signature=6e3cd687c0931e16ffeb4dc9208a3e11,Halcon Error Define


* HError.h


* Project:     HALCON/libhalcon

* Description: Error messages

* (c) 1996-2008 by MVTec Software GmbH


* $Revision: 1.13 $

* $Date: 2008/12/06 13:13:00 $


#ifndef HERROR_H

#define HERROR_H

#if defined(__cplusplus)

extern "C" {


extern HLibExport Herror HSetErrText(char *text);

extern HLibExport Herror HErrText(Herror message,char *err_text);

extern HLibExport Herror HMessage(Herror message,char *msg_text);

#if defined(__cplusplus)





* HErrorDef.h


* Project:     HALCON/libhalcon

* Description: Definition of errorconstants

* (c) 1996-2010 by MVTec SoftwareGmbH



* $Source:/halcon/CVSROOT/include/HErrorDef.h,v $

* $Revision: 1.25 $

* $Date: 2010/09/07 15:54:44 $

* $Author: heindl $

* $State: Exp $

* $Log: HErrorDef.h,v $

* Revision 1.25  2010/09/07 15:54:44  heindl

* corrected typo

* Revision 1.24  2010/08/18 07:36:38  spiegel

* New error codes for 3rd partylibrary Tripack.

* Revision 1.23  2010/08/17 12:03:27  hopfner


* Revision 1.22  2010/07/30 09:40:19  spiegel

* Add error code:H_ERR_SF_OM3D_FEW_POINTS and


* Romove error code:H_ERR_3D_MODEL_NOT_SUITABLE.

* Revision 1.21  2010/07/07 09:59:49  winkler

* Removed obsolete error codeH_ERR_FCN0.

* Revision 1.20  2010/07/07 07:12:52  drost

* New error message for objectmodel 3d

* Revision 1.19  2010/07/06 10:34:50  drost

* Implemented missing features

* Revision 1.18  2010/07/05 11:18:01  spiegel

* New error messsages forsegmentation data.

* Revision 1.17  2010/07/02 14:07:09  hopfner

* Changes to support genericsockets.

* Revision 1.16  2010/07/02 06:05:52  drost

* New error messsages for loadingsurface matching models.

* Revision 1.15  2010/07/01 12:09:45  dikov

* added error codes/messages forstereo_model

* Revision 1.14  2010/06/25 11:20:15  bandlow

* added error code for filehandling , aop check, synchronisation interface

* Revision 1.13  2010/06/23 11:26:04  hofhauser

* added local deformable errorcodes

* Revision 1.12  2010/06/22 14:05:52  winkler

* Added error codes for textsegmentation (PR 3211).

* Revision 1.11  2010/06/21 14:56:00  ulrich

* Changed max_part_size topart_size

* Revision 1.10  2010/06/21 08:15:53  dikov

* Error messages forcamera_setup_model

* Revision 1.9  2010/06/10 13:04:12  drost

* Added errors for Surface Based Matchingto HError, HErrorDef

* Revision 1.8  2010/04/19 16:33:14  ulrich


* Revision 1.7  2010/04/06 17:40:02  ulrich


* Revision 1.6  2010/03/29 08:21:41  dikov

* Renamed error messages

* Revision 1.5  2010/03/23 13:44:41  dikov

* New error msgs (calib_model)

* Revision 1.4  2010/03/19 14:44:39  dikov

* New calib model errors

* Revision 1.3  2010/03/18 17:08:51  dikov

* Renamed error code

* Revision 1.2  2010/03/04 09:08:04  spiegel

* Correct error message text oferror code 9216.

* Revision 1.1  2010/02/23 16:25:31  heindl

* global reduction of publicinclude files





/* Return codes for errors                                               */


/* The values of errors range from 1000 to H_ERR_START_EXT                */

/* Values beyond H_ERR_START_EXT are reserved for user extensions         */



/* Groups of error numbers:                                      */


/*  General error:                                               */

/*    Parameter of HALCONoperators                              */

/*      Type input parameter            12xx                     */

/*      Value input parameter           13xx                     */

/*      Number values input parameter   14xx                     */

/*      Number objects inputparameter  15xx                     */


/*  Main part:                                                  */

/*    CORE                              2xxx                     */

/*      CORE0                           20xx                     */

/*      CORE1                           21xx                     */

/*      COREx                           22xx                     */

/*      HALCON scheduling               28xx                     */

/*    Image processing                  3xxx                     */

/*      Chords                          30xx                     */

/*      IPxx                            31xx                     */

/*      Contour                         32xx                     */

/*      XLD                             325x                     */

/*      Classification                  33xx                     */

/*      Morphology                      34xx                     */

/*      Runlength encoding              35xx                     */

/*      Sheet-of-light                  375x                     */

/*      ShapeFrom                       385x                     */

/*      Kalman                          390x                     */

/*      Background estimation           82xx                     */

/*      OCR                             83xx                     */

/*      OCV                             835x                     */

/*      Function 1D                     837x                     */

/*      Camera calibration              84xx                     */

/*      Template matching               85xx                     */

/*      1D Bar code                     87xx                     */

/*      2D Bar code (old)               8800                     */

/*      2D Data code (new)              8820-88xx                */

/*      3D Matching                     89xx                     */

/*    Data base                         4xxx                     */

/*    IOxx                              5xxx                     */

/*      General                         50xx                     */

/*      Window                          51xx                     */

/*      File                            52xx                     */

/*      Frame grabber                   53xx                     */

/*      Read picture                    55xx                     */

/*      Socket                          56xx                     */


/*  Further system components                                    */

/*    Memory management                 6xxx                     */

/*    Interfaces                                                */

/*      General                         70xx                     */

/*      Prolog                          71xx                     */

/*      VLisp                           72xx                     */

/*      OPS5                            73xx                     */

/*      C                               74xx                     */

/*      RPC                             75xx                     */

/*      SWI                             76xx                     */


/*  Cxxx (e.g. CIPfeature)                                       */

/*      Cgpx                            80xx                     */

/*      Convol/Rank                     81xx                     */


/*  Misc                                                        */

/*      Misc                            90xx                     */


/* Control parameters */

/* Type input parameter 12xx */

#define H_ERR_WIPT1        1201 /*Wrong type of control parameter: 1 */

#define H_ERR_WIPT2        1202 /*Wrong type of control parameter: 2 */

#define H_ERR_WIPT3        1203 /*Wrong type of control parameter: 3 */

#define H_ERR_WIPT4        1204 /*Wrong type of control parameter: 4 */

#define H_ERR_WIPT5        1205 /*Wrong type of control parameter: 5 */

#define H_ERR_WIPT6        1206 /*Wrong type of control parameter: 6 */

#define H_ERR_WIPT7        1207 /*Wrong type of control parameter: 7 */

#define H_ERR_WIPT8        1208 /*Wrong type of control parameter: 8 */

#define H_ERR_WIPT9        1209 /*Wrong type of control parameter: 9 */

#define H_ERR_WIPT10       1210 /*Wrong type of control parameter: 10 */

#define H_ERR_WIPT11       1211 /*Wrong type of control parameter: 11 */

#define H_ERR_WIPT12       1212 /*Wrong type of control parameter: 12 */

#define H_ERR_WIPT13       1213 /*Wrong type of control parameter: 13 */

#define H_ERR_WIPT14       1214 /*Wrong type of control parameter: 14 */

#define H_ERR_WIPT15       1215 /*Wrong type of control parameter: 15 */

#define H_ERR_WIPT16       1216 /*Wrong type of control parameter: 16 */

#define H_ERR_WIPT17       1217 /*Wrong type of control parameter: 17 */

#define H_ERR_WIPT18       1218 /*Wrong type of control parameter: 18 */

#define H_ERR_WIPT19       1219 /*Wrong type of control parameter: 19 */

#define H_ERR_WIPT20       1220 /*Wrong type of control parameter: 20 */

/* Value input parameter 13xx */

#define H_ERR_WIPV1        1301 /*Wrong value of control parameter: 1 */

#define H_ERR_WIPV2        1302 /*Wrong value of control parameter: 2 */

#define H_ERR_WIPV3        1303 /*Wrong value of control parameter: 3 */

#define H_ERR_WIPV4        1304 /*Wrong value of control parameter: 4 */

#define H_ERR_WIPV5        1305 /*Wrong value of control parameter: 5 */

#define H_ERR_WIPV6        1306 /*Wrong value of control parameter: 6 */

#define H_ERR_WIPV7        1307 /*Wrong value of control parameter: 7 */

#define H_ERR_WIPV8        1308 /*Wrong value of control parameter: 8 */

#define H_ERR_WIPV9        1309 /*Wrong value of control parameter: 9 */

#define H_ERR_WIPV10       1310 /*Wrong value of control parameter: 10 */

#define H_ERR_WIPV11       1311 /*Wrong value of control parameter: 11 */

#define H_ERR_WIPV12       1312 /*Wrong value of control parameter: 12 */

#define H_ERR_WIPV13       1313 /*Wrong value of control parameter: 13 */

#define H_ERR_WIPV14       1314 /*Wrong value of control parameter: 14 */

#define H_ERR_WIPV15       1315 /*Wrong value of control parameter: 15 */

#define H_ERR_WIPV16       1316 /*Wrong value of control parameter: 16 */

#define H_ERR_WIPV17       1317 /*Wrong value of control parameter: 17 */

#define H_ERR_WIPV18       1318 /*Wrong value of control parameter: 18 */

#define H_ERR_WIPV19       1319 /*Wrong value of control parameter: 19 */

#define H_ERR_WIPV20       1320 /*Wrong value of control parameter: 20 */

#define H_ERR_WCOMP        1350 /*Wrong value of component */

#define H_ERR_WGCOMP       1351 /*Wrong value of gray value component */

/* Number of values input parameter 14xx */

#define H_ERR_WIPN1        1401 /*Wrong number of values of ctrl.par.: 1 */

#define H_ERR_WIPN2        1402 /*Wrong number of values of ctrl.par.: 2 */

#define H_ERR_WIPN3        1403 /*Wrong number of values of ctrl.par.: 3 */

#define H_ERR_WIPN4        1404 /*Wrong number of values of ctrl.par.: 4 */

#define H_ERR_WIPN5        1405 /*Wrong number of values of ctrl.par.: 5 */

#define H_ERR_WIPN6        1406 /*Wrong number of values of ctrl.par.: 6 */

#define H_ERR_WIPN7        1407 /*Wrong number of values of ctrl.par.: 7 */

#define H_ERR_WIPN8        1408 /*Wrong number of values of ctrl.par.: 8 */

#define H_ERR_WIPN9        1409 /*Wrong number of values of ctrl.par.: 9 */

#define H_ERR_WIPN10       1410 /*Wrong number of values of ctrl.par.: 10 */

#define H_ERR_WIPN11       1411 /*Wrong number of values of ctrl.par.: 11 */

#define H_ERR_WIPN12       1412 /*Wrong number of values of ctrl.par.: 12 */

#define H_ERR_WIPN13       1413 /*Wrong number of values of ctrl.par.: 13 */

#define H_ERR_WIPN14       1414 /*Wrong number of values of ctrl.par.: 14 */

#define H_ERR_WIPN15       1415 /*Wrong number of values of ctrl.par.: 15 */

#define H_ERR_WIPN16       1416 /*Wrong number of values of ctrl.par.: 16 */

#define H_ERR_WIPN17       1417 /*Wrong number of values of ctrl.par.: 17 */

#define H_ERR_WIPN18       1418 /* Wrong number of values ofctrl.par.: 18 */

#define H_ERR_WIPN19       1419 /*Wrong number of values of ctrl.par.: 19 */

#define H_ERR_WIPN20       1420 /*Wrong number of values of ctrl.par.: 20 */

/* Number of input objects 15xx */

#define H_ERR_IONTB        1500 /*Number of input objects too big */

#define H_ERR_WION1        1501 /*Wrong number of values of object par.: 1 */

#define H_ERR_WION2        1502 /*Wrong number of values of object par.: 2 */

#define H_ERR_WION3        1503 /*Wrong number of values of object par.: 3 */

#define H_ERR_WION4        1504 /*Wrong number of values of object par.: 4 */

#define H_ERR_WION5        1505 /*Wrong number of values of object par.: 5 */

#define H_ERR_WION6        1506 /*Wrong number of values of object par.: 6 */

#define H_ERR_WION7        1507 /*Wrong number of values of object par.: 7 */

#define H_ERR_WION8        1508 /*Wrong number of values of object par.: 8 */

#define H_ERR_WION9        1509 /*Wrong number of values of object par.: 9 */

#define H_ERR_OONTB        1510 /*Number of output objects too big */

/* Error codes concerniong the HALCON core */

#define H_ERR_WNP          2000 /*Wrong specification of parameter (error in

file: xxx.def) */

#define H_ERR_HONI         2001 /*Initialize Halcon:

reset_obj_db(Width,Height,Components) */

#define H_ERR_WRKNN        2002 /*Used number of symbolic object names

too big */

/* Error codes concerning licensing */

#define H_ERR_NO_LICENSE   2003 /*No license found */

#define H_ERR_NO_LS_SERVER 2004 /* Lost connection to license server */

#define H_ERR_NO_MODULES   2005 /*No modules in license (no VENDOR_STRING) */

#define H_ERR_NO_LIC_OPER  2006 /*No license for this operator */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_BAD_TZ         2007 /* Time zone offset from GMT is

> 24 hours */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_BADPLATFORM    2008 /* Vendor keys do not support this

platform */

#define H_ERR_LM_BADKEYDATA          2009 /* Bad vendor keys */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_BADVENDORDATA  2010 /* Unknown vendor key type */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_CANTMALLOC     2011 /* malloc() call failed */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_EXPIREDKEYS    2012 /* Vendor keys have expired */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_FUNCNOTAVAIL   2013 /* Second call to lc_inti()

