对话框类Dialog Box Classes
类 CDialog 及其派生类封装了对话框功能。Class CDialog and its derived classes encapsulate dialog-box functionality. 因为对话框是一种特殊的窗口,所以 CDialog 派生自 CWnd 。Since a dialog box is a special kind of window, CDialog is derived from CWnd. 从派生对话框类 CDialog ,或使用标准对话框的一个通用对话框,例如打开或保存文件、打印、选择字体或颜色、启动搜索和替换操作或执行各种与 OLE 相关的操作。Derive your dialog classes from CDialog or use one of the common dialog classes for standard dialog boxes, such as opening or saving a file, printing, selecting a font or color, initiating a search-and-replace operation, or performing various OLE-related operations.
所有对话框的基类,均为模式和无模式。The base class for all dialog boxes, both modal and modeless.
为对话框提供数据交换和验证信息。Supplies data exchange and validation information for dialog boxes.
通用对话框Common Dialogs
这些对话框类封装 Windows 公共对话框。These dialog box classes encapsulate the Windows common dialog boxes. 它们提供了易于使用的复杂对话框实现。They provide easy-to-use implementations of complicated dialog boxes.
所有常见对话框的基类。Base class for all common dialog boxes.
提供用于打开或保存文件的标准对话框。Provides a standard dialog box for opening or saving a file.
提供用于选择颜色的标准对话框。Provides a standard dialog box for selecting a color.
提供用于选择字体的标准对话框。Provides a standard dialog box for selecting a font.
为搜索和替换操作提供标准对话框。Provides a standard dialog box for a search-and-replace operation.
提供用于打印文件的标准对话框。Provides a standard dialog box for printing a file.
提供 Windows 打印属性表。Provides a Windows Print property sheet.
封装由 "Windows 公共页面设置" 对话框提供的服务以及对设置和修改打印边距的额外支持。Encapsulates the services provided by the Windows common Page Setup dialog box with additional support for setting and modifying print margins.
OLE 通用对话框OLE Common Dialogs
OLE 将几个常见对话框添加到 Windows。OLE adds several common dialog boxes to Windows. 这些类封装了 OLE 通用对话框。These classes encapsulate the OLE common dialog boxes.
由框架使用,旨在包含所有 OLE 对话框的常见实现。Used by the framework to contain common implementations for all OLE dialog boxes. 用户界面类别中的所有对话框类都派生自此基类。All dialog box classes in the user-interface category are derived from this base class. COleDialog 无法直接使用。COleDialog cannot be used directly.
显示“插入对象”对话框,即用于插入新的 OLE 链接项或嵌入项的标准用户界面。Displays the Insert Object dialog box, the standard user interface for inserting new OLE linked or embedded items.
显示“选择性粘贴”对话框,即用于实现“编辑选择性粘贴”命令的标准用户界面。Displays the Paste Special dialog box, the standard user interface for implementing the Edit Paste Special command.
显示“编辑链接”对话框,即用于修改有关链接项的信息的标准用户界面。Displays the Edit Links dialog box, the standard user interface for modifying information about linked items.
显示“更改图标”对话框,即用于更改与 OLE 嵌入项或链接项关联的图标的标准用户界面。Displays the Change Icon dialog box, the standard user interface for changing the icon associated with an OLE embedded or linked item.
显示“转换”对话框,即用于将 OLE 项从一种类型转换为另一种类型的标准用户界面。Displays the Convert dialog box, the standard user interface for converting OLE items from one type to another.
封装“Windows 公共 OLE 属性”对话框。Encapsulates the Windows common OLE Properties dialog box. “公共 OLE 属性”对话框提供了一个简单方法,使您能够采用与 Windows 标准一致的方式来显示和修改 OLE 文档项的属性。Common OLE Properties dialog boxes provide an easy way to display and modify the properties of an OLE document item in a manner consistent with Windows standards.
显示“更新”对话框,即用于更新文档中的所有链接的标准用户界面。Displays the Update dialog box, the standard user interface for updating all links in a document. 对话框包含一个进度指示器,用来指示更新过程还有多久完成。The dialog box contains a progress indicator to indicate how close the update procedure is to completion.
显示“更改源”对话框,即用于更改链接的目标或源的标准用户界面。Displays the Change Source dialog box, the standard user interface for changing the destination or source of a link.
显示“服务器忙”和“服务器不响应”对话框,即用于处理对繁忙的应用程序的调用的标准用户界面。Displays the Server Busy and Server Not Responding dialog boxes, the standard user interface for handling calls to busy applications. Usually displayed automatically by the COleMessageFilter implementation.
属性表类Property Sheet Classes
属性表类允许你的应用程序使用属性表,也称为选项卡式对话框。The property sheet classes allow your applications to use property sheets, also known as tabbed dialogs. 属性表是在单个对话框中组织大量控件的有效方法。Property sheets are an efficient way to organize a large number of controls in a single dialog box.
提供属性表中的各个页面。Provides the individual pages within a property sheet. 从中派生一个类,以便 CPropertyPage 添加到属性表中的每一页。Derive a class from CPropertyPage for each page to be added to your property sheet.
为多个属性页提供框架。Provides the frame for multiple property pages. 从派生属性表类 CPropertySheet ,以快速实现属性表。Derive your property sheet class from CPropertySheet to implement your property sheets quickly.
显示图形界面(与对话框类似)中的 OLE 控件的属性。Displays the properties of an OLE control in a graphical interface, similar to a dialog box.
基于 HTML 的对话框类HTML-based Dialog Classes
用于创建使用 HTML 而非对话框资源实现其用户界面的对话框。Used to create dialog boxes that implement their user interface with HTML rather than dialog resources.
按顺序显示多个 HTML 页并处理每页中的事件。Displays multiple HTML pages sequentially and handles the events from each page.
相关类Related Classes
这些类不是每个 se 都具有的对话框,但使用的是对话框模板,并且有许多对话框行为。These classes are not dialog boxes per se, but they use dialog box templates and have much of the behavior of dialog boxes.
基于对话框模板的控件条。A control bar that is based on a dialog box template.
其布局在对话框模板中定义的滚动视图。A scroll view whose layout is defined in a dialog box template. 从派生一个类 CFormView ,以实现基于对话框模板的用户界面。Derive a class from CFormView to implement a user interface based on a dialog box template.
提供直接连接到 (DAO) recordset 对象的数据访问对象的窗体视图。Provides a form view directly connected to a Data Access Object (DAO) recordset object. 与所有窗体视图一样, CDaoRecordView 是基于对话框模板的。Like all form views, a CDaoRecordView is based on a dialog box template.
提供直接连接到开放式数据库连接 (ODBC) recordset 对象的窗体视图。Provides a form view directly connected to an Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) recordset object. 与所有窗体视图一样, CRecordView 是基于对话框模板的。Like all form views, a CRecordView is based on a dialog box template.
包含打印或打印预览作业相关信息的结构。A structure containing information about a print or print preview job. 由 CView打印体系结构使用。Used by the printing architecture of CView.
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