noip 雇佣兵_雇用初级软件工程师时的4个必备条件

noip 雇佣兵

I understand. It can be tough to get a job as a junior app developer.

我明白。 担任初级应用程序开发人员可能很难。

I have been there. I remember going through interviews and wondering, “what gives?”, “Just give me a shot.” I didn’t understand. Why couldn’t I catch a break? I studied and worked hard but couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t get my foot in the door.

我去过那里。 我记得经过采访时想知道,“有什么能给我?”,“只要给我一个机会。” 我听不懂 为什么我不能休息一下? 我学习并努力工作,但无法弄清楚为什么我无法站稳脚跟。

Then I got my first job. I got a second job and so on. Now my role is reversed and I now am regularly in the other seat interviewing other app engineers.

然后我找到了第一份工作。 我找到了第二份工作,依此类推。 现在我的角色被调换了,现在我经常在另一个座位上面试其他应用程序工程师。

Now I see the hurdles junior engineers face from the other side.


Many times, the issues are fixable.


向我展示激情 (Show Me the Passion)

Without a doubt, the most important thing that I look for in junior engineers is passion. Do you really love programming or did you just pick a CS degree because you knew you could make good money? Did you attend a bootcamp because other things weren’t panning out?

毫无疑问,我在初级工程师中寻找的最重要的东西就是热情。 您是否真的喜欢编程,还是只是因为知道可以赚钱而选择了CS学位? 您是否参加了训练营,因为其他事情没有解决?

I need to know that you want to be a software engineer because you are passionate about code.


Attending bootcamps and universities are nice but they aren’t enough to land a job by themselves. I need to know that you actually love programming. Because if you don’t, then you won’t make it.

参加训练营和大学很好,但是他们不足以自己找到工作。 我需要知道您确实喜欢编程。 因为如果不这样做,就不会成功。

I don’t remember where I heard the following but it is definitely true.


软件工程就像会计。 任何人都可以学习如何做。 但是只有真正喜欢它的人才能成功。 (Software engineering is like accounting. Anyone can learn how to do it. But only those who really enjoy it will succeed at it.)

It is true.


There is a certain amount of mystique around software engineering. It is magic for many people. They believe that you are a genius if you are good at it.

关于软件工程,存在一定的神秘性。 对许多人来说,这是魔术。 他们相信,如果你擅长的话,你就是一个天才。

But most really good engineers may not have made it past algebra in high school.


What is the secret to having a long and successful career as a software engineer? You just need to put in the grind to write monotonous code over and over again.

拥有长期成功的软件工程师的秘诀是什么? 您只需要花很多时间就可以编写单调的代码。

The majority of a good programmers job is to write the same boring code packaged in many different ways. Then once you write the boring code, you refactor it to make it even simpler.

优秀的程序员的大部分工作是编写以许多不同方式打包的无聊代码。 然后,一旦编写了无聊的代码,就对其进行重构以使其更加简单。

Great engineers are driven by the boring details of functions and syntax.


If you just want to make an app that does something really cool and sells within the next year.. Don’t become a developer.


There are plenty of excellent job opportunities if you just want to be part of the app and web development business without writing code 8 hours a day. You can get into product development without being an engineer.

如果您只是想成为应用程序和Web开发业务的一份子,而不必每天写8个小时的代码,则有很多出色的工作机会。 您无需工程师即可直接进入产品开发。

想要担任网络应用工程师吗? 告诉我您喜欢编程。 (Want a job as a web app engineer? Show me that you love programming.)

This can show itself in different ways. For some people, it means working on open source projects through Github. It could be collaborating with friends on fun opportunities that may not lead anywhere in themselves. It could be consulting work for businesses in your area. It could be researching and learning as much as you can about particular topics that you find interesting.

这可以以不同的方式表现出来。 对于某些人来说,这意味着通过Github从事开源项目。 它可能会与朋友合作,共同获得有趣的机会,而这些机会可能无法带给他们自己。 它可能是您所在地区的企业的咨询工作。 您可能会就自己感兴趣的特定主题进行尽可能多的研究和学习。

There is no one way to showcase passion.


It really comes down to walking into the interview room and showcasing you really geek out about the act of programming.


It is more than a good paycheck. It is more than the mystique of building apps. It is more than the potential prestige.

这不仅仅是一个不错的薪水。 它不只是构建应用程序的神秘感。 这不仅仅是潜在的声望。

It comes down to the appeal of writing a few line of code, seeing the results and repeating.


