Go Little Book - 第一章 - 基础

第一章 - 基础(Chapter 1 - The Basics)

Go is a compiled, statically typed language with a C-like syntax and garbage collection. What does that mean?



Compilation is the process of translating the source code that you write into a lower level language -- either assembly (as is the case with Go), or some other intermediary language (as with Java and C#).


Compiled languages can be unpleasant to work with because compilation can be slow. It's hard to iterate quickly if you have to spend minutes or hours waiting for code to compile. Compilation speed is one of the major design goals of Go. This is good news for people working on large projects as well as those of us used to a quick feedback cycle offered by interpreted languages.


Compiled languages tend to run faster and the executable can be run without additional dependencies (at least, that's true for languages like C, C++ and Go which compile directly to assembly).


静态类型(Static Typing)

Being statically typed means that variables must be of a specific type (int, string, bool, []byte, etc.). This is either achieved by specifying the type when the variable is declared or, in many cases, letting the compiler infer the type (we'll look at examples shortly).


There's a lot more that can be said about static typing, but I believe it's something better understood by looking at code. If you're used to dynamically typed languages, you might find this cumbersome. You're not wrong, but there are advantages, especially when you pair static typing with compilation. The two are often conflated. It's true that when you have one, you normally have the other but it isn't a hard rule. With a rigid type system, a compiler is able to detect problems beyond mere syntactical mistakes as well as make further optimizations.


类C语法(C-Like Syntax)

Saying that a language has a C-like syntax means that if you're used to any other C-like languages such as C, C++, Java, JavaScript and C#, then you're going to find Go familiar -- superficially, at least. For example, it means && is used as a boolean AND, == is used to compare equality, { and } start and end a scope, and array indexes start at 0.

说一门语言有一个类C的语法意味着,如果你使用的任何其他类似C语言,如C,C ++,Java,JavaScript以及C#,那么你会发现Go的相似之处————至少从表面上看。比如,&&表示逻辑与,==表示相等判断,{}}是作用域的开始和结束,以及数组从0开始索引。

C-like syntax also tends to mean semi-colon terminated lines and parentheses around conditions. Go does away with both of these, though parentheses are still used to control precedence. For example, an if statement looks like this:


if name == "Leto" {
  print("the spice must flow")

And in more complicated cases, parentheses are still useful:


if (name == "Goku" && power > 9000) || (name == "gohan" && power < 4000)  {
  print("super Saiyan")

Beyond this, Go is much closer to C than C# or Java - not only in terms of syntax, but in terms of purpose. That's reflected in the terseness and simplicity of the language which will hopefully start to become obvious as you learn it.


垃圾回收机制(Garbage Collected)

Some variables, when created, have an easy-to-define life. A variable local to a function, for example, disappears when the function exits. In other cases, it isn't so obvious -- at least to a compiler. For example, the lifetime of a variable returned by a function or referenced by other variables and objects can be tricky to determine. Without garbage collection, it's up to developers to free the memory associated with such variables at a point where the developer knows the variable isn't needed. How? In C, you'd literally free(str); the variable.


Languages with garbage collectors (e.g., Ruby, Python, Java, JavaScript, C#, Go) are able to keep track of these and free them when they're no longer used. Garbage collection adds overhead, but it also eliminates a number of devastating bugs.


运行Go代码(Running Go Code)

Let's start our journey by creating a simple program and learning how to compile and execute it. Open your favorite text editor and write the following code:


package main

func main() {
  println("it's over 9000!")

Save the file as main.go. For now, you can save it anywhere you want; we don't need to live inside Go's workspace for trivial examples.


Next, open a shell/command prompt and change the directory to where you saved the file. For me, that means typing cd ~/code.

接下来,打开一个shell/命令行,然后将目录切换到你保存文件的位置。对我来,输入cd ~/code就可以了。

Finally, run the program by entering:


go run main.go

If everything worked, you should see it's over 9000!.

如果一切正常,你会看到 it's over 9000!

But wait, what about the compilation step? go run is a handy command that compiles and runs your code. It uses a temporary directory to build the program, executes it and then cleans itself up. You can see the location of the temporary file by running:

等等,那编译过程呢?go run是一个方便的编译和执行代码的命令。它使用临时目录来生成程序和运行,然后清理。通过下面的代码你可以查看临时文件所在位置:

go run --work main.go

To explicitly compile code, use go build:

要显示的编译代码,使用go build:

go build main.go

This will generate an executable main which you can run. On Linux / OSX, don't forget that you need to prefix the executable with dot-slash, so you need to type ./main.