(multiple jobs), and vendore

keys do not supportmultiple

jobs */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_NOKEYDATA      2014 /* Vendor key data not supplied */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_LIBRARYMISMATCH 2015 /* lmclient.h/liblmgr.a version

mismatch */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_NONETWORK      2016 /* Networking software not

available on this machine */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_OLDVENDORDATA  2017 /* Old vendor keys supplied */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_BADCODE        2018 /* License key in license file does

not match other data in file */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_BADHANDSHAKE   2019 /* Encryption handshake with daemon

failed */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_BADPARAM       2020 /* 'key' structure is incorrect

type, or feature == NULL,

or num_licenses == 0 */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_BADSYSDATE     2021 /* System clock has been set back */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_BAD_VERSION    2022 /* Version argument is invalid

floating point format */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_BUSYNEWSERV    2023 /* License server busy starting

another copy of itself */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_CANTCONNECT    2024 /* Cannot establish a connection

with a license server */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_FEATQUEUE      2025 /* Feature is queued. lc_status

will determine when it is

available */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_FUNC_NOT_AVAIL 2026 /* Vendor keys do not support this

function */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_LOCALFILTER    2027 /* Checkout request filtered by the

vendor-defined filter routine */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_MAXLIMIT       2028 /* Checkout exceeds MAX specified

in options file */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_MAXUSERS       2029 /* All licenses in use */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_NO_SERVER_IN_FILE 2030 /* No license serverspecified

for counted license */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_NOFEATURE      2031 /* Can not find feature in the

license file */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_NOSERVSUPP     2032 /* Server has different license

file than client - client's

license has feature, but

server's does not*/

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_OLDVER         2033 /* License file does not support

aversion this new */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_PLATNOTLIC     2034 /* This platform not authorized by

license- running on platform

not included in PLATFORMS list */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_SERVBUSY       2035 /* License server busy */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_NOCONFFILE     2036 /* Could not find license.dat */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_BADFILE          2037 /* Invalid license file syntax */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_NOSERVER         2038 /* Cannot connect to a license

server */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_NOSERVICE        2039 /* No TCP "license" service

exists */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_NOSOCKET         2040 /* No socket connection to

license manager server */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_NOTTHISHOST      2041 /* Invalid host */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_LONGGONE         2042 /* Feature has expired */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_BADDATE          2043 /* Invalid date format in license

file */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_BADCOMM          2044 /* Invalid returned data from

license server */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_BADHOST          2045 /* Cannot find SERVER hostname in

network database */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_CANTREAD         2046 /* Cannot read data from license

server */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_CANTWRITE        2047 /* Cannot write data to license

server */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_SELECTERR        2048 /* Error in select system call */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_CHECKINBAD       2049 /* Feature checkin failure

detected at license */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_USERSQUEUED      2050 /* Users are queued for this

feature */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_SERVLONGGONE     2051 /* License server does not

support this version of this

feature */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_TOOMANY          2052 /* Request for more licenses than

this featuresupports */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_CANTREADKMEM     2053 /* Cannot read /dev/kmem */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_CANTREADVMUNIX   2054 /* Cannot read /vmunix */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_CANTFINDETHER    2055 /* Cannot find ethernet device */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_NOREADLIC        2056 /* Cannot read license file */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_TOOEARLY         2057 /* Feature not yet available */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_NOSUCHATTR       2058 /* No such attribute */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_CLOCKBAD         2059 /* Clock difference too large

between client and server */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_FEATCORRUPT      2060 /* Feature database corrupted in

daemon */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_BADFEATPARAM     2061 /* Duplicate selection mismatch

for this feature */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_FEATEXCLUDE      2062 /* User/host on EXCLUDE list for

feature */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_FEATNOTINCLUDE   2063 /* User/host not on INCLUDE list

for feature */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_NEVERCHECKOUT    2064 /* Feature was never checked

out */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_BADKEYDATA       2065 /* Invalid FLEXlm key data

supplied */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_NOCLOCKCHECK     2066 /* Clock setting check not

available in daemon */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_DATE_TOOBIG      2067 /* Date too late for binary

format */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_NOFLEXLMINIT     2068 /* FLEXlm not initialized */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_NOSERVRESP       2069 /* Server did not respond to

message */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_CHECKOUTFILTERED 2070 /* Request rejected by vendor

defined filter */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_NOFEATSET        2071 /* No FEATURESET line present in

license file */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_BADFEATSET       2072 /* Incorrect FEATURESET line in

license file */


line */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_SOCKETFAIL       2074 /* socket() call failed */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_SETSOCKFAIL      2075 /* setsockopt() failed */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_BADCHECKSUM      2076 /* Message checksum failure */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_SERVNOREADLIC    2077 /* Cannot read license file from

server */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_NOTLICADMIN      2078 /* Not a license administrator */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_REMOVETOOSOON    2079 /* lmremove request too soon */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_ENDPATH          2080 /* Attempt to read beyond the end

of LF path */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_VMS_SETIMR_FAILED 2081 /* SYS$SETIMR call failed */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_INTERNAL_ERROR   2082 /* Internal FLEXlm Erro - Please

report to Globetrotter

Software */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_NOADMINAPI       2083 /* FLEXadmin API functions not

avilable */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_BADPKG           2084 /* Invalid PACKAGE line in

license file */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_SERVOLDVER       2085 /* Server FLEXlm version older

than client's */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_USER_BASED       2086 /* Incorrect number of USERS/HOSTS

INCLUDED in options file */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_NOSERVCAP         2087 /* Server doesn't support this

request */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_OBJECTUSED       2088 /* This license object already in

use */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_FUTURE_FILE      2089 /* Future license file format */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_SERVER_REMOVED   2090 /* Feature removed during

lmreread */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_POOL             2091 /* This feature is available in a

different license pool */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_NOT_THIS_HOST    2092 /* Network connect to THIS_HOST

failed */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_HOSTDOWN          2093 /* Server node is down or not

responding */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_VENDOR_DOWN      2094 /* The desired vendor daemon is

down */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_BADDECFILE       2095 /* The decimal format license is

typed incorrectly */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_RESVFOROTHERS    2096 /* All licenses are reserved for

others */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_TSOK_ERR         2097 /* Terminal Server remote client

not allowed */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_BORROW_TOOLONG   2098 /* Cannot borrow that long */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_SERVER_MAXED_OUT 2099 /* License server out of network

connections */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_NODONGLE         2300 /* Dongle not attached, or can't

read dongle */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_NODONGLEDRIVER   2301 /* Missing dongle driver */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_FLEXLOCK2CKOUT   2302 /* FLEXlock checkouts attempted */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_SIGN_REQ         2303 /* SIGN= attribute required */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_NOCROSUPPORT     2304 /* CRO not supported for this

platform */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_BORROW_LINGER_ERR 2305 /* BORROW failed */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_BORROW_EXPIRED   2306 /* BORROW period has expired */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_FLOATOK_ONEHOSTID 2307 /* FLOAT_OK license must have

exactly one dongle hostid */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_BORROW_DELETE_ERR 2308 /* Unable to delete localborrow

info" */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_BORROW_RETURN_EARLY_ERR    2309 /* Returning borrowed

license early

not enabled */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_BORROW_RETURN_SERVER_ERR   2310 /* Returning borrowed

license on server

failed */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_CANT_CHECKOUT_JUST_PACKAGE 2311 /* Checkout just a

PACKAGE failed*/

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_COMPOSITEID_INIT_ERR 2312 /* Composite Hostid not


#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_COMPOSITEID_ITEM_ERR 2313 /* An item needed forComposite

Hostid missing or invalid */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_BORROW_MATCH_ERR  2314 /* Borrowed license doesn't match

any known server license */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_EVENTLOG_INIT_ERR 2315 /* Error enabling event log */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_EVENTLOG_DISABLED 2316 /* Event logging is disabled */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_EVENTLOG_WRITE_ERR 2317 /* Error writing to eventlog */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_TIMEOUT           2318 /* Timeout */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_BADCOMMAND        2319 /* Bad message command */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_SOCKET_BROKEN_PIPE 2320 /* Error writing to socket*/

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_INVALID_SIGNATURE 2321 /* Failed to generate version

specific license */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_UNCOUNTED_NOT_SUPPORTED 2322 /* Vers.-specificsignatures

not supported */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_REDUNDANT_SIGNATURES 2323 /* License templatecontains

redundant signature

specifiers */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_BADCODE_V71_LK   2324 /* Invalid V71_LK signature */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_BADCODE_V71_SIGN 2325 /* Invalid V71_SIGN signature */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_BADCODE_V80_LK    2326 /* Invalid V80_LK signature */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_BADCODE_V80_SIGN 2327 /* Invalid V80_SIGN signature */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_BADCODE_V81_LK   2328 /* Invalid V81_LK signature */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_BADCODE_V81_SIGN 2329 /* Invalid V81_SIGN signature */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_BADCODE_V81_SIGN2 2330 /* Invalid V81_SIGN2signature */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_BADCODE_V84_LK   2331 /* Invalid V84_LK signature */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_BADCODE_V84_SIGN 2332 /* Invalid V84_SIGN signature */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_BADCODE_V84_SIGN2 2333 /* Invalid V84_SIGN2signature */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_LK_REQ           2334 /* License key required but

missing from the certificate */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_BADAUTH           2335 /* Bad AUTH={} signature */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_REPAIR_NEEDED    2336 /* TS record invalid */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_TS_OPEN          2337 /* Cannot open TS */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_BAD_FULFILLMENT  2338 /* Invalid Fulfillment record */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_BAD_ACTREQ       2339 /* Invalid activation request

received */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_TS_NO_FULFILL_MATCH 2340 /* No fulfillment exists in

trusted storage which matches

the request */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_BAD_ACT_RESP     2341 /* Invalid activation response

received */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_CANTRETURN       2342 /* Can't return the fulfillment */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_RETURNEXCEEDSMAX 2343 /* Return would exceed max

count(s) */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_NO_REPAIRS_LEFT  2344 /* No repair count left */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_NOT_ALLOWED      2345 /* Specified operation is not

allowed */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_ENTLEXCLUDE      2346 /* User/host on EXCLUDE list for

entitlement */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_ENTLNOTINCLUDE   2347 /* User/host not in INCLUDE list

for entitlement */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_ACTIVATION       2348 /* Activation error */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_TS_BADDATE       2349 /* Invalid date format in trusted

storage */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_ENCRYPTION_FAILED 2350 /* Message encryption failed*/

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_DECRYPTION_FAILED 2351 /* Message decryption failed*/

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_BADCONTEXT       2352 /* Bad filter context */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_SUPERSEDE_CONFLICT 2353 /* SUPERSEDE featureconflict */


syntax */


not contain a feature

nameand license

signature */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_ONE_TSOK_PLATFORM_ERR 2356 /* ONE_TS_OK is notsupported

in this Windows Platform */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_ONE_TSOK_MTX_ERR 2357 /* Internal error */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_ONE_TSOK_ERR     2358 /* Only one terminal server

remote client checkout is

allowed for this feature */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_SSIDNULL         2359 /* Internal error */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_SMTXNOTREL       2360 /* Internal error */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_MTXNOPERM        2361 /* Internal error */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_COMPOSITEID_ETHER_ERR 2362 /* More than one ethernet

hostid not supported in

composite hostid

definition */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_LIC_FILE_CHAR_EXCEED 2363 /* The number ofcharacters in

the license file paths

exceeds thepermissible

limit */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_TZ_INVALID_SYNTAX 2364 /* Invalid TZ keyword syntax*/

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_TZ_INVALID_TZONE_SPEC 2365 /* Invalid time zoneoverride

specification in the

client */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_TZ_INVALID_TZONE_INFO 2366 /* The time zoneinformation

could not be obtained */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_TZ_UNAUTHORIZED  2367 /* License client time zone not

authorized for license

rights */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_INVALID_VM_PLATFORMS 2368 /* Invalid syntax for

VM_PLATFORMS keyword */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_VM_PHYSICAL_ONLY 2369 /* Feature can be checked out

from physical machine only */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_VM_VIRTUAL_ONLY  2370 /* Feature can be checked out

from virtual machine only */

#define H_ERR_FLEX_LM_VM_BAD_KEY       2371 /* Vendor keys do not support Virtualization feature */

/* Error codes concerning the HALCON core, 2100..2199 */

#define H_ERR_WOOPI        2100 /*Wrong index for output object parameter */

#define H_ERR_WIOPI        2101 /*Wrong index for input object parameter*/

#define H_ERR_WOI          2102 /* Wrong index for image object */

#define H_ERR_WRCN         2103 /*Wrong number region/image component */

#define H_ERR_WRRN         2104 /*Wrong relation name */

#define H_ERR_AUDI         2105 /*Access to undefined gray value component*/

#define H_ERR_WIWI         2106 /*Wrong image width */

#define H_ERR_WIHE         2107 /*Wrong image height */

#define H_ERR_ICUNDEF      2108 /*Undefined gray value component */

/* Error codes concerning the HALCON core (+ Language interfaces),

2200..2299 */

#define H_ERR_IDBD         2200 /*Inconsistent data of data base (typing) */

#define H_ERR_WICPI        2201 /*Wrong index for input control parameter */

#define H_ERR_DBDU         2202 /*Data of data base not defined

(internal error) */

#define H_ERR_PNTL         2203 /*Number of operators too big */

#define H_ERR_UEXTNI       2205 /*User extension not properly installed */

#define H_ERR_NPTL         2206 /*Number of packages too large */

#define H_ERR_NSP          2207 /*No such package installed */

/* HALCON agents/scheduler (parallel processing HALCON operators),

2800..2999 */

#define H_ERR_HW_WFF       2800 /*Wrong hardware information file format   */

#define H_ERR_HW_WFV       2801 /*Wrong hardware information file version  */

#define H_ERR_HW_RF        2802 /*Error while reading the hardware knowledge*/

#define H_ERR_HW_WF        2803 /*Error while writing the hardware knowledge*/

#define H_ERR_HW_TF        2804 /*Tag not found                             */

#define H_ERR_HW_CPU       2805 /*No CPU Info  */

#define H_ERR_HW_AOP       2806 /*No AOP Info  */

#define H_ERR_HW_HVAR      2807 /*No AOP Info for this HALCON variant  */

#define H_ERR_HW_HARCH     2808 /*No AOP Info for this HALCON architecture */

#define H_ERR_HW_HOP       2809 /*No AOP Info for specified Operator found */

#define H_ERR_HW_WAOPM     2810 /*undefined AOP model */

#define H_ERR_HW_WTD       2811 /*wrong tag derivate */

#define H_ERR_HW_IE        2812 /*internal error */

#define H_ERR_HW_CANCEL    2813 /*hw check was canceled */

#define H_ERR_GV_WA        2830 /*Wrong access to global variable */

#define H_ERR_GV_NC        2831 /*Used global variable does not exist */

#define H_ERR_GV_NG        2832 /*Used global variable not accessible via


#define H_ERR_HM_NT        2835 /*Halcon server to terminate is still

working on a job */

#define H_ERR_HM_NA        2837 /*No such HALCON software agent */

#define H_ERR_AG_CN        2838 /*Hardware check for parallelization not

possible on a single-processor machine */

#define H_ERR_AG_NC        2839 /*(Seq.) HALCON does not support parallel

hardware check(use Parallel HALCON

instead) */

#define H_ERR_AG_IN        2840 /*Initialization of agent failed */

#define H_ERR_AG_NT        2841 /*Termination of agent failed */

#define H_ERR_AG_HW        2842 /*Inconsistent hardware description file */

#define H_ERR_AG_II        2843 /*Inconsistent agent information file */

#define H_ERR_AG_IK        2844 /*Inconsistent agent knowledge file */

#define H_ERR_AG_WV        2845 /*The file with the parallelization

information does not match to the

currently HALCON version/revision */

#define H_ERR_AG_WH        2846 /*The file with the parallelization

information does not match to the

currently used machine */

#define H_ERR_AG_KC        2847 /*Inconsistent knowledge base of HALCON

software agent */

#define H_ERR_AG_CT        2848 /*Unknown communication type */

#define H_ERR_AG_MT        2849 /*Unknown message type for HALCON software

agent */

#define H_ERR_AG_WK        2850 /*Error while saving the parallelization

knowledge */

#define H_ERR_AG_WW        2851 /*Wrong type of work information */

#define H_ERR_AG_WA        2852 /*Wrong type of application information */

#define H_ERR_AG_WE        2853 /*Wrong type of experience information */

#define H_ERR_AG_NU        2854 /*Unknown name of HALCON software agent */

#define H_ERR_AG_NE        2855 /*Unknown name and communication address of

HALCON software agent */

#define H_ERR_AG_RR        2856 /*cpu representative (HALCON software agent)

not reachable */

#define H_ERR_AG_CR        2857 /*cpu refuses work */

#define H_ERR_AG_RN        2858 /*Description of scheduling resource

not found */

#define H_ERR_AG_TILT      2859 /*Not accessible function of HALCON

software agent */

#define H_ERR_WRT          2860 /*Wrong type: HALCON scheduling resource */

#define H_ERR_WRS          2861 /* Wrongstate: HALCON scheduling resource */

#define H_ERR_UNKPT        2862 /*Unknown parameter type:

HALCON scheduling resource */

#define H_ERR_UNKPARVAL    2863 /*Unknown parameter value:

