Full Circle第六期中文版部分泄露

《Full Circle》是一本介绍著名Linux发行版Ubuntu及其衍生版本桌面应用的社区杂志。
Linux操作系统在国内的影响力并不比Windows系列差。但是Linux系统的推广却举步维艰。究其原因一方面是Linux本身对于中日韩等亚洲文 字的支持不如Windows,另一方面相关的教育,宣传力度不够。在宣传方面,重点讲解个人电脑桌面应用的中文书藉杂志太旧太少。用户拿来Linux系统 使用却不知道如何去用。就算Linux上的软件做得再好,用户不知道,不了解,不会用,那一切都等于零。这本杂志内容恰好能解决这方面的问题。杂志偏重介 绍Linux系统在个人电脑的应用,个人使用linux的经历。确切的说,这本杂志不能算做技术性杂志。它更面向大众,适合广大计算机初学者。

笔者在这里提前释放出《Full Circle》第六期中文版部分文章,由于该期中文版尚未释放,在此特提前释放部分文章,以飨广大的Ubuntu爱好者!感谢Full Circle中文本地化小组成员:

Flavour of the month

In this edition of Flavour of the Month we will show you how to upgrade from the Feisty Fawn to the Gutsy Gibbon.
我们将在这期的每月精选里演示如何从Ubuntu Feisty Fawn(7.04)升级到Ubuntu Gusty Gibbon(7.10)。请注意:我们对任何升级失败不负任何责任,所以请读者自行承担风险。

1. Make sure you have anything valuable backed up! it is probable that everything will run smoothly, but just in case you should back up anything important.

2. Update and upgrade all your packages. You can do this via the Update Manager (System > Administration > Update Manager), or by running 'sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude upgrade' in a terminal.
2,现在开始更新源并升级系统。可以通过点击 系统->系统管理->更新管理器 或者在终端里输入 sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude upgrade 然后回车。

3. The Update Manager should now say "New distribution release '7.10' is available" (if not you can run gksu "update-manager -c" in a terminal or using the run application dialog box - alt+f2), with an Upgrade button next to it. Click it to begin the upgrade process.
3,更新管理器会显示“有新的发行版本7.10可供升级”(如果没有提示,你可以在终端中或者用alt + F2组合键打开程序运行对话框来运行gksu update-manager -c ),后面会有一个“升级”按钮。点击它开始升级。

4. It is likely you will see a message about applications no longer being supported by Canonical. You can safely ignore this, just click Close.

5. When the 'Distribution Upgrade' has finished its preparations it will confirm that you want to start the upgrade. Make sure you have saved and closed all open applications/documents at this point before you click Start Upgrade. I would also recommend closing any applications using third party repositories eg. Compiz-Fusion (you can close it via the system monitor, System > Administration > System Monitor). You can enable it again after the upgrade. Once you are sure you have closed anything that could interfere with the upgrade process, click 'Start Upgrade'.
5,当版本升级准备就绪,它会让你确认开始升级。这个时候请保存你的工作并关闭所有正在运行的程序,然后点击“开始升级”。我们推荐你关闭所有第三方程序比 如Compiz-Fusion(可以运行 系统->系统管理->系统监视器 来终止它的进程)。升级完毕后你可以再运行它。在你确认已经关闭了所有可能妨碍升级的程序后点击“开始升级”。

6. It will begin to download the new packages for the upgrade, then once it is complete it will start installing the packages. At some point during the upgrade it will probably remind you of those packages it mentioned earlier. You can choose to remove the packages or leave them there. I'd recommend removing them to make sure the upgrade goes as smooth as possible, so unless there is an absolute need to keep them, click Remove.

7. When it has finished installing the packages the computer will request to be restarted. Wave goodbye to the Feisty Fawn, then click Restart Now.
7,在升级软件包安装完毕后,系统会要求重新启动电脑。跟Feisty Fawn招手说拜拜吧,点击“现在重启”。

8. Once restarted you will be left with your new up-to-date Ubuntu - The Gutsy Gibbon. Enjoy it while it lasts, as before you know it you'll be reading up on how to upgrade to the Hardy Heron.
8,重启结束后你运行的就是最新的Ubuntu 7.10版了。

Any of these steps are subject to change as this guide was written with the release candidate of Ubuntu 7.10. Should you have any problems with upgrading, you can get help in the installation and upgrades section of Ubuntu Forums - [url]http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=140[/url].
由于这篇指南是根据Ubuntu 7.10 RC版来写的,所以在7.10正式版本发行后升级有些步骤可能会有变化。如果你碰到升级问题请到Ubuntu论坛的安装升级板块去寻求帮助-http: //ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=140

NOTE: If anything here is incorrect, please update/change it! - We don't want to have people complaining we messed up their upgrades :P
Click below for images.


