2011年10月发布以来集成到iPhone 4S中。

Another well-known voice assistant is Amazon Alexa, who arrived in Spain in the summer of 2018 although it had already been working in the United States for a few years. There are many others like Cortana from Microsoft or Aura from Telefónica.

另一个著名的语音助手是Amazon Alexa ,尽管它已经在美国工作了几年,但他于2018年夏天抵达西班牙。 还有许多其他产品,例如Microsoft的Cortana或Telefónica的Aura。

How does this new technology fit into the world of user experience design? To design voice interfaces, companies are asking for UX design experts who specialize in conversation design. This new profile called “conversation designer” has just arrived on the Spanish job market and we are already seeing some job offers, although still very few.

这项新技术如何适应用户体验设计领域? 为了设计语音接口,公司需要专门从事对话设计的UX设计专家。 这个名为“ 对话设计师 ”的新个人资料刚刚进入西班牙的工作市场,尽管已经很少,但我们已经看到了一些工作机会

This profile not only requires knowledge of UX design but also of how to design dialogue between a human and a machine, taking into account all possible voice interactions between the assistant and the user. The logic that works for a graphical interface will almost never work for a conversational interface so designers need to learn this new way of interacting with a voice assistant.

此配置文件不仅需要了解UX设计,还需要了解如何设计人机之间的对话,并考虑到助手和用户之间所有可能的语音交互。 适用于图形界面的逻辑几乎永远不会适用于会话界面,因此设计人员需要学习这种与语音助手交互的新方法。

Do you see yourself designing voice interfaces in the future? I still feel like a student of the subject today, and I find it fascinating. If you live in Seattle, Madrid, London, or Mexico City and want to learn more about the subject, I recommend you to go to the talks on designing conversational interfaces by Women in Voice.

您是否认为自己将来会设计语音接口? 今天,我仍然觉得自己是该学科的学生,并且让我着迷。 如果您居住在西雅图,马德里,伦敦或墨西哥城,并且想了解更多有关该主题的信息,建议您参加“ 女性参与” 设计对话界面讲座

Woman speaking through a megaphone
Woman in Voice photo

At their event in December 2019 in Madrid, I explained my experience designing a conversational interface with IBM’s artificial intelligence in the WatsomApp project. A very pleasant and necessary project, which aims to help schools detect bullying by using a robot that communicates with the students.

在2019年12月在马德里举行的活动中,我解释了我在WatsomApp项目中使用IBM人工智能设计对话界面的经验。 一个非常愉快且必要的项目,旨在通过与学生交流的机器人来帮助学校发现欺凌行为。

I would like to end this article by saying that the best possible interface in human-machine communication is voice, as it is our natural means of communication. This is one of the reasons why the voice interface is also called the invisible interface. And what better interface than the one that allows us to communicate in the most natural way possible.

最后,我想说人机通信中最好的接口是语音,因为这是我们自然的通信方式。 这是语音界面也称为不可见界面的原因之一。 还有比允许我们以最自然的方式进行通信的界面更好的界面。

Can you imagine a future where all the interaction you have with your digital devices is by voice? I have no doubt that this technology will advance more and more, and within one or two decades it will be very common to talk to machines instead of interacting with them through a graphical user interface.

您能想象一个未来,您与数字设备的所有交互都是通过语音进行的吗? 我毫不怀疑,这项技术将不断发展,并且在一到二十年之内 ,与机器对话而不是通过图形用户界面与机器交互将非常普遍

What do you think about the future of conversation design and VUIs? If you have any doubt just leave a comment below.

您如何看待对话设计和VUI? 如有任何疑问,请在下面发表评论。

Originally published in Spanish by Gema Gutiérrez.


AI: 15 key moments in the story of artificial intelligence


Deep Blue versus Garry Kasparov History of artificial intelligence

深蓝与Garry Kasparov 人工智能的历史

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翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/from-the-graphical-interface-to-the-conversational-interface-4d7ffbd05be1

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