<H3C>dis cur
version 5.20, Release 1910P02, Standard
sysname H3C
domain default enable system
telnet server enable
dar p2p signature-file cfa0:/p2p_default.mtd
port-security enable
acl number 2000
rule 0 permit
acl number 3500
rule 0 permit ip source 0
acl number 3501
rule 0 permit ip destination 0
acl number 3600
rule 0 permit ip source 0
acl number 3601
rule 0 permit ip destination 0
vlan 1
domain system
access-limit disable
state active
idle-cut disable
self-service-url disable
traffic classifier yewu-3600 operator and
if-match acl 3600
traffic classifier shipin1-3501 operator and
if-match acl 3501
traffic classifier yewu1-3601 operator and
if-match acl 3601
traffic classifier shipin-3500 operator and
if-match acl 3500
traffic behavior yewu-3600
queue af bandwidth 2048   //配置确保转发,并配置最小可保证带宽
traffic behavior shipin1-1536
queue af bandwidth 1536 
car cir 2048 cbs 128000 ebs 0 green pass red discard  //配置最大承诺速率为2M
traffic behavior yewu1-2048
queue af bandwidth 2048
traffic behavior shipin-1536
queue af bandwidth 1536
car cir 2048 cbs 128000 ebs 0 green pass red discard   //cbs值为cir的7-10倍
qos policy qose0-0
classifier shipin-3500 behavior shipin-1536
classifier yewu-3600 behavior yewu-3600
qos policy qose0-1
classifier shipin1-3501 behavior shipin1-1536
classifier yewu1-3601 behavior yewu1-2048
user-group system
local-user admin
password simple admin
authorization-attribute level 3
service-type telnet
undo cwmp enable
interface Aux0
async mode flow
link-protocol ppp
interface Cellular0/0
async mode protocol
link-protocol ppp
interface Ethernet0/0
port link-mode route
nat outbound 2000
qos max-bandwidth 4096  //配置接口可用最大带宽为4M
ip address
qos reserved-bandwidth pct 100  //配置最大预留带宽占接口实际可用带宽的百分比
qos lr outbound cir 4096 cbs 256000 ebs 0
qos apply policy qose0-0 outbound
interface Ethernet0/1
port link-mode route
qos max-bandwidth 4096  
ip address
qos reserved-bandwidth pct 100
qos lr outbound cir 4096 cbs 256000 ebs 0
qos apply policy qose0-1 outbound
interface NULL0
ip route-static
load xml-configuration
load tr069-configuration
user-interface con 0
user-interface tty 13
user-interface aux 0
user-interface vty 0 4
authentication-mode scheme
set authentication password simple admin