
Below is a list of twelve core concepts that pervade the discipline and are independent of any particular technology. Each of them

Occurs throughout the discipline

Has a variety of instantiations

Has a high degree of technological independence

In addition to the three characteristics given above, most core concepts

Have instantiations at the levels of theory, abstraction and design

Have instantiations in each of the nine subject areas

Occur generally in mathematics, science and engineering

1. Binding

Binding is the process of making an abstraction more concrete by associating additional properties with it. Examples include assigning a process with a processor, associating a type with a variable name, associating a library object program with a symbolic reference to a subprogram, instantiation in logic programming, associating a method with a message in an object-oriented language, creating concrete instances from abstract descrīptions.

2. Complexity of Large Problems

The effects of the nonlinear increase in complexity as the size of a problem grows. This is an important factor in distinguishing and selecting methods that scale to different data sizes, problem spaces, and program sizes. In large programming projects, it is a factor in determining the organization of an implementation team.

3. Conceptual and Format Models

Various ways of formalizing, characterizing, visualizing and thinking about an idea or problem. Examples include formal models in logic, switching theory and the theory of computation, programming language paradigms based upon formal models, conceptual models such as abstract data types and semantic data models, and visual languages used in specifying and designing systems, such as data flow and entity-relationship diagrams.

4. Consistency and Completeness

Concrete realizations of the concepts of consistency and completeness in computing, including related concepts such as correctness, robustness, and reliability. Consistency includes the consistency of a set of axioms that serve as a formal specification, the consistency of theory to observed fact, and internal consistency of a language or interface design. Correctness can be viewed as the consistency of component or system behavīor to stated specifications. Completeness includes the adequacy of a given set of axioms to capture all desired behavīors, functional adequacy of software and hardware systems, and the ability of a system to behave well under error conditions and unanticipated situations.

5. Efficiency

Measures of cost relative to resources such as space, time, money and people. Examples include the theoretical assessment of the space and time complexity of an algorithm, feasibility, the efficiency with which a certain desirable result (such as the completion of a project or the manufacture of a component) can be achieved, and the efficiency of a given implementation relative to alternative implementations.

6. Evolution

The fact of change and its implications. The impact of change at all levels and the resiliency and adequacy of abstractions, techniques and systems in the face of change. Examples include the ability of formal models to represent aspects of systems that vary with time, and the ability of a design to withstand changing environmental demands and changing requirements, tools and facilities for configuration management.

7. Levels of Abstraction

The nature and use of abstraction in computing; the use of abstraction in managing complexity, structuring systems, hiding details, and capturing recurring patterns; the ability to represent an entity or system by abstractions having different levels of detail and specificity. Examples include levels of hardware descrīption, levels of specificity within an object hierarchy, the notion of generics in programming languages, and the levels of detail provided in a problem solution from specifications though code.

8. Ordering in Space

The concepts of locality and proximity in the discipline of computing. In addition to physical location, as in networks or memory, this includes organizational location (e.g., of processors, processes, type definitions, and associated operations) and conceptual location (e.g., software scoping, coupling, and cohesion).

9. Ordering in Time

The concept of time in the ordering of events. This includes time as a parameter in formal models (e.g., in temporal logic), time as a means of synchronizing processes that are spread out over space, time as an essential element in the execution of algorithms.

10. Reuse

The ability of a particular technique, concept or systems to respond appropriately to be reused in a new context or situation. Examples include probability, the reuse of software libraries and hardware components, technologies that promote reuse of software components, and language abstractions that promote the development of reusable software modules.

11. Security

The ability of software and hardware systems to respond appropriately to and defend themselves against inappropriate and unanticipated requests; the ability of a computer installation to withstand catastrophic events (e.g., natural disasters and attempts at sabotage). Examples include type-checking and other concepts in programming languages that provide protection against misuse of data objects and functions, data encryption, granting and revoking of privileges by a database management system, features in user interfaces that minimize user errors, physical security measures at computer facilities, and security mechanisms at various levels in a system.

12. Tradeoff and Consequences

The phenomenon of trade-offs in computing and the consequences of such trade-offs. The technical, economic, cultural and other effects of selecting one design alternative over another. Trade-offs are a fundamental fact of life at all levels and in all subject areas. Examples include space-time trade-offs in the study of algorithms, trade-offs inherent in conflicting design objectives (e.g., ease of use versus completeness, flexibility versus simplicity, low cost versus high reliability and so forth), design trade-offs in hardware, and trade-offs implied in attempts to optimize computing power in the face of a variety of constraints.