How to-在Ubuntu中保护孩子的安全
In this article, I will explain the steps I used to create a user account in Ubuntu for my six year old nephew's use. While this configuration is particular to his needs, many of these considerations would apply to anyone configuring an account for use by a child.
As my nephew has become more learned, and can generally be counted upon not to accidentally destroy something as fragile as a home computer, I have allowed him supervised access to my computer. He mostly uses it to play some of the games I have installed for him, or to access the websites of his favored television networks, such as pbskids.org, and sproutonline.com.

However, he has reached a level of proficiency where he seldom needs my help. While I would prefer to stay there with him and continue to supervise directly, I simply don't have the time. In this article, I will explain the steps I used to create a user account in Ubuntu for my six year old nephew's use. While this configuration is particular to his needs, many of these considerations would apply to anyone configuring an account for use by a child.
不过,他很快达到了相当高的熟练程度,基本上不需要我的 帮助了。虽然我很希望能够陪伴在他的身边,直接监督他,不过我没有这么多时间。在这篇文章里,我会向你展示我在Ubuntu中为我六岁大的侄子创建一个用 户账户的全部过程。虽然这个配置是特别为了他的需要而设,但其中大部分的配置都适用于任何一个给孩子用的账户。

First, I needed to create a separate account for him to use. In GNOME, I went to System > Administration > Users and Groups. After I entered my administrator's password, the Users settings window opened. I clicked on Add User and and the New user account window appeared.
首先,我需要给他新建一个独立账户。在GNOME中,进入 系统(System)>系统管理(Administration)>用户和组(Users and Groups)。在我输入了管理员密码后,用户设置窗口便打开了。单击添加用户(Add User),随后新建用户账户窗口便会出现。

