

   在这课里我们要学习怎么用many, m-a-n-y, many 跟 much, m-u-c-h, much.这两个   字都有 "很多" 的意思, 可是用法不同.  另外我们还要学习用  there is  跟  there  are 做句子.

   首先还是请你听一段对话, 内容是说 Henry 跟 Kate 的儿子 Peter  要参加学校办的夏季旅行团到纽约去玩. 他问妈妈应该带几个箱子, 带多少钱等等问题. 我们还是先用正常速度把这段会话念一遍, 请你注意英文老师的发音和声调:

   M: Mom, I'm going to spend two weeks in New York this summer.
   F:  That's wonderful!
   M: How many suitcases do I have to take?
   F:  Take two - a big one and a small one.
   M: How much money do I need to take?
   F:  About three hundred dollars.
   M: Are there many interesting places in New York?
   F:  Yes,there are a lot of museums and beautiful churches.


   M: Mom, I'm going to spend two weeks in New York this summer.
   F:  That's wonderful!
   M: How many suitcases do I have to take?
   F:  Take two - a big one and a small one.
   M: How much money do I need to take?
   F:  About three hundred dollars.
   M: Are there many interesting places in New York?
   F:   Yes, there are a lot of museums and beautiful churches.

   刚才那段话, 不知道你听懂了多少? 现在我再把对话里有 many, much, 跟 there are 的句子挑出来, 用慢速度念一遍:

   M: How many suitcases do I have to take?
   M: How much money do I need to take?
   M: Are there many interesting places in New York?
   F:  Yes,there are a lot of museums and beautiful churches.


   下面我们看看什么时候用many, 什么时候用much. 刚才我说过这两个字的意思都是 "很多", 相当于 a lot of 这个词组,   可是在用法上的区别是凡是指可以数的东西就用many, 指不可以数的或是统称性的名词就用 much. 一般说来 many 跟
much 多半是用在疑问句和否定句里, 而 a lot of 则不受限制.

   现在我们来作一组练习, 内容都是说到 Peter 的朋友问他关于到纽约去的事情.
请注意朋友提出的问句用的都是 many, 而 Peter 都是用 a lot of   作肯定的回答.

   好, 现在我们开始练习.  请你每听一句就跟着重复.

   F:  Are you going to New York with many friends?
   M: Yes, I'm going to New York with a lot of friends.
   F:  Are you going to visit many interesting places in New York?
   M: Yes, I'm going to visit a lot of interesting places.
   F:  Are you going to eat in many restaurants?
   M: Yes, I'm going to eat in a lot of restaurants.
   F:  Are you going to write many letters to your parents?
   M: Yes, I'm going to write a lot of letters to my parents.

   下面一组练习谈的还是 Peter 到纽约的事情. 这次朋友用的是 a lot of 来提出问
句, 可是 Peter 用 much 作否定的答覆. 还是请你听一句, 重复一句.

   F:  Do you need a lot of time to pack?
   M: No, I don't need much time to pack.
   F:  Do you plan to take a lot of money with you to New York?
   M: No, I don't plan to take much money with me to New York.
   F:  Do you want to spend a lot of time shopping in New York?
   M: No, I don't want to spend much time shopping in New York.
   F:  Do you plan to spend a lot of money in New York?
   M: No, I don't plan to spend much money in New York.

   下面我们给你多举一些例子, 内容都是说 Kate 需要到市场去买些什么菜.  第一组练习是用 many. 每个句子我们念两遍, 请你跟着练习.

   M: How many chickens does Kate need to buy?
   F:  How many chickens does Kate need to buy?
   M: How many tomatoes does Kate need to buy?
   F:  How many tomatoes does Kate need to buy?
   M: How many eggs does Kate need to buy?
   F:  How many eggs does Kate need to buy?
   M: How many heads of cabbage does Kate need to buy?
   F:  How many heads of cabbage does Kate need to buy?

   下面这些句子用的是 much. 还是请你跟着练习.

   M: How much bread does Kate need to buy?
   F:  How much bread does Kate need to buy?
   M: How much butter does Kate need to buy?
   F:  How much butter does Kate need to buy?
   M: How much milk does Kate need to buy?
   F:  How much milk does Kate need to buy?
   M: How much fruit does Kate need to buy?
   F:  How much fruit does Kate need to buy?

   现在我们来作换字练习. 先由老师念一个句子, 你先重复一遍. 接着老师给你一个名词, 请你换进原来的句子里. 请注意在作练习的时候, 你必须要斟酌情况决定用 many 或是 much. 好,  现在我们开始. 在作完一句之后, 请你听我们的正确答案.

