  Virtually every Unix system comes with the curl command pre-installed. curl allows us to simulate any HTTP request, although most commonly it’s used to download files and webpages from the command-line.
  Here’s a quick example:

$ curl http://google.com
<H1>301 Moved</H1>
The document has moved
<A HREF=”http://www.google.com/”>here</A>.

  Here, curl is fetching the contents of http://google.com and printing out whatever we receive in response. In this case, we receive an HTML document telling us go to http://www.google.com instead. A normal browser would follow this redirect automatically, so as a user we’d never see this page.
  If we ask curl to fetch something other than text it will still try to print out its contents to the console, resulting in gibberish.

  Saving Output From curl

        主要有两种方法保存curl输出:用>重定向或者加上 -o参数。
  There are two main ways to save the output from curl: using > redirection or using the -o option.

$ curl http://foo.com/bar.mp3 > song.mp3
$ curl -o song.mp3 http://foo.com/bar.mp3

  Both of these will result in curl downloading bar.mp3 and writing it to the song.mp3 file in the current directory.