On the account tab, I entered the username I want the account to have, and the real name. I chose to set the account to unprivileged and left the contact information blank. For the password, I generated several passwords until I had one that seemed complex enough. Unfortunately, the random passwords don't include any special characters, but they can be added directly into this field. This would be nearly impossible for my nephew to remember. Fortunately, that won't be a problem, but more on that in a moment.
在账户(Account)标签页中,我输入用户名和真实姓名。我选择设置账户为非特权并且保留联系信息栏空白。至于密码,我尝试让系统自动生成了若 干次,直到得到一个我认为足够复杂的密码。这些随机密码并没有包含任何特殊字符,不过你可以直接在输入框里插入它们。当然这也会使我的侄子几乎不可能记住 密码。所幸的是,这个问题只要多花些时间就能解决。
Next, I went to the User Privileges tab and added the privileges I wanted my nephew to use:
    * Accessing external storage devices automatically
    * Use audio devices
    * Use CD-ROM drives
接下来,我来到用户权限(User Privileges)标签页来添加我希望我侄子所拥有的权限:
With nothing on the advanced tab needing my attention, I clicked OK and then closed out of the User settings window.
Before logging out of my account, I went to System > Administration > Login Window to configure the GNOME display manager. In the Login Window Preferences window, I went to the Security tab. There I checked the Enable Timed Login box, selected my nephews account in the drop down menu, and set the timed login delay to 10 seconds. This allowed me to use a very secure password, without making my nephew memorize it. With that done, I closed out of the login preferences and restarted my machine before testing the timed login.
在我登出我的帐户之前,我打开系统(System)>系统管理(Administration)>登录窗口(Login Window)来配置GNOME显示管理器。在登录窗口配置(Login Window Preference)窗口中,我来到了安全(Security)标签页。在这里,我启用了超时登录(Timed Login),在下拉菜单中选择了我侄子的帐户并且设置延迟为10秒。这样我可以设置一个非常安全的密码,而我的侄子则不需要记住它。在一切完成之后,我 关闭了所有登录配置窗口,随后重新启动计算机来测试超时登录。
My main objective in preparing his account was to make it easy for him to use. I wanted to simplify as much as possible. I can always add to the complexity later. The first thing I changed was to open the workspace switcher preferences and set the number of workspaces to one. Then I removed it from the panel all-together. I also removed the "Quit..." applet.
As a general rule, I wanted to avoid clutter, but I mainly wanted to make it easy for him to find what he wants to use, whilst avoiding the things I may not want him to use, so the next item on my agenda was the menu. I considered just adding launchers to the desktop and doing away with the menu altogether, but there are far too many programs to make that an optimal solution. So, I opened up alacarte, the menu editor included in Ubuntu, and started cutting away.
There are many sub-menus in the default install, and precious few applications I feel he would find useful. My choices here were rather specific to my case, but essentially I removed the majority of the preferences, the entire administration menu, and all entries for programs that I did not install specifically for his use-- with the exceptions of common items like the Text Editor, Calculator, and Firefox.
作为一个基本准则,我希望能避免混乱,主要是希望能让他轻松找到他想要运行的程序,同时又避免让他看见我不想他使用的程序,因此下一步便是调整菜 单。我考虑过在桌面添加快捷方式并且彻底废除菜单,不过程序实在太多,所以这并不是一个最佳的解决方案。于是我打开Alacarte——Ubuntu附带 的菜单编辑器,开始删除部分菜单。
在默认的安装中有许多子菜单,我认为只有很少部分他会觉得有用。这里我选择的设置是为了适合我的特殊情况。我移除了大部分的系统配置和整个系统管理 以及所有不是特别为他而安装的应用程序——除了一些常用项目如文本编辑器(Text Editor),计算器(Calculator)和Firefox。
While the "Search for Files" menu entry is available through the places menu, I wanted to make searching more easily available, so I added the deskbar to the top panel and set the layout to entry in panel on the view tab of the deskbar preferences. I also disabled many of the extensions under the Searches tab, leaving only:
    * Files and Folders Search
    * History
    * Web Bookmarks
    * Web history
    * Recent Documents
The idea being, again, to limit the amount of information he has to process.
虽然"搜索文件(Search for Files)"菜单项目可以在Places菜单中找到,但是我希望能使搜索变得更方便,所以我在顶部面板上添加了Deskbar,然后修改了一些配置。我 在查看(View)标签页设置Deskbar的显示布局,还在搜索(Search)标签页中禁用了很多扩展,只留下了:
文件和文件夹搜索(Files and Folders Search)
Web书签(Web Bookmarks)
Web历史(Web history)
最近文档(Recent Documents)
Having configured the panels to my liking, I ran Pessulus, a lockdown editor for GNOME. While Pessulus is not installed in Ubuntu by default, it is available from the Ubuntu repositories. I don't expect my nephew to actively attempt to bypass the restrictions I have placed on his account. Honestly, I would go so far as to encourage it. So, despite Pessulus' many options, my needs here are simple. Switching to the "Panel" section in pessulus, I checked two options, Lock down the panels and Disable lock screen then closed the lockdown editor. Hopefully this will prevent the all-to-common "missing" panels and applets, bane of new users and tech support alike.
