datax 持续数据同步_源码剖析-数据同步神器Sqoop与Datax的对比分析



在数据同步见过sqoop,datax,hdata,filesync,这四个工具。分析内部的实现逻辑各有巧思,也收获良多。 Sqoop1和sqoop2 底层数据同步的基本原理是一样的,所以我选择了sqoop1的源码作为分析的切入点。datax和hdata在架构上大同小异,hdata在数据传输借鉴了Disruptor一些内部实现,从Disruptor官网文档介绍让人对的原理及其感兴趣。好东西留待以后慢慢研究,所以选择datax更为一般的实现。filesync是公司内部开发的一个文件同步工具,用于远程文件和hdfs的文件同步






//1,对数据进行分片  @Override  public List getSplits(JobContext job) throws IOException {...          statement = connection.createStatement();      //获取nums      results = statement.executeQuery(getCountQuery());      long count = results.getLong(1);      int chunks = ConfigurationHelper.getJobNumMaps(job);      long chunkSize = (count / chunks);...      for (int i = 0; i < chunks; i++) {        DBInputSplit split;        if ((i + 1) == chunks) {          split = new DBInputSplit(i * chunkSize, count);        } else {          split = new DBInputSplit(i * chunkSize, (i * chunkSize)              + chunkSize);        }        splits.add(split);      }...    }  }  protected String getCountQuery() {    if (dbConf.getInputCountQuery() != null) {      return dbConf.getInputCountQuery();    }    StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder();    query.append("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + tableName);    if (conditions != null && conditions.length() > 0) {      query.append(" WHERE " + conditions);    }    return query.toString();  }//2,读取数据库中的数据// 根据构造函数创建select 语句,sqoop中分为三种oracle,db2,通用  protected String getSelectQuery() {    StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder();    // Default codepath for MySQL, HSQLDB, etc.    // Relies on LIMIT/OFFSET for splits.    if (dbConf.getInputQuery() == null) {      query.append("SELECT ");      for (int i = 0; i < fieldNames.length; i++) {        query.append(fieldNames[i]);        if (i != fieldNames.length -1) {          query.append(", ");        }      }      query.append(" FROM ").append(tableName);      query.append(" AS ").append(tableName); //in hsqldb this is necessary      if (conditions != null && conditions.length() > 0) {        query.append(" WHERE (").append(conditions).append(")");      }      String orderBy = dbConf.getInputOrderBy();      if (orderBy != null && orderBy.length() > 0) {        query.append(" ORDER BY ").append(orderBy);      }    } else {      //PREBUILT QUERY      query.append(dbConf.getInputQuery());    }    try {      query.append(" LIMIT ").append(split.getLength());      query.append(" OFFSET ").append(split.getStart());    } catch (IOException ex) {      // Ignore, will not throw.    }    return query.toString();  }// 3,写入hdfs,采用一般的context.write



