clear all;close all;fs = 12e6; %采样频率ts = 1/fs; num = 2.5e6;??%数据长度SNR = -15;real_fc = 3563000; %实信号频率data = sin(2*pi*real_fc*(0:num-1)*ts+pi/4)+sqrt(10^(SNR/10))*randn(1,num); %科斯塔斯环的输入信号fc = 3563010; %本地频率n = fs/1000; %累积时间为1msnn = [0:n-1];nf = floor(length(data)/n);% 将输入数据分成1ms的多个数据块wfc = 2*pi*fc;??%本地信号phi_prv = 0;temp = 0;frame = 0;carrier_phase = 0;phase = 0;%环路滤波器的参数c1 = 153.7130;c2 = 6.1498;for frame=1:nf % 产生本地的sin和cos函数expcol = exp(j*(wfc*ts*nn+phase));sine = imag(expcol);? ?cosine = real(expcol);x = data((1:n)+((frame-1)*n));%将数据转换到基带x_sine = x.*sine;x_cosine = x.*cosine;Q = sum(x_sine);? ?? ?%经过滤波器I = sum(x_cosine);phase_discri(frame) = atan(Q/I);? ?%得到锁相环的输入%锁相环dfrq = c1*phase_discri(frame)+temp; %经过环路滤波器temp = temp+c2*phase_discri(frame);wfc = wfc-dfrq*2*pi;? ?%改变本地频率dfrq_frame(frame) = wfc; phase = wfc*ts*n+phase;? ?%得到不同块的相位endplot(dfrq_frame/(2*pi));hold onplot([1:length(dfrq_frame)], real_fc,'r');legend('锁相环跟踪','实际的载波频率');gridmean_freq=mean(dfrq_frame/2/pi)p=abs(real_fc-mean_freq)/real_fc%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%function [c1,c2] = calculatePLLCoef(zeta,bandwidth)% Calculates coefficients used in the carrier tracking loop(PLL) %??zeta??:??tamping factor%??bandwidth : nosie bandwidthtUpd = 0.001;? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? %integration time 积分时间gain = 0.0005;? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?% gain wT = (2*bandwidth*zeta)/(zeta^2+0.25)*tUpd;??%natural frequency c1 = (1/gain)*(8*zeta*wT)/(4+4*zeta*wT+wT^2);c2 = (1/gain)*(4*wT^2)/(4+4*zeta*wT+wT^2);
% ** FLL ********clear all;close all;fs = 5e6;? ?? ?? ???%sample ratets = 1/fs;T = 1e-3;? ?? ?? ???% time of signalN = fs*T;nn = (0:N-1);fc = 0;? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?% carrier frequency doppler_shift = 500;??% doppler frequency shiftphi = pi/4;x = cos(2*pi*(fc+doppler_shift)*ts*nn+phi)+3*randn(1,N);? ?% input signalfigure(1)plot(x(1:200));bandwidth = 50;? ?? ?? ?