HALCON scheduling resource */

#define H_ERR_CTRL_WPP     2864 /*Wrong post processing of

control parameter */

#define H_ERR_GETTI        2867 /*Error while trying to get time */

#define H_ERR_GETCPUNUM    2868 /*Error while trying to get the number

of processors */

#define H_ERR_TMPFNF       2869 /*Error while accessing temporary file */

#define H_ERR_PTHRD_SCHED  2900 /*Error while forcing a context switch */

#define H_ERR_SCHED_GAFF   2901 /*Error while accessing cpu affinity */

#define H_ERR_SCHED_SAFF   2902 /*Error while setting cpu affinity */

#define H_ERR_CO_WSO       2950 /*wrong synchronization object  */

#define H_ERR_CO_WOCO      2952 /*wrong operator call object   */

#define H_ERR_CO_IOPNI     2953 /*input object not initialized */

#define H_ERR_CO_ICPNI     2954 /*input control not initialized */

#define H_ERR_CO_OOPNI     2955 /*output object not initialized */

#define H_ERR_CO_OCPNI     2956 /*output control not initialized */

#define H_ERR_PTHRD_CR     2970 /*Creation of pthread failed */

#define H_ERR_PTHRD_DT     2971 /*pthread-detach failed */

#define H_ERR_PTHRD_JO     2972 /*pthread-join failed */

#define H_ERR_PTHRD_MI     2973 /*Initialization of mutex variable failed */

#define H_ERR_PTHRD_MD     2974 /*Deletion of mutex variable failed */

#define H_ERR_PTHRD_ML     2975 /*Lock of mutex variable failed */

#define H_ERR_PTHRD_MU     2976 /*Unlock of mutex variable failed */

#define H_ERR_PTHRD_CS     2977 /*Failed to signal pthread condition var. */

#define H_ERR_PTHRD_CW     2978 /*Failed to wait for pthread cond. var. */

#define H_ERR_PTHRD_CI     2979 /*Failed to init pthread condition var. */

#define H_ERR_PTHRD_CD     2980 /*Failed to destroy pthread condition var.*/

#define H_ERR_PTHRD_ES     2981 /*Failed to signal event. */

#define H_ERR_PTHRD_EW     2982 /*Failed to wait for event. */

#define H_ERR_PTHRD_EI     2983 /*Failed to init event. */

#define H_ERR_PTHRD_ED     2984 /*Failed to destroy event.*/

#define H_ERR_PTHRD_TSDC   2985 /*Failed to create a tsd key.*/

#define H_ERR_PTHRD_TSDS   2986 /*Failed to set a thread specific data key.*/

#define H_ERR_PTHRD_TSDG   2987 /*Failed to get a tsd key.*/

#define H_ERR_PTHRD_TSDF   2988 /*Failed to free a tsd key.*/

#define H_ERR_PTHRD_BA     2989 /*Aborted waiting at a barrier*/

#define H_ERR_DCDG_FLE     2990 /*'Free list' is empty while scheduling */

#define H_ERR_MSG_PNCI     2991 /* Communicationpartner not checked in */

#define H_ERR_MSG_CSAI     2992 /*The communication system can't be started

while running */

#define H_ERR_MSG_CSNI     2993 /*Communication partner not checked in */

/* Runlength data 3000..3099 */

#define H_ERR_RCOIMA       3010 /*Region completely outside of the

image domain */

#define H_ERR_ROOIMA       3011 /*Region (partially) outside of the

definition range of the image */

#define H_ERR_RIEI         3012 /*Intersected definition range

region/image empty */

#define H_ERR_EDEF         3013 /*Image with empty definition range */

#define H_ERR_IIEI         3014 /*No common image point of two images */

#define H_ERR_FLTS         3015 /*Wrong region for image (first row < 0) */

#define H_ERR_LLTB         3016 /*Wrong region for image

(column in last row >= image width) */

#define H_ERR_UENOI        3017 /*Number of images unequal in input pars. */

#define H_ERR_HTS          3018 /*Image height too small */

#define H_ERR_WTS          3019 /*Image width too small */

#define H_ERR_CHSEG        3020 /*Internal error:

Multiple call of HRLInitSeg()*/

#define H_ERR_RLSEG1       3021 /*Internal error:

HRLSeg() not initialized */

#define H_ERR_WGAUSSM      3022 /*Wrong size of filter for Gauss */

#define H_ERR_FSEIS        3033 /* Filter size exceeds image size */

#define H_ERR_FSEVAN       3034 /*Filter size evan */

#define H_ERR_FSTOBIG      3035 /*Filter size to big */

#define H_ERR_EMPTREG      3036 /*Region is empty */

/* Cordinates */

#define H_ERR_ROWTB        3040 /* Row value of a coordinate >2^15-1 */

#define H_ERR_ROWTS        3041 /*Row value of a coordinate < -2^15 */

#define H_ERR_COLTB        3042 /*Column value of a coordinate > 2^15-1 */

#define H_ERR_COLTS        3043 /*Column value of a coordinate < -2^15 */

/* Error codes concerning image processing, 31xx */

#define H_ERR_WRTHR        3100 /*Wrong segmentation threshold */

#define H_ERR_UNKF         3101 /*Unknown feature */

#define H_ERR_UNKG         3102 /*Unknown gray value feature */

#define H_ERR_EINCC        3103 /*Internal error in HContCut */

#define H_ERR_EINCP1       3104 /*Error in HContToPol:

distance of points too big */

#define H_ERR_EINCP2       3105 /*Error in HContToPol: contour too long */

#define H_ERR_TMR          3106 /*Too many rows (IPImageTransform) */

#define H_ERR_SFZ          3107 /*Scaling factor = 0.0 (IPImageScale) */

#define H_ERR_OOR          3108 /*Wrong range in transformation matrix */

#define H_ERR_NEF          3109 /*Internal error in IPvvf: no element free */

#define H_ERR_NOOB         3110 /*Number of input objects is zero */

#define H_ERR_EMPOB        3111 /*At least one input object has an

empty region */

#define H_ERR_NPOT         3112 /*Operation allowed for rectangular

images 2**n only */

#define H_ERR_TMEP         3113 /*Too many relevant points (IPHysterese) */

#define H_ERR_LTB          3114 /*Number of labels in image too big */

#define H_ERR_NNLA         3115 /*No labels with negative values allowed */

#define H_ERR_WFS          3116 /*Wrong filter size (too small ?) */

#define H_ERR_IWDS         3117 /*Images with different image size */

#define H_ERR_IWTL         3118 /*Target image too wide or too far

on the right */

#define H_ERR_IWTS         3119 /*Target image too narrow or too far

on the left */

#define H_ERR_IHTL         3120 /*Target image too high or too far down */

#define H_ERR_IHTS         3121 /*Target image too low or too far up */

#define H_ERR_DNOC         3122 /*Number of channels in the input parameters

are different */

#define H_ERR_WRCFAFLT     3123 /*Wrong color filter array type */

#define H_ERR_WRCFAINT     3124 /*Wrong color filter array interpolation */

#define H_ERR_NO_AFFTRANS  3125 /*Homogeneous matrix does not represent an

affine transformation */

#define H_ERR_INPNOBDRY    3126 /*Inpainting region too close to the image

border */

#define H_ERR_DSIZESD      3127 /*source and destination differ in size*/

#define H_ERR_TMFEAT       3128 /*to many features*/

/* Coocurrence */

#define H_ERR_COWTS        3131 /*Coocurrence Matrix:

Too little columns for quantisation */

#define H_ERR_COHTS        3132 /*Coocurrence Matrix:

Too little rows for quantisation */

#define H_ERR_NUM_COLMN    3133 /*Wrong number of columns */

#define H_ERR_NUM_LINES    3134 /*Wrong number of rows */

#define H_ERR_OVL          3135 /*Number has too many digits */

#define H_ERR_NOT_SYM      3136 /*Matrix is not symmetric */

#define H_ERR_NUM_COLS     3137 /*Matrix is too big */

#define H_ERR_SYNTAX       3138 /*Wrong structure of file */

#define H_ERR_MISSING      3139 /*Less than 2 matrices */

#define H_ERR_COOC_MEM     3140 /*Not enough memory */

#define H_ERR_NO_FILE      3141 /* Can not read the file */

#define H_ERR_FILE_WR      3142 /*Can not open file for writing */

#define H_ERR_NUM_LUCOLS   3143 /*Too many lookup table colors */

#define H_ERR_WNOLI        3145 /*Too many Hough points (lines) */

#define H_ERR_DITS         3146 /*Target image has got wrong height

(not big enough) */

#define H_ERR_WINTM        3147 /*Wrong interpolation mode */

#define H_ERR_THICK_NK     3148 /*Region not compact or not connected */

/* Laws */

#define H_ERR_WIND3        3170 /*Wrong filter index for filter size 3 */

#define H_ERR_WIND5        3171 /*Wrong filter index for filter size 5 */

#define H_ERR_WIND7        3172 /*Wrong filter index for filter size 7 */

#define H_ERR_WLAWSS       3173 /*Wrong filter size; only 3/5/7 */

/* Noise estimation */

#define H_ERR_NE_NPTS      3175 /*Number of suitable pixels too small to

reliably estimate the noise */

/* Contour */

#define H_ERR_WNEE         3200 /*Different number of entries/exits

in HContCut */

/* XLD */

#define H_ERR_XLDWT        3250 /*Wrong XLD type */

#define H_ERR_XLD_RPF      3252 /*Border point is set to FG */

#define H_ERR_XLD_MCL      3253 /*Maximum contour length exceeded */

#define H_ERR_XLD_MCN      3254 /*Maximum number of contours exceeded */

#define H_ERR_XLD_CTS      3255 /*Contour too short for fetch_angle_xld */

#define H_ERR_XLD_CRD      3256 /*Regression parameters of contours

already computed*/

#define H_ERR_XLD_CRND     3257 /*Regression parameters of contours not

yet entered! */

#define H_ERR_DBXC         3258 /*Data base: XLD object has been deleted */

#define H_ERR_DBWXID       3259 /*Data base: Object has no XLD-ID */

#define H_ERR_XLD_WNP      3260 /*Wrong number of contour points allocated */

#define H_ERR_XLD_CAND     3261 /*Contour attribute not defined */

#define H_ERR_FIT_ELLIPSE  3262 /*Ellipse fitting failed */

#define H_ERR_FIT_CIRCLE   3263 /*Circle fitting failed */

#define H_ERR_FIT_CLIP     3264 /*All points classified as outliers

(ClippingFactor too small) */

#define H_ERR_FIT_QUADRANGLE 3265 /* Quadrangle fitting failed */

#define H_ERR_INCOMPL_RECT 3266 /* No points for at least one rectangleside */


/*Not enough points for model fitting  */

#define H_ERR_NWF          3275 /*No ARC/INFO world file */

#define H_ERR_NAIGF        3276 /*No ARC/INFO generate file */

#define H_ERR_DXF_UEOF     3278 /*Unexpected end of file while

reading DXF file */

#define H_ERR_DXF_CRGC     3279 /* Cannotread DXF-group code from file */

#define H_ERR_DXF_INAPP    3280 /*Inconsistent number of attributes

per point in DXF file */

#define H_ERR_DXF_INAPPN   3281 /*Inconsistent number of attributes and

names in DXF file */

#define H_ERR_DXF_INAPCN   3282 /*Inconsistent number of global attributes

and names in DXF file */

#define H_ERR_DXF_CRAPP    3283 /*Cannot read attributes from DXF file */

#define H_ERR_DXF_CRAPC    3284 /*Cannot read global attributes

from DXF file */

#define H_ERR_DXF_CRAN     3285 /*Cannot read attribute names from DXF file */

#define H_ERR_DXF_WPN      3286 /*Wrong generic parameter name */

#define H_ERR_DXF_IEDT     3289 /*Internal DXF I/O error: Wrong data type */

#define H_ERR_XLD_ISOL_POINT 3290 /* Isolated point while contour merging*/

#define H_ERR_NURBS_CCBF   3291  /* Constraints cannot be fulfilled */

/* Classification */

#define H_ERR_SESF         3300 /*Syntax error in file for training */

#define H_ERR_TMFE         3301 /*Maximum number of attributes per example

exceeded */

#define H_ERR_OPSF         3302 /*Not possible to open file for training */

#define H_ERR_TMSS         3303 /*Too many data sets for training */

#define H_ERR_WSKEY        3304 /*Wrong key for data for training */

#define H_ERR_TMSAM        3305 /*Too many examples for one data set for

training */

#define H_ERR_TMCLS        3306 /*Too many classes */

#define H_ERR_TMBOX        3307 /*Maximum number of cuboids exceeded */

#define H_ERR_OPCF         3308 /*Not possible to open classificator's file */

#define H_ERR_SCLA         3309 /*Error while saving the classificator */

#define H_ERR_OPF          3310 /*Not possible to open protocol file */

#define H_ERR_CLEX         3311 /*Classificator with this name is already

existent */

#define H_ERR_TMCLA        3312 /*Maximum number of classificators exceeded */

#define H_ERR_CNTL         3313 /*Name of classificator is too long, >= 20 */

#define H_ERR_CLNNF        3314 /*Classificator with this name is not

existent */

#define H_ERR_NCCLA        3315 /*Current classificator is not defined */

#define H_ERR_CLASS2_ID    3316 /*Wrong id in classification file */

#define H_ERR_CLASS2_VERS  3317 /*Wrong verion number in classification

file */

#define H_ERR_GMM_NOTRAINFILE     3330 /* Not a valid training sample file */

#define H_ERR_GMM_WRTRAINVERS     3331 /* Wrong training sample file vers. */

#define H_ERR_GMM_WRSMPFORMAT     3332 /* Wrong training sample file format */

#define H_ERR_GMM_NOCLASSFILE     3333 /* Not a valid GMM file */

#define H_ERR_GMM_WRCLASSVERS     3334 /* Wrong GMM file version */

#define H_ERR_GMM_TRAIN_UNKERR    3335 /* Unknown error when training GMM */

#define H_ERR_GMM_TRAIN_COLLAPSED 3336 /* Collapsed covariance matrix */

#define H_ERR_GMM_TRAIN_NOSAMPLE  3337 /* No samples for at least one class */

#define H_ERR_GMM_TRAIN_FEWSAMPLES 3338 /* Too few samples for at leastone

class */

#define H_ERR_GMM_TRAIN_WRONGINIT 3330 /* Wrong cov. initialization */

#define H_ERR_GMM_NOTTRAINED      3340 /* GMM is not trained */

#define H_ERR_GMM_NOTRAINDATA     3341 /* GMM has no training data */

#define H_ERR_MLP_UNKOUTFUNC  3350/* Unknown output function */

#define H_ERR_MLP_NOT01ENC    3351/* Target not in 0-1 encoding */

#define H_ERR_MLP_NOTRAINDATA 3352 /* No training samples stored in the

classifier */

#define H_ERR_MLP_NOTRAINFILE 3353 /* Not a valid training sample file */

#define H_ERR_MLP_WRTRAINVERS 3354 /* Wrong training sample file version*/

#define H_ERR_MLP_WRSMPFORMAT 3355 /* Wrong training sample format */

#define H_ERR_MLP_NOCLASSIF   3356/* MLP is not a classifier */

#define H_ERR_MLP_NOCLASSFILE 3357 /* Not a valid MLP file */

#define H_ERR_MLP_WRCLASSVERS 3358 /* Wrong MLP file version */

#define H_ERR_MLP_WRNUMCHAN   3359/* Wrong number of channels */

#define H_ERR_MLP_WRNUMPARAM  3360/* Wrong number of MLP parameters */

#define H_ERR_LUT_WRNUMCHAN   3370/* Wrong number of channels */

#define H_ERR_LUT_NRCHANLARGE 3371 /* A look-up table can be build for 2or 3

channels only */

#define H_ERR_LUT_CANNOTCREAT 3372 /* Cannot create look-up table. Please

choose a larger 'bit_depth' or select

the 'fast' 'class_selection'. */

#define H_ERR_SVM_NOTRAINDATA  3380/* No training samples stored in the

classifier */

#define H_ERR_SVM_NOTRAINFILE  3381/* Not a valid training sample file */

#define H_ERR_SVM_WRTRAINVERS  3382/* Wrong training sample file version */

#define H_ERR_SVM_WRSMPFORMAT  3383/* Wrong training sample format */

#define H_ERR_SVM_NOCLASSFILE  3384/* Not a valid SVM file */

#define H_ERR_SVM_WRCLASSVERS  3385/* Wrong SVM file version */

#define H_ERR_SVM_WRNRCLASS    3386/* Wrong number of classes */

#define H_ERR_SVM_NU_TOO_BIG   3387/* Chosen nu is too big */

#define H_ERR_SVM_TRAIN_FAIL   3388/* SVM Training failed */

#define H_ERR_SVM_DO_NOT_FIT   3389/* SVMs do not fit together */

#define H_ERR_SVM_NO_TRAIN_ADD 3390 /* No SV in SVM to add to training */

#define H_ERR_SVM_KERNELNOTRBF 3391 /* Kernel must be RBF */

#define H_ERR_SVM_NO_TRAIND_FOR_CLASS 3392 /* Not all classes contained in

training data */

/* Morphology */

#define H_ERR_ROTNR        3401 /*Wrong rotation number */

#define H_ERR_GOL          3402 /* Wrongletter for Golay element */

#define H_ERR_BEZ          3403 /*Wrong reference point */

#define H_ERR_ITER         3404 /*Wrong number of iterations */

#define H_ERR_MOSYS        3405 /*Mophology: system error */

#define H_ERR_ART          3406 /* Wrongtype of boundary */

#define H_ERR_OBJI         3407 /*Morphology: Wrong number of input obj. */

#define H_ERR_OBJO         3408 /*Morphology: Wrong number of output obj. */

#define H_ERR_PARI         3409 /*Morphology: Wrong number of input

control parameter*/

#define H_ERR_PARO         3410 /*Morphology: Wrong number of output

control parameter */

#define H_ERR_SELC         3411 /*Morphology: Struct. element is infinite */

#define H_ERR_WRNSE        3412 /*Morphology: Wrong name for struct. elem. */

/* Runlength encoding, 35xxx */

#define H_ERR_WRRLN1       3500 /*Wrong number of run length rows (chords):

