区块链即将发布_HTTP 3即将发布!


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什么是HTTP? (What is HTTP?)

HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol. This is the set of rules used in the delivery of web pages from servers to your browser. HTTPS simple means the same protocols are used over an encryption layer for better privacy.

HTTP代表超文本传输​​协议。 这是从服务器向浏览器传送网页时使用的一组规则。 HTTPS简单意味着在加密层上使用相同的协议以获得更好的隐私。

For those who are familiar with the OSI (Open Systems Interconnections) Specification of the Internetworking/Communications, HTTP is an application layer protocol. Which means it has nothing to do with the underlying hardware structures or media. This makes it feasible to improve and upgrade the HTTP specification with increasing bandwidth and etc. You’ll see how that happens soon!

对于那些熟悉Internetworking / Communications的OSI(开放系统互连)规范的人来说,HTTP是一种应用程序层协议。 这意味着它与底层硬件结构或媒体无关。 这样就可以通过增加带宽等来改进和升级HTTP规范。您将很快看到这种情况!

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Mozilla Dev Mozilla Dev

“HTTP is a client-server protocol: requests are sent by one entity, the user-agent (or a proxy on behalf of it). Most of the time the user-agent is a Web browser, but it can be anything, for example a robot that crawls the Web to populate and maintain a search engine index.”Quoted from Mozilla

“ HTTP是一种客户端-服务器协议:请求由一个实体,用户代理(或代表它的代理)发送。 在大多数情况下,用户代理是Web浏览器,但也可以是任何东西,例如,可以爬网以填充和维护搜​​索引擎索引的机器人。

Client in this definition is the user agent. This could be a browser, program or anything that makes a call to a server using the HTTP protocol. The web server does the delivery or the serving of the requested content. The proxies coordinate the communication between the web servers and user agents.

此定义中的客户端是用户代理。 这可能是浏览器,程序或使用HTTP协议调用服务器的任何内容。 Web服务器执行所请求内容的传递或提供。 代理协调Web服务器和用户代理之间的通信。

The functionality of the proxies as follows;


  • Caching

  • Filtering (Hiding adult content or blocking content based on region)

  • Load balancing (Direct requests to vacant servers)

  • Authentication (Allow users to communicate with different servers)

  • Logging (HTTP logging is common for anomaly detection and etc)


In HTTP 1 or (1.1) simply the above tasks take place peacefully. Yet in 2009 a newer protocol HTTP 2 began to raise.

在HTTP 1或(1.1)中,上述任务只是和平地进行。 然而在2009年,更新的协议HTTP 2开始出现。


HTTP 2 was put forward to address a few limitations that HTTP 1 met with the advancements of networking technologies and bandwidth.

提出HTTP 2是为了解决HTTP 1随着网络技术和带宽的发展而遇到的一些限制。

  • Need to Perform Multiplexing: This enables concurrent requests via the same TCP connection. Helps to load resources concurrently.

    需要执行多路复用:这可以通过同一TCP连接启用并发请求。 帮助同时加载资源。
  • Allow browsers to prioritize what content to fetch first to load the web page faster. Or to improve the perceived speed of a page load.

    允许浏览器确定要先获取的内容的优先级,以更快地加载网页。 或提高页面加载的感知速度。
  • Reducing the weight of the HTTP header.

  • Server push that enables servers to push resources before they are asked by the web browsers. This makes the roundtrip taken to parse HTML and re-fetch content within HTML much shorter.

    服务器推送,使服务器可以在Web浏览器要求之前推送资源。 这使得解析HTML和在HTML中重新获取内容所需的往返时间大大缩短。

HTTP 2 gives a faster and secure (HTTP encryption is enforced in HTTP 2) web experience. You can have a look at this demo by the akamai cloud provider.

HTTP 2提供了更快,更安全(HTTP 2中强制执行HTTP加密)的Web体验。 您可以通过akamai云提供商查看此演示

HTTP 3新成员 (HTTP 3 the New Member)

This is a protocol that is yet to come (sort of). However, I noted that YouTube already uses HTTP 3 in the chrome browser (Not sure about others though!). How do I know? Because I use a plugin to see the HTTP protocol (HTTP/2 and SPDY indicator).

这是一个尚未出现的协议。 但是,我注意到YouTube在Chrome浏览器中已经使用了HTTP 3(不过不确定其他人!)。 我怎么知道? 因为我使用插件来查看HTTP协议(HTTP / 2和SPDY指示器)。

什么是新的? (What’s new?)

The new specification also promises a faster, better, and secure web experience. But how?

新规范还承诺提供更快,更好和安全的Web体验。 但是如何?

HTTP 3 intends to simplify the TCP handshake (it is a 3-way handshake, hi, hi again, ok you got my hi, alike.). The bottom line, the connections are established faster using the QUIC protocol, which is something new as well.

HTTP 3旨在简化TCP握手(这是3向握手,嗨,嗨,再次,好,我也嗨。)。 最重要的是,使用 QUIC协议, 这也是新事物。

The enhanced connection establishment promises better connection migration that occurs between wifi connections and mobile networks and etc. Note that this isn’t the connection migration you see between routers in the same network. Much complicated and sophisticated.

增强的连接建立保证了在wifi连接与移动网络等之间发生更好的连接迁移。请注意,这不是您在同一网络中的路由器之间看到的连接迁移。 非常复杂和复杂。

Lastly, this also guarantees to eliminate the TCP slow start thus enabling instant high speeds. This would really make the 5G go bam! without having to see speeds start increasing from 10Mbps to 1.5Gbps. This is important for gameplay in cases like Stadia.

最后,这还保证消除TCP慢启动,从而实现即时高速。 这真的会使5G变得ba跷! 无需看到速度就从10Mbps增加到1.5Gbps。 这对于Stadia这样的游戏而言非常重要。

This might likely be the case of YouTube being super fast and plays HD from start-up without buffering. But don’t quote me on that. The perfect specification might come out close to the end of this year.

YouTube可能会非常快,并且从启动开始就播放高清视频而无需缓冲。 但是不要在那上面引用我。 完美的规格可能会在今年年底问世。

I hope you enjoyed reading my article on HTTP 3. Though I didn’t go deep into the tech terms and the nitty-gritty details, now you know what might our future internet look like. For an in-depth comparison have a look at the following article.

我希望您喜欢阅读有关HTTP 3的文章。尽管我没有深入探讨技术术语和实质性细节,但现在您知道我们未来的互联网会是什么样子。 要进行深入比较,请查看以下文章。



翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/http-3-is-out-and-about-7c903f9aab9e






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