renderman_environment light



RenderMan Environment Light

Image based lighting and global illumation effects (occlusion and color bleeding) can be created with RenderMan for Maya by using the RenderMan Environment Light. You can create an Environment Light any of a number of ways: via Maya's Hypershade, via the icon in the RenderMan Shelf, or via the Features tab of the Render Settings. Below is a rundown of the User Interface for the RenderMan Environment Light, which is accessed via the Attribute Editor.

用renderman的environment light可以创建 ilb灯和gi(occ和色溢)效果。你可以创建Env 灯用任意一种方式:用maya的hypershade,用renderman工具架上的图标,或者用renderman渲染设置的 features 面板,下面是一个env light的用户面板,这


Environment Image - An environment map may be added here. If there is no environment map, the Environment Color will be used instead.


Use Image Sequence/Image Number - Enables use of a sequence of images for the environment. The Image Number parameter can utilize an expression for the sequence.

使用贴图序列/贴图数字。允许使用一个图像序列来给环境 。这个inagenumber参数可以用来表达一个序列

Environment Color - The environment color is set here. If there is an environment map, that will override Environment Color.

环境颜色:环境颜色在这儿设置。如果有一个环境贴图,将会代替环境颜色 。

Intensity - The brightness of the environment color or image.


Emit Specular - Controls whether specular (reflective) light is projected from the light.


Emit Diffuse - Controls whether diffuse light is projected from the light.


Primary Visibility - Toggles whether the light itself appears in renderings.


Shadowing - There are three shadowing modes: none, occlusion, and colorbleeding. When set to none, no hemispherical sampling is calculated. When set to occlusion, the amount that points are covered by geometry is calculated with hemispherical sampling. When set to colorbleeding, the color from nearby objects will bounce onto other objects, the amount of which is determined by hemispherical sampling. Colorbleeding is more accurate, but also much more expensive, than occlusion.

阴影:有三种阴影 模式:none,occlusion,colrbleeding.当你选择none时,没有半球采样参与计算。当选择occlusion,被几何体遮挡的相近的点是有半球采样参与计算的。当设置为colorbleeding时,从附近物体上的颜色会反弹到其它物体上,反弹的数量由半球采样决定。colorbleeding比occlusion要更精准,但是是更贵的。

Bake Shadowing - Connect a bake node here to compute the effect in a pre-pass for reuse later, or to calculate point-based global illumination. There are four baking methods to choose from:

在这连接一个bake节点去计算 pre—pass的效果,为了下次重复利用,或者计算点云的gi.有四个bake选项可以选择:

Use RenderRadiosity to render point-based global illumination, MakeApproxGlobalDiffuse to bake point-based GI data to a brick map for reuse, MakeGlobalDiffuse3d to bake ray-traced global illumination data to a brick map for reuse, and FilterApproxGlobalDiffuse to bake point-based global illumination to a point cloud. Additional configuration for the bake pass is done via the Passes section of the RenderMan Controls.

使用 renderRadiosity 渲染基于点云的gi.MakeApproxGiobalDiffuse: bake 基于点的 gi数据成 一个brickmap可以重复使用。 MakeGlobalDiffuse3d :bake光线跟踪gi数据成一个brickmap可以重复使用。FilterApproxGlobalDiffuse :bake 基于点的gi 成一个点云文件。这些额外的配置为了bake pass是通过renderman的passes 部分来控制的。

Contribute Radiosity - Enable or disable the radiosity contribution of the Environment Light. 使用或不使用 环境灯里的光能传递。

Shadow Color Bias - Darkens or lightens the shadow color when shadowing is enabled above.

阴影颜色 偏移:变暗或变亮阴影的颜色当上面的 shadowing 是使用的。

Shadow Color Gain - When shadowing is enabled, this parameter adjusts the contrast of the shadow.

阴影颜色 增益:当 shadowing是使用的时,这个参数可以调节阴影的对比度。

Occlusion Color - When using occlusion, this parameter determines the color of the shadowing. This is disabled when "colorbleeding" is the selected Shadowing mode.