smaller than 0 */

#define H_ERR_WRRLN2       3501 /*Number of chords too big, increase

*current_runlength_number using set_system*/

#define H_ERR_WRRLL        3502 /*Run length row with negative length */

#define H_ERR_RLLTB        3503 /*Run length row >= image height */

#define H_ERR_RLLTS        3504 /*Run length row < 0 */

#define H_ERR_RLCTB        3505 /*Run length column >= image width */

#define H_ERR_RLCTS        3506 /*Lauflaengenspalte < 0 */

#define H_ERR_CHLTB        3507 /*For CHORD_TYPE: Number of row too big */

#define H_ERR_CHLTS        3508 /*For CHORD_TYPE: Number of row too small */

#define H_ERR_CHCTB        3509 /*For CHORD_TYPE: Number of column too big */

#define H_ERR_MRLE         3510 /*Exceeding the maximum number of run lengths

while automatical expansion */

#define H_ERR_ICCOMPL      3511 /*Region->compl neither TRUE/FALSE */

#define H_ERR_RLEMAX       3512 /*Region->max_num < Region->num */

#define H_ERR_WRRLN3       3513 /*Number of chords too big for num_max */

#define H_ERR_OPNOCOMPL    3514 /*Operator cannot be implemented for

complemented regions */

/* Image format */

#define H_ERR_WIMAW1        3520 /*Image width < 0 */

#define H_ERR_WIMAW2        3521 /*Image width >= MAX_FORMAT */

#define H_ERR_WIMAH1        3522 /*Image height <= 0 */

#define H_ERR_WIMAH2        3523 /*Image height >= MAX_FORMAT */

#define H_ERR_WIMAW3        3524 /*Image width <= 0 */

#define H_ERR_WIMAH3        3525 /*Image height <= 0 */

#define H_ERR_TMS           3550 /*Too many segments */

#define H_ERR_NO_INT8_IMAGE 3551 /* INT8 images are available on 64 bitsystems

only */

/* Projective transformations */

#define H_ERR_POINT_AT_INFINITY   3600 /* Point at infinity cannot be

converted to a Euclidean point */

#define H_ERR_ML_NO_COVARIANCE    3601 /* Covariance matrix could not be

determined */

#define H_ERR_RANSAC_PRNG         3602 /* RANSAC algorithm didn't find enough

point correspondences */

#define H_ERR_RANSAC_TOO_DIFFERENT 3603 /* RANSAC algorithm didn't findenough

pointcorrespondences */

#define H_ERR_PTI_FALLBACK        3604 /* Internal diagnosis: fallback method

had to be used */

#define H_ERR_PTI_TRAFO_SING      3605 /* Projective transformation is

singular */

#define H_ERR_PTI_MOSAIC_UNDERDET 3606 /* Mosaic is under-determined */

#define H_ERR_COV_NPD             3607 /* Input covariance matrix

is not positive definite */

/* Self-calibration */

#define H_ERR_INPC         3620 /*Inconsistent number of point

correspondences. */

#define H_ERR_NOPA         3621 /*No path from reference image to one or

more images. */

#define H_ERR_IINE         3622 /*Image with specified index does not

exist. */

#define H_ERR_NOCM         3623 /*Matrix is not a camera matrix. */

#define H_ERR_SKNZ         3624 /*Skew is not zero. */

#define H_ERR_ILFL         3625 /*Illegal focal length. */

#define H_ERR_KANZ         3626 /*Kappa is not zero. */

#define H_ERR_VARA         3627 /*It is not possible to determine all

parameters for in the variable case. */

#define H_ERR_LVDE         3628 /*No valid implementation selected. */

#define H_ERR_KPAR         3629 /*Kappa can only be determined with the

gold-standardmethod for fixed camera

parameters. */

#define H_ERR_IMOD         3630 /*Conflicting number of images and projection

mode. */

#define H_ERR_PNIC         3631 /*Error in projection: Point not in any cube

map. */

/* Adjust mosaic */

#define H_ERR_ILMD         3640 /*Illegal combination of parameters and

estimation method. */

/* Self-calibration of radial distortions */

#define H_ERR_RDS_NSC      3660 /*No suitable contours found */

#define H_ERR_RDS_NSS      3661 /*No stable solution found */

#define H_ERR_RDS_ISS      3662 /*Instable solution found */

#define H_ERR_RDS_NEC      3663 /*Not enough contours for calibration */

/* FFT */

#define H_ERR_NOFFTOPT     3650 /*File is not an FFT optimization data file */

#define H_ERR_WRFFTOPTVERS 3651 /* Wrong FFT optimization data fileversion */

#define H_ERR_WRHALCONVERS 3652 /* Optimization data was created with a

different HALCON version

(Standard HALCON / Parallel HALCON) */

#define H_ERR_OPTFAIL      3653 /*Storing of the optimization data failed */

/* Stereo */

#define H_ERR_EPIINIM      3700 /*Epipoles are situated within the image

domain */

/* Sheet-of-light */

#define H_ERR_SOL_INVALID_HANDLE  3750 /* Invalid sheet-of-light handle */

#define H_ERR_SOL_EMPTY_MODEL_LIST 3751 /* No sheet-of-light modelavailable*/

#define H_ERR_SOL_WNIW            3752 /* Wrong input image size (width) */

#define H_ERR_SOL_WNIH            3753 /* Wrong input image size (height) */

#define H_ERR_SOL_WPROF_REG       3754 /* profile region does not fit the

domain of definition of the input

image */

#define H_ERR_SOL_CAL_NONE        3755 /* Calibration extend not set */

#define H_ERR_SOL_UNDEF_DISPARITY 3756 /* Undefined disparity image */

#define H_ERR_SOL_UNDEF_DISPDOMAIN 3757 /* Undefined domain for disparity

image */

#define H_ERR_SOL_UNDEF_CAMPAR    3758 /* Undefined camera parameter */

#define H_ERR_SOL_UNDEF_LPCS       3759 /* Undefined pose of the lightplane */

#define H_ERR_SOL_UNDEF_CCS       3760 /* Undefined pose of the camera

coordinate system */

#define H_ERR_SOL_UNDEF_CCS_2_LPCS 3761 /* Undefined transformation fromthe

camera to the lightplane

coordinate system */

#define H_ERR_SOL_UNDEF_MOV_POSE  3762 /* Undefined movement pose for xyz

calibration */

#define H_ERR_SOL_WV_SCALE        3763 /* Wrong value of scale parameter */

#define H_ERR_SOL_WV_PAR_NAME     3764 /* Wrong parameter name */

#define H_ERR_SOL_WT_METHOD       3765 /* Wrong type of parameter method */

#define H_ERR_SOL_WT_AMBIGUITY    3766 /* Wrong type of parameter

ambiguity */

#define H_ERR_SOL_WT_SCORE_TYPE   3767 /* Wrong type of parameter score */

#define H_ERR_SOL_WT_CALIBRATION   3768 /* Wrong type of parameter

calibration */

#define H_ERR_SOL_WT_NUM_PROF     3769 /* Wrong type of parameter

number_profiles */

#define H_ERR_SOL_WT_CAM_PAR       3770/* Wrong type of element in parameter

camera_parameter */

#define H_ERR_SOL_WT_PAR_POSE     3771 /* Wrong type of element in pose */

#define H_ERR_SOL_WV_METHOD       3772 /* Wrong value of parameter method */

#define H_ERR_SOL_WT_THRES        3773 /* Wrong type of parameter min_gray */

#define H_ERR_SOL_WV_AMBIGUITY    3774 /* Wrong value of parameter

ambiguity */

#define H_ERR_SOL_WV_SCORE_TYPE   3775 /* Wrong value of parameter

score_type */

#define H_ERR_SOL_WV_CALIBRATION  3776 /* Wrong value of parameter

calibration */

#define H_ERR_SOL_WV_NUM_PROF     3777 /* Wrong value of parameter

number_profiles */

#define H_ERR_SOL_WV_CAMERA_TYPE  3778 /* Wrong type of camera */

#define H_ERR_SOL_WN_CAM_PAR      3779 /* Wrong number of values of parameter

camera_parameter */

#define H_ERR_SOL_WN_POSE         3780 /* Wrong number of values of pose */

/* Shape-From */

#define H_ERR_SING         3850 /*The light source positions are linearly

dependent */

#define H_ERR_FEWIM        3851 /*No sufficient image indication */

#define H_ERR_ZBR_NOS      3852 /*Internal error: Function has equal signs

in HZBrent */

/* Kalman filter */

#define H_ERR_DIMK         3900 /*Kalman: Dimension n,m or p has got a

undefined value */

#define H_ERR_NOFILE       3901 /*Kalman: File does not exist */

#define H_ERR_FF1          3902 /*Kalman: Error in file (row of dimension) */

#define H_ERR_FF2          3903 /*Kalman: Error in file (row of marking) */

#define H_ERR_FF3          3904 /*Error in file (value is no float) */

#define H_ERR_NO_A         3905 /*Kalman: Matrix A is missing in file */

#define H_ERR_NO_C         3906 /*Kalman: In Datei fehlt Matrix C */

#define H_ERR_NO_Q         3907 /*Kalman: Matrix Q is missing in file */

#define H_ERR_NO_R         3908 /*Kalman: Matrix R is missing in file */

#define H_ERR_NO_GU        3909 /*Kalman: G or u is missing in file */

#define H_ERR_NOTSYMM      3910 /*Kalman: Covariant matrix is not symmetric */

#define H_ERR_SINGU        3911 /*Kalman: Equation system is singular */

/* Data Base and Image data management */

#define H_ERR_DBOIT        4050 /*Object is a object tupel */

#define H_ERR_DBOC         4051 /*Object has been deleted already */

#define H_ERR_DBWOID       4052 /*Wrong object-ID */

#define H_ERR_DBTC         4053 /*Object tupel has been deleted already */

#define H_ERR_DBWTID       4054 /*Wrong object tupel-ID */

#define H_ERR_DBTIO        4055 /* Object tupel is a object */

#define H_ERR_DBIDNULL     4056 /*Object-ID is NULL (0) */

#define H_ERR_WDBID        4057 /*Object-ID outside the valid range */

#define H_ERR_DBIC         4058 /*Access to deleted image */

#define H_ERR_DBWIID       4059 /* Access to image with wrong key */

#define H_ERR_DBRC         4060 /*Access to deleted region */

#define H_ERR_DBWRID       4061 /*Access to region with wrong key */

#define H_ERR_WCHAN        4062 /*Wrong value for image channel */

#define H_ERR_DBITL        4063 /*Index too big */

#define H_ERR_DBIUNDEF     4064 /*Index not defined */

/* OpenCL related error messages */

#define H_ERR_NO_OPENCL          4100 /* No OpenCL available */

#define H_ERR_OPENCL_ERROR       4101 /* OpenCL Error occured */

#define H_ERR_NO_COMPUTE_DEVICES 4102 /* No compute devices available */

#define H_ERR_NO_DEVICE_IMPL     4103 /* No device implementation for this

parameter */

#define H_ERR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEM  4104 /* Out of device memory */

#define H_ERR_INVALID_SHAPE      4105 /* Invalid work group shape */

#define H_ERR_INVALID_DEVICE     4106 /* Invalid compute device */

/* I/O and window management, 51xx */

#define H_ERR_WSCN         5100 /*Wrong (logical) window number */

#define H_ERR_DSCO         5101 /*Error while opening the window */

#define H_ERR_WWC          5102 /*Wrong window coordinates */

#define H_ERR_NWA          5103 /*It is not possible to open another window */

#define H_ERR_DNA          5104 /*Device resp. operator not available */

#define H_ERR_UCOL         5105 /*Unknown color */

#define H_ERR_NWO          5106 /*No window has been opened for

desired action */

#define H_ERR_WFM          5107 /*Wrong filling mode for regions */

#define H_ERR_WGV          5108 /*Wrong gray value (0..255) */

#define H_ERR_WPV          5109 /*Wrong pixel value */

#define H_ERR_WLW          5110 /*Wrong line width */

#define H_ERR_WCUR         5111 /*Wrong name of cursor */

#define H_ERR_WLUT         5112 /*Wrong color table */

#define H_ERR_WDM          5113 /*Wrong representation mode */

#define H_ERR_WRCO         5114 /*Wrong representation color */

#define H_ERR_WRDM         5115 /*Wrong dither matrix */

#define H_ERR_WRIT         5116 /*Wrong image transformation */

#define H_ERR_IPIT         5117 /*Unsuitable image type for image trafo. */

#define H_ERR_WRZS         5118 /*Wrong zooming factor for image trafo. */

#define H_ERR_WRDS         5119 /*Wrong representation mode */

#define H_ERR_WRDV         5120 /*Wrong code of device */

#define H_ERR_WWINF        5121 /*Wrong number for father window */

#define H_ERR_WDEXT        5122 /*Wrong window size */

#define H_ERR_WWT          5123 /*Wrong window type */

#define H_ERR_WND          5124 /*No current window has been set */

#define H_ERR_WRGB         5125 /*Wrong color combination or range (RGB) */

#define H_ERR_WPNS         5126 /*Wrong number of pixels set */

#define H_ERR_WCM          5127 /*Wrong value for comprise */

#define H_ERR_FNA          5128 /*set_fix with 1/4 image levels and

static not valid */

#define H_ERR_LNFS         5129 /*set_lut not valid in child windows */

#define H_ERR_LOFL         5130 /* Numberof concurrent used color tables

is too big */

#define H_ERR_WIDT         5131 /*Wrong device for window dump */

#define H_ERR_WWDS         5132 /*Wrong window size for window dump */

#define H_ERR_NDVS         5133 /*System variable DISPLAY not defined */

#define H_ERR_WBW          5134 /*Wrong thickness for window margin */

#define H_ERR_WDVS         5135 /*System variable DISPLAY has been set

wrong (:0.0) */

#define H_ERR_TMF          5136 /*Too many fonts loaded */

#define H_ERR_WFN          5137 /*Wrong font name */

#define H_ERR_WCP          5138 /*No valid cursor position */

#define H_ERR_NTW          5139 /*Window is not a textual window */

#define H_ERR_NPW          5140 /* Window is not a image window */

#define H_ERR_STL          5141 /*String too long or too high */

#define H_ERR_NSS          5142 /*Too little space in the window rightw. */

#define H_ERR_NMS          5143 /*Window is not suitable for the mouse */

#define H_ERR_DWNA         5144 /*Here Windows on a equal machine is

permitted only */

#define H_ERR_WOM          5145 /*Wrong mode while opening a window */

#define H_ERR_WWM          5146 /*Wrong window mode for operation */

#define H_ERR_LUTF         5147 /*Operation not possible with fixed pixel */

#define H_ERR_LUTN8        5148 /*Color tables for 8 image levels only */

/* pseudo true-color */

#define H_ERR_WTCM         5149 /*Wrong mode for pseudo real colors */

#define H_ERR_WIFTL        5150 /*Wrong pixel value for LUT */

#define H_ERR_WSOI         5151 /*Wrong image size for pseudo real colors */

#define H_ERR_HRLUT        5152 /*Error in procedure HRLUT */

#define H_ERR_WPFSL        5153 /*Wrong number of entries in color table

for set_lut */

#define H_ERR_WPVS         5154 /*Wrong values for image area */

#define H_ERR_WLPN         5155 /*Wrong line pattern */

#define H_ERR_WLPL         5156 /*Wrong number of parameters for

line pattern */

#define H_ERR_WNOC         5157 /*Wrong number of colors */

#define H_ERR_WPST         5158 /*Wrong value for mode of area creation */

#define H_ERR_SWNA         5159 /*Spy window is not set (set_spy) */

#define H_ERR_NSFO         5160 /*No file for spy has been set (set_spy) */

#define H_ERR_WSPN         5161 /*Wrong parameter output depth (set_spy) */

#define H_ERR_WIFFD        5162 /*Wrong window size for window dump */

#define H_ERR_WLUTF        5163 /*Wrong color table:

