Can Japan stand up to US request to contain China?

From Global Times
Two days before US President Donald Trump's visit to Japan, A fake news story caught the globe's eye on Thursday- Japan's Panasonic said it was suspending business with Huawei "to comply with restrictions".
It was reported that roughly 25 billion yuan worth of Panasonic goods were produced by Huawei in 2018
That being said, if the news were true, Panasonic 's move could be equated to cutting its own wrists.
But Panasonic soon denied the rumor saying "currently Panasonic Corp is still supplying Huawei"
The story hype has an inextricable connection with Trumps upcoming visit to Japan.
But Trump's real purpose is more about turning Japan into the biggest pawn to contain China.
In terms of procuring core parts, Japan is a crucial source for Huawei. According to The Nikkei," Huawei procured roughly 700 billion yuan worth of goods from Japanese major companies"
China is not the only victim of the US launched trade war. Japan is too. They can hardly remain unscathed during the China-US trade conflicts.
If US demand for China's High-tech products is to be greatly reduced, relevant Japanese industries such as semiconductor manufacturers, which have been exporting substantial quantities of components to China, will be hurt.
Many Japanese companies rely on doing business with their Chinese partners like Huawei. Mature industrial chains have been shaped between China and Japan.
It's time for Abe to think this through.


Sure, here's an example of a basic login page: HTML code: ``` <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Login Page</title> </head> <body> <h1>Login Page</h1> <form action="login.php" method="post"> <label for="username">Username:</label> <input type="text" id="username" name="username" required><br><br> <label for="password">Password:</label> <input type="password" id="password" name="password" required><br><br> <input type="submit" value="Login"> </form> </body> </html> ``` Explanation: - The `<!DOCTYPE html>` declaration at the beginning tells the browser that this is an HTML5 document. - The `<html>` element is the root element of the page. - The `<head>` element contains metadata about the page, such as the title. - The `<title>` element sets the title of the page, which appears in the browser's title bar or tab. - The `<body>` element contains the visible content of the page. - The `<h1>` element is a heading that displays "Login Page" at the top of the page. - The `<form>` element is used to create a form for user input. - The `action` attribute of the form specifies the URL of the script that will handle the form data. In this case, it's "login.php". - The `method` attribute of the form specifies the HTTP method to use when sending the form data. In this case, it's "post". - The `<label>` elements provide a text label for the corresponding form input element. - The `for` attribute of the `<label>` element should match the `id` attribute of the corresponding form input element. - The `<input>` elements are form controls that allow the user to enter data. The `type` attribute specifies the type of input, such as "text" for a text box or "password" for a password field. - The `id` and `name` attributes of the `<input>` elements are used to identify the form data when it's sent to the server. - The `required` attribute of the `<input>` elements tells the browser that the field must be filled in before the form can be submitted. - The final `<input>` element is a "submit" button that the user can click to submit the form. Assuming you have a PHP script called "login.php" that handles the form data, here's an example of what that script might look like: ``` <?php $username = $_POST["username"]; $password = $_POST["password"]; // TODO: Validate the username and password here if ($username == "admin" && $password == "password") { // The login is successful, so redirect to the home page header("Location: home.php"); exit(); } else { // The login is not successful, so display an error message echo "Invalid username or password"; } ?> ``` Explanation: - The `$_POST` superglobal array is used to retrieve the form data that was submitted. - The `$username` and `$password` variables contain the values that the user entered. - You should validate the username and password here to make sure they meet your requirements. For example, you might check that the username is a valid email address and that the password contains at least one digit and one uppercase letter. - If the login is successful (in this example, we're checking for a hardcoded username and password), you can redirect the user to the home page using the `header` function. Note that you must call `exit()` after the `header` function to prevent further execution of the script. - If the login is not successful, you can display an error message using the `echo` statement. You might also want to include a link back to the login page so the user can try again.




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