Aggr是由一个或多个raid group (raid group包含一个校验盘和多个数据盘)组成的虚拟存储池. 

卷(volume)建立在Aggr上的空间管理单位,是快照等技术实现的基本单元。存放系统数据的称为根卷(root volume).  其他存放数据的卷称为普通卷. 一个filer有且只有一个根卷

Aggr=一个或多个raid group

Aggr ----> vloume ---> lun 

There are only four types of disks in Data ONTAP, I will discuss RAID in the aggregate section.

Dataholds data stored within the RAID group
SpareDoes not hold usable data but is available to be added to a RAID group in an aggregate, also known as a hot spare
ParityStore data reconstruction information within the RAID group
dParityStores double-parity information within the RAID group, if RAID-DP is enabled


型号是netapp fas3140,8个盘柜,共112块磁盘,做过两次扩容,4个loop,因为不是一次性规划,有点乱

ssh方式未启用,用telnet登录的,命令类似于unix,据说Data ONTAP系统 是由unix内核裁剪定制而来的,

netapp-a> sysconfig

NetApp Release Wed Dec 10 21:10:08 PST 2008

System ID: 015172xxxx (hfnetapp-a); partner ID: 015172xxxx (hfnetapp-b)

System Serial Number: 8000xxxx (hfnetapp-a)

System Rev: A0

slot 0: System Board

                Processors:         2

                Memory Size:        4096 MB

                Memory Attributes:  Bank Interleaving


                                    Chipkill ECC

                Controller:         A

Remote LAN Module           Status: Online

slot 0: Internal BGE 10/100 Ethernet Controller

e0M MAC Address:    00:a0:98:12:3e:86 (auto-unknown-cfg_down)

slot 0: BGE 10/100/1000 Ethernet Controller

e0a MAC Address:    00:a0:98:12:3e:84 (auto-1000t-fd-up)

e0b MAC Address:    00:a0:98:12:3e:85 (auto-unknown-down)

slot 0: NVRAM

                Memory Size:        512 MB

slot 0: FC Host Adapter 0a 

                42 Disks:            5712.0GB

3 shelves with ESH4

        slot 0: Fibre Channel Target Host Adapter 0b

slot 0: FC Host Adapter 0c 

                28 Disks:            3808.0GB

2 shelves with ESH4

        slot 0: Fibre Channel Target Host Adapter 0d

slot 0: NetApp ATA/IDE Adapter 0e (0x00000000000001f0)

                0e.0                 977MB

slot 1: FC Host Adapter 1a 

                14 Disks:            1904.0GB

1 shelf with ESH4

slot 1: FC Host Adapter 1b 

                28 Disks:            3808.0GB

2 shelves with ESH4

slot 1: FC Host Adapter 1c 

slot 1: FC Host Adapter 1d 

slot 2: FC Host Adapter 2a 

slot 2: FC Host Adapter 2b 

slot 2: FC Host Adapter 2c 

slot 2: FC Host Adapter 2d 


netapp-a> disk

usage: disk

Options are:

fail [-i] [-f]  - fail a file system disk

remove [-w]     - remove a spare disk

swap                        - prepare (quiet) bus for swap

unswap                      - undo disk swap and resume service

scrub  { start | stop }     - start or stop disk scrubbing

assign { | all | -n | auto} [-p ] [-o ] [-s ] [-c block|zoned] [-f] - assign a disk to a filer or all unowned disks by specifying "all"  ornumber of unowned disks

show [-o | -s | -n | -v | -a]  - lists disks and owners

replace {start [-f] [-m] } | {stop } - replace a file system disk with a spare disk or stop replacing

zero spares                 - Zero all spare disks

checksum { | all} [-c block | zoned]

sanitize { start | abort | status | release } - sanitize one or more disks

maint { start | abort | status | list} - run maintenance tests on one or more disks