Wrong file name or query_lut() */

#define H_ERR_WLUTE        5164 /*Wrong color table:

Empty string ? */

#define H_ERR_WLUTD        5165 /*Using this hardware set_lut('default')

is allowed only */

#define H_ERR_CNDP         5166 /*Error while calling online help */

#define H_ERR_LNPR         5167 /*Row can not be projected */

#define H_ERR_NFSC         5168 /*Operation is unsuitable using a computer

with fixed color table */

#define H_ERR_NACD         5169 /*Computer represents gray scales only */

#define H_ERR_LUTO         5170 /*LUT of this display is full */

#define H_ERR_WCC          5171 /*Internal error: wrong color code */

#define H_ERR_WWATTRT      5172 /*Wrong type for window attribute */

#define H_ERR_WWATTRN      5173 /*Wrong name for window attribute */

#define H_ERR_WRSPART      5174 /*negativ height of area (or 0) */

#define H_ERR_WCSPART      5175 /*negativ width of area (or 0) */

/* Window dump */

#define H_ERR_WNCV         5176 /*Window not completely visible */

/* Fonts */

#define H_ERR_FONT_NA      5177 /*Font not allowed for this operation */

/* Threads */

#define H_ERR_WDIFFTH      5178 /*Window was created in different thread */

/* Image windows */

#define H_ERR_CHA3         5180 /*Internal error: only RGB-Mode */

#define H_ERR_NMWA         5181 /*No more (image-)windows available */

/* OpenGL support */

#define H_ERR_NOGL         5185 /*No OpenGL support available */

#define H_ERR_NODEPTH      5186 /*No depth information available */

/* window parameters */

#define H_ERR_WP_IWP       5190 /*Invalid window parameter */

#define H_ERR_WP_IWPV      5191 /*Invalid value for window parameter */

#define H_ERR_UMOD         5192 /*Unknown mode */

/* 3d navigation */

#define H_ERR_NVG_WM       5195 /*invalid navigation mode */

/* File I/O, 52xx */

#define H_ERR_FINTERN      5196 /*Internal file error */

#define H_ERR_FS           5197 /*Error while file synchronisation */

#define H_ERR_FISR        5198 /*insufficient rights */

#define H_ERR_BFD          5199 /*Bad file descriptor */

#define H_ERR_FNF          5200 /*File not found */

#define H_ERR_DWI          5201 /*Error while writing image data

(sufficient memory ?) */

#define H_ERR_DWID         5202 /*Error while writing image descriptor

(sufficient memory ?) */

#define H_ERR_DRI1         5203 /*Error while reading image data

(format of image too small ?) */

#define H_ERR_DRI2         5204 /*Error while reading image data

(format of image too big ?) */

#define H_ERR_DRID1        5205 /*Error while reading image descriptor:

File too small */

#define H_ERR_DIMMAT       5206 /*Image matrices are different */

#define H_ERR_HNF          5207 /*Help file not found (setenv HALCONROOT) */

#define H_ERR_XNF          5208 /*Help index not found (setenv HALCONROOT) */

#define H_ERR_CNCSI        5209 /*File can not be closed */

#define H_ERR_CNCSO        5210 /* can not be closed */

#define H_ERR_CNCF         5211 /*File can not be closed */

#define H_ERR_EDWF         5212 /*Error while writing to file */

#define H_ERR_NFA          5213 /*Exceeding of maximum number of files */

#define H_ERR_WFIN         5214 /*Wrong file name */

#define H_ERR_CNOF         5215 /*Error while opening the file */

#define H_ERR_WFMO         5216 /*Wrong file mode */

#define H_ERR_WPTY         5217 /*Wrong type for pixel (e.g. byte) */

#define H_ERR_WIW          5218 /*Wrong image width (too big ?) */

#define H_ERR_WIH          5219 /*Wrong image height (too big ?) */

#define H_ERR_FTS1         5220 /*File already exhausted before reading

an image */

#define H_ERR_FTS2         5221 /*File exhausted before terminating

the image */

#define H_ERR_WDPI         5222 /*Wrong value for resolution (dpi) */

#define H_ERR_WNOW         5223 /*Wrong output image size (width) */

#define H_ERR_WNOH         5224 /*Wrong output image size (height) */

#define H_ERR_WNFP         5225 /*Wrong number of parameter values:

Format description */

#define H_ERR_WPNA         5226 /*Wrong parameter name for operator */

#define H_ERR_WSNA         5227 /*Wrong slot name for parameter */

#define H_ERR_NPCF         5228 /*Operator class is missing in help file */

#define H_ERR_WHIF         5229 /*Wrong or inconsistent help/ *.idx

or help/ *.sta */

#define H_ERR_HINF         5230 /*File help/ *.idx not found */

#define H_ERR_HSNF         5231 /*File help/ *.sta not found */

#define H_ERR_ICSF         5232 /*Inconsistent file help/ *.sta */

#define H_ERR_EFNF         5233 /*No explication file (.exp) found */

#define H_ERR_NFWKEF       5234 /*No file found in known graphic format */

#define H_ERR_WIFT         5235 /*Wrong graphic format */

#define H_ERR_ICNF         5236 /*Inconsistent file halcon.num */

#define H_ERR_WTIFF        5237 /*File with extension 'tiff' is no

Tiff-file */

#define H_ERR_WFF          5238 /*Wrong file format */

#define H_ERR_NOGPPROC     5239 /*gnuplot could not be started */

#define H_ERR_NOGPFILE     5240 /* Output file for gnuplot could not be

opened */

#define H_ERR_NOGPOUT      5241 /*Not a valid gnuplot output stream */

#define H_ERR_NOPNM        5242 /*No PNM format */

#define H_ERR_ICODB        5243 /*Inconsistent or old help file */

#define H_ERR_WFID         5244 /*Wrong file handle */

#define H_ERR_FNO          5245 /*File not open */

#define H_ERR_NO_FILES     5246 /*No files in use so far (none opened) */

#define H_ERR_NORFILE      5247 /*No valid region file */

#define H_ERR_RDTB         5248 /*Error while reading region data:

Format of region too big. */

/* Serial interface */

#define H_ERR_WSID         5250 /*Invalid handle for a serial connection */

#define H_ERR_SNO          5251 /*Serial port not open */

#define H_ERR_NSA          5252 /*No serial port available */

#define H_ERR_CNOS         5253 /*Could not open serial port */

#define H_ERR_CNCS         5254 /*Could not close serial port */

#define H_ERR_CNGSA        5255 /*Could not get serial port attributes */

#define H_ERR_CNSSA        5256 /*Could not set serial port attributes */

#define H_ERR_WRSBR        5257 /*Wrong baud rate for serial connection */

#define H_ERR_WRSDB        5258 /*Wrong number of data bits for

serial connection */

#define H_ERR_WRSFC        5259 /*Wrong flow control for serial connection */

#define H_ERR_CNFS         5260 /*Could not flush serial port */

#define H_ERR_EDWS         5261 /*Error during write to serial port */

#define H_ERR_EDRS         5262 /*Error during read from serial port */

/* Frame grabber / Image acquisition devices */

#define H_ERR_NFS          5300 /*No image acquisition device opened */

#define H_ERR_FGWC         5301 /* IA: wrong color depth */

#define H_ERR_FGWD         5302 /*IA: wrong device */

#define H_ERR_FGVF         5303 /*IA: determination of video format

not possible */

#define H_ERR_FGNV         5304 /*IA: no video signal */

#define H_ERR_UFG          5305 /*Unknown image acquisition device */

#define H_ERR_FGF          5306 /*IA: failed grabbing of an image */

#define H_ERR_FGWR         5307 /*IA: wrong resolution chosen */

#define H_ERR_FGWP         5308 /*IA: wrong image part chosen */

#define H_ERR_FGWPR        5309 /*IA: wrong pixel ratio chosen */

#define H_ERR_FGWH         5310 /*IA: handle not valid */

#define H_ERR_FGCL         5311 /*IA: instance not valid (already closed?) */

#define H_ERR_FGNI         5312 /*Image acquisition device could not be

initialized */

#define H_ERR_FGET         5313 /*IA: external triggering not supported */

#define H_ERR_FGLI         5314 /*IA: wrong camera input line (multiplex) */

#define H_ERR_FGCS         5315 /*IA: wrong color space */

#define H_ERR_FGPT         5316 /*IA: wrong port */

#define H_ERR_FGCT         5317 /*IA: wrong camera type */

#define H_ERR_FGTM         5318 /*IA: maximum number of acquisition device

classes exceeded */

#define H_ERR_FGDV         5319 /*IA: device busy */

#define H_ERR_FGASYNC      5320 /*IA: asynchronous grab not supported */

#define H_ERR_FGPARAM      5321 /*IA: unsupported parameter */

#define H_ERR_FGTIMEOUT    5322 /*IA: timeout */

#define H_ERR_FGGAIN       5323 /*IA: invalid gain  */

#define H_ERR_FGFIELD      5324 /*IA: invalid field */

#define H_ERR_FGPART       5325 /*IA: invalid parameter type */

#define H_ERR_FGPARV       5326 /*IA: invalid parameter value */

#define H_ERR_FGFNS        5327 /*IA: function not supported */

#define H_ERR_FGIVERS      5328 /*IA: incompatible interface version */

#define H_ERR_FGSETPAR     5329 /*IA: could not set parameter value */

#define H_ERR_FGGETPAR     5330 /*IA: could not query parameter setting */

#define H_ERR_FGPARNA      5331 /*IA: parameter not available in current

configuration */

#define H_ERR_FGCLOSE      5332 /*IA: device could not be closed properly */

#define H_ERR_FGCAMFILE    5333 /*IA: camera configuration file could not be

opened */

#define H_ERR_FGCALLBACK   5334 /*IA: unsupported callback type */

#define H_ERR_FGDEVLOST    5335 /*IA: device lost */

/* Images from file */

/* General */

#define H_ERR_LIB_FILE_CLOSE         5500 /* Error while closing the

image file */

#define H_ERR_LIB_FILE_OPEN          5501 /* Error while opening the

image file */

#define H_ERR_LIB_UNEXPECTED_EOF     5502 /* Premature end of the

image file */

#define H_ERR_IDTL                   5503 /* Image dimensions too large for

this file format */

#define H_ERR_ITLHV                  5504 /* Image too large for this HALCON

version */

#define H_ERR_TMIO                   5505 /* Too many iconic objects for

this file format */

/* PCX files */

#define H_ERR_PCX_NO_PCX_FILE        5510 /* File is no PCX-File */

#define H_ERR_PCX_UNKNOWN_ENCODING   5511 /* Unknown encoding */

#define H_ERR_PCX_MORE_THAN_4_PLANES 5512 /* More than 4 image plains */

#define H_ERR_PCX_COLORMAP_SIGNATURE 5513 /* Wrong magic in color table */

#define H_ERR_PCX_REPEAT_COUNT_SPANS 5514 /* Wrong number of bytes in span */

#define H_ERR_PCX_TOO_MUCH_BITS_PIXEL 5515 /* Wrong number of bits/pixels*/

#define H_ERR_PCX_PACKED_PIXELS      5516 /* Wrong number of plains */

/* GIF files */

#define H_ERR_GIF_NO_GIF_PICTURE     5520 /* File is no GIF-File */

#define H_ERR_GIF_BAD_VERSION        5521 /* GIF: Wrong version */

#define H_ERR_GIF_SCREEN_DESCRIPTOR  5522 /* GIF: Wrong descriptor */

#define H_ERR_GIF_COLORMAP           5523 /* GIF: Wrong color table */

#define H_ERR_GIF_READ_ERROR_EOF     5524 /* GIF: Premature end of file */

#define H_ERR_GIF_NOT_ENOUGH_IMAGES  5525 /* GIF: Wrong number of images */

#define H_ERR_GIF_ERROR_ON_EXTENSION 5526 /* GIF: Wrong image extension */

#define H_ERR_GIF_LEFT_TOP_WIDTH     5527 /* GIF: Wrong left top width */

#define H_ERR_GIF_CIRCULAR_TABL_ENTRY 5528 /* GIF: Cyclic index of table*/

#define H_ERR_GIF_BAD_IMAGE_DATA     5529 /* GIF: Wrong image data */

/* SUN-Raster files  */

#define H_ERR_SUN_RASTERFILE_TYPE    5530 /* File is no Sun-Raster-File */

#define H_ERR_SUN_RASTERFILE_HEADER  5531 /* Wrong header */

#define H_ERR_SUN_COLS               5532 /* Wrong image width */

#define H_ERR_SUN_ROWS               5533 /* Wrong image height */

#define H_ERR_SUN_COLORMAP           5534 /* Wrong color map */

#define H_ERR_SUN_RASTERFILE_IMAGE   5535 /* Wrong image data */

#define H_ERR_SUN_IMPOSSIBLE_DATA    5536 /* Wrong type of pixel */

/* XWD files */

#define H_ERR_XWD_IMPOSSIBLE_DATA    5540  /* Wrong type of pixel */

#define H_ERR_XWD_VISUAL_CLASS       5541  /* Wrong visual class */

#define H_ERR_XWD_X10_HEADER          5542 /* Wrong X10 header */

#define H_ERR_XWD_X11_HEADER         5543  /* Wrong X11 header */

#define H_ERR_XWD_X10_COLORMAP       5544  /* Wrong X10 colormap */

#define H_ERR_XWD_X11_COLORMAP       5545  /* Wrong X11 colormap */

#define H_ERR_XWD_X11_PIXMAP         5546  /* Wrong pixmap */

#define H_ERR_XWD_UNKNOWN_VERSION    5547  /* Unknown version */

#define H_ERR_XWD_READING_IMAGE      5548  /* Error while reading animage */

/* TIFF files */

#define H_ERR_TIF_BAD_INPUTDATA     5550 /* Error while reading a file */

#define H_ERR_TIF_COLORMAP          5551 /* Wrong colormap */

#define H_ERR_TIF_TOO_MANY_COLORS   5552 /* Too many colors */

#define H_ERR_TIF_BAD_PHOTOMETRIC   5553 /* Wrong photometric interpretation*/

#define H_ERR_TIF_PHOTOMETRIC_DEPTH 5554 /* Wrong photometric depth */

#define H_ERR_TIF_NO_REGION         5555 /* Image is no binary file */

#define H_ERR_TIF_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT 5556 /* Unsupported TIFF format */

