仅仅在微软就揭示了299 xbox series s

After countless leaks from the Redmond-based firm, Microsoft finally took off the wraps and unveiled the digital edition of its next-generation console. Via a tweet. While I’d have expected a press event with a new game reveal or two, these times are anything but conventional. Microsoft kept their cards close to their chest and it’s easy to see why: the Xbox Series S handily undercuts Sony’s digital PS5 variant with its $299 price point, albeit with some tradeoffs in performance.

压脚提升无数 泄漏 从基于微软的一家公司,微软终于脱掉了包装和推出了其下一代游戏机的数字版。 通过推文。 尽管我原本希望在一场新闻发布会上展示一两个新游戏,但这些时间绝非常规。 微软将卡放在胸前,很容易理解为什么:Xbox Series S以299美元的价格轻而易举地击败了索尼的数字PS5版本,尽管在性能上有所取舍。

True, the 4 TFlops (Floating-point Operations Per Second) machine might sound like a bummer in comparison to the Series X’s 12 TFlops and the PS5’s 10.28 TFlops. It seems like a step down even from 2017’s Xbox One X on first blush, whose 6 TFlops guts let it run a handful of titles at 4K. But that isn’t what the Series S sets out to do. It intends to offer something that consoles have rarely offered in the past: a branched upgrade path. While Nintendo’s 2DS and 3DS handheld machines are proof that such an endeavor can pay off, it has yet to be replicated in the console space. Until now.

的确,与Series X的12 TFlops和PS5的10.28 TFlops相比,这4 TFlops(每秒浮点运算)机器听起来像是一个无赖。 即使从2017年的Xbox One X首次亮相起,它似乎也已经下了一步,其6 TFlops胆量让它以4K的分辨率运行了少量游戏。 但这不是Series S计划要做的。 它打算提供控制台以前很少提供的功能:分支升级路径。 尽管任天堂的2DS和3DS手持机证明了这种努力可以取得回报,但它仍需要在控制台空间中复制。 到现在。

这是小事 (It’s the little things)

While the new Series S doesn’t promise all the bells and whistles of its bigger chunky brother, rumors point to it supporting most of the new features heading to next-gen consoles later this year. Touted to the be smallest Xbox ever, the Series S looks like a couple of them could easily stack up within the Series X’s monolith of an enclosure. A souped-up CPU that brings it in line with the processor present in the Xbox Series X coupled with a 512 GB NVMe solid-state drive helps bridge the generational gap at an affordable cost.

尽管新的S系列并不能像它的笨拙的兄弟一样风吹草动,但有传言指出它支持今年晚些时候面向下一代游戏机的大多数新功能。 被吹捧为有史以来最小的Xbox,S系列看起来像其中的几个很容易堆叠在X系列外壳中。 增强型CPU,使其与Xbox Series X中的现有处理器相结合,再加上512 GB NVMe固态驱动器,可以以可承受的成本缩小代沟。

The machine should certainly be able to trade blows with the Xbox One X, but it’s safe to say that it won’t be winning any Digital Foundry graphics comparisons with the Series X or the PS5. It looks like the Series S is geared towards consumers on a budget, gamers who might not have 4K monitors or screens at home. Features like instant resuming and quicker load times come along for the ride, although it remains to be seen how well this little contraption will be able to handle raytracing, if at all.

该机器当然应该能够与Xbox One X进行打击,但是可以肯定地说,它不会赢得与Series X或PS5相比的任何Digital Foundry图形比较。 看起来S系列适合预算有限的消费者,而那些可能在家中没有4K显示器或屏幕的游戏玩家。 像即时恢复和更快的加载时间之类的功能也随行而行,尽管还有一点待观察,这个小巧的设备将能够很好地处理射线追踪(如果有的话)。

Xbox Series S
Xbox Series S. Source: Microsoft.
Xbox SeriesS。来源:Microsoft。

一系列小胜 (A series of small wins)

It’s a move that is certainly going to be met with some skepticism, but it opens up next-gen gaming to an audience who might have never been able to afford a $500 console. And in times like these when unemployment is on the rise and jobs are unstable, a cheaper console could make all the difference. Gamers who may have stuck to their legacy Xbox One or PS4 systems now have an enticing choice that offers most of the benefits that next-gen brings, minus the hole in your wallet. It’s also another avenue for Microsoft to double down on its Xbox All Access plans. While Microsoft did try bundling an Xbox console with a subscription service in the past, the pilot program wasn’t as compelling.