netapp-b> disk show

  DISK       OWNER                  POOL   SERIAL NUMBER   

------------ -------------          -----  -------------   

1a.23        netapp-a(151727447)   Pool0  3KN0RNVS00007618ZJV6

1a.20        netapp-a(151727447)   Pool0  3KN0R2WM000076191PH8

1a.22        netapp-a(151727447)   Pool0  3KN0R4B6000076191P8H

0a.59        netapp-a(151727447)   Pool0  JNV0D86C            

0a.56        netapp-a(151727447)   Pool0  JNV04S0C            

1b.45        netapp-b(151727512)   Pool0  JNV01PWC            

0c.44        netapp-b(151727512)   Pool1  3LN6ZJEX0000991572L3

0c.25        netapp-b(151727512)   Pool1  3LN1Y2L70000982170CQ

0c.32        netapp-b(151727512)   Pool1  3LN6ZJFK00009915726L

0c.36        netapp-b(151727512)   Pool1  3LN6ZJ0Y000099156J76

0c.26        netapp-b(151727512)   Pool1  3LN6ZHYY0000991573J8

0a.16        netapp-a(151727447)   Pool0  3LN7GQTV00009935HZU5

磁盘分配后,被分配到某一个filer,可以一次分配置一个,或用all选项分配所有未分配的 ,


2.盘柜 shelf

一个loop可包含一个或多个盘柜。一个loop中的盘柜有 1 2 3 ...的序号,一个loop中的盘柜用两个串连链路连接,这两个链路分别连接到filer a ,filer b。loop在物理光纤链路上同时连接到两个filer

loop 不会属于某一个filer,只有loop中的盘柜里的磁盘会属于某一个filer。




netapp-b> aggr create

aggr create: No aggregate name supplied.


aggr create

          [-f] [-l ] [-L [compliance | enterprise]]

          [-m] [-n] [-r ] [-R ]

          [-T {ATA | EATA | FCAL | LUN | SAS | SATA | SCSI | XATA | XSAS}]

          [-t {raid4 | raid_dp}] [-v]

 - create a new aggregate using the disks in ;

   is either



           -d ...

           [-d ... ].

   If a mirrored aggregate is desired, make sure to specify

   even number for , or to use two '-d' lists.


netapp-b> aggr add

aggr add: No aggregate name supplied.


aggr add [-f] [-n] [-g ]

  - add disks listed in to aggregate ;

     is either:



        -d ...

       [-d ... ].



netapp-b> aggr status

           Aggr State      Status            Options

          aggr2 online     raid4, aggr       raidsize=14

          aggr1 online     raid4, aggr       raidsize=14

          aggr0 online     raid_dp, aggr     root, raidsize=28

4 vol

netapp-a> vol create

vol create: No volume name supplied.


vol create

        { [-l ] [-s {none | file | volume}]


          [-S remotehost:remotevolume] }


        { [-f] [-l ] [-m] [-n] 

          [-L [compliance | enterprise]]

          [-r ] [-t {raid4 | raid_dp}]


 - create a new volume, either a flexible volume from an existing

   aggregate, or a traditional volume from a disk list.  A disk

   list is either



           -d ...

           [-d ... ].

netapp-a> vol add

vol add: No volume name supplied.


vol add [-f] [-n] [-g ]

  - add disks listed in to traditional volume ;

     is either:



        -d ...

       [-d ... ].


netapp-a> vol status

         Volume State      Status            Options

           vol4 online     raid4, flex       create_ucode=on

           vol0 online     raid_dp, flex     root, create_ucode=on

           vol1 online     raid_dp, flex     create_ucode=on

           vol2 online     raid_dp, flex     create_ucode=on

           vol3 online     raid4, flex       create_ucode=on


创建lun要指定lun_path 即上面的 vol

netapp-a> lun

The following commands are available; for more information

type "lun help "

clone               help                online              share               

comment             map                 resize              show                

config_check        maxsize             serial              snap                

create              move                set                 stats               

destroy             offline             setup               unmap               

netapp-a> lun  stats

    /vol/vol4/lun7  (323 days, 5 hours, 34 minutes, 44 seconds)

        Read (kbytes)   Write (kbytes)  Read Ops  Write Ops

        390084          101402642       25767     646497   

    /vol/vol2/lun3  (323 days, 6 hours, 25 minutes, 54 seconds)

        Read (kbytes)   Write (kbytes)  Read Ops  Write Ops

        3894011821      10653462004     169908898 968023745

    /vol/vol3/lun4  (323 days, 6 hours, 25 minutes, 54 seconds)

