

It was February 2020. Spark, our in-house Content Management System, was preparing for a major milestone — launching to all the news desks.


Everything was going to plan. Our team had a session to run through the risks and roll out plan. Training sessions were booked with the new users. We had seats beside the main news desk so we could be on hand to support and gather feedback. Celebratory cupcakes and stickers were being ordered.

一切都按计划进行。 我们的团队举行了一场会议,讨论风险和推出计划。 与新用户预定了培训课程。 我们在主要新闻服务台旁边有座位,因此我们可以随时提供支持并收集反馈。 正在订购庆祝蛋糕和贴纸。

Then, the world changed.


什么是星火? (What is Spark?)

Spark is a new content management system for FT journalists. It is an easy-to-use tool for journalists to write, edit, produce and publish stories on any device, anywhere in the world. Spark integrates with our other newsroom tools and allows reporters and editors to collaborate on stories within the publishing system, for the first time.

Spark是《金融时报》记者的新型内容管理系统。 它是一种易于使用的工具,新闻工作者可以在世界任何地方的任何设备上编写,编辑,制作和发布新闻。 Spark与我们的其他新闻编辑室工具集成在一起,允许记者和编辑人员首次在发布系统中就故事进行协作。

This is a major engineering project representing about two years of close co-operation with the FT newsroom. It started off as a scrappy prototype to be used by our FT Alphaville reporters, and over the past 18 months built up to a full-featured, browser-based modern CMS that will allow us to innovate on new ways of storytelling.

这是一个重大的工程项目,代表着与英国《金融时报》新闻编辑室密切合作的两年时间。 它最初是供我们的FT Alphaville记者使用的草率原型,并且在过去的18个月中构建了一个功能齐全的基于浏览器的现代CMS,使我们能够创新叙事方式。

By March, about 100 journalists from a handful of news desks had already joined Spark and were using it daily to publish their stories. This next phase would introduce around 300 new users around the world, including all our main news desks. Spark would now be responsible for publishing breaking news stories and updating the FT.com homepage, 24/7 — a big deal!

到三月,来自几个新闻台的大约100名记者已经加入Spark,并且每天都使用它来发布他们的故事。 下一阶段将在全球范围内吸引大约300个新用户,包括我们所有的主要新闻台。 现在,Spark将负责发布突发新闻并更新FT.com主页(24/7)-很大!

Screenshot of Spark Lists — application for managing the top stories on the FT homepage

然后锁定… (And then came lockdown…)

It seemed as though the launch would be postponed. There was some nervousness around introducing a new system during an already chaotic time, with journalists working around the clock to cover the coronavirus crisis. Both our development team and editorial were adjusting to working fully remotely for the first time. Some of our users hadn’t yet been trained. Rolling out Spark now seemed more daunting than ever.

似乎发射将被推迟。 在一个已经很混乱的时期内,引入新系统让人有些紧张,记者们日以继夜地工作以报道冠状病毒危机。 我们的开发团队和社论人员都已开始调整以首次完全远程工作。 我们的一些用户尚未接受培训。 现在推出Spark似乎比以往任何时候都更加艰巨。

But on the flip side, there were some compelling reasons to go ahead with it. Many of the benefits that Spark provides were amplified by the situation:

但另一方面,有一些令人信服的理由继续进行下去。 这种情况扩大了Spark提供的许多好处:

  • Spark was built as a tool to be used anywhere, at any time, from any device — this was more relevant now than ever.

  • Features such as collaboration and commenting would aid the communication between reporters and editors — as vouched for by some of our existing users.

  • Being cloud-hosted and behind single sign on meant that we could ease some of the demand on our VPN.


Beyond that, we had no idea when normality would resume. If we didn’t roll it out now, then when would we? So we did it.

除此之外,我们不知道什么时候恢复正常。 如果我们现在不推出,那我们什么时候? 所以我们做到了。

怎么了?! (How did it go?!)