采用mysql提供的客户端工具sqldump,要使用的前提是集群的机子有安装mysql 客户端。

// 分片获取的上下限的方式,如下:  protected String getBoundingValsQuery() {    // If the user has provided a query, use that instead.    String userQuery = getDBConf().getInputBoundingQuery();    if (null != userQuery) {      return userQuery;    }    // Auto-generate one based on the table name we've been provided with.    StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder();    String splitCol = getDBConf().getInputOrderBy();    query.append("SELECT MIN(").append(splitCol).append("), ");    query.append("MAX(").append(splitCol).append(") FROM ");    query.append(getDBConf().getInputTableName());    String conditions = getDBConf().getInputConditions();    if (null != conditions) {      query.append(" WHERE ( " + conditions + " )");    }    return query.toString();  }//2,读取数据,这是最特别的实现,通过构造mysqldump语句导出数据  public void map(String splitConditions, NullWritable val, Context context)      throws IOException, InterruptedException {"Beginning mysqldump fast path import");    ArrayList args = new ArrayList();    String tableName = conf.get(MySQLUtils.TABLE_NAME_KEY);    // We need to parse the connect string URI to determine the database name.    // Using directly on the connect string will fail because    // Java doesn't respect arbitrary JDBC-based schemes. So we chop off the    // scheme (everything before '://') and replace it with 'http', which we    // know will work.    String connectString = conf.get(MySQLUtils.CONNECT_STRING_KEY);    String databaseName = JdbcUrl.getDatabaseName(connectString);    String hostname = JdbcUrl.getHostName(connectString);    int port = JdbcUrl.getPort(connectString);    if (null == databaseName) {      throw new IOException("Could not determine database name");    }"Performing import of table " + tableName + " from database "        + databaseName);    args.add(MySQLUtils.MYSQL_DUMP_CMD); // requires that this is on the path.    String password = DBConfiguration.getPassword((JobConf) conf);    String passwordFile = null;    Process p = null;    AsyncSink sink = null;    AsyncSink errSink = null;    PerfCounters counters = new PerfCounters();    try {      // --defaults-file must be the first argument.      if (null != password && password.length() > 0) {        passwordFile = MySQLUtils.writePasswordFile(conf);        args.add("--defaults-file=" + passwordFile);      }      // Don't use the --where="" version because spaces in it can      // confuse Java, and adding in surrounding quotes confuses Java as well.      String whereClause = conf.get(MySQLUtils.WHERE_CLAUSE_KEY, "(1=1)")          + " AND (" + splitConditions + ")";      args.add("-w");      args.add(whereClause);      args.add("--host=" + hostname);      if (-1 != port) {        args.add("--port=" + Integer.toString(port));      }      args.add("--skip-opt");      args.add("--compact");      args.add("--no-create-db");      args.add("--no-create-info");      args.add("--quick"); // no buffering      args.add("--single-transaction");      String username = conf.get(MySQLUtils.USERNAME_KEY);      if (null != username) {        args.add("--user=" + username);      }      // If the user supplied extra args, add them here.      String [] extra = conf.getStrings(MySQLUtils.EXTRA_ARGS_KEY);      if (null != extra) {        for (String arg : extra) {          args.add(arg);        }      }      args.add(databaseName);      args.add(tableName);...      // Actually start the mysqldump.      p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(args.toArray(new String[0]));...  }// 3,写入hdfs,这个也是值得说一说地方,作者将导出后的数据,切分成 A,B,C 这种格式(分隔符,可依据传入的参数指定)然后在统一推到hdfs。    private static class CopyingStreamThread extends ErrorableThread {      public static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(          CopyingStreamThread.class.getName());...      public void run() {        BufferedReader r = null;        ...          r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;          // Actually do the read/write transfer loop here.          int preambleLen = -1; // set to this for "undefined"          while (true) {            String inLine = r.readLine();            if (null == inLine) {              break; // EOF.            }            if (inLine.trim().length() == 0 || inLine.startsWith("--")) {              continue; // comments and empty lines are ignored            }            // this line is of the form "INSERT .. VALUES ( actual value text            // );" strip the leading preamble up to the '(' and the trailing            // ');'.            if (preambleLen == -1) {              // we haven't determined how long the preamble is. It's constant              // across all lines, so just figure this out once.              String recordStartMark = "VALUES (";              preambleLen = inLine.indexOf(recordStartMark)                  + recordStartMark.length();            }            // chop off the leading and trailing text as we write the            // output to HDFS.            int len = inLine.length() - 2 - preambleLen;            context.write(inLine.substring(preambleLen, inLine.length() - 2)                + "", null);            counters.addBytes(1 + len);          }        ...      }    }  }


sqoop 还是提供俩种方式 1,jdbc;2,客户端导出




mapreduce 先将hdfs数据写入到本地文件路径,按表名命名的文件,mysqlimport 读取本地文件将输入导出到mysql

private void initMySQLImportProcess() throws IOException {    File taskAttemptDir = TaskId.getLocalWorkPath(conf);    this.fifoFile = new File(taskAttemptDir,        conf.get(MySQLUtils.TABLE_NAME_KEY, "UNKNOWN_TABLE") + ".txt");    String filename = fifoFile.toString();    // Create the FIFO itself.    try {      new NamedFifo(this.fifoFile).create();    } catch (IOException ioe) {      // Command failed.      LOG.error("Could not mknod " + filename);      this.fifoFile = null;      throw new IOException(          "Could not create FIFO to interface with mysqlimport", ioe);    }    // Now open the connection to mysqlimport.    ArrayList args = new ArrayList();    String connectString = conf.get(MySQLUtils.CONNECT_STRING_KEY);    String databaseName = JdbcUrl.getDatabaseName(connectString);    String hostname = JdbcUrl.getHostName(connectString);    int port = JdbcUrl.getPort(connectString);    if (null == databaseName) {      throw new IOException("Could not determine database name");    }    args.add(MySQLUtils.MYSQL_IMPORT_CMD); // needs to be on the path.    String password = DBConfiguration.getPassword((JobConf) conf);    if (null != password && password.length() > 0) {      passwordFile = new File(MySQLUtils.writePasswordFile(conf));      args.add("--defaults-file=" + passwordFile);    }    String username = conf.get(MySQLUtils.USERNAME_KEY);    if (null != username) {      args.add("--user=" + username);    }    args.add("--host=" + hostname);    if (-1 != port) {      args.add("--port=" + Integer.toString(port));    }    args.add("--compress");    args.add("--local");    args.add("--silent");    // Specify the subset of columns we're importing.    DBConfiguration dbConf = new DBConfiguration(conf);    String [] cols = dbConf.getInputFieldNames();    if (null != cols) {      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();      boolean first = true;      for (String col : cols) {        if (!first) {          sb.append(",");        }        sb.append(col);        first = false;      }      args.add("--columns=" + sb.toString());    }    // Specify the delimiters to use.    int outputFieldDelim = conf.getInt(MySQLUtils.OUTPUT_FIELD_DELIM_KEY,        (int) ',');    int outputRecordDelim = conf.getInt(MySQLUtils.OUTPUT_RECORD_DELIM_KEY,        (int) '');    int enclosedBy = conf.getInt(MySQLUtils.OUTPUT_ENCLOSED_BY_KEY, 0);    int escapedBy = conf.getInt(MySQLUtils.OUTPUT_ESCAPED_BY_KEY, 0);    boolean encloseRequired = conf.getBoolean(        MySQLUtils.OUTPUT_ENCLOSE_REQUIRED_KEY, false);    args.add("--fields-terminated-by=0x"        + Integer.toString(outputFieldDelim, 16));    args.add("--lines-terminated-by=0x"        + Integer.toString(outputRecordDelim, 16));    if (0 != enclosedBy) {      if (encloseRequired) {        args.add("--fields-enclosed-by=0x" + Integer.toString(enclosedBy, 16));      } else {        args.add("--fields-optionally-enclosed-by=0x"            + Integer.toString(enclosedBy, 16));      }    }    if (0 != escapedBy) {      args.add("--escaped-by=0x" + Integer.toString(escapedBy, 16));    }    // These two arguments are positional and must be last.    args.add(databaseName);    args.add(filename);...    // Actually start mysqlimport.    mysqlImportProcess = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(args.toArray(new String[0]));...  }