        Read (kbytes)   Write (kbytes)  Read Ops  Write Ops

        1656369662      1836904108      35720470  112092751

    /vol/vol1/lun2  (323 days, 6 hours, 25 minutes, 54 seconds)

        Read (kbytes)   Write (kbytes)  Read Ops  Write Ops

        94157217558     2535260540      1069989465 49700110 

netapp-a> lun show

/vol/vol1/lun2               1.2t (1363845054464) (r/w, online, mapped)

/vol/vol2/lun3               1.2t (1353030041600) (r/w, online, mapped)

/vol/vol3/lun4            1000.1g (1073858215936) (r/w, online, mapped)

/vol/vol4/lun7              1020g (1095216660480) (r/w, online, mapped)

netapp-a> lun create

lun create: exactly one of -s, -f and -b should be supplied


lun create -s -t [ -o noreserve ]

lun create -f -t [ -o noreserve ]

lun create -b [ -o noreserve ]

  - create (writable) LUN storage at the LUN path specified.


 NOTE: 'lun create -b'  has been deprecated.

       Please consider using 'lun clone create' instead.

For more information, try 'lun help create' or 'man na_lun'

netapp-a> lun map


lun map [ -f ] [ ]

  - make a LUN accessible to initiators in the specified group, at

    the LUN ID specified.


    The LUN ID is a number in the range 0 through 4095. If none is

    specified, the lowest available LUN ID will be used.


    Once created the LUN mappings can be displayed using "lun show -m".


    Note that a LUN can be exported to multiple initiator groups.

    The LUN ID at which it is exported to these groups need not be

    the same.


    Note that an exported LUN is immediately available for target-

    mode accesses. To prevent accesses, use "lun offline".


    Initiator groups are created and managed using the "igroup"



    If -f is used, LUN mapping conflict checks will not be done on

    the cluster partner

For more information, try 'man na_lun'


7.igroup (initiator_group,即主机上面的initiator发起连接是对应到一个igroup,在存储上一个igroup要映射到一个或多个lun ,用lun map命令)

netapp-b> igrop   

igrop not found.  Type '?' for a list of commands

netapp-b> igroup

The following commands are available; for more information

type "igroup help "

add                 destroy             rename              show                

bind                help                set                 unbind              

create              remove              

netapp-b> igroup show

    ihfdb (FCP) (ostype: linux):

        21:00:00:1b:32:90:96:5d (logged in on: 0b)

        21:00:00:1b:32:97:57:d9 (logged in on: 0d)

netapp-b> igroup create

igroup create: -f or -i must be specified


igroup create { -f | -i } -t [ -a ] 

                 [ ... ]

  - creates a new initiator group


    An initiator group is a typed collection of initiators. The type

    is specified with the -f (FCP) or the -i (iSCSI) options. Nodes

    can optionally be supplied, they will be added to the group.


    FCP nodes are specified as world wide port names (WWPN), written

    as 16 hexadecimal characters with optional (:) characters. iSCSI

    nodes are written in the dotted-domain fashion.


    The ostype can be either solaris, windows, hpux, aix, linux,

    netware or vmware. The type applies to all initiators within

    the group, and governs the finer details of SCSI protocol interaction

    with these initiators.


    The -a option allows the newly created initiator group to be bound

    to an already existing portset.

For more information, try 'man na_igroup'

netapp-b> igroup add


igroup add [ -f ] ...

  - adds node(s) to an initiator group

    If -f is used, LUN mapping conflict checks will not be done on

    the cluster partner.

For more information, try 'man na_igroup'

netapp-b> igroup bind


igroup bind

  - binds the igroup to the portset


    The initiator group must not be currently bound to any portset

    If the initiator group is bound, use the 'igroup unbind'

    command to first unbind the initiator group before attempting

    to bind to another portset.

For more information, try 'man na_igroup'

hfnetapp-b> igroup set


igroup set [ -f ]

  - sets an attribute on an initiator group


    The current attributes and values supported are:


    ostype: solaris, windows, hpux, aix, linux, netware and 

       vmware. The ostype attribute sets the operating

       system type of the initiators in the initiator group.


    throttle_reserve: value of 0->99

       The throttle_reserve attribute reserves the given

       percentage of SCSI cmdblks for this initiator


    throttle_borrow: yes, or no.