在按照我的希望配置好面板之后,我运行了Pessulus——一个GNOME锁定编辑器(Lockdown Editor)。Pessulus在Ubuntu中并没有默认安装,不过可以从Ubuntu软件仓库安装它。我不认为我的侄子会积极地尝试绕过我为他帐户 设置的限制,不过说实话,我反倒鼓励他这样。所以,撇开Pessulus的众多选项,我的需求是很简单的。在切换到"面板(Panel)"部分之后,我选 择了两个选项——分别是“锁定面板”和“禁用锁定屏幕”,然后关闭了锁定编辑器(Lockdown Editor)。希望这能防止发生面板和面板小程序的“丢失”,这是新用户最常见的困扰。
As a final step, I ran gconf-editor and navigated to apps > nautilus > preferences in the left hand pane and checked desktop_is_home_dir. This will change the desktop directory from /home/jimmy/Desktop to just /home/jimmy. While there is some disagreement as to whether this should be a default gnome setting, I certainly think it is appropriate for my particular situation.
最后一步,运行gconf-editor,在左边的窗格中定位到apps>nautilus>preferences,随后选中 desktop_is_home_dir。这将使得桌面目录从/home/jimmy/Desktop变成/home/jimmy。虽然对于是否应该把这 作为gnome的默认设置有点争议,但是我认为这适合我的特殊情况。
 The primary piece of software I want to configure is Firefox. There are many valuable resources for students on the web. Not to mention (with Flash and Java installed) the nearly endless variety of games. However, there are many more things to be found out in the wilds of the internet. With that in mind, I will follow up my usual round of simplifications with a particularly strong form of "parental controls." In addition to that, I have installed an ad-blocker. While there are many valid arguments against using disrupting advertising service, I have far more pressing concerns about young impressionable minds being bombarded by commercialism.
特别需要设置的软件是Firefox。在网上,有很多对学生有用的资源,更不用提那无穷无尽的各种游戏(只要装了Flash和Java),但是网上 也有很多出格的东西。因此,除了一般的简化配置之外,我还要做一些特别严格的“家长控制(Parental Controls)”。另外,我还安装了一个广告猎手。尽管很多反对使用广告去除服务的论据也很有道理,但是我更担心年轻敏感的心灵遭到商业主义轰击。
Now, as I said before, one of my primary goals with this whole process has been to simplify user interfaces. To this end, my first action in Firefox was to remove all but the forward and back buttons in the navigation bar, as well as un-check use small icons in the Customize toolbar window. Once I was satisfied with the menu, I searched the Mozilla add-ons page for an extension called Personal Menu and installed it. The most current version as of this writing is 3.0.5.
After restarting my browser, I opened up the preferences for Personal Menu. Personal Menus is a great extension for simplifying the interface, it allows you to create a menu button for the navigation toolbar, move items from the standard menu bar menus (File, Edit, View, etc) into your buttons menu, and then hide the menu bar. So, after adding my choices from the standard menus, I placed the customized menu on the far right of the navigation bar, with the search entry field just to its left. The items I chose were fairly standard:
    * Home
    * Print
    * Save Page As...
    * Full Screen
With the exception of Save Page As... none of these items are available on the standard page context menu.
现在,正如我之前所说过的,我的一个主要目的就是简化用户界面。为了满足这些要求,我在Firefox里所做的第一件事情就是移除导航栏中除了前进 后退按钮外的所有按钮,当然也在定制工具栏(Customize Toolbar)窗口中取消了“使用小图标”选项。然后我到Mozilla网站搜索并安装一个名为“Personal Menu”的扩展。在写这篇文章时,最新的版本是3.0.5。
 在重新启动我的浏览器之后,我打开个性化菜单(Personal Menu)扩展的设置。个性化菜单是简化界面的一个极佳的扩展,它让你可以在导航栏里创建一个菜单按钮,并且将标准菜单栏中的菜单(文件、编辑、查看等 等)移动到里面,随后隐藏菜单栏。所以,在添加完标准菜单项目后,我把这个自定义菜单放置到导航栏的最右侧,左边紧挨着搜索框。我选择的项目都是相当基本 的:
As I have said before, I don't anticipate my nephew actively attempting to bypass any restrictions I place on his account. That reason allows me to simplify my approach to limiting his internet access. After shopping around, I found the solution that I was looking to use: a white-list.
Most "parental control" solutions either use a blacklist, which is a list of forbidden web addresses, or a combination of a blacklist and a content filter that searches the contents of requested pages for certain key words. There as numerous disadvantages to these approaches: many words that are used as profanity can also have valid uses; blacklist creators could never hope to catalogue all existing pages, much less the massive quantity of new pages created every day; on top of those very real problems, there is the problem of the creator's prejudice towards what pages should be blocked.
Fortunately, I can make those kinds of decisions myself. By choosing a white-list solution, I can pick what pages I want my nephew to access. Any page that is not on the white list is blocked by default. As my nephew's interest grows, I will have to investigate subjects that he is interested in and allow access to those I don't find acceptable. While this does involve more effort on my part, it does ensure a better understanding between us.
