Best way to start is to rcssserver and rcssmonitor...
To do so you can do the following in ubuntu :
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnurubuntu/rubuntu && sudo apt-get update
then install these packages using sudo apt-get install
1.rcssserver 2.rcssmonitor 3.rcsslogplayer
or download and configure these packages yourself in another OS rcssserver on source forge
the server and monitor will start up using rcsoccersim
command in terminal.
Now you need two teams to start up a game and learn and develop, I recommend using Agent2d base team available on RCtools because the UVA base team hasn't been updated since 2005 along the server and test your team against the Helios team available on the same web site make sure to download librcsc
(4.1.0) that is a dependency for agent2d team.
It's useful to check out the RoboCup Project wiki and registering in it's mailing list.
Another way for learning new ideas is reading other team's TDPs (team description paper) Just search [pdf] TDP in google.
Teams like : Helios, Wrighteagle, FCPortguel and more.
$ sudo apt-get install g++ subversion cmake build-essential
$ sudo apt-get install libfreetype6-dev libode-dev libsdl-dev ruby ruby-dev libdevil-dev libboost-dev libboost-thread-dev libboost-regex-dev libboost-system-dev qt4-default
3.下载 simspark 源码包
$ svn co https://svn.code.sf.net/p/simspark/svn/trunk simspark
4.编译 simspark 源码并安装
4.1 编译安装 spark
$ cd ~/simspark/spark
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ sudo make install
$ sudo ldconfig
4.2 编译并安装 rcssserver3d
$ cd ~/simspark/rcssserver3d
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ sudo make install
$ sudo ldconfig
6.安装 jdk
$ sudo apt-cache search jdk
$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
7.下载 roboviz 源码包
自行下载后解压到 home 目录(**注意必须将 RoboViz-dev 整个文件
夹解压到当前的 home 下,否者后续步骤会出错**)
8.编译 roboViz 源码
$ cd ~/RoboViz-dev/scripts
$ chmod +x *
$ ./build-linux64.sh
$ chmod +x ../bin/linux-amd64/roboviz.sh
在 Roboviz-dev文件夹下出现 bin文件夹即成功
9.关联 roboviz
$ sudo gedit /usr/local/bin/rcsoccersim3d
在找到记事本第 27行,在第 27行前用“#”注释
然后在 27行下面新增一行内容为:
10.测试 roboviz
$ rcsoccersim3d