

I was running through our stats recently and found something extraordinary. One of our users, who is a premium paying user, has had our app for 2 years. In that time they have been active within our app for a whopping 23 (twenty-three) days, or 552 hours.

我最近查看了我们的统计信息,发现了一些非凡之处。 我们的其中一位用户是付费用户,已经使用了我们的应用两年。 到那时,他们已经在我们的应用程序中活跃了23天(二十三天)或552小时。

If my maths serves me right that’s around 45 minutes per day using our app. Every day. For 2 years. Given the average Facebook user uses their service for 58 minutes per day I think that’s pretty good going.

如果我的数学对我有用,那么每天使用我们的应用程序大约需要45分钟。 每天。 2年。 考虑到Facebook用户平均每天使用他们的服务58分钟,我认为这很好。

So anyway, this got me to thinking, why does this user keep coming back? What do they enjoy so much about our app that it has become such an integral part of their lives? Here’s what I came up with.

因此,无论如何,这让我开始思考,为什么该用户不断回来? 他们对我们的应用程序有何享受,以至于它已成为他们生活中不可或缺的一部分? 这是我想出的。

1.针对有很多潜在用户的利基市场 (1. Target a niche with a LOT of potential users)

Okay so right off the bat, we were at an advantage. The app we created provides football news for teams in the English top 4 divisions. Football is the most popular sport in the world, with an estimated 3.5 billion fans.

好吧,马上行动,我们处于优势地位。 我们创建的应用可为英格兰前4个分区的球队提供足球新闻。 足球是世界上最受欢迎的运动,估计有35亿球迷。

Not only is football popular, in the UK football is almost like a religion to a lot of fans. Fans of teams such as Glasgow Rangers, Celtic, Newcastle United, Milwall and others have a reputation for being almost tribal.

足球不仅广受欢迎,而且在英国,足球对很多球迷来说就像一种宗教。 格拉斯哥流浪者队,凯尔特人队,纽卡斯尔联队,米尔沃尔队等球队的球迷以几乎是部落而闻名。

So it follows then that our most valued customer was a fan of Newcastle United.


2.使您的应用易于使用 (2. Make your app easy to use)

This sounds easy and obvious but you wouldn’t believe how often you see apps try so hard to solve every problem, that they just end up creating more.


First, we made our apps customise to just one team. This cuts out a lot of the noise that the fanatical football fan doesn’t want to see. They don’t want an overall grasp of what’s going on in their league. They want the news about their team and their team only.

首先,我们使应用程序仅针对一个团队进行定制。 这消除了狂热的足球迷不想看到的许多噪音。 他们不希望全面了解联盟中正在发生的事情。 他们只想要有关团队和团队的新闻。

Second, we made sure that the news (the app is called Football News 365 after all!) was front and centre. No taps needed to access the reason that the user came, to get their daily (or hourly) fix of news.

其次,我们确保新闻(毕竟该应用被称为Football News 365!)是当务之急。 无需点击即可访问用户来访的原因,以获取其每日(或每小时)新闻。

Lastly, we added new secondary features that provide information for users that they don’t always need, but they know they can rely on when they need it. Things like schedules and standings are examples of this.

最后,我们添加了新的辅助功能,这些功能可为并非总是需要的用户提供信息,但他们知道他们可以在需要时依赖它们。 日程安排和排行榜就是这样的例子。

To summarise, decide what your key selling point is and put that front and centre with no barrier to entry. Then provide easy access to your other features.

概括地说,确定您的关键卖点是什么,并把它摆在前面和中间,没有进入壁垒。 然后轻松访问其他功能。

3.内容丰富,及时 (3. Have great, timely content)

Having a great app, that is easy to use and looks beautiful is only part of the story. Having great, timely content is much more important, particularly in our case being a news aggregator.

拥有一款出色的应用程序,易于使用且外观精美,只是故事的一部分。 拥有及时的内容非常重要,特别是在我们作为新闻聚合器的情况下。

We’ve spent a lot more hours developing our backend and sourcing news feeds than we did when creating the app. Why? Because the app is merely a vessel to deliver what the user wants — the content.

与创建应用程序相比,我们花费了更多的时间来开发后端和采购新闻提要。 为什么? 因为该应用仅仅是传递用户所需内容的工具。

Now, this doesn’t only apply to news apps. The content provided in our apps, whether that be game assets, audio, text or video needs to be of the highest quality if we are going to keep our users coming back.

现在,这不仅适用于新闻应用程序。 如果我们要让用户回头客,则我们应用程序中提供的内容(无论是游戏资产,音频,文本还是视频)都必须具有最高质量。

Whatever your budget is for your app idea — at least half of it should be on content creation.


4.主动交付您的内容 (4. Proactively deliver your content)

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Everyone has a busy life, whether you’re the CEO of Tesla or a stay at home parent. In that busy life, people don’t care about your app, no matter how big a fan they are of your content. This is where push notifications come in.

无论您是特斯拉(Tesla)的首席执行官还是全职父母,每个人都过着繁忙的生活。 在那忙碌的生活中,人们不管您的应用多么忠实,都不会在乎您的应用。 这是推送通知的来源。

Using a service like OneSignal you can quickly and easily place content that your user wants to see, at a time they want to read it. Think of push notifications as a timely reminder for your users that there may be something happening that they don’t want to miss in your app.

使用OneSignal之类的服务,您可以在用户想要阅读的时候快速轻松地放置用户想要查看的内容。 将推送通知视为对您的用户的及时提醒,提醒他们您不想在应用程序中发生某些事情。

A word of warning though, this is a delicate balancing game. It swings between a gentle tap on the shoulder of a user at the right time with the right content, to potentially annoying users with useless content at inconvenient times. OneSignal can handle the timing (based on Analytics) but you have to get the content right.

提醒一下,这是一个微妙的平衡游戏。 它会在适当的时候用适当的内容轻敲用户肩膀上的内容,并在不方便的时间用无用的内容烦扰用户。 OneSignal可以处理时间安排(基于Google Analytics(分析)),但是您必须正确处理内容。

5.与用户互动 (5. Engage with users)

Lastly, engage with users. Within your app always create a mechanism for yours to be able to contact you. Whether this is by email, through a web form or social media that’s up to you. The important thing here is that you can sort out any issues with your user right away.

最后,与用户互动。 在您的应用程序中,始终创建一种机制以使您能够与您联系。 无论是通过电子邮件,通过网络表单还是由您自己决定的社交媒体。 重要的是,您可以立即解决用户的所有问题。

A positive experience when a user has a frustration can build a strong relationship between the user and your app. They will come to trust it, knowing that if anything goes wrong someone is willing to help.

当用户感到沮丧时,良好的体验可以在用户和您的应用之间建立牢固的关系。 他们会信任它,知道如果有任何问题,有人愿意提供帮助。

结论 (Conclusion)

Developing a super sticky app is a marathon, not a sprint, and a lot of groundwork has to be put in the content you serve as much as the technical side.


Having a great idea and executing on it are two completely different things, but if we get these 5 basic concepts right in all of our work then we won’t go far wrong.


翻译自: https://medium.com/@danrtaylor/5-tips-to-make-your-app-super-sticky-and-keep-users-coming-back-f7f8848df4d0


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