The plugin I used for this is called BlockSite, and is also available at official Mozilla Firefox add-ons page. BlockSite has a very simple interface and allows both blacklist and white-list based blocking. Wildcards are supported, so by adding *wikipedia.org/* you can access all pages on every sub-domain of the wikipedia.org site. If you feel the need, you can add a password, which must be entered before accessing the BlockSite preferences. However the whole extension could be disabled in the Add-ons window, so that's not a terribly effective solution.
For troublesome sites, try looking for proxy or firewall information. For example, I wanted to add the website for the StorylineOnline.net website, which offers videos of professional actors reading children's books. The site loaded fine, but the videos would never play. On the help page, I found the reason. It turned out to be that the videos were hosted by a site with a different domain name. After adding that to the white-list as well, they all played without issue.
大部分的"家长控制(Parental Control)"要么是一个列着禁止访问的网站地址的黑名单,或者就是一个黑名单外加一个内容过滤器,内容过滤器可以搜索请求页面中的关键词。这样做有 诸多缺点:许多看似猥亵的词都有正当的用途;黑名单创建者不能保证收录所有存在的页面;每天都会有众多的新建网页;最重要的问题是,创建者对于哪些网站该 被屏蔽会存在偏见。
幸运的是,我可以自己做这种决定。用白名单方案,我可以选择哪些页面可以被我的侄子访问,任何不在白名单中的网页都会默认被拦截。当我侄子的兴趣增 长的时候,我就得调查他感兴趣的主题并且允许他访问那些我认为可以接受的。虽然这需要我做出更多的努力,但是这也让我们之间更加相互了解。
为了达成这个目的,我使用的插件叫做BlockSite,它可以在Mozilla Firefox插件页面下载。Blocksite有一个很简单的界面并且同时允许黑名单和白名单阻止策略。它支持通配符,所以添加 *wikipedia.org/*就可以访问所有wikipedia.org的子域名。当然,如果你觉得需要的话,可以添加一组密码,这样在打开 BlockSite配置之前就必须先输入密码。但是在插件(Add-ons)管理器中可以禁用整个扩展,所以这并不是一个很有效的解决方案。
对于一些麻烦的站点,尝试查找一下代理或者防火墙信息。例如,当我添加StorylineOnline.net的时候(这个网站提供有专业演员朗读 的儿童故事视频),站点可以被正确加载,但视频总是播放不了。在帮助页面里,我找到了原因,那是因为视频是由一个不同域名的站点提供的。在白名单中把它也 添加上后,就没有任何播放问题了。
For anyone who might want a slightly more secure solution, there is PublicFox, which looks to be a mashup or extension of BlockSite with some additions that will allow the password protection to be extended to other items like the browser Preferences, about:config page, and the Add-ons window. I tried this for a while, but the constant password entry pop-ups don't offer a terribly friendly experience.
Used in conjunction with Pessulus to disable the command line and prevent running Firefox with the -profilemanager switch, this could offer a decent lockdown solution. Again though, there is always a way around restrictions, assuming you know the way. In this case, the user would simply have to access their profile directory and edit a few text files to disable the extension.
对于任何可能需要更高安全性的人来说,看上去像是BlockSite的扩展的PublicFox可能是个更好的选择。它允许将密码保护延伸到其它项 目,例如浏览器选项、about:config页面和插件(Add ons)窗口。我试着用过一段时间,不过持续不停的弹出密码输入窗口似乎并不是那么友好。
That's it for my setup. In the future, if my nephew begins to mirror his uncle's downloading habits, I may have to recreate his account using disk quotas. For anyone interested in setting up such a feature, it might help to refer to this post by Aysiu on the Ubuntu forums here: [url]http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=2692744&postcount=10[/url]. If he ever seems to develop unhealthy computing habits, such as spending entirely too much time in front of it, gnome already offers a solution. Under Keyboard Preferences, in the gnome preferences, there is a tab labeled Typing Break. Typing Break can be set to lock the screen after a certain amount of time, which is adjustable in increments of one minute, from one to one hundred thousand minutes. If it comes to that, I'll have to set gdm to login to my nephew's account automatically, and memorize his password. Regardless, I think this is a good start.
Since this is my personal computer we are using, I saw no reason to install Edubuntu, but I did install basically all of the educational software available in the repositories, as well as one that is not: Gutenpy, A catalog browser and text reader for Project Gutenberg, which I highly recommend. While it does not have an Ubuntu specific .deb file available, I have used the Debian package available at [url]http://gutenpy.sf.net/[/url] with great success.
这就是我的全部配置。在将来,如果我的侄子开始像他的叔叔有下载癖,我可能不得不使用磁盘限额来重新创建他的帐户。任何对于如何设置这个功能感兴趣的人,参考Aysiu在Ubuntu论坛上的帖子可能会有帮助: [url]http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=2692744&postcount=10[/url]。 如果他开始出现不良使用习惯,例如花过多的业余时间在电脑前,gnome已经提供了一个解决方案。Gnome系统配置的键盘配置(Keyboard Preferences)中,有一个标签页叫做Typing Break。Typing Break可以在使用电脑一段时间后锁定屏幕,这段时间可以是1分钟到10万分钟。如果事情真的变成那样,我就不得不在gdm中设置自动登录我侄子的帐 户,并且记住他的密码。除此之外,我认为这是一个好的开始。
因为这是我们共同使用的我的个人电脑,所以没有理由去安装Edubuntu,不过我确实基本上安装了软件库中所有的教育软件,还有一个不在软件库中 的:Gutenpy,Gutenberg项目的目录浏览器和文本阅读器,我强烈推荐它。虽然它没提供为Ubuntu特别定制的.deb文件,但你可以在 [url]http://gutenpy.sf.net/[/url]下载Debian包,我用起来完全没问题。

