python 指针 对象_使用boost-python将python变量设置为C ++对象指针

I want to set a Python variable from C++ so that the C++ program can create an object Game* game = new Game(); in order for the Python code to be able to reference this instance (and call functions, etc). How can I achieve this?

I feel like I have some core misunderstanding of the way Python or Boost-Python works.

The line main_module.attr("game") = game is in a try catch statement, and the error (using PyErr_Fetch) is "No to_python (by-value) converter found for C++ type: class Game".



.def("add", &Game::add)


object main_module = import("__main__");

Game* game = new Game();

main_module.attr("game") = game; //This does not work

From Python:

import testmodule


When dealing with language bindings, one often has to be pedantic in the details. By default, when a C++ object transgresses the language boundary, Boost.Python will create a copy, as this is the safest course of action to prevent dangling references. If a copy should not be made, then one needs to be explicit as to the ownership of the C++ object:

To pass a reference to a C++ object to Python while maintaining ownership in C++, use boost::python::ptr() or boost::ref(). The C++ code should guarantee that the C++ object's lifetime is at least as long as the Python object. When using ptr(), if the pointer is null, then the resulting Python object will be None.

To transfer ownership of a C++ object to Python, one can apply the manage_new_object ResultConverterGenerator, allowing ownership to be transferred to Python. C++ code should not attempt to access the pointer once the Python object's lifetime ends.

For shared ownership, one would need to expose the class with a HeldType of a smart pointer supporting shared semantics, such as boost::shared_ptr.

Once the Python object has been created, it would need to be inserted into a Python namespace to be generally accessible:

From within the module definition, use boost::python::scope to obtain a handle to the current scope. For example, the following would insert x into the example module:



boost::python::scope().attr("x") = ...; // example.x


To insert into the __main__ module, one can import __main__. For example, the following would insert x into the __main__ module:

boost::python::import("__main__").attr("x") = ...;

Here is an example demonstrating how to directly construct the Python object from C++, transfer ownership of a C++ object to Python, and construct a Python object that references a C++ object:



// Mockup model.

struct spam


spam(int id)

: id_(id)


std::cout << "spam(" << id_ << "): " << this << std::endl;




std::cout << "~spam(" << id_ << "): " << this << std::endl;


// Explicitly disable copying.

spam(const spam&) = delete;

spam& operator=(const spam&) = delete;

int id_;


/// @brief Transfer ownership to a Python object. If the transfer fails,

/// then object will be destroyed and an exception is thrown.


boost::python::object transfer_to_python(T* t)


// Transfer ownership to a smart pointer, allowing for proper cleanup

// incase Boost.Python throws.

std::unique_ptr ptr(t);

// Use the manage_new_object generator to transfer ownership to Python.

namespace python = boost::python;

typename python::manage_new_object::apply::type converter;

// Transfer ownership to the Python handler and release ownership

// from C++.

python::handle<> handle(converter(*ptr));


return python::object(handle);


namespace {

spam* global_spam;

} // namespace



namespace python = boost::python;

// Expose spam.

auto py_spam_type = python::class_(

"Spam", python::init())

.def_readonly("id", &spam::id_)


// Directly create an instance of Python Spam and insert it into this

// module's namespace.

python::scope().attr("spam1") = py_spam_type(1);

// Construct of an instance of Python Spam from C++ spam, transfering

// ownership to Python. The Python Spam instance will be inserted into

// this module's namespace.

python::scope().attr("spam2") = transfer_to_python(new spam(2));

// Construct an instance of Python Spam from C++, but retain ownership of

// spam in C++. The Python Spam instance will be inserted into the

// __main__ scope.

global_spam = new spam(3);

python::import("__main__").attr("spam3") = python::ptr(global_spam);


Interactive usage:

>>> import example

spam(1): 0x1884d40

spam(2): 0x1831750

spam(3): 0x183bd00

>>> assert(1 ==

>>> assert(2 ==

>>> assert(3 ==

~spam(1): 0x1884d40

~spam(2): 0x1831750

In the example usage, note how Python did not destroy spam(3) upon exit, as it was not granted ownership of the underlying object.

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