1  #!/bin/perl
     2  $return=fork;
     3  if ($return == 0){
     4  print "this is the child process;return value is $return.\n";
     5  exec "/bin/date"or die"exec failed:$!\n";
     6  print "this line will never be outputted!\n";
     7  }
     8  elsif (defined $return){
     9  $waitting=wait;
    10  print "parent process:return pid is $return.\n";
    11  $waitting=wait;
    12  print "back in parent process.\n";
    13  print "the dead child's pid is $return.\n";
    14  }
    15  else {
    16  die "fork error:$!\n";
    17  }
    18  print "hello only once.\n";


[root@stationx perl]# perl fork.pl
this is the child process;return value is 0.
Fri May  4 00:21:13 CST 2012
parent process:return pid is 4560.
back in parent process.
the dead child's pid is 4560.
hello only once.

