Deep Learning(1)


Artificial Intelligence,也就是人工智能,就像长生不老和星际漫游一样,是人类最美好的梦想之一。虽然计算机技术已经取得了长足的进步,但是到目前为止,还没有一台电脑能产生“自我”的意识。是的,在人类和大量现成数据的帮助下,电脑可以表现的十分强大,但是离开了这两者,它甚至都不能分辨一个喵星人和一个汪星人。  


Deep Learningï¼æ·±åº¦å­¦ä¹ ï¼å­¦ä¹ ç¬è®°æ´ç


 机器学习(Machine Learning)是一门专门研究计算机怎样模拟或实现人类的学习行为,以获取新的知识或技能,重新组织已有的知识结构使之不断改善自身的性能的学科。


Deep Learning(深度学习)学习笔记整理



Deep Learning(深度学习)学习笔记整理




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Deep Learning, Vol. 1: From Basics to Practice By 作者: Andrew Glassner Pub Date: 2018 ISBN: n/a Pages: (909 of 1750) Language: English Format: PDF People are using the tools of deep learning to change how we think about science, art, engineering, business, medicine, and even music. This book is for people who want to understand this field well enough to create deep learning systems, train them, and then use them with confidence to make their own contributions. The book takes a friendly, informal approach. Our goal is to make the ideas of this field simple and accessible to everyone, as shown in the Contents below. Since most practitioners today use one of several free, open-source deep-learning libraries to build their systems, the hard part isn’t in the programming. Rather, it’s knowing what tools to use, and when, and how. Building a working deep learning system requires making a series of technically informed choices, and with today’s tools, those choices require understanding what’s going on under the hood. This book is designed to give you that understanding. You’ll be able to choose the right kind of architecture, how to build a system that can learn, how to train it, and then how to use it to accomplish your goals. You’ll be able to read and understand the documentation for whatever library you’d like to use. And you’ll be able to follow exciting, on-going breakthroughs as they appear, because you’ll have the knowledge and vocabulary that let you read new material, and discuss it with other people doing deep learning. The book is extensively illustrated with over 1000 original figures. They are also all available for free download, for your own use. You don’t need any previous experience with machine learning or deep learning for this book. You don’t need to be a mathematician, because there’s nothing in the book harder than the occasional multiplication. You don’t need to choose a particular programming language, or library, or piece of hardware, because our approach is largely independent of those things. Our focus is on the principles and techniques that are applicable to any language, library, and hardware. Even so, practical programming is important. To stay focused, we gather our programming discussions into 3 chapters that show how to use two important and free Python libraries. Both chapters come with extensive Jupyter notebooks that contain all the code. Other chapters also offer notebooks for for every Python-generated figure. Our goal is to give you all the basics you need to understand deep learning, and then show how to use those ideas to construct your own systems. Everything is covered from the ground up, culminating in working systems illustrated with running code. The book is organized into two volumes. Volume 1 covers the basic ideas that support the field, and which form the core understanding for using these methods well. Volume 2 puts these principles into practice. Deep learning is fast becoming part of the intellectual toolkit used by scientists, artists, executives, doctors, musicians, and anyone else who wants to discover the information hiding in their data, paintings, business reports, test results, musical scores, and more.




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