知道您的简历流行语或摆脱它们 (Know Your Resume Buzzwords or Get Rid of Them)

Recruiters love for you to add buzzword keywords into your resume. The more you can add — the better. Really good recruiters know how to smell the poop in the air and walk away from you. Good recruiters ask you to remove the keywords you don’t know. Bad recruiters ask you to add more keywords.

招聘人员喜欢您在您的简历中添加流行词关键字。 您可以添加的越多越好。 真正好的招聘人员知道如何闻空气中的粪便并远离您。 优秀的招聘人员会要求您删除您不认识的关键字。 不良招聘者会要求您添加更多关键字。

Be wary whenever a recruiter continues to ask you to “tweak” your resume for every job opportunity.


Don’t expect your buzzwords to fly with a good hiring manager if you don’t really know them.


You better be able to have a conversation about any acronyms or technologies on your resume. I don’t mean answering the question, “Do you know what a relational database is?” or “What does SOLID stand for?” I want to know what are the benefits of the open-closed principle? What does “Single responsibility mean in a real application?”

您最好能够在履历表上谈论任何首字母缩写词或技术。 我并不是要回答这个问题,“您知道什么是关系数据库吗?” 或“ SOLID代表什么?” 我想知道封闭原则的好处是什么? “单一责任在实际应用中意味着什么?”

I have passed on too many potentially good candidates because they added some technology to their resume that they couldn’t discuss in an informal conversation. Some attempt to pretend that they know the technology but don’t get very far. Others admit that they just picked it up the other day. Finally, some try to correct me on technology that I have used 8 hours a day for the past X amount of time.

我已经传递了太多潜在的优秀候选人,因为他们在简历中增加了一些他们无法在非正式对话中讨论的技术。 有人试图假装他们知道这项技术,但是距离还很远。 其他人承认他们是前几天才捡起的。 最后,一些尝试纠正我过去X天内每天使用8个小时的技术的问题。

Don’t add buzzwords to your resume that you haven’t used in a real project.


Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying you must have an expert level of experience before you can add a keyword to your resume. You just need to be able to speak to it on a conversational level. Know the technology’s positives and negatives, what the challenges are while working in it and expound upon various use cases where you would use and avoid the technology.

现在,不要误会我的意思。 我并不是说您必须具有专家经验,然后才能在简历中添加关键字。 您只需要能够在对话级别上与之对话即可。 了解该技术的利弊,了解在使用该技术时面临的挑战,并详细说明将使用和避免使用该技术的各种用例。

Having a conversations about the technologies on your resume is the very first thing that I do when I begin any technical part of interviews.


与任何编码挑战相比,知道自己知道如何使用技术以及何时使用技术对我来说更为重要。 (Knowing that you know how to use a technology and when to use a technology is much more important to me than any coding challenges.)

Which leads us to the next point that should put considerable time back into your life.. So you’re welcome in advance.


停止在代码挑战网站上花费太多时间! (Stop Spending So Much Time on Code Challenge Websites!)

HackerRank and LeetCode are useful tools that you need to use when starting out but don’t go overboard.


I will hire the junior engineer who has real experience in open source or consulting work over the guy who spent all their time in LeetCode 9 times out 9. It isn’t even close.


These code challenge sites can only create so many scenarios. Programming in the real world is not a giant tablet of LeetCodes that we browse and apply.

这些代码挑战站点只能创建许多方案。 在现实世界中进行编程并不是我们浏览和应用的大型LeetCodes平板电脑。

Good programming requires creative problem solving based on real-world problems. Sometimes, you are given a request and it is your job to discover the true problem that needs to be solved.

好的编程需要根据现实世界中的问题创造性地解决问题。 有时,您会收到请求,发现真正需要解决的问题是您的工作。

I am rarely handed a perfect scenario and I just need to fill in the blanks. I need to be able to look critically at everything. This also includes how the request is coming into my desk.

我很少会遇到完美的情况,我只需要填补空白即可。 我需要能够批判性地看待一切。 这还包括请求如何进入我的办公桌。

另一方面,不要完全避开这些代码挑战站点。 (On the flip side, don’t completely avoid these code challenge sites.)

Code challenge sites will help train you to solve problems in a performant and efficient manner.


A scary truth is that many engineers create and stay inside their own bubbles. They may learn how to program on their own or are taught at school and that is it. They don’t continue to seek guidance to improve their own code.

一个可怕的事实是,许多工程师创建并停留在自己的气泡中。 他们可以学习如何自行编程,也可以在学校学习,就是这样。 他们不会继续寻求指导来改进自己的代码。

All engineers both entry-level and the highest principals must work hard to keep an eye outside of their box for opportunities to grow. If you don’t look outside of your comfort zone then your box will continuously be stuck being a shoebox when you really want to become a moving box.

