计算机 sci 会议,Call For Paper: ICPCSEE 2018(SCI or EI)

ICPCSEE (Originally ICYCSEE) 2018



征 稿 通 知

(SCI or EI Indexed)

September 21-23, 2018, Zhengzhou, China


The Fourth International Conference of Pioneering Computer Scientists, Engineers and Educators(ICPCSEE, originally ICYCSEE)2018(http://2018.icpcsee.org)will be held in Zhengzhou, China, Sept 21-23 2018, hosted by Henan Computer Federation and Zhengzhou Computer Federation and Zhengzhou University and National Academy of Guo Ding Institute of Data Science. ICPCSEE 2018 is planned to publish the proceedings with Springer in their Communications in Computer and Information Science series, which will be indexed by EI Compendex according to previous experience of Springer. The program committee will recommend some high-quality papers to international journals.

The conference invites computer scientists, engineers and educators to submit original research, application and education papers on topics of Data Science and Application, including but not limited to the following areas in four tracks:

Research Track

Basic Theory and Techniques for Data Science

●Mathematical Issues in Data Science

●Computational Theory for Data Science

●Big Data Management and Applications

●Data Quality and Data Preparation

●Evaluation and Measurement in Data Science

●Data Visualization

●Big Data Mining and Knowledge Management

●Infrastructure for Data Science

●Machine Learning for Data Science

●Data Security and Privacy

Applications of Data Science

●Case Study of Data Science

●Multimedia Data Management and Analysis

●Data-driven Scientific Research

●Data-driven Bioinformatics

●Data-driven Healthcare

●Data-driven Management

●Data-driven eGovernment

●Data-driven Smart City/Planet

●Data Marketing and Economics

●Social Media and Recommendation Systems

●Data-driven Security

●Data-driven Business Model Innovation

●Social and/or organizational impacts of

Data Science

Industry Track

●Novel methods for data analytics

●Novel methods or tools for data visualization

●Novel methods or tools used in big data and its applications

Education Track

●Education using big data, intelligent computing or data mining, etc.

●Education research, methods and materials for data science and engineering

Demo Track

●Research demo    ●Industry product demo    ●Education demo

Important Date

●Submission Deadline of SCI Journals:March 8th,2018

●Submission Deadline of EI Journals:March 8th,2018

●Submission Deadline of Springer (EI indexed):March 8th,2018

●Notification of acceptance:April 19th,2018

●Conference Dates:September 21-23, 2018

Paper Submission

Papers submitted to the conference should be in English. Authors should submit papers reporting original work that are currently not under review or published elsewhere. Papers submitted to the conference should be in the CCIS one-column page format following Springer's manuscript submission guideline:http://www.springer. de/comp/lncs/authors.html. Papers in research, industry and education track must not exceed 15 pages. Papers in demo track must not exceed 6 pages.

Accepted papers will be published by Springer in the Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series , and will be indexed by EI Compendex according to previous experience of Springer.

The program committee will recommend some high-quality papers to international journals. These SCI journals will organize a second round review. If you do not want your paper to be published in CCIS, you can ONLY submit your paper to the SCI journals only. The paper should follow Journal of Zhejiang University manuscript submission guideline (http://www.zju.edu.cn/jzus/manuscript.php)

The program committee will also recommend some high-quality papers to some El-indexed international journals. These EI journals will organize a second round review. If you do not want your paper to be published in CCIS, you can ONLY submit your paper to the EI journals only. The paper should follow lnternational Journal of Perlormability Engineering (http://www.ijpe-online.com) manuscript submission guideline (https://ijpe.cascs.org)

Submission Information

Papers will be double-blindly reviewed without the authors' names and affiliations included. Furthermore, self-references that reveal the author's identity, e.g., "We previously showed (Smith, 1991) ...", must be avoided. Instead, use citations such as "Smith (1991) previously showed ...". Papers thatdo not conform to these requirements will be rejected without review. Submission will be electronic in PDF format through the Easy Chair system at: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icpcsee2018


ICPCSEE 2018 Contact us

For Local Information:2018@icpcsee.org

For all other information:icpcsee@dbw.org.cn


Conference Tel: 86-137-0451-1101,186-1821-1101

Local Tel: 86-186-3814-2916





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