function [Y,A,om_r,dev]=hvd(x,n,fp); % % x - initial signal, n - number of decomposed components % Y - decomposed components, A - component envelopes , % F_r - component relative angular frequency % F=Fs*om_r/2/pi - Absolute frequecy [Hz], Fs -sampling frequency, % dev=std(Y_i)/std(Y_1)) - relative standard deviation of the decomposed component % % Example: [Y,A,om_r,dev]=hvd(x,2,0.02); % % LIMITATIONS: % The sampling frequency Fs has to be in the range Fs=(20-80)*f0. % The minimum of points in time domain is 230*3+1 = 691 % % © 2011 Michael Feldman % For use with the book "HILBERT TRANSFORM APPLICATION % IN MECHANICAL VIBRATION", John Wiley & Sons, 2011 % if n>7; disp('Max number of components not greater than 7'); end if n<=0; disp('Number of components less than 1');Y=[];A=[];F_r=[];dev=[];return;end x=x(:); s(1)=std(x); if s(1)==0,Y=[];A=[];F_r=[];dev=[];disp('Zero signal');return,end; for k=1:n; [At,Ft,phit]=inst(x,1); omf=2*pi*lpf(Ft,fp);% Angular Frequency lowpass filtering (Smoothing) [yi,Ai,phi]=synchdem(x,omf,fp); Y(:,k)=yi; A(:,k)=Ai; om_r(:,k)=omf; % Angular Frequency, [Radians] x=x-yi; s(k)=std(x)/s(1); if k == 7, dev=[1 diff(s)]; return, end end dev=s; % Relative standard deviation of the components return