所有入门级和最高级别的工程师都必须努力工作,以防万一,以寻求增长的机会。 如果您不在舒适区域之外,那么当您真的想成为一个移动的盒子时,您的盒子将一直被卡在鞋盒中。

Get what I am saying?


Don’t focus on LeetCode at the exclusion of doing your own projects. Don’t focus on your own projects at the exclusion of doing LeetCode.

不要只专注于LeetCode而不做自己的项目。 不要排斥LeetCode而专注于自己的项目。

Use programs like LeetCode and HackerRank to improve the code you produce in your own projects.


不要混蛋。 成为优秀的团队合作者 (Don’t Be a Jerk. Be a Good Team Player)

This should go without saying but alas it must be said.


您作为团队合作者的能力与您的技术技能同样重要。 (Your ability to work as a team player is equally important as your technical skills.)

I’ll say it again to be blunt and clear. Be kind to others.

我会再次直言不讳。 善待他人。

I don’t care if you were the top of your class at your bootcamp. I don’t care if you graduated with honors in your CS degree. I don’t care if you do actually know more than half the engineers on the team because all you do is go home and code. I don’t care how big of a rockstar you are.

我不在乎您是否是训练营中的佼佼者。 我不在乎您是否获得了CS学位的荣誉学位。 我不在乎您是否真正了解团队中超过一半的工程师,因为您要做的只是回家编写代码。 我不在乎你有多大。

If you are a jerk then you’re not getting hired. Period.

如果您是个混蛋,那么您就不会被录用。 期。

Most companies have learned to avoid the talented jerks. Those people who can code better than anyone else in the room but have the personality of a Hippo with 2 hours of sleep in need of a Snickers bar.

大多数公司都学会了避免才华横溢的人。 那些可以比房间中其他任何人都更好地编码的人,但又具有河马的性格,需要两个小时的睡眠,因此需要士力架吧。

Don’t go to an interview believing that they are lucky if you worked for them. Don’t question the interviewers abilities. Do not come across as someone that struggles to encourage your fellow teammates.

如果您为他们工作,不要去相信他们是幸运的。 不要质疑面试官的能力。 不要遇到那些努力鼓励您的队友的人。

Be humble. Be nice. Listen attentively and answer respectfully.

要谦虚。 对人好点。 认真听讲并恭敬地回答。

There’s a good chance that you may have more technical ability than someone in the interviewing room. It will be tough come into a junior role while the other less skilled individual has more influence.

您很有可能比面试室中的某人具有更多的技术能力。 当另一个低技能的人有更大的影响力时,担任初级职位将很困难。

If you want a role where you can showcase your knowledge and influence important decisions then you must earn the respect of your teammates.


This 100% means that you show up and be a good team player.


专注于努力工作,提高能力和享受激情 (Focus on Working Hard, Improving Your Abilities and Enjoying Your Passions)

I know it is tough to get that first gig as a web developer or software engineer. You feel like you have to prove that you can do the work but have not been given the opportunity to show it.

我知道要成为一名Web开发人员或软件工程师很难做到这一点。 您觉得您必须证明自己可以完成这项工作,但没有机会展示它。

How do you do that?


Showoff your passion and dedication for the field.


Good programmers think about programming when they aren’t programming.


You may feel that you don’t have the time or desire to put in the extra work to help out on an open source program. You may be unsure how to grow your network to get small consulting clients.

您可能会觉得您没有时间或渴望投入额外的工作来帮助开源程序。 您可能不确定如何扩展您的网络以吸引小型咨询客户。

Get over it.


I have been in this field for close to 20 years. Many of my friends have been in it for longer. I still enjoy coming home and working on my own projects. I enjoy getting on the phone with my peers and going to meetups to learn more about the field. I do this not because I’m expecting a bigger paycheck. I do it because I love what I do.

我已经在这个领域工作了将近20年。 我的许多朋友都已经呆了很长时间了。 我仍然很喜欢回家并从事自己的项目。 我喜欢与同伴通电话,并参加聚会以了解有关该领域的更多信息。 我这样做并不是因为我期望薪水会更高。 我之所以这样做,是因为我热爱自己的工作。

需要帮忙? 与我联系 (Need Help? Connect With Me)

If you are really struggling to find a job in software or app development, then you can reach out to me. You can catch me online at my personal site but I’m also active in a few social channels as well.

如果您真的很难在软件或应用程序开发方面找到工作,那么您可以与我联系。 您可以在我的个人网站上在线找到我,但我也活跃于一些社交渠道。

I’d like to hear from you and see if we can outline a plan for you to get where you want to go.



noip 雇佣兵

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