I've defined a socket called sock in my Main.py. From Main.py I import Functions.py, where there's a function (or a method, dunno how they're called in Python) called sendMessage. In sendMessage I need to use the sock I defined in my Main.py. How do I do this? I've tried adding global sock to my function/method, but to no effect.
#! /usr/bin/env python
import sys
import socket
import string
import os
import commands
import time
from config import *
from functies import *
from php import *
sock = socket.socket ()
sock.connect ((config['server']['host'], config['server']['poort']))
#! /usr/bin/env python
def sendMessage (receiver, message):
global sock
sock.send ('PRIVMSG ' + ontvanger + ' :' + message + '\n')
The error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "Main.py", line 68, in
sendMessage (receiver, config['nick'] + ' is here!')
File "/home/robin/microPy/Functions.py", line 4, in sendMessage
sock.send ('PRIVMSG ' + receiver + ' :' + message + '\n')
NameError: global name 'sock' is not definedisualize that data onto a map. For this I am using Jinja2. However I am getting this error and I just don't understand why. Here is my code for that import webapp2from webapp2_extras import jinja2from webapp2_extras import jsonimport log
answer 1 >>---Accepted---Accepted---Accepted---
There are no php-style module-overarching global variables in Python. Instead, let sendMessage take the socket as an argument, like this:
# main.py
import socket
from functions import *
sock = socket.socket ()
sock.connect ((config['server']['host'], config['server']['poort']))
sendMessage (sock, receiver, config['nick'] + ' is here!')
# functions.py ; not .php
def sendMessage(sock, receiver, message):
sock.send ('PRIVMSG ' + ontvanger + ' :' + message + '\n')
ng something wrong with my variable or function scope. Whenever I try to pull out some of the functionality into separate functions it gives me the NameError: global name 'NAME' is not defined. I see that a lot of people are having a simila