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We all live with our regrets, but no one is ready to die with them. As a software developer, I’ve seen a lot of people having tons of regret and it breaks my heart.

我们所有人都怀着我们的遗憾生活,但没有人愿意与他们同归于尽。 作为软件开发人员,我已经看到很多人感到无奈,这让我很伤心。

We deserve to lead a happy and regretless life. The only person who can give you a regretless life is YOU.

我们理应过上幸福而遗憾的生活。 唯一能给您带来遗憾生活的人是您。

I have my own theory to be regretless, which was made after making a lot of mistakes and learning. Here, I’m sharing those to save you from your regrets.

我有自己的理论,很遗憾,它是在犯了很多错误和学习之后才提出的。 在此,我分享了这些内容,以使您免于后悔。

1.倾听他人 (1. Listening to Others)

What you think is more important than what others think. Most of the time, we make mistakes thinking that we’re making a decision, but the reality is that we’re not making a decision. We’re just reflecting on what others love to see about us. In other words, we’re a people pleaser.

您的想法比别人的想法更重要。 大多数时候,我们会以为自己在做决定而犯错误,但现实是我们没有在做决定。 我们只是在反思别人喜欢看到的关于我们的东西。 换句话说,我们是一个令人愉悦的人。

Steve Jobs once said: “Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.”

史蒂夫·乔布斯曾经说过: “不要让别人意见的喧闹淹没您内心的声音。 最重要的是,要有勇气跟随自己的内心和直觉。”

So, take a moment, think, and make a bold move like a boss. It is important to listen to yourself and what you want to become.

因此,花点时间思考,像老板一样大胆地采取行动。 重要的是,倾听自己的心声以及您想成为的人。

Many times you might regret the choices you make because one of your classmates told you to make that choice. If you don’t go with what you want, then you’ll be ended up hating your job. It is one of the biggest reasons why developers hate their job. They did it because a family member said so, or that they thought “it has a high pay, so why not do it?”

很多时候,您可能会后悔自己做出的选择,因为您的一位同学告诉您做出选择。 如果您不喜欢自己想要的东西,那么您最终会讨厌自己的工作。 这是开发人员讨厌工作的最大原因之一。 他们之所以这样做,是因为一位家庭成员这样说,或者他们认为“ 薪水很高,所以为什么不这样做呢?”

Many people believe you’ll definitely be living your own life when you hit 40, and you’ll make your own honest choices. Unfortunately, this is not valid because life is so uncertain, you can’t surely predict where you’ll be. Thousands of people around the world are experiencing intense guilt and frustration because they’re simply living the life of someone else — not their own.

许多人相信,当您达到40岁时,您一定会过上自己的生活,并且您会做出自己诚实的选择。 不幸的是,这是无效的,因为生活是如此不确定,您无法确定自己的处境。 世界各地成千上万的人正感到内intense和沮丧,因为他们只是过着别人的生活,而不是自己的生活。

If you want to die with tons of regrets, listen to everyone.


2.仅追逐金钱 (2. Running After Money Only)

Money is the biggest issue when you want to talk about a career. Most of us have mouths to feed, shopping expenses for our crush, and a lot of other things. It’s okay if you’re doing the job for money, but it’s not okay if you choose your job just because of money. You need to have enough willpower to do a job. If you’re after only money, you’ll face some consequences:

当您想谈论职业时,金钱是最大的问题。 我们大多数人都有口吃,买东西要花钱,还有很多其他事情。 这没关系,如果你做的对金钱的工作,但如果你选择你的工作只是因为钱是不行的。 您需要有足够的意志力才能完成工作。 如果您只追求金钱,您将面临一些后果:

  • You’ll be bored pretty soon and get tired of doing the same things daily

  • You won’t think about the growth of your career

  • Learning new things will seem unnecessary

  • You’ll be always looking for another opportunity

  • You’ll always feel unsatisfied


When those things hit, people express awareness that they don’t live the life they wish for, and they’re sick and depressed about it, but they just can’t see a way out because they’re stuck in income.


Money can mess up many relationships. Not saying all, because there are truly mature people who can’t be controlled by money. Those who are controlled, however, choose to perform worse at their job. If you chose to become a developer because you wanted to, this does not include you. Those who only did it for money can have a hard time living a happy life.

金钱会破坏许多关系。 不说所有,因为有真正成熟的人无法用金钱控制。 但是,那些受到控制的人会选择在工作中表现较差。 如果您是出于自己的意愿而选择成为开发人员,则不包括您。 那些只为赚钱而做的人可能很难过上幸福的生活。

70% of people hate their job — what are the odds that you don’t?