or two, you can find it in Add/Remove Programs on the Ubuntu menu. All those royalties and license fees are a thing of the past.
Not only that, but it's fun to learn something new. I cannot even begin to tell you all the things I have learned in the past year or so that I've been running Ubuntu Linux.

真的, 我曾经支持过“盒子理论”。不管你 需要什么东西,你当地的电脑商店里头肯定有一个盒子能满足你。在盒子里面,有张CD,还有一本小册子写着CD上的软件你不能用来如何如何,可能还有一两张 优惠券。你需要文字处理软件?拿出200多美元,就可以把店里花花绿绿的盒子带一个回家。有病毒?那个盒子拿去用。什么事情都能找到一个盒子。
让 我们想象一下这样的情形:你新买的计算机预装了Windows Vista。第二天,你的老师布置了一篇写作任务,所以你还得装Microsoft Word。你从未听说过FOSS(让我们暂时假设不存在Windows版的OpenOffice)。论文明天就要交了,你却没时间去买软件。
不仅如此,学习新事物也是一种乐事。在过去一年里,我从使用Ubuntu Linux中所学到的东西,说都说不完。

My Story - Feeling Secure
I must admit, the first time I installed a Linux distribution I had that strange feeling of something missing. It took me a few minutes to identify it since I had so many things to discover and understand with this new experience. Then, suddenly, a shocking cold wave passed through my body. A firewall, an anti-virus …fast…fast. Desperate, panicked I’ve started a two fast two furious search using Google, for a Linux firewall and an anti-virus. Google is good, but not when you’re really sweating cold. So…I rebooted.
“Let’s be calm.” “There is no hurry. No need to do damage by using something you don’t know.” Yeah, I was kind of right, but Linux was such a thrill. I felt that I had discovered something new, really big, I was entering in a whole new world. Well, every guy has those moments; or maybe it's just me? Anyway, in front of Grub, I had to make the decision. Shame on me, I’ve selected that other OS, feeling safe enough with my Kaspersky Suite. “Let’s calmly figure out what is going on...it’s obvious that others must have asked these questions before”. I used Google, calmly this time, and the first thing I noticed is that there were a lot of people with responses of the type: “an anti-virus for Linux… nah… I don’t use one”, “a firewall for Linux…there is already one built in,” “hey dude, there are no viruses for Linux,” “viruses for Linux? Only in labs,” “a virus must have root rights to harm.” Well, that was not really informative. “Why don’t they say something more, why?” In any case, I knew that Linux was better because it is more secure, there are less possibilities to get infected, etc., but when I had to use it, I wanted the absolute and practical truth. Well, it arrived after a bit: no real need for an anti-virus except if you want to pass files to windows systems, a firewall is already there: Iptables, and the various unneeded ports are closed by default.
Since this experience with the new OS to enjoy, I’ve used Linux for days and days, without booting into my Windows installation. But still, even though I knew that I was working in a possibly secure environment, I still had that feeling of something missing, and in some cases, especially when reading all that news about security and holes and bugs and… and… I had a feeling of insecurity too. That calm of the KDE desktop, without Zonealarm or Kasperksy alerts, no daily anti-virus updates, it was a stress I could not handle. “The syndrome of the desktop calm”, that’s the way I’ve called it. Maybe I had invented a new term or a name for a new mental problem, but I was really suffering from it. Even friends more experienced than I was who convinced me with their security lessons, admitted to experiencing it as well. There was no cure for me.
I was conscious that I was secure enough and that my setup was almost like the setup of every normal Linux user, but that feeling was still there a month later. I’ve watched myself opening new search pages in the middle of other tasks, searching again and again on the same arguments almost unconsciously.
Then one day I discovered two packages that finally brought me peace: The Firestarter firewall, and Clamav. Firestarter is just a frontend for Iptables, the built in firewall, which allows you to apply some rules easier and watch your traffic. It has also some kind of alerts, that red flashing light, my saver. And then Clamav so I could scan!, even if there was no real-time protection. What did these packages offer me? Not much. But seeing that small icons on my bars was what my eyes always wanted. Now I had the feeling that something live is there for me and my security. It was a fake feeling, but it was my cure.
Mike B

