果蝇算法最小二乘matlab,采用改进果蝇优化算法的最小二乘 支持向量机参数优化方法 Least Squares Support Vector Machine Parameters Optimizat...

-  2017

采用改进果蝇优化算法的最小二乘 支持向量机参数优化方法

Least Squares Support Vector Machine Parameters Optimization Based on Improved Fruit Fly Optimization Algorithm with Applications



Considering the blind hyper parameters selection in least squares support vector machine (LSSVM) modeling, a new improved fruit fly optimization algorithm(IFOA) for hyper parameter optimization is proposed based on the conventional FOA. This algorithm selects the different step size formula to realize the adaptive update of the search step by judging the relation between the optimal value obtained by contemporary optimization and the previous generation optimal value, which improves the optimization precision and global optimization ability of the IFOA with fewer parameters and quick calculation rate. The simulation and mill load softsensing application show that the prediction model based on IFOA, compared with those based on grid search method, particle swarm optimization algorithm and FOA, significantly improves the mill load forecast precision and more accurately reveals the change rule of mill load


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