

接下来本系列将通过翻译(https://learnopengl.com)这个网站上关于PBR的内容来学习PBR(Physically Based Rendering)。




In the previous tutorial we've set up PBR in combination with image based lighting by pre-computing an irradiance map as the lighting's indirect diffuse portion. In this tutorial we'll focus on the specular part of the reflectance equation:



You'll notice that the Cook-Torrance specular portion (multiplied by kS) isn't constant over the integral and is dependent on the incoming light direction, but also the incoming view direction. Trying to solve the integral for all incoming light directions including all possible view directions is a combinatorial overload and way too expensive to calculate on a real-time basis. Epic Games proposed a solution where they were able to pre-convolute the specular part for real time purposes, given a few compromises, known as the split sum approximation.


The split sum approximation splits the specular part of the reflectance equation into two separate parts that we can individually convolute and later combine in the PBR shader for specular indirect image based lighting. Similar to how we pre-convoluted the irradiance map, the split sum approximation requires an HDR environment map as its convolution input. To understand the split sum approximation we'll again look at the reflectance equation, but this time only focus on the specular part (we've extracted the diffuse part in the previous tutorial):


For the same (performance) reasons as the irradiance convolution, we can't solve the specular part of the integral in real time and expect a reasonable performance. So preferably we'd pre-compute this integral to get something like a specular IBL map, sample this map with the fragment's normal and be done with it. However, this is where it gets a bit tricky. We were able to pre-compute the irradiance map as the integral only depended on ωi and we could move the constant diffuse albedo terms out of the integral. This time, the integral depends on more than just ωi as evident from the BRDF:


This time the integral also depends on wo and we can't really sample a pre-computed cubemap with two direction vectors. The position p is irrelevant here as described in the previous tutorial. Pre-computing this integral for every possible combination of ωi and ωo isn't practical in a real-time setting.


Epic Games' split sum approximation solves the issue by splitting the pre-computation into 2 individual parts that we can later combine to get the resulting pre-computed result we're after. The split sum approximation splits the specular integral into two separate integrals:


The first part (when convoluted) is known as the pre-filtered environment map which is (similar to the irradiance map) a pre-computed environment convolution map, but this time taking roughness into account. For increasing roughness levels, the environment map is convoluted with more scattered sample vectors, creating more blurry reflections. For each roughness level we convolute, we store the sequentially blurrier results in the pre-filtered map's mipmap levels. For instance, a pre-filtered environment map storing the pre-convoluted result of 5 different roughness values in its 5 mipmap levels looks as follows:


We generate the sample vectors and their scattering strength using the normal distribution function (NDF) of the Cook-Torrance BRDF that takes as input both a normal and view direction. As we don't know beforehand the view direction when convoluting the environment map, Epic Games makes a further approximation by assuming the view direction (and thus the specular reflection direction) is always equal to the output sample direction ωo. This translates itself to the following code:


1 vec3 N =normalize(w_o);2 vec3 R =N;3 vec3 V = R;

This way the pre-filtered environment convolution doesn't need to be aware of the view direction. This does mean we don't get nice grazing specular reflections when looking at specular surface reflections from an angle as seen in the image below (courtesy of the Moving Frostbite to PBR article); this is however generally considered a decent compromise:

这样,pre-filter环境贴图就不需要知道观察者方向。这意味着,在从下图(感谢Moving Frostbite to PBR 文章)所示的角度观察光滑表面反射时,我们得不到比较好的掠角反射结果。但是这一般被认为是相当好的折衷方案了。

The second part of the equation equals the BRDF part of the specular integral. If we pretend the incoming radiance is completely white for every direction (thus L(p,x)=1.0) we can pre-calculate the BRDF's response given an input roughness and an input angle between the normal n and light direction ωi, or n⋅ωi. Epic Games stores the pre-computed BRDF's response to each normal and light direction combination on varying roughness values in a 2D lookup texture (LUT) known as the BRDF integration map. The 2D lookup texture outputs a scale (red) and a bias value (green) to the surface's Fresnel response giving us the second part of the split specular integral:




We generate the lookup texture by treating the horizontal texture coordinate (ranged between 0.0 and 1.0) of a plane as the BRDF's input n⋅ωi and its vertical texture coordinate as the input roughness value. With this BRDF integration map and the pre-filtered environment map we can combine both to get the result of the specular integral:


1 float lod =getMipLevelFromRoughness(roughness);2 vec3 prefilteredColor =textureCubeLod(PrefilteredEnvMap, refVec, lod);3 vec2 envBRDF =texture2D(BRDFIntegrationMap, vec2(NdotV, roughness)).xy;4 vec3 indirectSpecular = prefilteredColor * (F * envBRDF.x + envBRDF.y)

This should give you a bit of an overview on how Epic Games' split sum approximation roughly approaches the indirect specular part of the reflectance equation. Let's now try and build the pre-convoluted parts ourselves.



Pre-filtering an environment map is quite similar to how we convoluted an irradiance map. The difference being that we now account for roughness and store sequentially rougher reflections in the pre-filtered map's mip levels.


First, we need to generate a new cubemap to hold the pre-filtered environment map data. To make sure we allocate enough memory for its mip levels we call glGenerateMipmap as an easy way to allocate the required amount of memory.


1 unsigned intprefilterMap;2 glGenTextures(1, &prefilterMap);3 glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, prefilterMap);4 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)5 {6 glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + i, 0, GL_RGB16F, 128, 128, 0, GL_RGB, GL_FLOAT, nullptr);7 }8 glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE);9 glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE);10 glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE);11 glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR);12 glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR);13

14 glGenerateMipmap(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP);

Note that because we plan to sample the prefilterMap its mipmaps you'll need to make sure its minification filter is set to GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR to enable trilinear filtering. We store the pre-filtered specular reflections in a per-face resolution of 128 by 128 at its base mip level. This is likely to be enough for most reflections, but if you have a large number of smooth materials (think of car reflections) you may want to increase the resolution.

注意,因为我们计划对prefilterMap 的各层mipmap采样,你需要确保它的最小过滤参数设置为GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR ,这样才能启用三线过滤。以128x128像素为mipmap基层(第一层),我们将pre-filter的反射情况保存到cubemap的各个面上。这对大多数反射情况都足够用,但是如果你有大量光滑材质(例如汽车的反射),你可能需要增加分辨率。

In the previous tutorial we convoluted the environment map by generating sample vectors uniformly spread over the hemisphere Ω using spherical coordinates. While this works just fine for irradiance, for specular re

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