怎样写一篇critical review

1 What is a critical review?

  • a critical review (critique / critical appraisal) is a detailed summary and a critical evaluation of a given piece of work (often published scientific articles)
  • 换言之,就是要critically evaluate a research article.

2 What is meant by critical?

  • question the information and opinions in the text
  • attempt to evaluate or judge its worth overall

3 What is meant by evaluation?

  • assess the strengths and weaknesses of a published article
  • preparation
    • understand the purpose of each section
    • be aware of the type of information and evidence needed to make it convincing
  • weigh up how effectively each section of a research article actually does its job

4 The sections of the research article

  • what each section should achieve
  • questions help think critically about each section before evaluate the article as a whole

4.1 The abstract

  • provide a very concise overview or summary of the reasearch
    • what was done
    • why
    • methods used
    • key results
    • recommendations
  • 帮助思考的问题
    • 有没有一个abstract
    • 有没有提供一个concise overview of the research
    • 有没有identify明确待研究的问题
    • 有没有概括methods used, main findings and recommendations

4.2 The introduction and literature review

  • introduction可以作为文献综述的一部分,它应该清楚描述本类研究的目的,并且给出相应的动力解释。
  • 文献综述需要提供有关该领域的其他研究作为背景,描述和评价这些相关研究。
  • 通过整合上面的部分,强调本研究的创新点和必要性。
  • 帮助思考的问题
    • 研究问题?
    • 研究意义?
    • 参考文献够与时俱进吗
    • 参考文献和研究问题的连接紧密吗
    • 参考文献有没有给出好几个不一样但是都挺有道理的观点
    • 参考文献有没有强调这个研究的重要性
    • 这些综述里边有没有任何空白,没有说清楚的地方?

4.3 Methodology

  • 这个部分应该清晰描述整个研究工作是怎么carried out的,选择了哪些方法以及做出选择的原因。
    • 一个判断标准:看完了这个方法,读者可以step by step复刻完整且相同的实验。
  • 一些帮助思考的问题
    • 这是一个定性研究还是定量研究?qualitative or quantitative research?
    • approach clearly stated?
    • methods clearly explained and justified?
    • important details provided?
    • the collection/generation of data clearly described and justified?
    • ethical considerations的描述和解释?

4.4 Results/findings

  • 描述结果(if appropriate, 用图表辅助)
  • 有没有gap,有没有解释为什么会有absence

4.5 Analysis/discussion

  • interpretation of the findings
    • the strengths and weaknesses of the findings
    • general significance to further researchers and general field
    • 回应一下在literature review里面提到的一些观点
  • 一些帮助判断的问题
    • discussion and analysis balanced?
    • 研究的优缺点
    • discussion里面有没有回应points raised in the literature review?

4.6 Conclusion

  • sum up研究中最useful and interesting的点
    • 要具体,不能too ‘grand’
    • 对应前面讨论的东西
    • 要包括gaps跟weaknesses
  • outline这个研究对后续研究的implications
  • 一些帮助思考的问题
    • conclusions跟results匹配吗
    • are the implications of the study identifed?
    • do the recommendations outline areas of possible future research? 日后研究方向?
    • 有没有recommend当前研究可以被优化的方式?

5 Planning and writing the review

  • 先通读,知道整篇article说的什么;然后再一个section一个section细读,参考上面的问题去evaluate
  • 参考这篇article的参考文献,自己可以做一些扩展,去举证自己发现的这篇文章的strengths and weaknesses
  • 怎么写:最简单的方式,总分。概括自己criticle review的introduction以及结构,然后对应article里面的每个section去做概括+描述自己发现的优缺点+论证。可以用Bullet points,so that it’s clear if everything is included.

6 Final draft

  • 一些帮助描述strengths and weaknesses的表达
    • ‘These results are consistent with the aims of the research…’
    • ‘The findings are clearly presented using diagrams and a graph…’
    • ‘The discussion consistently relates the key findings to research discussed earlier…’
    • ‘This sample seems fairly small in view of…’
    • ‘It might have been helpful to provide more details of…’
    • ‘There is no explanation for the absence of any literature after 2003. It would have been useful to know why this was the case.’
  • 参考结构
    • introduction
    • summary of the work, results and findings
    • pros/cons of the paper
    • potential advancement and future work
  • 0
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