mongodb replica on aws ec2


# MongoDB AWS EC2 Setup Guide

 - [](
 - [](

Big thanks to Elad Nava and Shane Rainville for writing the above articles that allow me to conduct this guide. If by all means that I violated original post's copyright, please contact me.


 - You should at least read Elad's article before secition *Get Started*
 - You should have some basic knowledge about the nature of AWS and MongoDB before continuing this guide.

**Why make another guide if there are already good ones like the two above?**

I found myself hitting walls over and over again for days on how to properly configure MongoDB with **replica set** and **auth enabled**. Lots of Google search here and there for days and finally found a solution. Without authentication and firewall, MongoDB is extremely vulnerable to the public.

First article teaches you step-by-step clearly on how to setup MongoDB on AWS EC2. However, MongoDB has gone through some updates and changes. So I included the changes in my article.

Second article shows you how to integrate internal authentication between replica set members properly and enable authentication.

I see there's a need to combine them into one guide, so I hope I can save your time if you are about to set up a MongoDB server especially when you want authentication enabled!

## AWS EC2 Setup
First, prepare the AWS EC2 instances for running MongoDB and to make sure you have your own domain name.

### 1. Launch the instances
- Launch 3 brand new Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS instances in EC2 console.
 - Pick i3 instances if in need for NoSQL optimized instances; otherwise, `m3.medium` or `m4.large`
 - Make sure each instance is in different availability zone
 - Create new security group, `mongodb-cluster`
    - Configure all three instances to use it
    - Allow SSH on port 22 from your IP only
    - Allow port 27017 from the `mongodb-cluster` security group and your IP
    - So that both your IP and the replica set members have access to each other's mongod process listening on port 27017
- Label each instance you created as follows (replace **** with your own domain name):
 - **Data** -
 - **Data** -
 - **Arbiter** -

### 2. Reqeust 3 Elastic IPs
Attach the requested IPs to each instance, so your replica members will maintain the same public IP throughout the lifetime.

### 3. Setup DNS Records
Go to your domain's DNS console and add `CNAME` records for **db1**, **db2**, **arbiter1**. For each record, enter each instance's **Public DNS** hostname, visible in the EC2 instances dashboard.

## Configure Server
We will need to modify the server to the underlying OS in order for it to behave nicely with MongoDB.

### 1. Set the Hostname
SSH into each server and set its hostname so that when we initialize the replica set, members will be able to understand how to reach one another:

sudo bash -c 'echo > /etc/hostname && hostname -F /etc/hostname'

Make sure to modify **** and set it to each server's DNS hostname.

### 2. Increase OS Limits
MongoDB needs to be able to create file descriptors when clients connect and spawn a large number of processes in order to operate effectively. The default file and process limits shipped with Ubuntu are not applicable for MongoDB.

Modify them by editing the `limits.conf` file:
sudo nano /etc/security/limits.conf
Add the following lines to the end of the file:
* soft nofile 64000
* hard nofile 64000
* soft nproc 32000
* hard nproc 32000

Next, create a file called `90-nproc.conf` in `/etc/security/limits.d/`:
sudo nano /etc/security/limits.d/90-nproc.conf
Paste the following lines into the file:
* soft nproc 32000
* hard nproc 32000
### 3. Disable Transparent Huge Pages
Transparent Huge Pages (THP) is a Linux memory management system that reduces the overhead of Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB) lookups on machines with large amounts of memory by using larger memory pages.

However, database workloads often perform poorly with THP, because they tend to have sparse rather than contiguous memory access patterns. You should disable THP to ensure best performance with MongoDB.

Run the following commands to create an init script that will automatically disable THP on system boot:
sudo nano /etc/init.d/disable-transparent-hugepages
Paste the following inside it:
# Provides:          disable-transparent-hugepages
# Required-Start:    $local_fs
# Required-Stop:
# X-Start-Before:    mongod mongodb-mms-automation-agent
# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop:      0 1 6
# Short-Description: Disable Linux transparent huge pages
# Description:       Disable Linux transparent huge pages, to improve
#                    database performance.

case $1 in
    if [ -d /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage ]; then
    elif [ -d /sys/kernel/mm/redhat_transparent_hugepage ]; then
      return 0

    echo 'never' > ${thp_path}/enabled
    echo 'never' > ${thp_path}/defrag

    unset thp_path
Make it executable:
sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/disable-transparent-hugepages
Set it to start automatically on boot:
sudo update-rc.d disable-transparent-hugepages defaults

### 4. Configure the File System
Linux by default will update the last access time when files are modified. When MongoDB performs frequent writes to the filesystem, this will create unnecessary overhead and performance degradation. We can disable this feature by editing the `fstab` file:
sudo nano /etc/fstab
Add the `noatime` flag directly after `defaults`:
LABEL=cloudimg-rootfs   /        ext4   defaults,noatime,discard        0 0
In addition, the default disk read ahead settings on EC2 are not optimized for MongoDB. The number of blocks to read ahead should be adjusted to approximately 32 blocks (or 16 KB) of data. We can achieve this by adding a crontab entry that will execute when the system boots up:
sudo crontab -e
Choose `nano` by pressing `2` if this is your first time editing the crontab, and then append the following to the end of the file:
@reboot /sbin/blockdev --setra 32 /dev/xvda1

### 5. Reboot
Reboot the instance
sudo reboot

### 6. Repeat Steps 1 - 5
Reapt steps 1 to 5 for all replica set members.

## Verify Server Configuration
After rebooting, you can check whether the new hostname is in effect by running:
Check that the OS limits have been increased by running:
ulimit -u # max number of processes
ulimit -n # max number of open file descriptors
The first command should output `32000`, the second `64000`.