   M: Kate doesn't need to buy many chickens.
   M: tomatoes
   F:  Kate doesn't need to buy many tomatoes.
   M: butter
   F:  Kate doesn't need to buy much butter.
   M: fruit
   F:  Kate doesn't need to buy much fruit.
   M: milk
   F:  Kate doesn't need to buy much milk.
   M: eggs
   F:  Kate doesn't need to buy many eggs.
   M: bread
   F:  Kate doesn't need to buy much bread.


   刚才我们练习了怎么用 many 和 much  来表示数量,   现在我们来看一看在英文里什么时候用 There  is, 什么时候用 There are. 简单的说, 主词是单数的时候就用 There is, 多数的时侯就用 There are.

   现在我们先举几个例子, 由老师念一句, 学生跟着重复一句. 在学生重复的时候也请你一起重复.

   M: There is a supermarket near Henry's house.
   F:  There is a supermarket near Henry's house.
   M: There is a bank next to the supermarket.
   F:  There is a bank next to the supermarket.
   M: There is a lot of money in Henry's pocket.
   F:  There is a lot of money in Henry's pocket.
   M: There is enough fruit in the house.
   F:  There is enough fruit in the house.
   M: There is a loaf of bread on the table.
   F:  There is a loaf of bread on the table.

   下面的句子用的都是 There are:

   M: There are two banks near Henry's house.
   F:  There are two banks near Henry's house.
   M: There are a lot of people in Henry's family.
   F:  There are a lot of people in Henry's family.
   M: There are ten dollars in Henry's pocket.
   F:  There are ten dollars in Henry's pocket.
   M: There are four tomatoes in Henry's basket.
   F:  There are four tomatoes in Henry's basket.
   M: There are a dozen eggs in Henry's box.
   F:  There are a dozen eggs in Henry's box.

   好,  现在我们来作换字练习.  首先由老师念一个句子,  接着他就给你一个词组,请你看情况决定用 There is 或是 There are  来完成新句子.   现在我们正式开始.在你回答之后请注意听正确答案:

   M: There is a loaf of bread on the table.
   M: two quarts of milk
   F:  There are two quarts of milk on the table.
   M: a dozen eggs
   F:  There are a dozen eggs on the table.
   M: a head of cabbage
   F:  There is a head of cabbage on the table.
   M: several kinds of vegetables
   F:  There are several kinds of vegetables on the table.
   M: a glass of milk
   F:  There is a glass of milk on the table.
   M: four tomatoes
   F:  There are four tomatoes on the table.
   M: fruit
   F:  There is fruit on the table.
   M: butter
   F:  There is butter on the table.
   M: three loaves of bread
   F:  There are three loaves of bread on the table.


   我们还是依照惯例念一段文章给你听,   听完之后请你回答三个问题.  今天这段文章主要是说 Kate 要到超级市场去买鸡, 买青菜, 买面包, 牛奶等等.


   Kate is going to the supermarket to buy some groceries today. First, she checks to see what  she  needs to buy.   How   much bread  does she need?    How  much  butter?     What  kind of  vegetables?  Is there  enough   fruit?  Next, Kate makes a  shopping  list.   She  is   planning to  buy two chickens,two heads of cabbage, four tomatoes,and two loaves of bread. She's also   going  to  need  two  quarts of  milk and  a  dozen eggs. Then, she thinks about money.  How    much money does she need?   Ten dollars?  No, maybe twenty.    There isn't  a  lot of money   in her purse.  She'll have  to  stop at  the bank on her way to the supermarket.

   刚才那段文章你都听懂了吗? 假如没全懂,等一会儿还有机会听. 现在请你注意听我们今天要问的三个问题.

   M: What is Kate going to do?
   M: What food is Kate going to buy?
   M: Where does she have to stop on her way to the supermarket?


   Kate is going to the supermarket to buy some groceries today. First, she checks to see what  she  needs to buy.   How   much bread  does she need?    How  much  butter?     What  kind of  vegetables?  Is there  enough   fruit?  Next, Kate makes a  shopping  list.   She  is   planning to  buy two chickens,two heads of cabbage, four tomatoes,and two loaves of bread. She's also  going  to  need  two  quarts of   milk and  a  dozen eggs. Then, she thinks about money.  How   much money does she need?   Ten dollars?  No, maybe twenty.    There isn't  a  lot of money  in her purse.  She'll have   to  stop at  the bank on her way to the supermarket.

   下面请你回答今天测验的三个问题. 在你回答之后请听正确答案.

   M: What is Kate going to do?
   F:  She is going to buy some groceries.
   M: What food is Kate going to buy?
   F:  She is going to buy chickens,cabbage,tomatoes,bread,milk and eggs.
   M: Where does she have to stop on her way to the supermarket?
   F:  She'll have to stop at the bank.






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