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### 回答1: 《面向计算机科学的数理逻辑》是一本关于计算机科学数理逻辑的PDF教材。该教材主要介绍了数理逻辑在计算机科学的应用。数理逻辑是研究推理和证明的数学分支,它为计算机科学提供了强大的推理和证明工具。 该教材首先介绍了数理逻辑的基本概念和符号表示法,如命题逻辑、一阶逻辑和模态逻辑等。然后,它详细讨论了计算机科学常见的逻辑问题,例如逻辑推理、谓词逻辑、等价性和可满足性等。通过学习这些内容,读者将能够理解和应用逻辑工具来解决计算机科学领域的问题。 除了介绍基本概念和问题,教材还提供了大量的例子和习题,帮助读者加深对数理逻辑的理解。通过解答这些习题,读者可以巩固所学知识,并学会将数理逻辑应用于实际问题。 此外,该教材还介绍了一些计算机科学常用的逻辑工具和技术,如形式化验证和模型检测等。这些技术可以帮助计算机科学家在设计和开发复杂系统时,检测错误和验证系统的正确性。 总之,《面向计算机科学的数理逻辑》是一本有关数理逻辑在计算机科学领域的应用的教材。通过学习这本教材,读者将能够理解和应用数理逻辑的基本概念和工具,以及掌握一些逻辑分析和验证的技巧。这对于研究和开发计算机科学领域的复杂系统非常有价值。 ### 回答2: 面向计算机科学的数理逻辑是一本关于数理逻辑在计算机科学应用的重要参考书。它介绍了数理逻辑的基本概念和原理,以及在计算机科学的应用。这本书对于从事计算机科学研究和相关领域的学生和专业人士来说是一本非常有价值的资料。 该书首先介绍了命题逻辑和谓词逻辑的基本概念和推理规则。它解释了命题逻辑的真值表、合取范式、析取范式等重要概念,并讲解了它们在计算机科学的应用。此外,该书还涉及到了一阶逻辑的形式化语言,如规则、谓词和函数等的定义和使用。 此外,该书还介绍了集合论和图论等数学工具在计算机科学的应用。它详细讨论了集合的基本操作,如并集、交集和差集,并说明了它们在数据结构和数据库等领域的重要性。此外,该书还着重介绍了图的基本概念和算法,包括最短路径算法、最小生成树算法和拓扑排序算法等。 通过阅读这本书,读者可以了解到数理逻辑在计算机科学的重要性和应用。它不仅帮助读者提高逻辑思维能力,还可以帮助他们理解和分析计算机科学的问题。此外,该书还提供了大量的例子和习题,帮助读者巩固所学知识,并能够灵活运用到实际问题。 总之,面向计算机科学的数理逻辑是一本对于计算机科学学习者和研究人员来说非常有价值的书籍。它系统地介绍了数理逻辑的基本概念和原理,并介绍了它们在计算机科学的应用。通过阅读这本书,读者可以提高逻辑思维能力,并能够灵活运用数理逻辑解决计算机科学问题。 ### 回答3: 面向计算机科学的数理逻辑 pdf 是一本以计算机科学为背景的数理逻辑教材。数理逻辑是研究逻辑系统和推理规则的数学学科,它在计算机科学起着重要的作用。 这本 pdf 面向的主要读者是计算机科学专业的学生和从事相关研究的人员。它可以作为大学本科或研究生课程的教材,也可供自学使用。这本教材的目标是帮助读者建立对数理逻辑基本原理和方法的深入理解,并将其运用到计算机科学领域的问题。 该教材的内容主要包括命题逻辑、谓词逻辑和模态逻辑等方面的知识。它从基础概念开始,逐步引入更深入复杂的内容,包括公理系统、推理规则、证明方法、语义解释和模型论等。此外,教材还涵盖了一些与计算机科学相关的专题,如程序验证、形式化验证以及人工智能的逻辑推理等。 通过学习这本教材,读者将能够掌握数理逻辑的核心概念和基本方法,并能够运用这些知识解决现实世界计算机科学问题。它将帮助读者培养严密的逻辑思维和分析能力,以及解决复杂问题的能力。 总之,面向计算机科学的数理逻辑 pdf 是一本重要的教材,它为学习者提供了丰富的数理逻辑知识,并帮助他们将这些知识应用于计算机科学领域。这本教材对于培养计算机科学专业人员的逻辑思维和问题解决能力具有重要意义。


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