数据的传输全部依赖内存,实现基本原理类似flume,memorychanne。俩者都有数据丢失可能,在异常情况下。有兴趣的同学可以去看看flume的源码。回到导入导出的话题。 在导入和导出,datax提供了一个统一的模型采用jdbc方式去链接。

public void startRead(Configuration readerSliceConfig,                              RecordSender recordSender,                              TaskPluginCollector taskPluginCollector, int fetchSize) {  String querySql = readerSliceConfig.getString(Key.QUERY_SQL);  String table = readerSliceConfig.getString(Key.TABLE);  PerfTrace.getInstance().addTaskDetails(taskId, table + "," + basicMsg);"Begin to read record by Sql: [{}] {}.",           querySql, basicMsg);  PerfRecord queryPerfRecord = new PerfRecord(taskGroupId,taskId, PerfRecord.PHASE.SQL_QUERY);  queryPerfRecord.start();  Connection conn = DBUtil.getConnection(this.dataBaseType, jdbcUrl,                                         username, password);  // session config .etc related  DBUtil.dealWithSessionConfig(conn, readerSliceConfig,                               this.dataBaseType, basicMsg);  int columnNumber = 0;  ResultSet rs = null;  try {    rs = DBUtil.query(conn, querySql, fetchSize);    queryPerfRecord.end();    ResultSetMetaData metaData = rs.getMetaData();    columnNumber = metaData.getColumnCount();    //这个统计干净的result_Next时间    PerfRecord allResultPerfRecord = new PerfRecord(taskGroupId, taskId, PerfRecord.PHASE.RESULT_NEXT_ALL);    allResultPerfRecord.start();    long rsNextUsedTime = 0;    long lastTime = System.nanoTime();    while ( {      rsNextUsedTime += (System.nanoTime() - lastTime);      this.transportOneRecord(recordSender, rs,                              metaData, columnNumber, mandatoryEncoding, taskPluginCollector);      lastTime = System.nanoTime();    }    allResultPerfRecord.end(rsNextUsedTime);    //目前大盘是依赖这个打印,而之前这个Finish read record是包含了sql查询和result next的全部时间"Finished read record by Sql: [{}] {}.",             querySql, basicMsg);  }catch (Exception e) {    throw RdbmsException.asQueryException(this.dataBaseType, e, querySql, table, username);  } finally {    DBUtil.closeDBResources(null, conn);  }}




  • 构建分布式集群的datax构思,
import;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.List;import java.util.concurrent.*;public class AccumulateNum implements Serializable {    public final static List LST_NUM=new ArrayList();    static {        for(int i=1;i<=100000;i++){            LST_NUM.add(i);        }    }    public static class AccumulateTask extends RecursiveTask {        //fork的粒度        private final static int THRESHOLD=1000;        private int start;        private int end;        public AccumulateTask(int start,int end){            this.start=start;            this.end=end;        }        @Override        public Long compute() {            long sum=0;            if(end<=start)return sum;            if(end-start future =pool.submit(new AccumulateTask(0,LST_NUM.size()-1));        Long endTime=System.nanoTime();        System.out.println(future.get());        System.out.println(endTime-startTime+"ns");        pool.shutdown();        pool.awaitTermination(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);    }}

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