While developing, you can use either go run or go build. When you deploy your code however, you'll want to deploy a binary via go build and execute that.

在开发的时候,你可以使用go run或者go build。但当你发布的时候,你需要使用go build来生成可执行文件并运行它。


Hopefully, the code that we just executed is understandable. We've created a function and printed out a string with the built-in println function. Did go run know what to execute because there was only a single choice? No. In Go, the entry point to a program has to be a function called main within a package main.

但愿,我们刚刚的执行的代码是可以理解的。我们创建了一个函数,它调用内置的println函数打印一个字符串。难道是因为只有一个选择,所以go run才知道要执行什么吗?不是的,在Go语言中,程序的入口是main包中的main函数。

We'll talk more about packages in a later chapter. For now, while we focus on understanding the basics of Go, we'll always write our code within the main package.


If you want, you can alter the code and change the package name. Run the code via go run and you should get an error. Then, change the name back to main but use a different function name. You should see a different error message. Try making those same changes but use go build instead. Notice that the code compiles, there's just no entry point to run it. This is perfectly normal when you are, for example, building a library.

如果你愿意,你也可以修改代码并改变包名89。并使用go run去执行,你会得到一个错误信息。然后,将包名改成main,但是函数名不叫main,再次运行代码,你会得到一个不同的错误信息。使用go build进行相同的操作,注意编译代码时,这里没有运行代码的入口点。这是很正常的,例如当你编译一个库时。


Go has a number of built-in functions, such as println, which can be used without reference. We can't get very far though, without making use of Go's standard library and eventually using third-party libraries. In Go, the import keyword is used to declare the packages that are used by the code in the file.


Let's change our program: 让我们来修改下程序:

package main

import (

func main() {
  if len(os.Args) != 2 {
  fmt.Println("It's over ", os.Args[1])

Which you can run via:


go run main.go 9000

We're now using two of Go's standard packages: fmt and os. We've also introduced another built-in function len. len returns the size of a string, or the number of values in a dictionary, or, as we see here, the number of elements in an array. If you're wondering why we expect 2 arguments, it's because the first argument -- at index 0 -- is always the path of the currently running executable. (Change the program to print it out and see for yourself.)


You've probably noticed we prefix the function name with the package, e.g., fmt.Println. This is different from many other languages. We'll learn more about packages in later chapters. For now, knowing how to import and use a package is a good start.


Go is strict about importing packages. It will not compile if you import a package but don't use it. Try to run the following:


package main

import (

func main() {

You should get two errors about fmt and os being imported and not used. Can this get annoying? Absolutely. Over time, you'll get used to it (it'll still be annoying though). Go is strict about this because unused imports can slow compilation; admittedly a problem most of us don't have to this degree.


Another thing to note is that Go's standard library is well documented. You can head over to http://golang.org/pkg/fmt/#Println to learn more about the Println function that we used. You can click on that section header and see the source code. Also, scroll to the top to learn more about Go's formatting capabilities.

令一个值得注意的地方就是Go的标准包的文档很完善。你可以通过http://golang.org/pkg/fmt/#Println 来学习更多我们用到过的Println的内容。你可以点击章节标题来查看源码。也可以滚动到顶部来查看更多关于Go格式化的功能。

If you're ever stuck without internet access, you can get the documentation running locally via: 如果你不能访问网络,你可以通过下面的方面运行本地的文档:

godoc -http=:6060

and pointing your browser to http://localhost:6060


变量和声明(Variables and Declarations)

It'd be nice to begin and end our look at variables by saying you declare and assign to a variable by doing x = 4. Unfortunately, things are more complicated in Go. We'll begin our conversation by looking at simple examples. Then, in the next chapter, we'll expand this when we look at creating and using structures. Still, it'll probably take some time before you truly feel comfortable with it.

通过x = 4就能声明和赋值变量 ,对你来说可能是一个好的开始和结束。不幸的是,Go中要复杂一些。我们将通过简单的例子来开始我们的话题。然后,我们会在下一章节中,在讲解分创建的使用结构体的时候,我们会展开来讲解。但是,你可以需要花一些时间来适应它。

You might be thinking Woah! What can be so complicated about this? Let's start looking at some examples.

