DAY 30 Why half a degree of global warming is a big deal

联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)在近期发出一份关于全球变暖的报告,报告指出如果气候变暖以目前的速度持续下去,预计全球气温可能在 2030 至 2052 年间气候比工业时代前变暖 1.5 摄氏度,这引起了学术界的高度紧张。1.5 度听上去是个小数目,但其实却会导致地球发生翻天覆地的变化,甚至对于一些地区来说生死攸关。

  • Q1: 地球变暖 1.5 摄氏度会导致怎样的后果?
    even that much warming could expose tens of millions more people worldwide to life-threatening heat waves, water shortages and coastal flooding. Half a degree may mean the difference between a world with coral reefs and Arctic summer sea ice and a world without them.

  • Q2: 全球变暖后,弱势地区可能遭遇怎样的挑战?
    The report also warns that vulnerable areas, like many African countries and small island nations, may struggle to cope with multiple impacts. Crop failures, heat waves and the expansion of malaria-carrying mosquitoes compound when they occur together.

  • Q3: “2 degrees is aspirational”表达的是什么意思?
    we might not hit it

  • 1 degree Celsius 1 摄氏度
    The Earth has already warmed 1 degree Celsius since the 19th century.

  • major 重要的

  • looked at sth 着眼于某事
    a major new United Nations report has looked at the consequences of jumping to 1.5 or 2 degrees Celsius.
    一份重要的联合国新报告审视了变暖 1.5 或 2 摄氏度的后果。

  • details v. 详细描述
    e.g.Can you produce a report detailing everything?

  • expose sb. to sth. 使…遭受(有害或不快的遭遇);使…暴露于(险境)
    e.g.About 800,000 children are exposed to poisons each year.

  • life-threatening adj. 致命的,危及生命的 diseases

  • heat waves 热浪

  • water shortages 水资源短缺

  • heat waves 沿海洪水(flood 洪水 ,flooding 因降雨所致的洪水)
    But as the report details, even that much warming could expose tens of millions more people worldwide to life-threatening heat waves, water shortages and coastal flooding.
    但正如该报告所详细介绍的那样,即使只有 0.5 摄氏度,也可能会让世界上数千万人受到由热浪、水资源短缺和沿海洪水导致的生命威胁。

  • coral reefs n. 珊瑚礁 e.g.Great Barrier Reef 大堡礁

  • Arctic adj. 北极的 e.g.Antarctic 南极的
    Half a degree may mean the difference between a world with coral reefs and Arctic summer sea ice and a world without them.
    仅仅 0.5 度之差,就可能意味着一个地球有珊瑚礁北极夏季海冰,而另一个没有。

  • vulnerable /ˈvʌlnərəbl/ adj. 易受伤的;易受影响的;脆弱的

  • cope with 处理,应付

  • multiple impacts 多重的影响
    The report also warns that vulnerable areas, like many African countries and small island nations, may struggle to cope with multiple impacts.

  • malaria /məˈleriə/ n. 疟疾 (意大利语:mala坏的 + aira 空气 误以为疟疾是由沼泽上空有毒的气体传播)

  • mosquito /məˈskiːtoʊ/ n. 蚊子

  • compound /kəmˈpaʊnd/ v. 加剧,恶化
    e.g.Her terror was compounded.
    e.g.Severe drought has compounded food shortages.
    Crop failures, heat waves and the expansion(扩散) of malaria-carrying mosquitoes compound when they occur together.

  • remote adj. 遥远的;偏僻的;疏远的

  • hypothetical /ˌhaɪpəˈθetɪkl/ adj. 假定的,假设的
    e.g.hypothesis (n.) 假说
    These dangers are no longer remote or hypothetical.

  • threshold /ˈθreʃhoʊld/ n. 阈值,临界值 e.g.I have a high laughter threshold. 我的笑点很高
    the world will likely cross the 1.5 degree threshold between 2030 and 2052, well within the lifetime of most adults and children alive today.
    地球很有可能在 2030 至 2052 年间超过 1.5 摄氏度的临界值,而这个时间段恰好是现在大多数成年人和儿童的“有生之年”。

  • best-case scenario/sɪ’nɑːrɪəʊ/ 最好的情况 e.g.Worst-case Scenario Survival Handbook
    1.5 degrees is a best-case scenario.

  • zero out取消;归零 out the data file

  • Without a push/attampt to do sth. 没有努力做某事
    Without an (定语①)extremely rapid, and (定语②)perhaps unrealistic, (定语③)global push to zero out fossil fuel emissions and remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, 2 degrees or higher this century looks more likely.
    如果不采取一个极为迅速的,甚至是不切实际的全球行动来清零化石燃料的排放和清除大气层中的二氧化碳,更有可能出现的情况是,本世纪内地球会升温 2 摄氏度甚至是更高。

  • aspirational /ˌæspəˈreɪʃənl/ adj. 有雄心壮志的,渴望成功的

  • ridiculously /ˌæspəˈreɪʃənl/ adv. 可笑地;荒谬地
    My view is that 2 degrees is aspirational and 1.5 degrees is ridiculously aspirational
    我的观点是,想把升温幅度控制在 2 度之内,这已经称得上雄心勃勃了,如果想控制在 1.5 度之内,那可就是令人吃惊的伟大宏愿了。

  • aim for 瞄准;以…为目标==(aim是不及物动词,后面加上介词for)==

  • hit 在这里理解为to succeed in reaching or achiving sth.实现、到达的意思
    They are good targets to aim for, but we need to face the fact that we might not hit them.
    它们是可以去争取的好目标, 但我们需要面对我们可能不会达成它们的事实。

without an exremely rapid and perhaps unrealistic,glowble push to zero out feel amithiate and remove carbon diocide from atmosphere, 2 degrees or higher decentury looks more likely
Without an extremely rapid, and perhaps unrealistic, global push to zero out fossil fuel emissions and remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, 2 degrees or higher this century looks more likely.

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