dnn回归预测_DNN:逻辑回归与 SoftMax 回归方法

简介:见 AI : 一种现代方法。Chapter21. Reinforce Learning p.703



Exercise:Softmax Regression

Softmax regression

In this problem set, you will use softmax regression to classify MNIST images. The goal of this exercise is to build a softmax classifier that you will be able to reuse in the future exercises and also on other classification problems that you might encounter.


In the file softmax_exercise.zip, we have provided some starter code. You should write your code in the places indicated by "YOUR CODE HERE" in the files.

In the starter code, you will need to modifysoftmaxCost.m andsoftmaxPredict.m for this exercise.

We have also provided softmaxExercise.m that will help walk you through the steps in this exercise.


Dependencies 依赖项

The following additional files are required for this exercise:

You will also need:

computeNumericalGradient.m from Exercise:Sparse Autoencoder

If you have not completed the exercises listed above, we strongly suggest you complete them first.

Step 0: Initialize constants and parameters

We've provided the code for this step in softmaxExercise.m.   步骤一:初始化常量和参数

Two constants,inputSizeandnumClasses, corresponding to the size of each input vector and the number of class labels have been defined in the

starter code. This will allow you to reuse your code on a different data set in a later exercise. We also initializelambda, the weight decay parameter here.

Step 1: Load data

The starter code loads the MNIST images and labels into inputData andlabels respectively. The images are pre-processed to scale the pixel values to the range[0,1], and the label 0 is

remapped to 10 for convenience of implementation, so that the labels take values in

4a1fffcf8f56cfd5d33602b29108beda.png. You will not need to change

any code in this step for this exercise, but note that your code should be general enough to operate on data of arbitrary size belonging to any number of classes.

Step 2: Implement softmaxCost - 执行软回归 代价函数

In softmaxCost.m, implement code to compute the softmax cost functionJ(θ). Remember to include the weight decay term in the cost as well. Your code should also compute the appropriate

gradients, as well as the predictions for the input data (which will be used in the cross-validation step later).

It is important to vectorize your code so that it runs quickly. We also provide several implementation tips below:

Note: In the provided starter code, theta is a matrix where each thejth row is


Implementation Tip: Computing the ground truth matrix - In your code, you may need to compute the ground truth matrixM, such thatM(r, c) is 1 ify(c)

=r and 0 otherwise. This can be done quickly, without a loop, using the MATLAB functionssparse andfull. Specifically, the commandM = sparse(r, c, v) creates a sparse matrix such thatM(r(i), c(i)) = v(i) for all i. That is, the vectorsr andc

give the position of the elements whose values we wish to set, andv the corresponding values of the elements. Runningfull on a sparse matrix gives a "full" representation of the matrix for use (meaning that Matlab will no longer try to represent it as a sparse

matrix in memory). The code for usingsparse andfull to compute the ground truth matrix has already been included in softmaxCost.m.

Implementation Tip: Preventing overflows - in softmax regression, you will have to compute the hypothesis


When the products

29bf947d8920ceaf92db2ab907b45e93.png are large, the exponential function


will become very large and possibly overflow. When this happens, you will not be able to compute your hypothesis. However, there is an easy solution - observe that we can multiply the top and bottom of the hypothesis by some constant without changing the output:


Hence, to prevent overflow, simply subtract some large constant value from each of the


terms before computing the exponential. In practice, for each example, you can use the maximum of the

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