你可能会觉得 *哇!为什么这么复杂?*让我们来看些例子吧。

The most explicit way to deal with variable declaration and assignment in Go is also the most verbose:


package main

import (

func main() {
  var power int
  power = 9000
  fmt.Printf("It's over %d\n", power)

Here, we declare a variable power of type int. By default, Go assigns a zero value to variables. Integers are assigned 0, booleans false, strings "" and so on. Next, we assign 9000 to our power variable. We can merge the first two lines:


var power int = 9000

Still, that's a lot of typing. Go has a handy short variable declaration operator, :=, which can infer the type:


power := 9000

This is handy, and it works just as well with functions:


func main() {
  power := getPower()

func getPower() int {
  return 9001

It's important that you remember that := is used to declare the variable as well as assign a value to it. Why? Because a variable can't be declared twice (not in the same scope anyway). If you try to run the following, you'll get an error.


func main() {
  power := 9000
  fmt.Printf("It's over %d\n", power)

  // no new variables on left side of :=
  power := 9001
  fmt.Printf("It's also over %d\n", power)

The compiler will complain with no new variables on left side of :=. This means that when we first declare a variable, we use := but on subsequent assignment, we use the assignment operator =. This makes a lot of sense, but it can be tricky for your muscle memory to remember when to switch between the two.

编译器会抱错提示 :=左边不是新的变量。这就是说我们一开始用:=来声明一个变量,接下来我们需要用=来给变量赋值。这很用意义,但是对你的记忆力来说是一个负担,因为你要记住这两者之间切换的时机。

If you read the error message closely, you'll notice that variables is plural. That's because Go lets you assign multiple variables (using either = or :=):

如果你仔细看错误信息,你会发现 变量用了复数形式。因为Go支持多个变量同时赋值(使用=或者:=):

func main() {
  name, power := "Goku", 9000
  fmt.Printf("%s's power is over %d\n", name, power)

As long as one of the variables is new, := can be used. Consider:

只要有一个变量是新的就可以使用:= 操作符。例如:

func main() {
  power := 1000
  fmt.Printf("default power is %d\n", power)

  name, power := "Goku", 9000
  fmt.Printf("%s's power is over %d\n", name, power)

Although power is being used twice with :=, the compiler won't complain the second time we use it, it'll see that the other variable, name, is a new variable and allow :=. However, you can't change the type of power. It was declared (implicitly) as an integer and thus, can only be assigned integers.


For now, the last thing to know is that, like imports, Go won't let you have unused variables. For example,


func main() {
  name, power := "Goku", 1000
  fmt.Printf("default power is %d\n", power)

won't compile because name is declared but not used. Like unused imports it'll cause some frustration, but overall I think it helps with code cleanliness and readability.


There's more to learn about declaration and assignments. For now, remember that you'll use var NAME TYPE when declaring a variable to its zero value, NAME := VALUE when declaring and assigning a value, and NAME = VALUE when assigning to a previously declared variable.

声明和赋值还有内容需要学习。现在,只要记住,用var NAME TYPE来声明变量并赋0值,用NAME := VALUE声明变量并赋值,和用NAME = VALUE给已声明的变量赋值。

函数声明(Function Declarations)

This is a good time to point out that functions can return multiple values. Let's look at three functions: one with no return value, one with one return value, and one with two return values.


func log(message string) {

func add(a int, b int) int {

func power(name string) (int, bool) {

We'd use the last one like so: 我们像这样来使用最后一个函数:

value, exists := power("goku")
if exists == false {
  // handle this error case

Sometimes, you only care about one of the return values. In these cases, you assign the other values to _:


_, exists := power("goku")
if exists == false {
  // handle this error case

This is more than a convention. _, the blank identifier, is special in that the return value isn't actually assigned. This lets you use _ over and over again regardless of the returned type.


Finally, there's something else that you're likely to run into with function declarations. If parameters share the same type, we can use a shorter syntax:


func add(a, b int) int {


Being able to return multiple values is something you'll use often. You'll also frequently use _ to discard a value. Named return values and the slightly less verbose parameter declaration aren't that common. Still, you'll run into all of these sooner than later so it's important to know about them.


继续之前(Before You Continue)

We looked at a number of small individual pieces and it probably feels disjointed at this point. We'll slowly build larger examples and hopefully, the pieces will start to come together.


If you're coming from a dynamic language, the complexity around types and declarations might seem like a step backwards. I don't disagree with you. For some systems, dynamic languages are categorically more productive.


If you're coming from a statically typed language, you're probably feeling comfortable with Go. Inferred types and multiple return values are nice (though certainly not exclusive to Go). Hopefully as we learn more, you'll appreciate the clean and terse syntax.



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