


二、《An Empirical Study on TensorFlow Program Bugs》ISSTA 18


第一作者:Yuhao Zhang,熊英飞老师的本科学生,”Enrolled at 2015, Worked with me since 2017” [3]


1) a dataset of tensorflow bugs collected from stackoverflow and github.
our empirical study focuses on the defects in tensorflow programs.
we extracted information from QA pages

2) a study of the symptoms and root causes of the bugs, which could assist future studies on TensorFlow application testing and detecting techniques.
four types of symptoms, seven types of root causes.

3) a study of the new challenges in detecting and localizing the bugs and the current strategies to address them, which opens new problems for future research.
five challenges in detection and fault localization:
- stochastic nature of learning process
- huge computation model
- non-determinism
- densely inter-dependent of a neural network (traditional debugging techniques such as slicing provide little help.)
- black-box nature of neural networks.

five strategies that the TF users have adopted to address the challenges.

感觉是对TensorFlow这个DL application中的主流进行了一个比较有意思的分析:首先提取这些bugs,然后分析他们的外在症状和内在原因,然后分析出现在检测和定位存在的挑战,并给出一些strategies,我觉得在DL这一块我看的不多,如文中所说,文章填补了空白(the characteristic of deep learning defects have never been studied),还从github上找到了用到TensorFlow的3万多个应用,并从中抽了上百个bug,这个还是很酷的。

section 2:background of programming over the tensorflow framework


deep learning (DL) is an artificial intellegence computational paradigm that makes classification based on hierachical layers of neurons that are interconnected to form a neural network.

  • 超级复杂句,2个that,based on

In supervised learning, the cost function quantifies the error, known as “loss”, between the labeled values from the training data and the classified values outputted by the model.

  • from和by一定程度上可以互相转换。

In unsupervised learning, the cost function can quatify the distance between the encoded and decoded representations in the underlying autoencoder neural network.

section 3: three research questions

• RQ1: What are the symptoms and root causes of the bugs?
• RQ2: What new challenges exist to detect the bugs and how
do TF users handle them?
• RQ3: What new challenges exist to localize the bugs and
how do TF users handle them?


When answering the questions about challenges, we are also concerned about the solutions currently used by TF users. Understanding these solutions helps the development of new fault detection and localization techniques.

  • 写的真的好,就感觉意义确实是这样的,这样的研究确实有道理。
section 4: how we collected our data


To collect bugs from strackoverflow pages, we used a search term “tensorflow answers -how -install -build” in stackoverflow search engine.
To collect bugs from GitHub commits, we searched for projects with keyword “tensorflow” in Github’s search engine.
Among the search results, we selected 11 target projects that are well-maintained with the highest numbers of commits and stars for further examination.

写的很棒,我发现用, which 的不多,通常用that从句。

请注意:整个搜索过程大概是:在引擎上用关键字先过滤一波 -> 然后就是人为筛选了。


Putting together, we got a dataset of 175 bugs, 87 collected from stackoverflow and 88 collected from github. The scale of our dataset is similar to other existing studies that require manual inspection, e.g., Jin et al. conducted a study of performance bugs and inspected 109 performance bugs [19], and Nasehi et al. conducted a study on what makes a good code example and analyzed 163 stackoverflow QA pages [26].

  • [19] Guoliang Jin, Linhai Song, Xiaoming Shi, Joel Scherpelz, and Shan Lu. 2012. Understanding and detecting real-world performance bugs. In ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, PLDI ’12, Beijing, China - June 11 - 16, 2012. 77–88. https://doi.org/101145/22540642254075
  • [26] Seyed Mehdi Nasehi, Jonathan Sillito, Frank Maurer, and Chris Burns. 2012. What
    makes a good code example?: A study of programming Q&A in StackOverflow. In 28th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance, ICSM 2012, Trento, Italy, September 23-28, 2012. 25–34. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICSM.2012.6405249
section 5, 6, 7: answer these three research questions respectively

RQ 1:

We observed that the last bug-including causes, some of which are unrelated to TensorFlow, are only accountable for 12(13.6%) of real issues we found in Github projects. This suggest that TF-related issues are the main reason for bugs in TF applications, calling for new testing and debugging techniques to specifically address TF-related bugs.

文章实在没得挑剔,这一段写在section 5的最后,感觉还是很亮眼的。

RQ 3:

for bugs in the “error” type, we used trace dependency distance to measure the difficulty of fault locaization quantitatively.
Trace dependency distance is the smallest number of nodes on the trace dependency graph from the reported error location to the root cause of the bug, and was suggested by prior studies to measure the difficulty of fault localization [30].

  • [30] Manos Renieris and Steven P. Reiss. 2003. Fault Localization With Nearest Neighbor Queries. In 18th IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2003), 6-10 October 2003, Montreal, Canada. 30–39. https://doi.org/10.1109/ASE.2003.1240292

  • 再次感受到了作者强大的积累,ASE 2003的都找到了。

Threats to validity


our study investigated 175 bugs from stackoverflow and github, and it is not clear how much our findings generalize beyond the dataset, especially considering the fact that TF is growing fast. However, it is not easy to expand this dataset. First, since TensorFlow is an emerging framework, there were not many well-maintained popular github projects at the time we conducted this empirical study. Second, the manual efforts required to analyze the bugs were large. To collect and analyze the bugs, we spent approximately 400 person-hours, leading to an average 2.3 person-hours per bug.



1)新的benchmark(关于Deep learning)



[40] Xiaoyuan Xie, Joshua W. K. Ho, Christian Murphy, Gail E. Kaiser, Baowen Xu, and Tsong Yueh Chen. 2011. Testing and validating machine learning classifiers by metamorphic testing. Journal of Systems and Software 84, 4 (2011), 544–558. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jss.2010.11.920



Two groups of people can benefit from this study. For TF users, we summarized five strategies used by other TF users to detect and debug the bugs in TF programs. For software engineering researchers, we pointed out five challenges which call for more research efforts. Our classification of causes and symptoms offers both TF users and software engineering researchers a better understanding of deep learning program bugs.


[3] http://sei.pku.edu.cn/~xiongyf04/students.html





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