Unity3d 查找所选的是否引用过某资源


1、选择要被查找的资源,右键->Find Reference







using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class FindReference : ScriptableWizard
    public UnityEngine.Object Res;

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()


	[MenuItem("Assets/Find Reference")]
    public static void OpenDialog()
		DisplayWizard<FindReference>("Find Reference Object In Current Select", "Find", "Cancel");

    void OnWizardCreate()
    void OnWizardOtherButton()

    public void Find()
		EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Find Reference", "Finding...", 0);

		var instanceId = Res.GetInstanceID();

		var gos = Selection.GetFiltered(typeof(UnityEngine.Object), SelectionMode.DeepAssets);

	    string log = "";

	    int i = 0;
			foreach (var go in gos)
				var assetPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(go.GetInstanceID());
				var paths = AssetDatabase.GetDependencies(new[] { assetPath });
				foreach (var path in paths)
					var res = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(path, typeof(UnityEngine.Object));
					if (res.GetInstanceID() == instanceId)
						log+= assetPath;
						log += "\n";
				EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Find Reference", assetPath, i / gos.Length);
	    catch (Exception e)






https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/find-reference-2-59092 FR2 helps instantly clean up asset references for your projects Email | Documentation | Forum Why FR2? - Optimize your projects reference to minimize build size - Split your big projects to smaller / managable modules - Safely remove all duplicated assets - Safely replace prefabs / materials / shader with another one - Remove obsolete assets that you don't need anymore How can FR2 help? Just select one or more asset in Project panel and FR2 will show you: - Exactly what's being included in each scene or in each prefab. Remember that one redundant reference may resulted in asset being duplicated in each assetbundles and increase AssetBundle build sizes (Animation / Texture / Audio duplication) or degrade performance (Material duplication - increase drawcalls) - Which assets referenced to and make selected assets included in the build. This will help you confident that intermediate project assets will not be included in final build - Duplicated assets you may accidentally copy over and over. Using FR2 you can then redidrect all those references to a single copy of your choice and safely delete other duplications (usage count of those assets should now be 0) - See all assets not being referenced by any other asset so you can delete them all without worrying about breaking any references. - GUID Tools Advanced tool where you can see GUID of each asset and redirect references from one asset to another You can use this to redirect all references to TextureA (using TextureA) to TextureB, the same applied for shader, materials, mesh... Beware that replace references is very powerful yet dangerous operation you'd better don't use it if you don't understand how GUID works in Unity Other Features - Full C# source code - Top notch support 24/7 - Blazing fast - built for HUGE PROJECTS - Support with Unity 4.3+ and Unity 5.x - Quickly disable FR2 when not in used (zeroing performance cost) - Display usage count in project panel so you know which asset being used and how many times it's being used - Find script dependencies (experimental, C# only) - Export assets with references
How can FR2 help? Just select one or more asset in Project panel and FR2 will show you: - Exactly what's being included in each scene or in each prefab. Remember that one redundant reference may resulted in asset being duplicated in each assetbundles and increase AssetBundle build sizes (Animation / Texture / Audio duplication) or degrade performance (Material duplication - increase drawcalls) - Which assets referenced to and make selected assets included in the build. This will help you confident that intermediate project assets will not be included in final build - Duplicated assets you may accidentally copy over and over. Using FR2 you can then redidrect all those references to a single copy of your choice and safely delete other duplications (usage count of those assets should now be 0) - See all assets not being referenced by any other asset so you can delete them all without worrying about breaking any references. - GUID Tools Advanced tool where you can see GUID of each asset and redirect references from one asset to another You can use this to redirect all references to TextureA (using TextureA) to TextureB, the same applied for shader, materials, mesh... Beware that replace references is very powerful yet dangerous operation you'd better don't use it if you don't understand how GUID works in Unity Other Features - Full C# source code - Top notch support 24/7 - Blazing fast - built for HUGE PROJECTS - Support with Unity 4.3+ and Unity 5.x - Quickly disable FR2 when not in used (zeroing performance cost) - Display usage count in project panel so you know which asset being used and how many times it's being used - Find script dependencies (experimental, C# only) - Export assets with references




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