All things considered, the roll out was a success! It was by no means smooth sailing. Despite our earnest efforts with load testing, our first day was riddled with latency and reliability issues, which we resolved with a host of infrastructure upgrades and prompt architecture changes. Within days we found that all the strange edge cases that seemed inconceivable would start happening to pockets of users.

考虑到所有因素,推出成功! 这绝不是一帆风顺的。 尽管我们竭尽全力地进行了负载测试,但第一天还是遇到了延迟和可靠性问题,我们通过大量基础架构升级和快速的体系结构更改解决了这一问题。 在几天之内,我们发现所有似乎不可思议的奇怪情况都会开始在用户口袋中发生。

Launching a product of this scale and importance was always going to be tough. As a team we’ve had our fair share of practice dealing with incidents and thinking on our feet. However, doing this in the situation we were in provided a whole new set of challenges. Here are some of the things we learnt as a result.

推出如此规模和重要性的产品始终很难。 作为一个团队,我们在处理事件和脚步思考方面有相当多的实践经验 。 但是,在这种情况下,我们面临着一系列全新的挑战。 这是我们从中学到的一些东西。

我们学到了什么? (What we learnt?)

有专门的协调员 (Have a dedicated co-ordinator)

During an incident in an office, it’s usually pretty easy to see who’s doing what just by walking over to their desk. Even for normal out of hours incidents, there’s usually only one or two engineers involved in fixing.

在办公室发生事件时,通常很容易知道谁在做什么,只需走到办公桌前即可。 即使是正常的非工作时间事件,通常也只有一两个工程师参与其中。

When rolling out Spark, we had 9 engineers all working remotely across a handful of different issues. This often got quite chaotic and hard to track.

推出Spark时,我们有9位工程师在少数几个不同的问题上进行远程工作。 这经常变得非常混乱并且难以追踪。

We assigned a single person as a “co-ordinator” — responsible for responding to issues raised and ensuring that critical issues were worked on. This allowed the rest of the team to focus on fixing things, and meant our stakeholders remained well informed on the status of things.

我们指定了一个人作为“协调员”,负责回答提出的问题并确保关键问题得到解决。 这使团队的其他成员可以专注于解决问题,这意味着我们的利益相关者可以随时了解事情的状态。

加大沟通投入 (Put extra effort into communication)

In spite of the above, communication within the engineering team still needed some extra attention.


Being remote made it harder to share knowledge with each other, and to know when someone needed support. As the weekend approached, it became more critical that we were all roughly aware of what issues might crop up and how to resolve them.

处于远程状态使得彼此之间共享知识以及何时需要他人支持变得更加困难。 随着周末的临近,变得越来越重要的是,我们所有人都大致意识到可能会出现什么问题以及如何解决这些问题。

At the FT, we’ve recently defined an incident process, taking inspiration from Monzo, to facilitate how we resolve, communicate and learn from incidents. Admittedly it took as a few hours to follow this process in the heat of the moment, but once we did the benefits were clear. Our stakeholders had a single place to see the status of major issues, and communication amongst ourselves was more focused.

在FT上,我们从Monzo的灵感中定义了事件流程,以促进我们如何解决事件,沟通和从事件中学习。 可以肯定的是,在目前的紧张局面中,花了几个小时才能完成此过程,但是一旦我们这样做,好处就显而易见了。 我们的利益相关者可以在一个地方查看主要问题的状态,而彼此之间的沟通则更加集中。

Screenshot of the slackbot used for managing incidents, with a prompt to write an incident report
Slackbot for managing incidents

We also started making more explicit use of video calls and screen sharing. Not only did this help share knowledge amongst engineers, the “mob debugging” also led to more methodical approaches to solving problems than multiple isolated people would have been able to.

我们还开始更明确地使用视频通话和屏幕共享。 这不仅有助于工程师之间共享知识,而且“暴徒调试”还导致解决问题的方法比多个孤立的人所能采取的方法更加有条理。

观察一切 (Observe all the things)

Back in the office, we had the luxury of being sat right in the middle of the newsroom in our office. If anything were to go wrong, or anyone had questions — they would pop over to our desks, or we could go and check out their laptop and debug.