My Story - 安全感

我必须承认,在我第一次安装linux的时候,有一种莫名的感觉好像系统里缺少了点什么。由于刚刚接触它,有很多东 西需要我去发现和理解,我花了几分钟的时间去确认究竟少了什么。顿时,我打了个寒战,原来是缺少了防火墙和杀毒软件,惊慌失措之际我飞快地在google 上搜索适合在linux下使用的防火墙和杀毒软件,虽然google很管用,但是这时却把我吓得一身冷汗,马上我重启系统了。

“冷静!我需要冷静!”“别急,不必使用不明的手段去破坏它!”耶!看来我这种想法是对的,但使用 linux还是给人一种毛骨悚然的感觉。我发现很多新且重要的东西,我正一步一步地走进一个崭新的世界里。每个人都有这种看法,还是只有我才这样呢?当系 统启动到Grub时,我不得不做出选择,真遗憾,我选择了“other OS”,因为它里面的Kaspersky安全套件让我倍感安全。“让我们冷静的分析一下究竟是怎么回事?很明显其他人也曾经问过相同的问题。”这次使用 google时我颇为冷静,一开始就发现很多人都反映了此类问题:“杀毒软件for linux......不,用不着。”“防火墙for linux......已经有内置的了。”“老兄,linux系统里没有病毒。”“linux病毒?恐怕还实验室里吧。”“病毒必须要有root权限才有 破坏力。”但是这些并不是真正我想要的信息。“为什么他们不说深入点呢?为什么?”无论如何,我知道linux好是因为它更安全些,感染病毒的可能性很少 等等,但当我在用它的时候,我想要的是绝对正确的答案。好了,总算有点眉目了:没有必要装杀毒软件,除非你想要给windows系统传送文件;防火墙已经 有了,它就是:Iptables,默认情况下它已经把很多不必要的端口关掉了。

随着对新系统的体验,我使用linux一天天的过去了,我不再需要进入Windows了。但问题还是存在,即使我知 道是在一个可能安全的环境下工作,我还是觉得缺少了点什么似的,有时,特别是当我看到有关安全、漏洞和bug等等的报道时,我还是有种不安全感。静悄悄的 KDE桌面,没有Zonealarm或者Kasperksy警告,没有病毒库的每日升级,问题的重点是我掌控不了它们。“桌面恐寂综合症”我只能这样叫 它,虽然我已经为这种心理问题想出了一个新的术语或新的名字,但我一直被它困扰着。即使那些比我阅历丰富而且用他们的安全知识说服过我的朋友承认他们使用 linux时很正常,没有问题,但是还治不好我的心理毛病。


直到有一天我发现了两个软件包“Firestarter firewall”和“ Clamav”,才使我最终平静下来。Firestarter只是Iptables的一个前端,一个可以使你很容易设置规则和观测流量的防火墙,它有各种 各样的警告和闪烁的红灯,我终于找到救星了。而Clamav提供了扫描功能,即使它不是实时保护的。这两个软件带给了我什么呢?其实不多,只是可以在系统 托盘上看到我想看到的小图标。现在我感觉到有一种活生生的东西在保护着我,给我安全感,也许这只是一种错觉,不过它正是治愈我的东西。

Mike B





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