


A short time ago I wrote two pieces on this platform to outline why you should consider taking an AWS Certifications exam and how to go about preparing for it. As I wrote them I was also preparing for an exam, myself. And guess what: I passed the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional exam!

不久前,我在该平台上写了两篇文章,概述了您为什么应该考虑参加AWS认证考试以及如何进行准备 。 当我写信给他们时,我自己也在准备考试。 猜猜是什么: 我通过了AWS认证解决方案架构师专业考试

In this piece, I want to go through my experience of taking the exam online, what you can expect to happen on the day of the exam, and what happens after gaining your certification.


准备考试区 (Preparing your exam area)

Due to the current global health situation, AWS is offering online proctoring for their certification exams. This means you can take your exam from the comfort of your own home. However, there are some steps you need to take to prepare your exam environment to make sure it goes as smoothly as possible:

由于当前的全球健康状况,AWS为他们的认证考试提供在线指导。 这意味着您可以在家中舒适地进行考试。 但是,您需要采取一些步骤来准备考试环境,以确保其顺利进行:

  • Set up your exam space in an empty room if possible

  • Make sure there are no books, magazines, or other paperwork nearby

  • Set up your exam desk so that there will be a blank wall in front of you, if you can

  • Ensure the area immediately to your sides and behind you are also clear

  • If there are TVs or computer monitors nearby, unplug them

  • Remove any watch you are wearing

  • Make sure your computer is plugged into a charger


Why do all this? Well, when you check in for your exam, you will be asked to provide photographs of your exam space. Just before the exam begins, the proctor will call you via your computer to go through a few things with you and will ask you to show the view in front of you (hopefully a blank wall).

为什么要这样? 好吧,当您报名参加考试时,系统会要求您提供您考试空间的照片。 在考试即将开始之前,监理人员会通过计算机呼叫您,与您进行几件事,然后要求您在您面前显示视图(希望是一堵空白的墙)。

If you take a little bit of time to think about and prepare your exam space, you can avoid any distracting delays before the exam begins.


考试经历 (The exam experience)

If you’ve taken the time to try some sample exams during your studies, you will know that the exam is in a multiple choice question format. You should know, approximately, how much time you have to spend on each question: sometimes you’ll go a little over that time, other times you’ll spend less time on a question. On average, try not to spend too long on a question.

如果您花时间在学习过程中尝试一些示例考试,则您会知道该考试采用多项选择题格式。 您应该大概知道每个问题要花多少时间:有时您会花一些时间,而其他时候您会花更少的时间在一个问题上。 平均而言,尽量不要花太长时间在一个问题上。

If you are unsure of any question or answer, you have the option to flag a question for review later on. Make sure you do this: I’ve sometimes found that I’ve been unsure of an answer I’ve given, only to find that a later question somehow gives a bit of extra information that’s useful to the first question. At the end of the exam you might find yourself with some extra time: use this time to review the questions you’ve flagged, even if you do feel mentally tired. It’s a very good way to pull in a few extra marks to get you over the line to pass the exam. Remember, there is no negative marking, so even if you get an answer wrong you won’t be penalised.

如果不确定任何问题或答案,则可以选择标记问题以供日后检查。 确保您这样做:我有时发现我不确定自己给出的答案,只是发现后面的问题以某种方式提供了一些对第一个问题有用的额外信息。 在考试结束时,您可能会发现自己有一些额外的时间:即使您确实感到精神上的疲倦,也可以利用这段时间来复习已举报的问题。 这是增加一些额外分数以使您通过考试的一种非常好的方法。 请记住,没有负面的标记,因此即使您回答错误,也不会受到惩罚。

Throughout the exam you will be monitored via camera and microphone by the proctor. If you’re like me, you will be a person who normally “beard strokes” and looks into the distance while thinking about a problem. Try not to do this during the exam, as the proctor will ask you to stop. If you do any actions which the proctor considers to be signs of cheating, they may end the exam and you will not pass.

在整个考试过程中,监考人员将通过摄像头和麦克风对您进行监控。 如果您像我一样,您将是一个通常会“胡须抚摸”并在思考问题时注视着远方的人。 考试期间尽量不要这样做,因为督导员会要求您停止。 如果您执行了督导员认为是作弊迹象的任何动作,则他们可能会终止考试并且您不会通过。

失败是宝贵的经验 (Failure is an invaluable experience)

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If you’ve done all the above and done some good preparation in the days and weeks before the exam, you should — hopefully! — have had a good exam experience and now be the proud owner of an AWS certification.