       If yes, then an igroup can borrow cmdblks if it

       exceeds its reserve and cmdblks are available.


    alua: yes, or no.

       If yes, then the initiators in the igroup can

       support Assymetric Logical Unit Access.


    The -f flag will override all warnings.

For more information, try 'man na_igroup'


创建igroup时要指定 ostype(操作系统类型)、 portset(主机HBA卡 WWN号)

绑定igroup :binds the igroup to the portset 


netapp-b> fcp show adapter

Slot:                    0d

Description:             Fibre Channel Target Adapter 0d (Dual-channel, QLogic 2432 (2462) rev. 2)

Adapter Type:            Local

Status:                  ONLINE

FC Nodename:             50:0a:09:80:89:4b:2d:98 (500a0980894b2d98)

FC Portname:             50:0a:09:81:89:4b:2d:98 (500a0981894b2d98)

Standby:                 No

Slot:                    0b

Description:             Fibre Channel Target Adapter 0b (Dual-channel, QLogic 2432 (2462) rev. 2)

Adapter Type:            Local

Status:                  ONLINE

FC Nodename:             50:0a:09:80:89:4b:2d:98 (500a0980894b2d98)

FC Portname:             50:0a:09:82:89:4b:2d:98 (500a0982894b2d98)

Standby:                 No

netapp-b> fcp show initiator

Initiators connected on adapter 0d:

Portname                  Group

21:00:00:1b:32:97:57:d9   ihfdb

Initiators connected on adapter 0b:

Portname                  Group

21:00:00:1b:32:90:96:5d   ihfdb


netapp-a> fcp show adapter

Slot:                    0d

Description:             Fibre Channel Target Adapter 0d (Dual-channel, QLogic 2432 (2462) rev. 2)

Adapter Type:            Local

Status:                  ONLINE

FC Nodename:             50:0a:09:80:89:4b:2d:98 (500a0980894b2d98)

FC Portname:             50:0a:09:81:99:4b:2d:98 (500a0981994b2d98)

Standby:                 No

Slot:                    0b

Description:             Fibre Channel Target Adapter 0b (Dual-channel, QLogic 2432 (2462) rev. 2)

Adapter Type:            Local

Status:                  ONLINE

FC Nodename:             50:0a:09:80:89:4b:2d:98 (500a0980894b2d98)

FC Portname:             50:0a:09:82:99:4b:2d:98 (500a0982994b2d98)

Standby:                 No

netapp-a> fcp show initiator

Initiators connected on adapter 0d:

Portname                  Group

21:00:00:1b:32:97:41:cb   ihfdb-a

Initiators connected on adapter 0b:

Portname                  Group

21:00:00:1b:32:90:0f:5e   ihfdb-a


*****************************on host*************************************

[root@db2 qla2xxx]# cat /proc/scsi/qla2xxx/3

QLogic PCI to Fibre Channel Host Adapter for QLE2460:

        Firmware version 4.04.00 [IP] [84XX] , Driver version 8.02.09-d0-rhel4.7-04

ISP: ISP2432

Request Queue = 0x17d9600000, Response Queue = 0x17d95c0000

Request Queue count = 4096, Response Queue count = 512

Total number of active commands = 2

Total number of interrupts = 2852508411

    Device queue depth = 0x20

Number of free request entries = 2354

Number of mailbox timeouts = 0

Number of ISP aborts = 0

Number of loop resyncs = 0

Number of retries for empty slots = 0

Number of reqs in pending_q= 0, retry_q= 0, done_q= 0, scsi_retry_q= 0

Host adapter:loop state = , flags = 0x5e13

Dpc flags = 0x4080000

MBX flags = 0x0

Link down Timeout = 045

Port down retry = 045

Login retry count = 045

Commands retried with dropped frame(s) = 0

Product ID = 0000 0000 0000 0000

SCSI Device Information:




FC Port Information:


SCSI LUN Information:

(Id:Lun)  * - indicates lun is not registered with the OS.