3.无法理解优先事项 (3. Failing to Understand Priorities)

There are many instances where developers go to work and don’t come until midnight. Even if they do, they start watching TV or Netflix. This is an issue that can affect many psychologically. An important factor in life is balance, and if you can’t balance that, it means you’ll spend a huge portion of your life not happy and under the hood.

在许多情况下,开发人员要去上班并且直到午夜才来。 即使他们这样做,他们也开始看电视或Netflix。 这是一个可以在心理上影响很多人的问题。 生活中的一个重要因素是平衡,如果不能保持平衡,则意味着您将度过人生中很大一部分不快乐且处于内幕。

“When the study began, nobody cared about empathy or attachment. But the key to healthy aging is relationships, relationships, relationships.” — George Vaillant

“当研究开始时,没有人关心同情或依恋。 但是健康衰老的关键是人际关系,人际关系,人际关系。” —乔治·威randint

A big portion of happiness depends on your connection with your friends and family. We very often forget the priorities of our life. We prioritize our job more than our friends and family. It’s wrongdoing for our mental health that we barely understand.

幸福的很大一部分取决于您与朋友和家人的联系。 我们经常忘记我们生活中的优先事项。 我们优先考虑我们的工作,而不是我们的朋友和家人。 我们几乎不了解的心理健康是不对的。

Family and friends deserve the highest peak of priority. Acting like I’m “married to my job” seems cool, but it can heavily affect you and make you end up with depression and loneliness.

家人和朋友应该得到最高的优先考虑。 像我“嫁给我的工作”一样行事看起来很酷,但它会严重影响您并使您陷入沮丧和孤独感。

Try to find something you can manage. If you really want to spend time with your family and work anywhere, it would be a good idea to create an app or a business.

尝试找到可以管理的东西。 如果您真的想与家人共度时光并在任何地方工作,那么创建一个应用程序或一家企业将是一个好主意。

4.错过生命 (4. Missing Out on Life)

So many middle-aged people express that they lament — despite striving too hard — what they have lost out on in life. They lost the chance to create real closeness and friendship with their partners, families, and colleagues. They lost the opportunity to encounter fun, travel, happiness, creativity, learning, spiritual development — not getting the ability to rest to appreciate life, nature, good health, peace, or relaxation.

如此多的中年人表示,尽管努力奋斗,他们仍感叹自己在生活中失去的一切。 他们失去了与伴侣,家人和同事建立真正亲密和友谊的机会。 他们失去了遇到乐趣,旅行,幸福,创造力,学习,精神发展的机会,而没有休息的能力去欣赏生活,自然,健康,和平或放松。

Too many lost and compromised to achieve career ambitions that now seem pointless and hollow. Though sometimes you might decide that the afterlife is more important than the life you live now, this is mainly because you’ll live the infinite years going off the choices you made.

太多的迷失和妥协无法实现现在看来毫无意义和空洞的职业野心。 尽管有时您可能会认为来世比现在的生活更重要,但这主要是因为您将经历无限的岁月,而与所做的选择无关。

5.被时间卡住 (5. Being Stuck With Time)

We have many things we want to try, but fear of failure keeps us away from stepping out. One thing we forget is that success is not possible without failure.

我们有很多我们想尝试的事情,但是对失败的恐惧使我们远离了走出去。 我们忘记的一件事是,没有失败就不可能成功。

You shouldn’t be afraid to make mistakes, so why not try something new that can benefit you in the long term? There is no age for starting to learn or to do anything. You’re given life, why not do everything you wish for? Being stuck with your own time or mindset is the main obstacle to get rid of regrets.

您不应该害怕犯错,为什么不尝试可以长期受益的新事物呢? 没有年龄可以开始学习或做任何事情。 您被赋予生命,为什么不希望得到一切? 坚持自己的时间或心态是摆脱后悔的主要障碍。

There is a great proverb: “Graveyards are the biggest source of ideas because most of the people die with their ideas without executing.”

有一个伟大的谚语: “墓地是思想的最大来源,因为大多数人死于他们的思想而没有执行。”

Want to die with your ideas and regrets? Be my guest.

是否想死于您的想法和遗憾? 别客气。

翻译自: https://medium.com/better-programming/5-regrets-a-developer-shouldnt-have-86801717dac3






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