当使用 occlusion时这个参数决定了阴影的颜色。当使用 colorbleeding时阴影模式时这个参数不起作用。

AP Specular Mode - Allows control over the method that is used for the Specular Indirect contribution. The methods are listed in order of computational expense.


Probe Samples - When using adaptive sampling, this setting controls the light weight samples for determining the edges of geometry and motion-blurred objects.当使用自适应采样,设个设置控制灯光采样宽度为了确定几何体和运动模糊物体的边缘。

AP Specular Samples - Specifies the number of samples used for computing Specular Indirect in either of the Full Reflections modes. In the Normal mode this is the actual number of rays fired. In Adaptive mode this is the minimum number of rays fired.

指定具体的采样数量为了计算在 两种 full reflections模式时的间接高光。在 normal模式是实际的射线数量,在adptive模式是最小的射线数量

AP Specular SuperSamples - Look! Up in the sky! It's the number of rays fired when a shader determines that supersampling is necessary.

当一个shader确定超级采样是必须的时 这是射线的数量。

Motion Blur Samples - When trace motion is enabled, this sets the number of rays that are fired at objects that are being motion-blurred.当trace motion 开启时,这是设置正在运动的物体发射的射线数量 。

Reflection Occlusion Samples - Specifies the number of rays fired when AP Specular Mode is set to Reflection Occlusion.当AP Specular mode是 reflection Occlusion时具体说明射线的数量。

Max Ray Depth - Sets the maximum depth for continuing rays, past which a default color, determined by the Environment Image or Environment Color is returned. Values along the lines of "5" are typical.

设置继续反射的的最大的深度,以前是一个默认颜色,确认 Environment Image or Environment Color

是开启的。设为5是一个有代表性的值 。

Environment Sampling Mode - Choose the method to sample the environment map: filtered, sampled, or baked. Filtered is "cheapest," but the least accurate. Sampled is the most accurate, but also the most expensive. It is required for image base illumination (IBI). Select Baked to reuse previously baked data; this works in conjunction with the Bake Shadowing parameter.

选择 env map的采样方法:filtered sampled baked.filtered 是“便宜的”但是是最不准确的。Sampled是最准确的但也是最昂贵的,他是ibl所需要的。选择baked 可以重新利用以前的数据,这个是和 bake Shadowing 参数连接的。

Samples - Specify the number of rays sent into the hemisphere above each point; more samples increases the quality of colorbleeding or occlusion, at the cost of increased render times.数值越大,occ和colorbleeding质量越好,但增加渲染成本。

Max Variation - This is the quality/speed knob. The default setting, "10", allows for quick/low quality renders. Set this to "1" or lower for high quality final frames.这是质理/速度旋钮。默认设置的 10是一个快速/低质的渲染。设置为1或者一个低的参数是高质理的最终帧 。

AP Raster Resolution - An additional quality knob that applies only when used in conjunction with Slim's AllPurpose shaders. Higher values can produce sharper diffuse shadows when using image-based lighting.只适用于使用slim的allpurpose 材质时,高的数值能产生一个锐利的阴影 当使用ibl时。

Diffuse Softness - Fraction of the hemisphere above a point that is taken into account for ambient occlusion.

Max Dist - The maximum distance, in world units, that a ray is shot. This value should be lowered for global illumination calculations for interior scenes.最大距离,在世界单位,光是发射 的。这个值应该降低在gi计算室内场景时。

Falloff Mode - When falloff is enabled, you can specify the mode by which it is calculated. The maxdist-based mode is recommended for interior scenes. This parameter is disabled when the Falloff parameter (below) is set to 0.0 (zero).


Falloff - The value of this parameter serves as power by which falloff is calculated. Falloff is disabled when this parameter is set to 0.0 (zero).


Subset - A set of objects for inclusion in global illumination calculations can be chosen here (right-click for options).


Linearize sRGB - Assumes the input Environment Image is stored in sRGB and converts it to linear color space


Color Correct - Enables color correction, via the settings described below.颜色纠正:打开后通过下面的设置改变

Final Color Saturation - Adjust the intensity of the color.饱和度:调正颜色的强度。

Final Color Bias - When Color Correct is enabled, this parameter lightens or darkens the color.


Final Color Gain - This parameter adjusts the contrast when Color Correct is enabled.


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