( 0: 0): Total reqs 943947321, Pending reqs 1, flags 0x0, 0:0:00 00

( 0: 1): Total reqs 1564855950, Pending reqs 1, flags 0x0, 0:0:00 00

( 0: 5): Total reqs 56482209, Pending reqs 0, flags 0x0, 0:0:00 00

( 0: 6): Total reqs 297127853, Pending reqs 0, flags 0x0, 0:0:00 00

[root@hfdb2 qla2xxx]# 

[root@db2 qla2xxx]# cat /proc/scsi/qla2xxx/4

QLogic PCI to Fibre Channel Host Adapter for QLE2460:

        Firmware version 4.04.00 [IP] [84XX] , Driver version 8.02.09-d0-rhel4.7-04

ISP: ISP2432

Request Queue = 0x17d9100000, Response Queue = 0x17d90e0000

Request Queue count = 4096, Response Queue count = 512

Total number of active commands = 0

Total number of interrupts = 2402120994

    Device queue depth = 0x20

Number of free request entries = 349

Number of mailbox timeouts = 0

Number of ISP aborts = 0

Number of loop resyncs = 0

Number of retries for empty slots = 0

Number of reqs in pending_q= 0, retry_q= 0, done_q= 0, scsi_retry_q= 0

Host adapter:loop state = , flags = 0x5e13

Dpc flags = 0x4080000

MBX flags = 0x0

Link down Timeout = 045

Port down retry = 045

Login retry count = 045

Commands retried with dropped frame(s) = 0

Product ID = 0000 0000 0000 0000

SCSI Device Information:




FC Port Information:


SCSI LUN Information:

(Id:Lun)  * - indicates lun is not registered with the OS.

( 0: 0): Total reqs 3, Pending reqs 0, flags 0x0*, 1:0:00 00

( 0: 2): Total reqs 1119703118, Pending reqs 0, flags 0x0, 1:0:00 00

( 0: 3): Total reqs 1138077451, Pending reqs 0, flags 0x0, 1:0:00 00

( 0: 4): Total reqs 147824891, Pending reqs 0, flags 0x0, 1:0:00 00

( 0: 7): Total reqs 670637, Pending reqs 0, flags 0x0, 1:0:00 00

[root@db2 qla2xxx]# 

[root@db2 qla2xxx]# df -h

Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on

/dev/sda2             100G  7.9G   88G   9% /

/dev/sda1              99M   14M   81M  15% /boot

none                   48G     0   48G   0% /dev/shm

/dev/sda5              38G   13G   23G  36% /dba

/dev/sda6             1.2T  697G  388G  65% /archive

/dev/sdb1             1.3T 1010G  159G  87% /u01

/dev/sdc1             1.3T  899G  280G  77% /u02

/dev/sdf1             1.3T  804G  384G  68% /u03

/dev/sdg1             1.3T  729G  449G  62% /u04

/dev/sdh5            1000G  467G  484G  50% /u05

/dev/sdd1             1.5T  627G  780G  45% /u06

/dev/sde1             1.5T  1.1T  311G  78% /u07

/dev/sdi1            1020G   94G  875G  10% /u08

[root@db2 qla2xxx]# sfdisk -s

/dev/sda: 1462108160

/dev/sdb: 1310797824

/dev/sdc: 1321318400

/dev/sdd: 1552031744

/dev/sde: 1552031744

/dev/sdf: 1331879936

/dev/sdg: 1321318400

/dev/sdh: 1048689664

/dev/sdi: 1069547520

[root@db2 qla2xxx]# df -i

Filesystem            Inodes   IUsed   IFree IUse% Mounted on

/dev/sda2            13320192  333934 12986258    3% /

/dev/sda1              26104      41   26063    1% /boot

none                 12374053       1 12374052    1% /dev/shm

/dev/sda5            5003712   47158 4956554    1% /dba

/dev/sda6            152076288    1487 152074801    1% /archive

/dev/sdb1            163856384     294 163856090    1% /u01

/dev/sdc1            165167104      71 165167033    1% /u02

/dev/sdf1            166494208      74 166494134    1% /u03

/dev/sdg1            165167104      72 165167032    1% /u04

/dev/sdh5            1024128      41 1024087    1% /u05

/dev/sdd1            1515776     121 1515655    1% /u06

/dev/sde1            1515776     113 1515663    1% /u07

/dev/sdi1            1044480      19 1044461    1% /u08

[root@db2 qla2xxx]# 

*****************************on host*************************************

*****************************on host*************************************

joe@ubuntu104:~$ ssh root@

The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.