回到办公室后,我们有幸坐在办公室的新闻编辑室中间。 如果有任何问题或有任何疑问,他们会弹出我们的办公桌,或者我们可以去检查他们的笔记本电脑并进行调试。

That luxury was no longer available to us — but thankfully we had already invested quite a bit of effort into monitoring and observability.


Our server logs get sent to Splunk, we use Grafana for visualising metrics, and all user actions gets stored in ElasticSearch so we can visualise it in Kibana. With this, we can answer questions such as “When was the spellchecker run on this article?” or “How many different people were collaborating on this article at once?”

我们的服务器日志发送到Splunk ,我们使用Grafana可视化指标,所有用户操作都存储在ElasticSearch中,因此我们可以在Kibana中可视化它。 这样,我们可以回答诸如“何时在本文上运行拼写检查程序?”之类的问题。 或“有多少不同的人正在一次就这篇文章进行协作?”

Screenshot of Kibana, showing a chronological list of events that have happened on a particualr article
Drilling into the events for an article in Kibana
Screenshot of Grafana — with a chart showing that the latency of changes saving was increasing
Grafana showed us something was wrong before our users started reporting.

专门恢复时间 (Dedicate time to recover)

Supporting a big launch like this was always going to be a monumental task, but it’s even more so when done virtually. Time gets blurred when you don’t see people go in and out of the office. Being on video calls all day can be immensely draining.

支持这样的大型发布始终是一项艰巨的任务,但实际上完成这项任务就更是如此。 当您看不到人们进出办公室时,时间变得很模糊。 整天进行视频通话可能会非常耗费精力。

On the first day a lot of the team skipped lunch without any of us realising — that’s not good!


For the second day and over the weekend, our co-ordinator suggested a rota to ensure everybody got some time away from Slack. Even though nothing required us over the weekend, just knowing that you won’t be the first port of call for day was a great way to get a mental break.

对于第二天和周末,我们的协调员建议进行轮换,以确保每个人都有时间离开Slack。 即使在周末没有什么要求,但知道您将不会成为白天的第一通行证,这是一个轻松解决问题的好方法。

(On a personal note — retaining my week off when I was due to be in sunny Portugal and instead curling up on a sofa playing Pokémon Crystal on a Game Boy Colour was an absolute boon)

(就个人而言,在我正要去阳光明媚的葡萄牙的时候让我休假,而是instead缩在沙发上,在Game Boy Color上玩神奇宝贝水晶是绝对的福音)

保持观点 (Keep things in perspective)

One thing we didn’t take for granted is that this was not a normal situation for anyone. Our users were busy covering perhaps one of the most important stories of our generation. As a team we had to consider our own individual circumstances — be that illness, disrupted sleep patterns, volunteering with the NHS, childcare, or just general anxiety about the state of the world. This meant being flexible with our ambitions, expectations and working patterns.

我们没有想当然的一件事是,对于任何人来说,这都不是正常的情况。 我们的用户忙于报道我们这一代最重要的故事之一。 作为一个团队,我们必须考虑自己的个人情况-是疾病,睡眠方式中断,NHS自愿参加,育儿还是对世界状况的普遍焦虑。 这意味着要对我们的抱负,期望和工作方式保持灵活。

In the three months since we rolled out, we’ve published 5000 articles from Spark, and made 4000 updates to our homepage. As working from home has started to become the norm, we now have a platform that helps our editorial staff do their job efficiently. And with the rollout behind us, we can help shape new ways of telling our stories in the best way possible.

自推出以来的三个月中,我们已发布Spark的5000篇文章,并对首页进行了4000次更新。 随着在家工作已成为一种规范,我们现在有了一个平台,可以帮助我们的编辑人员有效地完成工作。 随着我们的推出,我们可以帮助以新的方式以最好的方式讲述我们的故事。

翻译自: https://medium.com/ft-product-technology/rolling-out-a-cms-mid-pandemic-775d9ac45776


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