15 Remote Desktop Solutions for Linux.


1)  VNC (Virtual Network Computing) is a remote display system which allows the user to view the desktop of a remote machine anywhere on the internet. It can also be directed through SSH for security.

Basically you install VNC server on the server and install client on your local PC. Setup is extremely easy and server is very stable. On client side, you can set the resolution and connect to IP of VNC server. It can be a bit slow compared to Windows remote desktop and also has the tendency to take more time refreshing over low-bandwidth links. All in all VNC is an amazing piece of free software that gets the job done.

There is RealVNC , TightVNC and UltraVNC. Each has it’s advantages and disadvantages. Most popular one is RealVNC but if you’re upto it, experiment with all three and choose the one that works for you best. By default, communication between client and server is in clear text on port 5900. However, you can easily route all traffic via SSH tunnel. Here is a quick way of setting it up if you have access to command line shell:

ssh -ND 5900 <user>@remote.server.com

When you get prompted, enter your password. Pop open VNC client and connect to ‘localhost’. This’ll route your connection to VNC server on remote machine.

You can download VNC from:

2)  Then there is FreeNX. FreeNX is a system that allows you to access your desktop from another machine over the internet. You can use this to login graphically to your desktop from a remote location. One example of its use would be to have a FreeNX server set up on your home computer, and graphically logging in to the home computer from your work computer, using a FreeNX client. It provides near local speed application responsiveness over high latency, low bandwidth links.

FreeNX can be configured to run via SSH without any tunneling. It binds to your existing SSH install. Instead of guiding you through the installation of FreeNX in this article, you can visit the following URLs that’ll guide you through the installation on Ubuntu:

3) The third free application is 2X Terminal Server for Linux. 2X TerminalServer for Linux is an Open Source project, licensed under the GPL and is free of charge. As far as performance goes, NoMachine’s technology is on par with Windows’ own Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) suite, better than VNC. Both X2 and FreeNX is based on NoMachine technology.

Here are some quick links if you’re interested in using this software:

4) Then there is is XDMCP. The X Display Manager Control Protocol uses UDP port 177. Compared to the list above, it’s not as easy to setup for remote desktop but it’s the original way of doing this on Linux. You can get setup instructions and other tips in the following URL:

5) CygwinX. A complete Linux emulation on Windows. You’ll find every tool and app that you have on Linux on Cygwin.

6) XRDP. RDP server that runs on Linux, thus allowing you to use Windows Remote Desktop Client or rdesktop to connect.

7) x2vnc – great little utility that allows you to tie a linux and windows (or anything that can run the vncserver) together with a ingle keyboard/mouse, avoiding the need for a switcher box. Mousing cross screens transparently switches between machines, and cut and aste works.

8 ) Xming – t’s a great and lightweight implementation of X11 for Windows that allows you to connect to a Linux box.

9) KDE Desktop Sharing (formerly krfb) – part of KDE since version 3.1. It is located in the kdenetwork package. If your distribution splits the KDE applications into separate packets, you may find the client as ‘krdc’ and the server as ‘krfb’. Also uses VNC technology.

10) X-Win32 - Top rated PC X server solutions for Windows PCs connecting to remote Unix and Linux host systems. Works well over SSH.

11) Single Click UltraVNC – In case you would like to remote control without any software installed on the target computer you need UltraVNC SC. The user on the to be controlled computer needs to simply click on a web page and remote controlling begins.

12) CrossLoop – CrossLoop is a FREE secure screen sharing utility designed for people of all technical skill levels. CrossLoop extends the boundaries of VNC’s traditional screen sharing by enabling non-technical users to get connected from anywhere on the Internet in seconds without changing any firewall or router settings.

13) Thinstation – Although not a remote desktop app but worth mentioning here. Thin client linux distro for terminals using std. x86 hw. It can boot from network, pxe, syslinux,loadlin, CD, floppy or flash-disk and connect to servers using VNC, RDP, XDM, SSH and etc.

14) rdesktop - an open source client for Windows NT Terminal Server and Windows 2000/2003 Terminal Services, capable of natively speaking Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) in order to present the user’s NT desktop. rdesktop currently runs on most UNIX based platforms with the X Window System, and other ports should be fairly straightforward.

While you’re at it, get grdesktop from (http://www.nongnu.org/grdesktop/). It is a GNOME frontend, for rdesktop. It can save several connections (including their options), and browse the network for available terminal servers.

15) ssh -X – You can check out this great article written by a slashdot user sometime ago.

Windows to Mac / Mac to Windows

1) RDP Client for Mac allows you to connect to a Windows-based computer and work with programs and files on that computer from your Macintosh computer.

2) OSXVnc – Vine Server is a full featured VNC server for Mac OS X providing remote access to the GUI, keyboard and mouse using Vine Viewer or any other VNC client.

3) Chicken of the VNC – A VNC client allows one to display and interact with a remote computer screen. In other words, you can use Chicken of the VNC to interact with a remote computer as though it’s right next to you.

Unfortunately I was not able to find too many available to connect to Mac from Windows other than VNC. I think Windows need to support RDP into Mac. Many people would benefit from this.

If I am missing anything from the list, please let me know.

Microsoft Remote Desktop 10.7.10.installer.pkg是运行于Mac操作系统的微软远程桌面软件。远程桌面允许用户从远程设备访问其他计算机,就好像他们坐在该计算机前一样。这种远程桌面连接可以帮助用户远程控制其他计算机,访问和使用远程计算机上的文件、应用程序和其他资源。 这个软件有很多功能和优点。首先,它提供了安全的远程连接,保护用户的隐私和数据安全。其次,它允许用户在不同平台上访问其他计算机,例如从Mac设备连接到Windows计算机,或从Windows设备连接到Mac计算机。此外,它支持高分辨率显示,使用户可以以更高的图像质量通过远程连接使用计算机。此外,通过此软件,用户可以轻松地复制和粘贴文件和文本,方便地在远程计算机和本地计算机之间交换信息。此外,它还支持多显示器,使用户能够同时在多个屏幕上工作。 要使用Microsoft Remote Desktop 10.7.10.installer.pkg,用户需要先下载并安装该软件包。一旦安装完成,用户就可以打开软件并配置远程连接。用户需要提供目标计算机的IP地址或主机名,以及有效的登录凭据。一旦连接成功,用户就可以在远程计算机上执行所有与本地计算机相同的操作,例如运行应用程序或访问文件。 通过Microsoft Remote Desktop软件,用户可以在不同设备间实现方便的远程访问与控制,使得工作更加灵活和高效。无论用户身在何地,只要能够连接到互联网,就可以远程访问其他计算机,并且可以轻松共享和操作文件和信息。




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