

⑨对比法(development by contrast)

有时候,我们为了帮助人们对一个不太熟悉的事物获得一个清晰的认识,常常可以拿一个人们比较熟悉的事物来放在一起进行对照,找出这两个事物之间的差异,这就是对比。运用对比法进行写作也是一种常见的段落拓展方法。在运用对比法写作时,我们通常也可以有两种模式:其一,平行对比(parallel contrast);其二,完全对比(complete contrast)。平行对比,就是以事物的某种属性或特征为线索,同时对双方进行一点一点地对比,其具体模式为:A1,B1;A2,B2;A3,B3……而完全对比,就是以事物本身为线索,先对一个事物的各方面进行全面叙述,再把另一事物的各方面与该事物相对应地进行全面叙述,其具体模式为A1,A2,A3……;B1,B2,B3……。例如:

Some Difference between the Northerners and the Southerners

People coming from different regions have their own culture, which is my first impression after I entered Central China Normal University. So I will make a simple comparison of the difference between the northerners and the southerners in four sub-parts as following:

The Physical Appearance: Generally speaking, the northerners are whiter than the southerners, and the southerners are not as tall as the northerners.

The Loudness of Voice and Intonation: The northerners’ voice is usually very loud and strong while the southerners’ is rather soft and gentle. Besides, when the northerner’s are speaking, their intonation is very straight and the rate of speaking is quite fast.

The Eating Habits: In most parts of China, sweet food is welcomed, but in central China, such as Hunan, Hubei, Sichuan and Guizhou, people enjoy eating hot-pepper. What’s more, the northerners mainly take flour for their major food, but the southerners’ favorite meal is rice.

The Character: The northerners are more forthright, some of them seem to have eaten a bomb. People from Sichuan also have a hot temperament, for they like eating hot-pepper so much. But relatively speaking, the southerners are mild and they don’t easily get annoyed. However, they may quarrel with each other on some trifles, so they are more narrow-minded.

Maybe these differences are caused by the different climate, region, history and other factors. And though differences do exist, I think we should respect each other’s culture and get well along with each other.

这是一个平行对比的例子。作者使用对比法详细说明the Northerners和the Southerners各自的特征,强调突出其各自特点。


The Battle Between Rock and Pop

One morning, after he woke up, Mark turned on the tape recorder to listen to rock music and sang along with the words.

Suddenly, the recorder was turned off and a horrible shout blasted forth: “Mark, why are you playing such offensive music? It always sounds like a piece of shit! Why don’t you try F4’s or S.H.E.’s songs?”

Mark turned around and argued angrily with the speaker—his younger sister—Ketty: “What? Rock music is the greatest music in the word. It has strong rhythm and a really powerful message. It can make you understand the real sense of our lives and give vent passion out. If you dare to insult it, I’m going to kick you!”

“Ahah,” Ketty wasn’t afraid at all, “Rock is the greatest? I don’t think so! Look at the sales volume of the recordings of rock music. How poor it is! If you look into the music market, I think you will know that pop is just the best music!”

“Oh, really?” Mark rebelled strongly, “Pop music just depends on those singers who have only pretty faces but very low IQ. A real musician won’t be so stupid and superficial, let alone plagiarize other’s works.”

“Look at the misdeeds of the rock players: taking drugs, drinking too much alcohol, beating fans, and even committing suicide!” Ketty didn’t surrender.

“At least, I think they are unaffected. They are different from the pop singers. Every time I listen to pop music, I have to find a way to prevent vomiting!” Mark kept on attacking.

When Ketty was just going to refute her brother, their father Bill appeared to stop this argument: “Hey, children, why do you argue with each other so heatedly? Everybody has his/her favorite, you should understand and respect them.”




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