这一举动肯定会引起一些怀疑,但是它为可能从未负担不起500美元游戏机的受众开放了下一代游戏。 在这样的时期,当失业率上升且工作不稳定时,更便宜的游戏机可能会起到很大作用。 那些可能仍旧使用旧版Xbox One或PS4系统的游戏玩家现在可以选择一个诱人的选择,它可以提供下一代带来的大部分好处,而无需您掏腰包。 这也是微软加倍其Xbox All Access计划的另一条途径。 尽管微软过去曾尝试将Xbox控制台与订阅服务捆绑在一起,但该试点计划并不那么吸引人。

For starters, Xbox Game Pass. Giving you hundreds of games in addition to multiplayer support for $15 a month with an Xbox Game Pass Ultimate subscription could change the gaming landscape as we know it. Add a console to that and the possibilities are endless: subscribers could get a new console as it launches, akin to how Apple has been offering upgrade plans to its customers for years. It looks like Microsoft is ready to expand the reach of its ambitious program to more markets this time, perhaps even at launch. The folks over at WindowsCentral have reason to believe that the Series S could show up for an incredible $25 per month under an Xbox All Access financing option while the Series X could cost $35 a month. Unconventional pricing for unconventional times. A move that could let Microsoft undercut the competition by a mile.

对于初学者,请使用Xbox Game Pass。 借助Xbox Game Pass Ultimate订阅,每月多付15美元,即可为您提供数百款游戏以及多人游戏支持,这可能会改变我们所知的游戏格局。 为其添加一个控制台,其可能性是无限的:订户可以在启动时获得一个新的控制台,类似于苹果多年来为客户提供升级计划的方式。 看起来微软现在准备将其雄心勃勃的计划的影响力扩展到更多市场,甚至可能在发布之初。 WindowsCentral的人们有理由相信,在Xbox All Access融资选项下,Series S的价格可能高达每月25美元,而Series X的价格为每月35美元。 非常规时期的非常规定价。 此举可能使微软削弱竞争对手一英里。

Sony’s efforts are no less commendable: they hit the ground running with an arsenal of noteworthy exclusives. Its novel controller and audio tricks certainly pack a punch as well. And with Halo Infinite out of the way, Microsoft lacks a big-budget AAA title at launch. But could the console war be won by price alone? One cannot deny that Microsoft’s Series S is a tantalizing proposition for gamers on a shoestring budget. In an age where Netflix subscriptions cost $13 a month, getting a console with hundreds of releases (bolstered by Microsoft’s latest first-party offerings) for $25 a month sounds like a wild pipe dream come to life. And in the hotly contested console space, competition is good for everyone. Gaming behemoths grappling for market share with meaningful value additions can only help players in the long run.

索尼的努力同样值得称赞:它们以大量值得关注的独家产品而崭露头角。 它新颖的控制器和音频技巧当然也给人留下了深刻的印象。 随着Halo Infinite的退出,微软在发布之初就没有大预算的AAA头衔。 但是,仅凭价格就能赢得主机战争吗? 不能否认微软的S系列是预算有限的游戏玩家的诱人主张。 在Netflix每月订阅费用为13美元的时代,以每月25美元的价格购买具有数百个版本(由Microsoft最新的第一方产品支持)的游戏机听起来像是一场疯狂的梦想。 在竞争激烈的游戏机空间中,竞争对每个人都有利。 争夺市场份额的游戏巨兽从长远来看只能帮助玩家。

Ready, player one?


翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/just-in-microsoft-reveals-299-xbox-series-s-38c33885d62c





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