




背景 background

正在危及… jeopardized

Evidence that both quality and patient safety are jeopardized for patients undergoing transitions across care settings continues to expand.

目的 Objective


We/The study sought to explore/investiate/develop/test/identify

We sought to develop and test a self-report measure of the quality of care transitions that captures the patient’s perspective and has demonstrated utility for quality improvement.

This paper seeks to identify an action agenda that may hold promise for improving patients’ experiences with hospital care in England.


first provide evidence of…to show how A is related to/associated with better/greater/higher B, and C.

Specifically, we first provide evidence of the importance of RNs to patients using data from a large sample of patients in NHS hospitals in England to show how patients’ experience with care is strongly related to better confidence in nurses as well as doctors, and their perceptions of whether there were enough nurses in their hospitals. 

first provide evidence of 首先介绍了

试验对象 Subjects


The study included/enrolled patient who underwent…

Patients experienced … were included/enrolled in the study

Patients were identified/selected from …

Patients aged 18 years and older discharged from one of the 3 hospitals of a vertically integrated health system were included.

A total of 623 patients were identified from the health delivery system’s administrative records as meeting study eligibility criteria, and 201 were selected for participation using random consecutive selection.

分析 Analysis


Table/Figure 1 uses data from… to show/demonstrate how A is related to/associated with B.

Table 1 and figure 1 use data from 66348 patients in 161 trusts collected in the 2010 NHS Survey of Inpatients to show how patients’ ratings of their care are highly associated with their confidence in nurses and in doctors, and with their perceptions of whether there were enough nurses to provide needed care. 

这里的B可以用比较级修饰,如more favourable B, 表示“促进了/损害了”。

调查问卷 Questionnaire/Survey


…be measured by questionnaire/survey/scale/instrument A

Hospital work environment was measured by the Practice Environment Scale of the Nursing Work Index, an extensively used survey-based measure with established reliability and validity32–35 leading to its adoption by the National Quality Forum as a nurse sensitive quality of care indicator.


Questionnaire/survey/scale/instrument A, a 15-item measure, explored five domains from …, with 2 scores/points for each item and 3o scores/points in total.


Questionnaire/survey/scale/instrument A is a measure designed/formed from five subscles…

The measure of work environment used is a composite measure formed from five subscales (comprising 28 survey items) measuring resource adequacy (four items), nurse participation in hospital affairs (eight items), nursing foundations for quality care (nine items), nurse manager ability, leadership and support of nurses (four items) and nurse-physician relations (three items). 


The Care Transitions Measure (CTM), a 15-item measure of the quality of preparation for care transitions, was found to have high internal consistency, reliability, and reflect 4 focus group-derived content domains.


the study using survey A explores

There are not comparable studies in England using the NHS National Inpatient Survey that could help determine whether better RN staffing and better clinical hospital work environments are associated with more favourable patient experience with hospital care.


结论 conclusion


The evidence presented herein suggests that

促进了/损害了  is associated with less/more favourable

Missed nursing care is associated with less favourable patient satisfaction in the US hospitals


Insights into how ... is revealed /  provided when (分析过程)

Further insights into how quality of care might be improved in NHS hospitals is revealed when data from the NHS Inpatient Survey is linked with information on actual hospital RN staffing and nurses’ assessments of the quality of their work environments. 

意义 Significance


The study provides meaningful insight into / practical information on / reinforce the importance of

The CTM not only provides meaningful, patient centered insight into the quality of care transitions, but because of the association between CTM scores and undesirable utilization outcomes, it also provides information that may be useful to clinicians.

These findings reinforce from patients’ perspectives the importance of adequate hospital RN staffing.


... needs to be considered/applied in a broader range.

...have potential application to...

The development and testing of the CTM needs to be considered in a broader context.

Our findings have potential application to current national efforts aimed at increasing public reporting of health care quality. 


fill an important gap in

The CTM may potentially fill an important gap in assessing the quality of care transitions from the patient’s perspective. 


...remained unreported/understudied/underappreciated

the researches to date have not adequately addressed the ...

Although existing measures may include a few transition-related items, most surveys developed to date have not adequately addressed the quality of transitions from the perspective of the patient and caregiver.

The importance of care transitions to the overall quality of an episode of care has historically been underappreciated and, consequently, understudied.

与… 一致 are consistent with

Our results are consistent with other research showing that higher patient workloads for RNs in NHS hospitals are associated with adverse patient outcomes including higher hospital morality.

包含四个方面 analyses identifified 4 domains

following 在…之后

teaching patients and family members how to manage care following discharge. 

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