如果您已完成上述所有工作,并且在考试前的几天和几周做了一些良好的准备,则应该-希望如此! -拥有良好的考试经验,现在是AWS认证的骄傲所有者。

If things didn’t go well for you, don’t worry. I truly believe that failing is the best way to learn, and a AWS certification exam is no exception: you will now have real exam experience, you’ll know what topics were challenging to you, and you’ll know what to expect for the next time you sit the exam. This information is invaluable.

如果事情对您不利,请放心。 我真的相信,失败是最好的学习方法,AWS认证考试也不例外:您现在将拥有真正的考试经验,您将知道哪些主题对您构成挑战,并且您将对考试有什么期望下次您参加考试。 这些信息是无价的

You have a couple of weeks before you can sit the exam again. Go ahead and reschedule your exam, and spend the time refocusing to build your new study plan.

您有几周的时间才能再次参加考试。 继续并重新安排考试时间,并花时间重新调整重点,以建立新的学习计划。

Trust me on this. I’ve failed AWS certification exams before, and while it’s disappointing at the time, it always allows me to rethink my exam approach and pass it with flying colours the next time I take it.

相信我 我之前未通过AWS认证考试,虽然当时令人失望,但它始终使我能够重新思考自己的考试方法,并在下次参加考试时让其通过考试。

我通过考试了! 接下来发生什么? (I passed the exam! What happens next?)

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First and foremost, achieving an AWS certification will affirm your knowledge and experience of the technologies offered by Amazon Web Services. It will mean you have proven competency to create, work with, and engineer solutions in the cloud. That, in itself, is a great thing to have, but that’s not all there is.

首先,获得AWS认证将肯定您对Amazon Web Services提供的技术的了解和经验。 这意味着您具有在云中创建,使用和设计解决方案的能力。 这本身就是一件很棒的事情,但这还不是全部。

As soon as you achieve certification, you open up new opportunities and avenues in your professional life. AWS is a major player in the cloud space and companies and organisations using AWS will always be on the lookout for skilled engineers: having a certification immediately gives you an edge over non-certified job applicants, and because your skills are so in demand right now, you also have the means to negotiate a higher salary.

一旦获得认证,您就可以在职业生涯中开辟新的机会和途径。 AWS是云计算领域的主要参与者,使用AWS的公司和组织将一直在寻找技术熟练的工程师:获得认证会立即使您比未认证的求职者更有优势,并且因为您的技能现在非常需要,您也可以协商更高的薪水。

In fact, as soon as you add your new AWS certification to your LinkedIn profile, I guarantee that you will see more talent recruiters vying for your attention.


Many companies who operate in the cloud are members of the AWS Partner Network (APN). This is a partner program for businesses who leverage AWS to build and provide cloud-solutions to their own customers. However, in order become an APN partner, a business needs to meet some criteria based on its size: one of these criteria is that the business needs to have a certain number of AWS Certified employees. Straight away you can see how having an AWS certification could make you a highly sought-after employee for such partners.

许多在云中运营的公司都是AWS Partner Network(APN)的成员 。 这是针对利用AWS为自己的客户构建并提供云解决方案的企业的合作伙伴计划。 但是,要成为APN合作伙伴,企业需要根据其规模满足一些条件:这些条件之一是企业需要具有一定数量的AWS认证员工。 马上,您就会看到拥有AWS认证如何使您成为此类合作伙伴的抢手员工。

最后的想法 (Final thoughts)

Preparing for and sitting an AWS exam is not an easy task, but going into the challenge with a positive attitude and a good study plan will make it go as smoothly as possible for you. Putting in the work to achieve an AWS certification is a task that is worthwhile and rewarding: not only rewarding in the personal sense but also in the sense that it can open up whole new avenues of opportunity for you.

准备和参加AWS考试不是一件容易的事,但是以积极的态度良好的学习计划来应对挑战将使您的考试尽可能顺利。 投入工作来获得AWS认证是一项值得且有意义的任务:不仅是个人意义上的奖励,而且还在于它可以为您打开全新的机会之道。

Whether you already work with AWS or are hoping to broaden your horizons, I encourage you to take those steps to achieving certification. And when you do pass that exam, be proud of what you’ve done because you absolutely deserve it.

无论您已经使用AWS还是希望拓宽视野,我都鼓励您采取这些步骤来获得认证。 当你这样做传递考试,为你做了什么,因为你绝对值得骄傲。







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