#define H_ERR_TIF_BAD_SPECIFICATION 5557 /* Wrong file format specification */

#define H_ERR_TIF_FILE_CORRUPT      5558 /* TIFF file is corrupt */

#define H_ERR_TIF_TAG_UNDEFINED     5559 /* Required TIFF tag is missing */

/* BMP files */

#define H_ERR_BMP_NO_BMP_PICTURE     5560  /* File is no BMP-File */

#define H_ERR_BMP_READ_ERROR_EOF     5561  /* Premature end of file */

#define H_ERR_BMP_INCOMPLETE_HEADER  5562  /* Incomplete header */

#define H_ERR_BMP_UNKNOWN_FORMAT     5563  /* Unknown bitmap format */

#define H_ERR_BMP_UNKNOWN_COMPRESSION 5564 /* Unknown compression format */

#define H_ERR_BMP_COLORMAP           5565  /* Wrong color table */

#define H_ERR_BMP_WRITE_ERROR        5566  /* Write error on output */

#define H_ERR_BMP_NO_REGION          5567  /* File does not contain a

binaryimage */

/* Jpeg files */

#define H_ERR_JPG_COMP_NUM     5570/* Wrong number of components in image */

#define H_ERR_JPGLIB_UNKNOWN   5571/* Unknown error from libjpeg */

#define H_ERR_JPGLIB_NOTIMPL   5572/* Not implemented feature in libjpeg */

#define H_ERR_JPGLIB_FILE      5573/* File access error in libjpeg */

#define H_ERR_JPGLIB_TMPFILE   5574/* Tmp file access error in libjpeg */

#define H_ERR_JPGLIB_MEMORY    5575/* Memory error in libjpeg */

#define H_ERR_JPGLIB_INFORMAT  5576/* Error in input image */

/* PNG files */

#define H_ERR_PNG_NO_PNG_FILE           5580  /* File is not a PNG file */

#define H_ERR_PNG_UNKNOWN_INTERLACE_TYPE 5581  /* Unknown interlace type */

#define H_ERR_PNG_UNSUPPORTED_COLOR_TYPE 5582  /* Unsupported color type */

#define H_ERR_PNG_NO_REGION             5583  /* Image is no binary file*/

/* Jpeg-2000 files */

#define H_ERR_JP2_CORRUPT       5590 /* File corrupt */

#define H_ERR_JP2_PREC_TOO_HIGH 5591 /* Image precision too high */

#define H_ERR_JP2_ENCODING_ERROR 5592 /* Error while encoding */

/* Socket communication and virtual links */

#define H_ERR_SOCKET_BLOCK               5600 /* Socket can not be set to

block */

#define H_ERR_SOCKET_UNBLOCK             5601 /* Socket can not be set to

unblock */

#define H_ERR_SOCKET_NO_CPAR             5602 /* Received data is no tuple */

#define H_ERR_SOCKET_NO_IMAGE            5603 /* Received data is no image */

#define H_ERR_SOCKET_NO_RL               5604 /* Received data is no region */

#define H_ERR_SOCKET_NO_XLD              5605 /* Received data is no

xld object */

#define H_ERR_SOCKET_READ_DATA_FAILED    5606 /* Error while reading

from socket */

#define H_ERR_SOCKET_WRITE_DATA_FAILED   5607 /* Error while writing

to socket */

#define H_ERR_SOCKET_WRONG_BYTE_NUMBER   5608 /* Illegal number of bytes

with get_rl */

#define H_ERR_SOCKET_BUFFER_OVERFLOW     5609 /* Buffer overflow in

read_data */

#define H_ERR_SOCKET_CANT_ASSIGN_FD      5610 /* Socket can not be created */

#define H_ERR_SOCKET_CANT_BIND           5611 /* Bind on socket failed */

#define H_ERR_SOCKET_CANT_GET_PORTNUMBER 5612 /* Socket information is not

available */

#define H_ERR_SOCKET_CANT_LISTEN         5613 /* Socket cannot listen for

incoming connections */

#define H_ERR_SOCKET_CANT_ACCEPT         5614 /* Connection could not be

accepted */

#define H_ERR_SOCKET_CANT_CONNECT        5615 /* Connection request failed */

#define H_ERR_SOCKET_GETHOSTBYNAME       5616 /* Hostname could not be

resolved */

#define H_ERR_SOCKET_RECV_IS_NEG         5617 /* No data on socket */

#define H_ERR_SOCKET_ILLEGAL_TUPLE_TYPE  5618 /* Unknown tuple type on

socket */

#define H_ERR_SOCKET_TIMEOUT             5619 /* Timeout occured on socket */

#define H_ERR_SOCKET_NA                  5620 /* No more sockets available */

#define H_ERR_SOCKET_NI                  5621 /* Socket is not initialized */

#define H_ERR_SOCKET_OOR                 5622 /* Invalid socket */

#define H_ERR_SOCKET_IS                  5623 /* Socket is NULL */

#define H_ERR_SOCKET_DATA_TOO_LARGE      5624 /* Received data type is too

large */

#define H_ERR_SOCKET_WRONG_TYPE          5625 /* Wrong socket type. */

#define H_ERR_SOCKET_NO_PACKED_DATA      5626 /* Received data is not packed. */

#define H_ERR_SOCKET_PARAM_FAILED        5627 /* Socket parameter operation

failed. */

#define H_ERR_SOCKET_FORMAT_MISMATCH     5628 /* The data does not match the

format specification. */

#define H_ERR_SOCKET_INVALID_FORMAT      5629 /* Invalid format

specification. */

#define H_ERR_ARCINFO_TOO_MANY_XLDS      5700 /* Too many contours/polygons

for this file format */

/* Memory management */

#define H_ERR_NP           6000 /*Access to undefined memory area */

#define H_ERR_MEM          6001 /*Not enough memory available */

#define H_ERR_ICM          6002 /*Memory partition on heap has been

overwritten */

#define H_ERR_WMS          6003 /*HAlloc: 0 bytes requested */

#define H_ERR_NOTMP        6004 /*Tmp-memory management:

Call freeing memory although nothing had

been allocated */

#define H_ERR_TMPNULL      6005 /*Tmp-memory management:

Null pointer while freeing */

#define H_ERR_CNFMEM       6006 /*Tmp-memory management:

Could not find memory element */

#define H_ERR_WMT          6007 /*memory management: wrong memory type */

#define H_ERR_MEM_VID      6021 /*Not enough video memory available */

#define H_ERR_NRA          6041 /*No memory block allocated at last */

#define H_ERR_IAD          6040 /*System parameter for memory-allocation

inconsistent */

/* Language interfaces */

/* General  */

#define H_ERR_WOCPI        7000 /*Wrong index for output control par. */

#define H_ERR_WOCPVN       7001 /*Wrong number of values:

Output control parameter */

#define H_ERR_WOCPT        7002 /*Wrong type: Output control parameter */

#define H_ERR_WKT          7003 /* Wrongdata type for object key

(input objects) */

#define H_ERR_IOOR         7004 /*Range for integer had been passed */

#define H_ERR_IHV          7005 /*Inconsistent Halcon version */

#define H_ERR_NISS         7006 /*Not enough memory for strings allocated */

#define H_ERR_PROC_NULL    7007 /*Internal error: Proc is NULL */

/* PRO */

#define H_ERR_WLST         7100 /*Wrong list structure using input objects */

#define H_ERR_WIOP         7101 /*Wrong input object parameter (not bound) */

#define H_ERR_WICP         7102 /*Wrong input control par. (not bound) */

#define H_ERR_WOOP         7103 /*Wrong output object par. (already bound) */

#define H_ERR_WOCP         7104 /*Wrong output control par.(already bound) */

#define H_ERR_UNKN         7105 /*Unknown symbolic object key (input obj.) */

/* VAX */

#define H_ERR_WOON         7200 /*Wrong number of output object parameter */

/* OPS5 */

#define H_ERR_WNOIP        7300 /*Wrong number of input parameter */

/* C */

#define H_ERR_OTSE         7400 /*Output type expected */

#define H_ERR_OTLE         7401 /*Output type expected */

#define H_ERR_OTFE         7402 /*Output type expected */

#define H_ERR_OPINP        7403 /*Object parameter is a zero pointer */

#define H_ERR_TWC          7404 /*Tupel had been deleted; values are not

valid any more */

/* C++ */

#define H_ERR_CPPWOM       7430 /*CPP-interface internal error:

Wrong object mode */

#define H_ERR_CPPWNOR      7431 /*Wrong number of regions (> 1) for

type HRegion */

#define H_ERR_CPPWNOI      7432 /*Wrong number of images (> 1) for

type HImage */

#define H_ERR_TNOVAL       7433 /*Tupel with undefined values */

/* RPC  */

#define H_ERR_RPCS         7500 /*No contact to RPC server */

#define H_ERR_RPC          7501 /*Error in remote procedure call */

/* SWI-Prolog */

#define H_ERR_SWI_NOLIST   7600 /*Parameter value is neither a list

nor a atom */

/* Cgpx */

#define H_ERR_WPRN         8000 /*Unknown operator name */

#define H_ERR_RCNA         8001 /*register_comp_used is not activated */

#define H_ERR_WPC          8002 /*Unknown operator class */

/* Convolution and rank */

/* Error codes concerning getMask() (RMF = Read Mask-File) */

#define H_ERR_ORMF        8101  /* convol/mask: Error while opening file */

#define H_ERR_EOFRMF      8102  /* convol/mask: Premature end of file */

#define H_ERR_CVTRMF      8103  /* convol/mask: Conversion error */

#define H_ERR_LCNRMF      8104  /* convol/mask: Wrong row-/column number */

#define H_ERR_WCOVRMF     8105  /* convol/mask: Mask size overflow */

#define H_ERR_NEOFRMF     8106  /* convol/mask: Too many elements entered */

/* IPconvol() and IPRank()                             */

#define H_ERR_WRRA        8107  /* convol: Wrong margin type */

#define H_ERR_MCN0        8108  /* convol: No mask object has got

empty region */

#define H_ERR_WF0         8110  /* convol: Weight factor is 0 */

#define H_ERR_NWC         8111  /* convol: Inconsistent number of weights */

#define H_ERR_WRRV        8112  /* rank: Wrong rank value */

/* Boarder treatment */

#define H_ERR_ROVFL       8113  /* convol/rank: Error while handling margin*/

#define H_ERR_WNUMM       8120  /* Wrong number of coefficients for

convolution (sigma too big?) */

/* Background estimation (Kalman) */

#define H_ERR_WBEDN       8200  /* No valid ID for data set */

#define H_ERR_NBEDA       8201  /* No data set active (set_bg_esti) */

#define H_ERR_BEDNAU      8202  /* ID already used for data set */

#define H_ERR_NBEDC       8204 /* No data set created (create_bg_esti) */

#define H_ERR_NTM         8205  /* Not possible to pass an object list */

#define H_ERR_WISBE       8206  /* Image has other size than the background

image in data set */

#define H_ERR_UDNSSBE     8207  /* Up-date-region is bigger than

background image */

#define H_ERR_SNBETS      8208  /* Number of statistic data sets is

too small */

#define H_ERR_WAMBE       8209  /* Wrong value for adapt mode */

#define H_ERR_WFMBE       8210  /* Wrong value for frame mode */

/* OCR */

#define H_ERR_OCR_MEM1    8300  /* Maximum number of fonts exceeded */

#define H_ERR_OCR_WID     8301  /* Wrong ID (Number) for font */

#define H_ERR_OCR1        8302  /* OCR internal error: wrong ID */

#define H_ERR_OCR_NNI     8303  /* OCR not initialised: no font was read in*/

#define H_ERR_OCR_NAI     8304  /* No font activated */

#define H_ERR_OCR_WTP     8305  /* OCR internal error: Wrong threshold in

angle determination */

#define H_ERR_OCR_WF      8306  /* OCR internal error: Wrong attribute */

#define H_ERR_OCR_READ    8307  /* OCR: Error during reading file */

#define H_ERR_OCR_NODES   8308  /* OCR File: Inconsistent number of nodes */

#define H_ERR_OCR_EOF     8309  /* OCR File: File too short */

#define H_ERR_OCR_INC1    8310  /* OCR: Internal error 1 */

#define H_ERR_OCR_INC2    8311  /* OCR: Internal error 2 */

#define H_ERR_WOCRTYPE    8312  /* Wrong type of OCR tool

(no 'box' or 'net') */

#define H_ERR_OCR_TRF     8313  /* Unknown OCR training file version */

#define H_ERR_TRF_ITL     8314  /* Image too large for training file */

#define H_ERR_TRF_RTL     8315  /* Region too large for training file */

#define H_ERR_OCR_MLP_NOCLASSFILE 8320 /* Not an MLP OCR classifier file*/

#define H_ERR_OCR_MLP_WRCLASSVERS 8321 /* Wrong MLP OCR classifier file vers.*/

#define H_ERR_OCR_SVM_NOCLASSFILE 8330 /* Not an SVM OCR classifier file*/

#define H_ERR_OCR_SVM_WRCLASSVERS 8331 /* Wrong SVM OCR classifier filevers.*/

#define H_ERR_INVALID_TEXT_MODEL_ID 8340  /* Invalid text model */

#define H_ERR_INVALID_TEXT_RESULT_ID 8341 /* Invalid text result */

/* OCV */

#define H_ERR_OCV_NI      8350  /* OCV system not initialized */

#define H_ERR_WOCVTYPE    8351  /* Wrong type of OCV features */

#define H_ERR_OCV_WNAME   8353  /* Wrong name for an OCV object */

#define H_ERR_OCV_II      8354  /* Training has already been applied */

#define H_ERR_OCV_NOTTR   8355  /* No training has been applied */

/* Function 1D */

#define H_ERR_WLENGTH       8370 /*Wrong number of function points */

#define H_ERR_NO_FUNCTION   8371 /* List of values is not a function */

#define H_ERR_NOT_ASCENDING 8372 /* Wrong ordering of values (notascending)*/

#define H_ERR_ILLEGAL_DIST  8373 /*Illegal distance of function points */

#define H_ERR_NOT_MONOTONIC 8374 /* Function is not monotonic. */

/* Camera calibration */

#define H_ERR_CAL_LCALP     8400 /*At least 3 calibration points have to be

indicated */

#define H_ERR_CAL_NCPF      8402 /*No calibration table found */

#define H_ERR_CAL_RECPF     8403 /*Error while reading calibration table

description file */

#define H_ERR_CAL_LTMTH     8404 /*Minimum threshold while searching for

ellipses */

#define H_ERR_CAL_FRCP      8405 /*Read error / format error in calibration

table description file */

#define H_ERR_CAL_PROJ      8406 /*Error in projection:

s_x = 0 or s_y = 0 or z = 0 */

#define H_ERR_CAL_UNPRO     8407 /* Error in inverse projection */

#define H_ERR_CAL_RICPF     8408 /*Not possible to open camera parameter

file */

#define H_ERR_CAL_FICP1     8409 /*Format error in file: No colon */

#define H_ERR_CAL_FICP2     8410 /* Format error in file:

2. colon is missing */

#define H_ERR_CAL_FICP3     8411 /*Format error in file:

Semicolon is missing */

#define H_ERR_CAL_REPOS     8412 /*Not possible to open camera parameter

(pose) file */

#define H_ERR_CAL_FOPOS     8413 /*Format error in camera parameter

(pose) file */

#define H_ERR_CAL_OCPDF     8414 /*Not possible to open calibration target

description file */

#define H_ERR_CAL_OCPPS     8415 /*Not possible to open postscript file of

calibration target */

#define H_ERR_CAL_EVECN     8416 /*Error while norming the vector */

#define H_ERR_CAL_NPLAN     8417 /*Fitting of calibration target failed */

#define H_ERR_CAL_NNMAR     8418 /*No next mark found */

#define H_ERR_CAL_NNEQU     8419 /*Normal equation system is not solvable */

#define H_ERR_CAL_QETHM     8420 /*Average quadratic error is too big for

3D position of mark */

#define H_ERR_CAL_NOELL     8421 /*Non elliptic contour */

#define H_ERR_CAL_WPARV     8422 /*Wrong parameter value slvand() */

#define H_ERR_CAL_WFRES     8423 /*Wrong function results slvand() */

#define H_ERR_CAL_ECPDI     8424 /*Distance of marks in calibration target

description file is not possible */

#define H_ERR_CAL_WEFLA     8425 /*Specified flag for degree of freedom

not valid */

#define H_ERR_CAL_NOMER     8426 /*Minimum error did not fall below */

#define H_ERR_CAL_WPTYP     8427 /*Wrong type in Pose

(rotation / translation) */

#define H_ERR_CAL_WIMSZ     8428 /*Image size does not match the measurement

in camera parameters */

#define H_ERR_CAL_NPILS     8429 /*Point could not be projected into

linescan image */

#define H_ERR_CAL_DIACM     8430 /*Diameter of calibration marks could

not be determined */

#define H_ERR_CAL_ORICP     8431 /*Orientation of calibration plate could

not be determined */

#define H_ERR_CAL_CPNII     8432 /*Calibration plate does not lie completely

inside the image */

#define H_ERR_CAL_WNCME     8433 /*Wrong number of calibration marks

extracted */

#define H_ERR_CAL_UNKPG     8434 /*Unknown name of parameter group */

#define H_ERR_CAL_NEGFL     8435 /*Focal length must be non-negative */

#define H_ERR_CAL_TELNA     8436 /*Function not available for cameras

with telecentric lenses */

#define H_ERR_CAL_LSCNA     8437 /*Function not available for line scan

cameras */

#define H_ERR_CAL_ELLDP     8438 /*Ellipse is degenerated to a point */

#define H_ERR_CAL_NOMF      8439 /*No orientation mark found */

#define H_ERR_CAL_NCONV     8440 /*Camera calibration did not converge */

#define H_ERR_CAL_EICD      8441 /*Error in calibration data, try to

recalibrate with improved input data! */

#define H_ERR_CM_NOT_OPTIMIZED  8451/* model not optimized yet - no res's*/

#define H_ERR_CM_NOT_POSTPROCC  8452/* auxilary model results not available */

#define H_ERR_CM_NOT_INTERCONN  8453/* setup not 'visibly' interconnected */

#define H_ERR_CM_CAMPAR_MISMCH  8454/* camera parameter mismatch */

#define H_ERR_CM_CAMTYP_MISMCH  8455/* camera type mismatch */

#define H_ERR_CM_CAMTYP_UNSUPD  8456/* camera type not supported */

#define H_ERR_CM_INVALD_CAMIDX  8457/* invalid camera ID */

#define H_ERR_CM_INVALD_DESCID  8458/* invalid cal.obj. ID */

#define H_ERR_CM_INVALD_COBJID  8459/* invalid cal.obj. instance ID */

#define H_ERR_CM_UNDEFINED_CAM  8460/* undefined camera  */

#define H_ERR_CM_REPEATD_INDEX  8461/* repeated observ. index */

#define H_ERR_CM_UNDEFI_CADESC  8462/* undefined calib. object description */

#define H_ERR_CM_NO_DESCR_FILE  8463/* calib model: not a description file */

#define H_ERR_CM_WR_DESCR_VERS  8464/* calib model: wrong description

version */

#define H_ERR_CM_ZERO_MOTION    8465/* zero-motion in linear scan camera */

#define H_ERR_CM_MULTICAM_UNSP  8466/* multi-camera and -calibobj not

supported for all camera types */

#define H_ERR_CM_INCMPLTE_DATA  8467/* incomplete data, required for legacy

calibration */

#define H_ERR_CSM_NO_DESCR_FIL  8468/* camera setup: not a description file */

#define H_ERR_CSM_WR_DESCR_VER  8469/* camera setup: wrong description

version */

#define H_ERR_SM_INVLD_MODL_TY  8490/* invalid stereo model type */

#define H_ERR_SM_NOT_PERSISTEN  8491/* stereo model is not in persistent

mode */

#define H_ERR_SM_INVLD_BOU_BOX  8492/* invalid bounding box */

/* Matching */

/* Gray-value-based matching */

#define H_ERR_NOAP          8500 /*Not a pattern file */

#define H_ERR_WPFV          8501 /*Wrong pattern file version */

#define H_ERR_MATCH_MODE    8502 /*Error during changing the file mode */

#define H_ERR_MATCH_OOR     8503 /*Inconsistent match file:

Coordinates out of range */

#define H_ERR_NOTAP         8505 /*The image(s) is not a pyramid */

#define H_ERR_NGTPTS        8506 /*Number of template points too small */

#define H_ERR_PDTL          8507 /*Pattern data is too large */

/* Shape-based matching */

#define H_ERR_NTPTS         8510 /*Number of shape model points too small */

#define H_ERR_CGSMM         8511 /*Gray and color shape models mixed */

#define H_ERR_SMTL          8512 /*Shape model too large */

#define H_ERR_SMNXLD        8513 /*Shape model was not created from XLDs */

/* Component-based matching */

#define H_ERR_COMP_DRT      8530 /*Initial components have different

region types */

#define H_ERR_COMP_SAMF     8531 /*Solution of ambiguous matches failed */

#define H_ERR_IGF_NC        8532 /*Computation of the incomplete gamma

function not converged */

#define H_ERR_MSA_TMN       8533 /*Too many nodes while computing the minimum

spanning arborescence */

#define H_ERR_CTTL          8534 /*Component training data too large for this

HALCON version */

#define H_ERR_CMTL          8535 /*Component model data too large for this

HALCON version */

/* Image comparison */

#define H_ERR_VARIATION_WS    8540/* Size of the training image and the

variation model differ */

#define H_ERR_VARIATION_PREP  8541/* Variation model has not been prepared

for segmentation */

#define H_ERR_VARIATION_WRMD  8542/* Invalid variation model training mode */

#define H_ERR_VARIATION_NOVF  8543/* File does not contain a var. model */

#define H_ERR_VARIATION_WVFV  8544/* Invalid variation model file version */

#define H_ERR_VARIATION_TRDC  8545/* Training data has been cleared */

/* Measure */

#define H_ERR_MEASURE_NA    8550 /*No more measure objects available */

#define H_ERR_MEASURE_NI    8551 /*Measure object is not initialized */

#define H_ERR_MEASURE_OOR   8552 /*Invalid measure object */

#define H_ERR_MEASURE_IS    8553 /*Measure object is NULL */

#define H_ERR_MEASURE_WS    8554 /*Measure object has wrong image size */

/* Dynamic libraries */

#define H_ERR_DLOPEN        8600 /*Dynamic library could not be opened */

#define H_ERR_DLCLOSE       8601 /*Dynamic library could not be closed */

#define H_ERR_DLLOOKUP      8602 /*Symbol not found in dynamic library */

/* Radiometric calibration */

#define H_ERR_EAD_CAL_NII   8650 /*Not enough information for rad. calib. */

/* Barcode */

#define H_ERR_BAR_UNKNOWN    8700 /*Unkown bar code */

#define H_ERR_BAR_WNOM       8701 /*Wrong number of modules */

#define H_ERR_BAR_WNOE       8702 /*Wrong number of elements */

#define H_ERR_BAR_UNCHAR     8703 /*Unknown character (for this code) */

#define H_ERR_BAR_WRONGDESCR 8705 /* Wrong name for attribute in barcode

descriptor */

#define H_ERR_BAR_EL_LENGTH  8706 /*Wrong thickness of element */

#define H_ERR_BAR_NO_REG     8707 /*No region found */

#define H_ERR_BAR_WRONGCODE  8708 /*Wrong type of bar code */

#define H_ERR_BAR_NOTFOUND   8709 /*Bar code not found */

#define H_ERR_BC_INVALID_HANDLE    8720 /* Invalid bar code handle */

#define H_ERR_BC_EMPTY_MODEL_LIST  8721 /* Empty model list */

#define H_ERR_BC_TRAIN_ONLY_SINGLE 8722 /* Training cannot be done for

multiple bar code types */

#define H_ERR_BC_GET_SPECIFIC 8723 /* Cannot get bar code type specific

parameter with get_bar_code_param.