Check whether the Transparent Huge Pages feature was disabled successfully by issuing the following commands:
cat /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled
cat /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/defrag
For both commands, the correct output resembles:
always madvise [never]
Check that `noatime` was successfully configured:
cat /proc/mounts | grep noatime
It should print a line similar to:
/dev/xvda1 / ext4 rw,noatime,discard,data=ordered 0 0
In addition, verify that the disk read-ahead value is correct by running:
sudo blockdev --getra /dev/xvda1
It should print `32`.

Verify the configuration for all replica set members.

## Install MongoDB
Run the following commands to install the latest stable 3.4.x version of MongoDB:
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv 0C49F3730359A14518585931BC711F9BA15703C6
echo "deb [ arch=amd64 ] trusty/mongodb-org/3.4 multiverse" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-3.4.list

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-org
These commands will also auto-start `mongod`, the MongoDB daemon. Repeat this step on all replica set members.

Repeat for all replica set members.

## MongoDB Setup
### Create `keyFile`
The `keyFile` stores the password used by each node. The password allows each node to authenticate to each other, allowing them replicate changes between each other. This password should be long and very complex. We’ll use the **openssl** command to ensure our password is complex.
openssl rand -base64 741 > keyFile
Create the directory where the key will be stored
sudo mkdir -p /opt/mongodb
Copy the file to the new directory
sudo cp keyFile /opt/mongodb
Set the ownership of the keyfile to mongodb.
sudo chown mongodb:mongodb /opt/mongodb/keyFile
Set the appropriate file permissions.
sudo chmod 0600 /opt/mongodb/keyFile
Copy the `KeyFile` for all replica set members.
### Setup `mongod.conf`
Now it's time to configure MongoDB to operate in replica set mode, as well as allow remote access to the server.
sudo nano /etc/mongod.conf
Find and remove `bindIp:`, or prefix it with a `#` to comment it out:
# network interfaces
  port: 27017
#  bindIp:  # remove or comment out this line

Find the commented out `security` section and uncomment it. Use the path of the keyFile created earlier:
  keyFile: /opt/mongodb/keyFile
Find the commented out `replication` section and uncomment it. Add the following below, replacing `example-replica-set` with a name for your replica set:
  replSetName: example-replica-set
**IMPORTANT** use the same `replSetName` for ALL replica members

Create `mongod.service`
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/mongod.service
Write the following to the file:
Description=High-performance, schema-free document-oriented database

ExecStart=/usr/bin/mongod --quiet --config /etc/mongod.conf

Enable `mongod.service`
sudo systemctl enable mongod.service
Restart MongoDB to apply our changes.
sudo service mongod restart
Repeat for all replica set members.
### Initialize the Replica Set
Be sure you have everything setup properly in all replica set members by this point.

Connect to one of the MongoDB instances (preferably `db1`) using SSH to initialize the replica set and declare its members. Note that you only have to run these commands on one of the members. MongoDB will synchronize the replica set configuration to all of the other members automatically.

Connect to MongoDB via the following command:
Initialize the replica set:
The command will automatically add the current member as the first member of the replica set.
### Create Admin Account
The default MongoDB configuration is wide open, meaning anyone can access the stored databases unless your network has firewall rules in place.

Create an admin user to access the database.
Select `admin` database.
use admin
Create `admin` account.
db.createUser( {
    user: "johndoe",
    pwd: "strongPassword",
    roles: [{ role: "root", db: "admin" }]
It's recommended to not use special characters in the password to prevent issues logging in
### Adding Replica Members
Add the second data member to the replica set:
And finally, add the arbiter, making sure to pass in true as the second argument (which denotes that the member is an arbiter and not a data member).
rs.add("", true)
Be sure to replace `` with your own domain name.
### Verify Replica Set Status
Take a look at the replica set status by running:
Inspect the `members` array. Look for one `PRIMARY`, one `SECONDARY`, and one `ARBITER` member. All members should have a `health` value of `1`. If not, make sure the members can talk to each other on port `27017` by using `telnet`, for example.

## Connect MongoDB with Authentication
### Using Command Line
mongo -u johndoe -p --authenticationDatabase admin
Enter password when prompted.

To properly fetch admin account info, use `--authenticationDatabase admin` when accessing MongoDB
### Using Connection String
Refer to this [post]( for more info on connection string format.

Don't forget to change:

- user and password to your own
- `` to your own domain
- `dbName` to your own database name
- `example-replica-set` to your own replica set name

## Automated Backup to AWS S3

First script requires extra use of space to hold temporary backup files, and second script allows you to directly backup files to S3 without extra use of space. So I merged both together along with authentication to backup/restore database easily.

Checkout this [script]( on how to automate the backups

## Further Configuration
For how to setup log rotation, perform maintenance, and more, please visit Elad's [post](
## Hooray!
Now you just deployed highly-available MongoDB server on AWS on your own! Hooray!


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