4k hidpi 黑苹果_【图片】为了让Mac pro也实现hidpi 把4k的分辨率显示成到1920,我今天也是拼了,下午研究了半天【macpro吧】_百度贴吧...

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How to get 4K on MacPro3,1 with Samsung U28D590 without using DisplayPort...« on: January 07, 2015, 01:54:26 PM »Hi,I got my hands on a 2008 MacPro3,1 recently and so I wondered if I could get 4K working with my Samsung U28D590 monitor without using DP.This U28D590 monitor has 3 inputs, being 1 DP and 2 HDMI 1.4 ports, and the DP is connected to my gaming rig, so this is why I've spent some time to see if I can get this to work.I happen to have a GTX750 2Gb Maxwell card not being used that has two HDMI ports and two DVI. I'm not sure if this will work with other cards but there's only one way to find out.1. Using any other GPU than the GTX750 you have lying around, install Yosemite and install the latest nVidia web drivers (force install using Pacifist if you're using AMD initially)2. Shutdown and install your GTX750 GPU. Mine being a Gigabyte brand (GV-N750C-2GI) has a 6-pin power molex that needs to be connected too.3. Boot up and don't worry how things appear atm and open Terminal.Obviously, you're taking a risk here, so don't blame me if you damage your GPU by choosing some stupidly high refresh rate that your GPU can't handle after restarting. type:Code:sudo perl -i.bak -pe 's|\xB8\x01\x00\x00\x00\xF6\xC1\x01\x0F\x85|\x33\xC0\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90\xE9|sg' /System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/Versions/Current/IOKithit return and then type:Code:sudo codesign -f -s - /System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/Versions/Current/IOKitThanx to TheVoid to remove the pixel-clock limit of 165MHz and Stephane (SwitchRes author) for telling me about it...4. Enable your OS to see/use HiDPI modes, so in Terminal also enter in:Code:sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.windowserver.plist DisplayResolutionEnabled -bool true5. before you restart download a nice simple menu resolution app called RDM.app as all the others like DisplayMenu now cost you. Restart.6. So, how to drive the 4K display at 3840x2160@60Hz using HDMI... As most know, HDMI 1.4 can only support 3840x2160@30Hz which is a crap experience. What HDMI 1.4 can support though is 1920x2160@60Hz, which is one half of the U28D590 monitor's total pixels.Using the U28D590's menu controls, you'll need to enable Picture-by-Picture and set the LHS source as HDMI 1 and the RHS source to HDMI 2.7. Connect up the monitor using two HDMI cables and after you boot you should see the following appear in the RDM.app menu dropdown (see attached) and select 960x1080 HiDPI mode @ 60Hz for both "halves" of the monitor.Again, you're taking a risk here, so don't blame me if you damage your GPU .The Gotchas:1. Obviously, your Mac thinks it's driving two displays of 1920x2160@60Hz so that's why the Menu bar is only on the LHS for me. You could use something like Second Bar I guess...You could also enable Mission Control's "Displays have separate Spaces" checkbox, but I found this messes around with windows when your dragging them across both LHS and RHS displays... 2. If I scroll quickly when a window is overlapping onto both LHS and RHS of the U28D590 monitor, I sometimes see tearing, but given that the screen is refreshing at 60Hz, I hardly register it at all...3. Enabling Fullscreen mode with apps = Halfscreen I've been using it all night tonight and I must say that I'm fairly happy. The sharpness of the text is orsm with HiDPI enabled and I can easily live with this setup. When GTX790 drop a bit more in price I'll no doubt upgrade to that, but this setup is fine for now.Cheers,

RDM_menu.png (181.58 KB, 922x1354 - viewed 348 times.)

这个是新思路!双hdmi输入达到4k 60hz,可惜我没有支持双hdmi的显示器,不然就可以试试

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