Use get_bar_code_param_specific */

#define H_ERR_BC_GET_OBJ_MULTI 8724 /* Cannot get this object for multiple

bar code types. Try again with single

bar code type */

/* 2D Barcode */

#define H_ERR_BAR2D_UNKNOWN_TYPE    8800 /* Specified code type is not

supported */

#define H_ERR_BAR2D_WRONG_FOREGROUND 8801 /* Wrong foreground specified */

#define H_ERR_BAR2D_WRONG_SIZE      8802 /* Wrong matrix size specified */

#define H_ERR_BAR2D_WRONG_SHAPE     8803 /* Wrong symbol shape specified */

#define H_ERR_BAR2D_WRONG_PARAM_NAME 8804 /* Wrong generic parameter name*/

#define H_ERR_BAR2D_WRONG_PARAM_VAL 8805 /* Wrong generic parameter value */

#define H_ERR_BAR2D_WRONG_MODE      8806 /* Wrong symbol printing mode */

#define H_ERR_BAR2D_SYMBOL_ON_BORDER 8807 /* Symbol region too near toimage

border */

#define H_ERR_BAR2D_MODULE_CONT_NUM 8808 /* No rectangular modul boundings

found */

#define H_ERR_BAR2D_SYMBOL_FINDER   8809 /* Couldn't identify symbol

finder */

#define H_ERR_BAR2D_SYMBOL_DIMENSION 8810 /* Symbol region with wrong

dimension */

#define H_ERR_BAR2D_CLASSIF_FAILED  8811 /* Classification failed */

#define H_ERR_BAR2D_DECODING_FAILED 8812 /* Decoding failed */

#define H_ERR_BAR2D_DECODING_READER 8813 /* Reader programing not

supported */

/* Error codes for errors on all types 2d data codes */

#define H_ERR_DC2D_GENERAL            8820 /* General 2d data code error */

#define H_ERR_DC2D_BROKEN_SIGN        8821 /* Corrupt signature of 2d data

code handle */

#define H_ERR_DC2D_INVALID_HANDLE     8822 /* Invalid 2d data code handle */

#define H_ERR_DC2D_EMPTY_MODEL_LIST   8823 /* List of 2d data code models is

empty */

#define H_ERR_DC2D_NOT_INITIALIZED    8824 /* Access to uninitialized (or not

persistent) internal data */

#define H_ERR_DC2D_INVALID_CANDIDATE  8825 /* Invalid 'Candidate' parameter */

#define H_ERR_DC2D_INDEX_PARNUM       8826 /* It's not possible to return more

than one parameter for several

candidates */

#define H_ERR_DC2D_EXCLUSIV_PARAM     8827 /* One of the parameters returns

several values and has to be

used exclucively for a single

candidate */

#define H_ERR_DC2D_DEF_SET_NOT_FIRST  8828 /* Parameter for default settings

must be the first in the

parameter list */

#define H_ERR_DC2D_INTERNAL_UNEXPECTED 8829 /* Unexpected 2d data codeerror */

#define H_ERR_DC2D_WRONG_PARAM_VALUE  8830 /* Invalid parameter value */

#define H_ERR_DC2D_WRONG_PARAM_NAME   8831 /* Unknown parameter name */

#define H_ERR_DC2D_WRONG_POLARITY     8832 /* Invalid 'polarity' */

#define H_ERR_DC2D_WRONG_SYMBOL_SHAPE 8833 /* Invalid 'symbol_shape' */

#define H_ERR_DC2D_WRONG_SYMBOL_SIZE  8834 /* Invalid symbol size */

#define H_ERR_DC2D_WRONG_MODULE_SIZE  8835 /* Invalid module size */

#define H_ERR_DC2D_WRONG_MODULE_SHAPE 8836 /* Invalid 'module_shape' */

#define H_ERR_DC2D_WRONG_ORIENTATION  8837 /* Invalid 'orientation' */

#define H_ERR_DC2D_WRONG_CONTRAST     8838 /* Invalid 'contrast_min' */

#define H_ERR_DC2D_WRONG_MEAS_THRESH  8839 /* Invalid 'measure_thresh' */

#define H_ERR_DC2D_WRONG_ALT_MEAS_RED 8840 /* Invalid 'alt_measure_red' */

#define H_ERR_DC2D_WRONG_SLANT        8841 /* Invalid 'slant_max' */

#define H_ERR_DC2D_WRONG_L_DIST       8842 /* Invalid 'L_dist_max' */

#define H_ERR_DC2D_WRONG_L_LENGTH     8843 /* Invalid 'L_length_min' */

#define H_ERR_DC2D_WRONG_GAP          8844 /* Invalid module gap */

#define H_ERR_DC2D_WRONG_DEF_SET      8845 /* Invalid 'default_parameters' */

#define H_ERR_DC2D_WRONG_TEXTURED     8846 /* Invalid 'back_texture' */

#define H_ERR_DC2D_WRONG_MIRRORED     8847 /* Invalid 'mirrored' */

#define H_ERR_DC2D_WRONG_CLASSIFICATOR 8848 /* Invalid 'classificator' */

#define H_ERR_DC2D_WRONG_PERSISTENCE  8849 /* Invalid 'persistence' */

#define H_ERR_DC2D_WRONG_MODEL_TYPE   8850 /* Invalid model type */

#define H_ERR_DC2D_WRONG_MOD_ROI_PART 8851 /* Invalid 'module_roi_part' */

#define H_ERR_DC2D_WRONG_FP_TOLERANCE 8852 /* Invalid

'finder_pattern_tolerance' */

#define H_ERR_DC2D_WRONG_MOD_ASPECT   8853 /* Invalid 'mod_aspect_max' */

#define H_ERR_DC2D_WRONG_SM_ROBUSTNESS 8854 /* Invalid

'small_modules_robustness' */

#define H_ERR_DC2D_READ_HEAD_FORMAT   8860 /* Invalid header in 2d data code

model file */

#define H_ERR_DC2D_READ_HEAD_SIGN     8861 /* Invalid code signature in 2d

data code model file */

#define H_ERR_DC2D_READ_LINE_FORMAT   8862 /* Corrupted line in 2d data code

model file */

#define H_ERR_DC2D_WRONG_MODULE_ASPECT 8863 /* Invalid module aspect ratio*/

/* 3D Matching */

#define H_ERR_SM3D_WRONG_PARAM_NAME     8900  /* Invalid parameter value*/

#define H_ERR_SM3D_WRONG_NUM_LEVELS     8901  /* Invalid 'num_levels' */

#define H_ERR_SM3D_WRONG_OPTIMIZATION   8902  /* Invalid 'optimization' */

#define H_ERR_SM3D_WRONG_METRIC         8903  /* Invalid 'metric' */

#define H_ERR_SM3D_WRONG_MIN_FACE_ANGLE 8904  /* Invalid 'min_face_angle'*/

#define H_ERR_SM3D_WRONG_MIN_SIZE       8905  /* Invalid 'min_size' */

#define H_ERR_SM3D_WRONG_MODEL_TOLERANCE 8906  /* Invalid 'model_tolerance' */

#define H_ERR_SM3D_WRONG_FAST_POSE_REF  8907  /* Invalid


#define H_ERR_SM3D_WRONG_LOWEST_MODEL_LEVEL 8908 /* Invalid


#define H_ERR_SM3D_WRONG_PART_SIZE      8909  /* Invalid


#define H_ERR_SM3D_PROJECTION_TOO_LARGE 8910  /* The projected model istoo

large (increase the value

for DistMin or the image

size in CamParam) */

#define H_ERR_SM3D_WRONG_LON_MIN        8920 /* Invalid 'longitude_min' */

#define H_ERR_SM3D_WRONG_LON_MAX        8921 /* Invalid 'longitude_max' */

#define H_ERR_SM3D_WRONG_LAT_MIN        8922 /* Invalid 'latitude_min */

#define H_ERR_SM3D_WRONG_LAT_MAX        8923 /* Invalid 'latitude_max' */

#define H_ERR_SM3D_WRONG_ROL_MIN        8924 /* Invalid 'cam_roll_min' */

#define H_ERR_SM3D_WRONG_ROL_MAX        8925 /* Invalid 'cam_roll_max' */

#define H_ERR_SM3D_WRONG_DIST_MIN       8926 /* Invalid 'dist_min' */

#define H_ERR_SM3D_WRONG_DIST_MAX       8927 /* Invalid 'dist_max' */

#define H_ERR_SM3D_WRONG_NUM_MATCHES    8928 /* Invalid 'num_matches' */

#define H_ERR_SM3D_WRONG_MAX_OVERLAP    8929 /* Invalid 'max_overlap' */

#define H_ERR_SM3D_WRONG_POSE_REFINEMENT 8930 /* Invalid 'pose_refinement'*/

#define H_ERR_SM3D_WRONG_COV_POSE_MODE  8931 /* Invalid 'cov_pose_mode' */

#define H_ERR_SM3D_WRONG_OUTLIER_SUP    8932 /* In. 'outlier_suppression' */

#define H_ERR_SM3D_WRONG_BORDER_MODEL   8933 /* Invalid 'border_model' */

#define H_ERR_SM3D_UNDEFINED_POSE       8940 /* Pose is not well-defined */

#define H_ERR_SM3D_NO_SM3D_FILE         8941 /* Not a 3D shape model file */

#define H_ERR_SM3D_WRONG_FILE_VERSION   8942 /* Wrong version of the 3D

shape model file */

#define H_ERR_SM3D_MTL                   8943 /* 3D shape model too large */

#define H_ERR_SM3D_NO_OM3D_FACES        8944 /* 3D object model does not

contain any faces */

/* Descriptor-based matching */

#define H_ERR_DESCR_NODESCRFILE           8960 /* Not a descriptor

model file */

#define H_ERR_DESCR_WRDESCRVERS           8961 /* Wrong version of

descriptor model file */

#define H_ERR_DM_WRONG_NUM_CIRC_RADIUS    8962 /* Invalid 'radius' */

#define H_ERR_DM_WRONG_NUM_CHECK_NEIGH    8963 /* Invalid 'check_neighbor' */

#define H_ERR_DM_WRONG_NUM_MIN_CHECK_NEIGH 8964 /* Invalid

'min_check_neighbor_diff' */

#define H_ERR_DM_WRONG_NUM_MIN_SCORE      8965 /* Invalid 'min_score' */

#define H_ERR_DM_WRONG_NUM_SIGMAGRAD      8966 /* Invalid 'sigma_grad' */

#define H_ERR_DM_WRONG_NUM_SIGMAINT       8967 /* Invalid 'sigma_smooth' */

#define H_ERR_DM_WRONG_NUM_ALPHA          8968 /* Invalid 'alpha' */

#define H_ERR_DM_WRONG_NUM_THRESHOLD      8969 /* Invalid 'threshold' */

#define H_ERR_DM_WRONG_NUM_DEPTH          8970 /* Invalid 'depth' */

#define H_ERR_DM_WRONG_NUM_TREES          8971 /* Invalid 'number_trees' */

#define H_ERR_DM_WRONG_NUM_MIN_SCORE_DESCR 8972 /* Invalid'min_score_descr' */

#define H_ERR_DM_WRONG_NUM_PATCH_SIZE     8973 /* Invalid 'patch_size' */

#define H_ERR_DM_WRONG_TILT               8974 /* Invalid 'tilt' */

#define H_ERR_DM_WRONG_PAR_GUIDE          8975 /* Invalid 'guided_matching' */

#define H_ERR_DM_WRONG_PAR_SUBPIX         8976 /* Invalid 'subpix' */

#define H_ERR_DM_TOO_FEW_POINTS           8977 /* Too few feature points

can be found */

#define H_ERR_DM_WRONG_NUM_MINROT         8978 /* Invalid 'min_rot' */

#define H_ERR_DM_WRONG_NUM_MAXROT         8979 /* Invalid 'max_rot' */

#define H_ERR_DM_WRONG_NUM_MINSCALE       8980 /* Invalid 'min_scale' */

#define H_ERR_DM_WRONG_NUM_MAXSCALE       8981 /* Invalid 'max_scale' */

#define H_ERR_DM_WRONG_NUM_MASKSIZEGRD    8982 /* Invalid 'mask_size_grd' */


'mask_size_smooth' */

#define H_ERR_BROKEN_MODEL                8984 /* Model broken */

#define H_ERR_DM_WRONG_DESCR_TYPE         8985 /* Invalid 'descriptor_type' */

#define H_ERR_DM_WRONG_PAR_MATCHER        8986 /* Invalid 'matcher' */

#define H_ERR_DM_TOO_MANY_CLASSES         8987 /* Too many point classes -

cannot be written to file */

/* Misc */

#define H_ERR_NOT_IMPL     9000 /*Function not implemented on this machine */

#define H_ERR_WIT          9001 /* Image to process has wrong gray

value type */

#define H_ERR_WIC          9002 /*Wrong image component */

#define H_ERR_UNDI         9003 /*Undefined gray values */

#define H_ERR_WIS          9004 /*Wrong image format for operation

(too big or too small) */

#define H_ERR_WCN          9005 /*Wrong number of image components for

image output */

#define H_ERR_STRTL        9006 /*String is too long

(max. 1024 characters) */

#define H_ERR_WITFO        9007 /*Wrong pixel type for this operation */

#define H_ERR_NIIT         9008 /*Operation not realized yet for this

pixel type */

#define H_ERR_NOCIMA       9009 /*Image is no color image with three

channels */

#define H_ERR_DEMO_NOFG    9010 /*Image acquisition devices are not supported

in the demo version */

#define H_ERR_DEMO_NOPA    9011 /*Packages are not supported in the

demo version */

#define H_ERR_IEUNKV       9020 /*Internal Error: Unknown value*/

#define H_ERR_WPFO         9021 /*Wrong paramter for this operation */

#define H_ERR_IDTS         9022 /*Image domain too small */

#define H_ERR_CNCLDRW      9023 /*Draw operator has been canceled */

#define H_ERR_STUD_OPNA    9050 /*Operator is not available in the

student version of HALCON */

#define H_ERR_STUD_PANA    9051 /*Packages are not available in the

student version of HALCON */

#define H_ERR_STUD_FGNA    9052 /*The selected image acquisition device is not

available in the student version ofHALCON*/

/* Linear equations */

#define H_ERR_TMU          9100 /*Too many unknown variables in

linear equation */

#define H_ERR_NUS          9101 /*No (unique) solution for the

linear equation */

#define H_ERR_NEE          9102 /*Too little equations in linear equation */

/* Matrix operations */

#define H_ERR_MNI          9200 /*Matrix is not invertible */

#define H_ERR_SVD_CNVRG    9201 /*Singular value decomposition did not

converge */

#define H_ERR_SVD_FEWROW   9202 /*Matrix has too few rows for singular

value partition */

#define H_ERR_TQLI_CNVRG   9203 /*Eigenvalue computation did not converge */

#define H_ERR_JACOBI_CNVRG 9204 /* Eigenvalue computation did not converge*/

#define H_ERR_MATRIX_SING  9205 /*Matrix is singular */

#define H_ERR_MATCH_CNVRG  9206 /*Function matching did not converge */

#define H_ERR_MAT_UNDEF    9207 /*Input matrix undefined */

#define H_ERR_MAT_WDIM     9208 /*Input matrix with wrong dimension */

#define H_ERR_MAT_NSQR     9209 /*Input matrix is not quadratic */

#define H_ERR_MAT_FAIL     9210 /*Matrix operation failed */

#define H_ERR_MAT_NPD      9211 /*Matrix is not positive definite */

#define H_ERR_MAT_DBZ      9212 /*Matrix element division by 0 */

#define H_ERR_MAT_NUT      9213 /*Matrix is not an upper triangular matrix */

#define H_ERR_MAT_NLT      9214 /*Matrix is not a lower triangular matrix */

#define H_ERR_MAT_NEG      9215 /*Matrix element is negative */

#define H_ERR_MAT_UNCHAR   9216 /*Matrix file: Invalid character */

#define H_ERR_MAT_NOT_COMPLETE 9217 /* Matrixdatei: Matrix unvollst鋘dig */

#define H_ERR_MAT_READ     9218 /*Matrix file: Error during reading file */

#define H_ERR_MAT_COMPLEX  9219 /*Resulting matrix has complex values */

#define H_ERR_WMATEXP      9220 /*Wrong value in matrix of exponents */

/* Tree */

#define H_ERR_WNODE            9230 /* Internal Error: Wrong Node */

#define H_ERR_CMP_INCONSISTENT 9231 /* Inconsistent red black tree */

#define H_ERR_LAPACK_PAR   9250 /*Internal error */

/* Stripack */

#define H_ERR_STRI_NPNT    9260 /*Number of points too small */

#define H_ERR_STRI_COLL    9261 /*First 3 points are collinear */

#define H_ERR_STRI_IDPNT   9262 /*Identical points in triangulation */

#define H_ERR_STRI_NALLOC  9263 /*Array not allocated large enough */

#define H_ERR_STRI_DEGEN   9264 /*Triangle is degenerate */

#define H_ERR_STRI_ITRI    9265 /*Inconsistent triangulation */

#define H_ERR_STRI_SELFINT 9266 /* Self-intersecting polygon */

#define H_ERR_STRI_INCONS  9267 /*Inconsistent polygon data */

#define H_ERR_STRI_AMBINT  9268 /*Ambiguous great circle arc intersection */

#define H_ERR_STRI_AMBARC  9269 /*Ambiguous great circle arc */

#define H_ERR_STRI_ILLPAR  9270 /*Illegal parameter */

/* Tripack */

#define H_ERR_TRI_NPNT     9280 /*Not enough points for planar triangular

meshing */

#define H_ERR_TRI_COLL     9281 /*The first three points of the triangular

meshing are collinear */

#define H_ERR_TRI_IDPNT    9282 /*Planar triangular meshing contains

identical input points */

#define H_ERR_TRI_IDPNTIN  9283 /*Invalid points for planar triangular

meshing */

#define H_ERR_TRI_NALLOC   9284 /*Internal error: allocated array too small

for planar triangular meshing */

#define H_ERR_TRI_ITRI     9285 /*Internal error: planar triangular meshing

inconsistent */

/* Orthogonal Projection */

#define H_ERR_WSPVP        9300 /*Eye point and reference point coincide */

/* Timeout */

#define H_ERR_TIMEOUT                 9400 /* Timeout occurred */

#define H_ERR_WRONG_TIMEOUT           9401 /* Invalid 'timeout' */

#define H_ERR_TIMEOUT_AFTER_SBM_CLEAR 9402 /* Timeout occured after cached

transformations have been freed

(internal error) */

/* Deformable matching */

#define H_ERR_DEFORM_WRONG_NUM_CLUSTER   9450 /* Invalid 'sub_object_size' */

#define H_ERR_DEFORM_WRONG_NUM_MIN_SIZE  9451 /* Invalid 'min_size' */

#define H_ERR_DEFORM_WRONG_NUM_LSQ       9452 /* Invalid number of

least-squares iterations */

#define H_ERR_DEFORM_WRONG_ANGLE_STEP    9453 /* Invalid 'angle_step' */

#define H_ERR_DEFORM_WRONG_SCALE_R_STEP  9454 /* Invalid 'scale_r_step' */

#define H_ERR_DEFORM_WRONG_SCALE_C_STEP  9455 /* Invalid 'scale_c_step' */

#define H_ERR_DEFORM_WRONG_MAX_ANGLE     9456 /* Invalid

'max_angle_distortion' */

#define H_ERR_DEFORM_WRONG_MAX_ANISO     9457 /* Invalid

'max_aniso_scale_distortion' */

#define H_ERR_DEFORM_WRONG_MIN_SIZE      9458 /* Invalid 'min_size' */

#define H_ERR_DEFORM_WRONG_COV_POSE_MODE 9459 /* Invalid 'cov_pose_mode' */

#define H_ERR_DEFORM_NO_CALIBRATION_INFO 9460 /* Model contains no

calibration information */

#define H_ERR_DEFORM_WRONG_PARAM_NAME    9461 /* Generic parameter name

does not exist */

#define H_ERR_DEFORM_IMAGE_TO_CAMERA_DIFF 9462 /* camera has different

resolution than image */

#define H_ERR_DEFORM_NO_MODEL_IN_FILE    9463 /* not a valid deformable

model in file */

#define H_ERR_DEFORM_WRONG_VERSION       9464 /* wrong deformable

model fileversion */

#define H_ERR_DEFORM_WRONG_SMOOTH_DEFORM     9465 /* Invalid

'deformation_smoothness' */

#define H_ERR_DEFORM_WRONG_EXPAND_BORDER     9466 /* Invalid 'expand_border' */

#define H_ERR_DEFORM_ORIGIN_OUTSIDE_TEMPLATE 9467 /* Model origin outsideof

axis-aligned bounding

rectangle of template


/* Surface Based Matching */

#define H_ERR_SFM_NO_POINTS         9500 /* Object model has no points */

#define H_ERR_SFM_NO_FACES          9501 /* Object model has no faces */

#define H_ERR_SFM_NO_NORMALS        9502 /* Object model has no normals */

#define H_ERR_SFM_NO_SFM_FILE       9506 /* File is not a 3d surface model */

#define H_ERR_SFM_WRONG_FILE_VERSION 9507 /* File has an invalid version*/

/* Object Model 3D */

#define H_ERR_OM3D_INVALID_FILE      9510 /* Invalid 3D file */

#define H_ERR_OM3D_INVALID_MODEL     9511 /* Invalid 3D Object Model */

#define H_ERR_OM3D_UNKNOWN_FILE_TYPE 9512 /* Unknown 3D file type */

#define H_ERR_OM3D_WRONG_FILE_VERSION 9513 /* File has an invalid version*/

#define H_ERR_OM3D_MISSING_ATTRIB    9514 /* Required attribute is missing */

/* 3D segmentation and fitting */

#define H_ERR_SF_OM3D_TRIANGLES_NOT_SUITABLE  9550 /* Triangles of the 3D

object model are not

suitable for this

operator */

#define H_ERR_SF_OM3D_FEW_POINTS     9551 /* Too few suitable 3D points in

the 3D objectmodel */


#define H_ERR_START_EXT      10000/* User defined error codes must be  */

/* larger than that!                */



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