计算机应用软件英语,计算机应用软件复习题 专业英语(整理)



1. How many layers does the ISO/OSI mode have? (seven )

2. External devices are linked to a small computer system through (interf aces ).

3.CPU has only two f undament al sections: the arithmetic and logic unit and (the control unit ).

4. Objected-based logic models are used f or ( describing data at the conceptual and view levels )

5. arithmetic and logic unit execut es instructions

6. Which is an simply the application of internet technology within an internal or closed group?( intranet ) 7.CD-ROM belongs to (optical laser disk )

8. A collection of conceptual tools

f or describin

g data, data relationships, data semantics and data

constraints is a (data model )

9.The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI)reference model is based on a proposal developed by ( ISO )

10. The sof tware that allows one or many persons to use and/or modif y this data is a (DBMS )

11. The physical components of a computer are collectively called (hardware ).


2.. The most popular

processor interconnection

topology is the (hypercube ).

13. The part of an instruction that tells the processor what to do is the (operand ).

14. The part of an instruction that tells the processor what to do is the (operation code ).

15.The permanently usef ul data is stored in ( the ROM )

16. The interf erence that distorts electronic signals transmitted over

a distance is called (noise ).

17. All f unctions in spreadsheets start with (an equal sign ). 18. An E-mail server can be considered as a (powerf ul operating system )

19. A programming technique that allows you to view concepts as a variety of objects is called (object oriented programming )

20. The interf erence that distorts electronic signals transmitted over

a distance is called (noise ).

21. A program instruction or a piece of data is stored in a specif ic primary storage location called an (address )

22. A bus that is used to control the access to and the use of the data and address bus is called (cont rol bus)

23. A location in memory is accessed by its (address ).

24. A small piece of code that can be transported over the Internet and execut ed on the recipient’s machine. The sentence describes (applet ) 25. An E-mail server can be considered as a (high-conf iguration computer ) .

26. A protocol is a set of (regulations ). 27. Which networks usually span

tens of kilometers?( Metropolitan

area )

28. A computer system has input,

output, storage, and (CPU).

29. All Intranet related documents

are written in ( HTML )

30. The WWW is based on which

of the f ollowing standards?

(client-server model )

31. WWW stand f or World Wide


32. All f unctions in spreadsheets

start with (an equal sign ).

33. Programmers write ( source

code ).

34. Primary storage provides the

CPU with temporary storage f or

programs and data

35. When a CPU needs the data to

operate, it goes where f irst? (the

cache ).

36. When hypertext pages are

mixed with other media, the result

is called(hypermedi a )

37. The ―brain‖ of a computer

system is (CPU )

38. A program instruction or a piece

of data is stored in a specif ic

primary storage location called an

(address )

39. The ISO/OSI mode has

(seven ) layers

40. What does a worksheet mean?

(a working area framed by letters

and numbers )

41. Bef ore typing in any data, a

user needs to (select the cell).

42. A computer system has f our

parts, they are output, storage,

processing components and

(input )

43. Another name f or primary

storage is (RAM ).

44. The Open Systems

Interconnection (OSI) reference

model is based on a proposal

developed by (ISO ).

45. The basic output device on a

small computer is a (display

screen ).

46. To prevent user programs from

interf ering with the proper

operation of the system, the

hardware was modi f ied to create

two models: (User mode and

monitor mode )

47. A data model is a collection of

conceptual tool f or describing (data,

data relationship, data semantics,

data constraints )

48. What kind of computer would

apply several instructions to each

datum it f etches f orm memory?


49. What is a computer program? (a

set of instructions )

50.A communication pathway

connecting two or more devices is a

(channel )

51. How many basic units do

today's digital computers consist of?

( 4 )

52. LCD is based on TFT

53. Optical laser disk includes

CD-ROM, magneto-optical disk

and (WORM disk )

54. A special type of primary

storage which cannot be altered by

the programmer is called (ROM )

55. A list of protocols used by a

certain system , one protocol per

layer, is called a (protocol stack )

56. The realization of the mobile

internet relies on a new set of

standards ,known as the (WA P )

57. What does A worksheet mean?

(an EXCEL program )

58. How many dif ferent types of

Entity relationships are

there?( 4 )

59. What kind of computer would

apply one instructions to each

datum it f etches f orm memory?


60.Cache memory is employed by

computer designers to increase

computer system (throughput )

61. The Central Processor has only

two f undam ental sections (the

control unit and the arithmetic and

logic unit)

62. The Open Systems

Interconnection (OSI) reference

model is based on a proposal

developed by (ISO ).

63. The basic output device on a

small computer is a (display

screen ).

64. How many parts are there in

URL? (3 )

65. All Intranet related documents

are written in (HTML )

66. A computer system has f ive

parts, they are input, output,

processing components , control

unit and (storage ).

67. What does HTTP stand f or?

(Hypert ext Transfer Protocol )

68.How many record-based logical

models are widely used ?( 3 )

69. How many dif ferent types of

Entity relationships are

there?( 4 )

70. Normally, how long does a user

need to wait until his/her E-mail

account is ready i f he/she applies

f or it f rom an ISP ? (no time )

71. A bus that is used to designate

the source or destination of the data

on the data bus is called ( address

bus )

72. . Out put devices don’t include

(scanner )

73.What does IC stand f or?

(Intelligent Circuit )

74.The sof tware whi ch acts as an

interf ace between a user of a

computer and the computer

hardware is (operating system )

75.The protocol which downloads

f iles f ree of charge f rom thousands

of computers around the globe is

(FTP protocol )

76. Out put devices don’t include

(mouse )

77. Data and program instructions

are stored in (memory ).

78. How many main categories of

optical laser disks are there? (3 )

79. A protocol is a set of

(regulations ).

80. What is a set of programs that

manipulate encoded knowledge to

solve problems in a specialized

domain that 81.normally requires

human expertise? (Expert system )

82.. How many layers does the

TCP/IP layering model have?

(5 )

83.. Another name f or primary

storage is (RAM ).

84. How many basic operating

system types are there? (3 ).

85.Which one can be rewritten?


86.If an object inherits its attributes

from a single parent, it is

called(single inheritance )

87. The ―brain‖ of a computer

system is (CPU )

88. How many classes are the data

models divided into?( 3 )

89. What does the WWW stand f or?

(World Wide Web )

90. A computer system has five

parts, they are input, output,

storage, control unit and

(processing components ).

91.The way each object combines

its member data and member

f unctions into a single structure is

called (Encapsulation )

92. The standard query language of

relational database is (SQL )

93. Creating the database and its

table structure uses ( data

def inition )

94. LCD is based on which of the

f ollowing? (TFT )

1.class hierarchy类层次



4.data bus数据总线

5.Operating system操作系统


7.Neural Networks 神经网络

8. topology analysis拓扑分析

9.ADO ActiveX数据对象

10. multiprogramming


11. ODBC 开放数据库互连

12.VR 虚拟现实

13.cache memory 高速缓冲存储


15.system bus系统总线

16. GUI 图形用户界面


18.object-oriented programming面


19.virtual reality虚拟现实

20.主存(Main memory )

21.调制解调器(modem )



23. of f-line operation脱机操作


(Client/Server )

25.多媒体(Multimedia )

26.虚函数(virtual f unction )

27. neural network 神经网

28..VD T 视频显


29.EDI 电子数据交换

30.CAM 计算机辅助制

31. RDBMS 关系型数据库




34.工具条( toolbar )

35.统一资源定位符( URL )

36.统一资源标识符( URI )

37.人工智能 (Arti f icial

Intelligence )

38. KDD 数据库中的知





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