RSA key fingerprint is a6:2d:d8:e9:77:22:a9:11:10:5e:65:6b:6d:61:78:5a.

Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes

Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.

root@'s password: 

Last login: Mon Jan 24 18:55:51 2011 from

[root(db1)@~]# cat /proc/scsi/qla2xxx/3

QLogic PCI to Fibre Channel Host Adapter for QLE2460:

        Firmware version 4.04.00 [IP] [84XX] , Driver version 8.02.09-d0-rhel4.7-04

ISP: ISP2432

Request Queue = 0x11ece80000, Response Queue = 0x11ece30000

Request Queue count = 4096, Response Queue count = 512

Total number of active commands = 0

Total number of interrupts = 2232

    Device queue depth = 0x20

Number of free request entries = 3815

Number of mailbox timeouts = 0

Number of ISP aborts = 0

Number of loop resyncs = 0

Number of retries for empty slots = 0

Number of reqs in pending_q= 0, retry_q= 0, done_q= 0, scsi_retry_q= 0

Host adapter:loop state = , flags = 0x5e13

Dpc flags = 0x4080000

MBX flags = 0x0

Link down Timeout = 045

Port down retry = 045

Login retry count = 045

Commands retried with dropped frame(s) = 0

Product ID = 0000 0000 0000 0000

SCSI Device Information:




FC Port Information:


SCSI LUN Information:

(Id:Lun)  * - indicates lun is not registered with the OS.

( 0: 0): Total reqs 536, Pending reqs 0, flags 0x0, 0:0:00 00

( 0: 1): Total reqs 535, Pending reqs 0, flags 0x0, 0:0:00 00

( 0: 5): Total reqs 535, Pending reqs 0, flags 0x0, 0:0:00 00

( 0: 6): Total reqs 535, Pending reqs 0, flags 0x0, 0:0:00 00


[root(db1)@~]# cat /proc/scsi/qla2xxx/4

QLogic PCI to Fibre Channel Host Adapter for QLE2460:

        Firmware version 4.04.00 [IP] [84XX] , Driver version 8.02.09-d0-rhel4.7-04

ISP: ISP2432

Request Queue = 0x11ec600000, Response Queue = 0x11ec5f0000

Request Queue count = 4096, Response Queue count = 512

Total number of active commands = 0

Total number of interrupts = 2236

    Device queue depth = 0x20

Number of free request entries = 3633

Number of mailbox timeouts = 0

Number of ISP aborts = 0

Number of loop resyncs = 0

Number of retries for empty slots = 0

Number of reqs in pending_q= 0, retry_q= 0, done_q= 0, scsi_retry_q= 0

Host adapter:loop state = , flags = 0x5e13

Dpc flags = 0x4080000

MBX flags = 0x0

Link down Timeout = 045

Port down retry = 045

Login retry count = 045

Commands retried with dropped frame(s) = 0

Product ID = 0000 0000 0000 0000

SCSI Device Information:




FC Port Information:


SCSI LUN Information:

(Id:Lun)  * - indicates lun is not registered with the OS.

( 0: 0): Total reqs 3, Pending reqs 0, flags 0x0*, 1:0:00 00

( 0: 2): Total reqs 535, Pending reqs 0, flags 0x0, 1:0:00 00

( 0: 3): Total reqs 535, Pending reqs 0, flags 0x0, 1:0:00 00

( 0: 4): Total reqs 538, Pending reqs 0, flags 0x0, 1:0:00 00

( 0: 7): Total reqs 535, Pending reqs 0, flags 0x0, 1:0:00 00

[root(db1)@~]# [root(db1)@~]# sfdisk -s

/dev/sda: 1462108160

/dev/sdb: 1310797824

/dev/sdc: 1321318400

/dev/sdd: 1552031744

/dev/sde: 1552031744

/dev/sdf: 1331879936

/dev/sdg: 1321318400

/dev/sdh: 1048689664

/dev/sdi: 1069547520
